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広島大学(翠)中・高バレーコート等舗装改修工事 広島大学(翠)中・高バレーコート等舗装改修工事 >公告情報 戻る 検索結果一覧へ戻るには、戻るボタンをクリックします。 広島大学(翠)中・高バレーコート等舗装改修工事 入札公告(建設工事) 次のとおり... Hiroshima University (Midori) Junior and Senior High School Volleyball Court Pavement Renovation Work Hiroshima University (Midori) Junior and Senior High School Volleyball Court Pavement Renovation Work > Announcement Information Back Click the back button to return to the list of search results. Hiroshima University (Midori) Junior and Senior High School Volleyball Court Pavement Renovation Work Bidding Announcement (Construction Work) As follows...

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広島大学(翠)中・高バレーコート等舗装改修工事 広島大学(翠)中・高バレーコート等舗装改修工事 公告情報 戻る 検索結果一覧へ戻るには、戻るボタンをクリックします。 広島大学(翠)中・高バレーコート等舗装改修工事 入札公告(建設工事) 次のとおり... 国立大学法人広島大学  広島県東広島市 入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 広島大学(翠)中・高バレーコート等舗装改修工事 種別 工事 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 15 日 組織 国立大学法人 取得日 2024 年 10 月 15 日 19:08:38 公告内容 公告情報 戻る 検索結果一覧へ戻るには、戻るボタンをクリックします。 広島大学(翠)中・高バレーコート等舗装改修工事 入札公告(建設工事) 次のとおり一般競争入札に付します。 令和6年10月15日(火) 国立大学法人広島大学契約担当職 理事(財務・総務担当) 八田 和嗣 1.工事概要(1) 工事名 広島大学(翠)中・高バレーコート等舗装改修工事(2) 工事場所 広島県 広島市南区翠一丁目1番1号 広島大学翠団地構内(3) 工事概要 本工事は、広島大学翠団地のバレーコート、バスケットコート(施工面積3,396.0m2)の屋外運動場の土系舗装改修を行うものである。(4) 工 期 契約日の翌日から令和7年1月14日(火)まで(5) 本工事は,「企業の技術力」,「企業の信頼性・社会性」について記述した,申請書及び資料を受け付け,価格と価格以外の要素を総合的に評価して落札者を決定する総合評価落札方式(実績評価型)を実施する工事である。(6) 本工事は,発注者が週休2日に取り組むことを指定する週休2日促進工事(発注者指定方式)である。(7) 本工事は,競争参加資格確認申請書(以下「申請書」という)及び競争参加資格確認資料(以下「資料」という)の提出並びに入札等を電子入札システムにより行う。なお,電子入札システムにより難い者は,本学の承諾を得て紙入札方式に代えることができる。 2.競争参加資格(1) 広島大学工事請負契約細則1−10第8項の規定に該当しない者であること。なお,未成年者,被保佐人又は被補助人であって,契約締結のために必要な同意を得ている者は,競争に参加することができる。(2) 会社更生法(平成14年法律第15号)に基づき更生手続開始の申立てをした者又は民事再生法(平成11年法律第225号)に基づき再生手続開始の申立てをした者にあっては,手続開始の決定を受けた後に審査を受けた一般競争参加者の資格を有する者であること。(3) 文部科学省における「一般競争参加者の資格」(平成13年1月6日文部科学大臣決定)第1章第4条で定めるところにより格付けした舗装工事に係る令和5・6年度の等級(一般競争(指名競争)参加資格認定通知書)の記2の等級が,A等級B等級、又はC等級の一般競争参加資格の認定を受けていること。(4) 総合評価の評価項目に示す「企業の施工能力」,「配置予定技術者の能力」の欠格に該当しないこと。(入札説明書参照)(5) 平成21年度以降に、元請として完成・引渡しが完了した次の要件の全てを満たす同種工事の施工実績を有すること。 ①施工面積:1,600m2以上の屋外舗装工事 (共同企業体の構成員としての実績は,出資比率が20%以上のものに限る。)(6) 次に掲げる基準を満たす主任技術者又は監理技術者を当該工事に配置できること。① 施工管理技士,建設機械施工技士又はこれと同等以上の資格を有する者であること。② 上記2(5)に掲げる工事の経験を有する者であること。③ 監理技術者にあっては,監理技術者資格者証及び監理技術者講習修了書を有する者であること。*当該工事が建設業法施行令(昭和31年政令第273号)第27条に規定する工事に該当しない場合は,主任技術者又は監理技術者は専任のものである必要はない。④ 配置予定の主任技術者又は監理技術者にあっては直接的かつ恒常的な雇用関係が必要であるので,その旨を明示することができる資料を求めることがあり,その明示がなされない場合は入札に参加できないことがある。(7) 申請書及び資料の提出期限の日から開札の時までの期間に,文部科学省から「建設工事の請負契約に係る指名停止等の措置要領」(平成18年1月20日付け17文科施第345号 文教施設企画部長通知)に基づく指名停止(以下「指名停止措置要領」という。)を受けていないこと。(8) 工事成績相互利用登録発注機関が発注した舗装工事のうち,令和4年度以降に完成した工事の施工実績がある場合においては,当該工事に係る工事成績評定表の評定点合計の各年度(過去2年度)の平均点が2年連続65点未満でないこと。(9) 上記1に示した工事に係る設計業務等の受託者又は当該受託者と資本若しくは人事面において関連のある建設業者でないこと。(10) 入札に参加しようとする者の間に資本関係又は人的関係がないこと。(資本関係又は人的関係がある者のすべてが共同企業体の代表者以外の構成員である場合を除く。(入札説明書参照))(11) 広島県若しくは隣接する県内に建設業法に基づく許可を有する本店,支店又は営業所が所在すること。(12) 警察当局から,暴力団員が実質的に経営を支配する建設業者又はこれに準ずるものとして,文部科学省発注工事等からの排除要請があり,当該状態が継続している者でないこと。(入札説明書参照) 3.総合評価に関する事項(1) 落札者の決定方法① 入札参加者は「価格」,「企業の技術力」及び「企業の信頼性・社会性」をもって入札に参加し,次の(イ)及び(ロ)の要件に該当する者のうち,下記3(2)総合評価の方法によって得られた数値(以下,「評価値」という。)の最も高い者を落札者とする。(イ) 入札価格が予定価格の制限の範囲内であること。(ロ) 評価値が,標準点を予定価格で除した数値(基準評価値)に対して下回らないこと。② 上記3(1)①において,評価値の最も高い者が2人以上ある時は,くじを引かせて落札者を決定する。(2) 総合評価の方法① 「標準点」を100点とする。「加算点」は,下記3(3)①及び②の評価項目において技術提案書の内容に応じ,最高14点を与える。② 加算点の算定方法は,入札価格が予定価格の制限の範囲内の者を対象に下記3(3)①及び②の評価項目ごとに評価を行い,各評価項目の評価点数の合計を加算点として付与するものとする。なお,下記3(3)①及び②において「不適切(欠格)」の評価を受けた者については,入札の参加は認められない。③ 価格と価格以外の要素がもたらす総合評価は,入札参加者の「標準点」と,上記3(2)②によって得られる「加算点」の合計を,当該入札者の「入札価格」で除して得た「評価値」をもって行う。(3) 評価項目評価項目は以下のとおりとする(詳細は入札説明書による)。 ① 企業の技術力(イ) 企業の施工能力(ロ) 配置予定技術者の能力 ② 企業の信頼性・社会性(イ) 法令遵守(コンプライアンス)(ロ) 地域精通度(ハ) ワーク・ライフ・バランス等の推進(ニ) 賃上げの実施を表明した企業等 4.入札手続(1) 担当部局〒739−8512 広島県東広島市鏡山一丁目2番2号広島大学財務・総務室施設部施設企画グループ施設経理担当電話 082−424−6107(直通)(2) 入札説明書の交付期間,場所及び方法 ① 交付期間 令和6年10月15日(火) から 令和6年10月25日(金) 17時00分まで② 交付場所 本工事においては,参加に必要な資料は全て本学HPよりダウンロードすること。HTTPS://HIROSHIMA−U.JP/ABOUT/CONTRACT/SHISETSUまた,図面等については,入札説明書に従って入手するものとする。(3) 申請書及び資料の提出期間,場所及び方法① 提出期間 令和6年10月16日(水) から 令和6年10月25日(金) 17時00分まで② 提出方法 申請書及び資料は,電子入札システムにより提出すること。ただし,発注者の承諾を得て紙入札とする場合は,下記提出場所へ持参又は郵送(書留郵便等の配達記録が残るものに限る。)するものとする。③ 提出場所 上記4(1)に同じ。(4) 入札及び開札の日時及び場所並びに入札書の提出方法入札書は,電子入札システムにより提出すること。なお,発注者の承認を得た場合は,紙により持参,郵送(書留郵便に限る。)又は託送(書留郵便と同等のものに限る。)により提出すること。① 入札書の提出期限は,令和6年11月11日(月) 11時00分(必着)紙により入札書を提出する場合,提出場所は,上記4(1)と同じとする。② 開札は,令和6年11月12日(火) 14時00分広島大学中央図書館B1F施設部にて行う。 5.その他(1) 手続きにおいて使用する言語及び通貨 日本語及び日本国通貨に限る。(2) 入札保証金及び契約保証金① 入札保証金 免除② 契約保証金 納付 ただし,有価証券等の提供又は銀行,本学が確実と認める金融機関若しくは保証事業会社の保証をもって契約保証金の納付に代えることができる。また,公共工事履行保証証券による保証を付し,又は履行保証保険契約の締結を行った場合は,契約保証金を免除する。(3) 入札の無効本公告に示した競争参加資格のない者のした入札,申請書又は資料に虚偽の記載をした者のした入札及び入札に関する条件に違反した入札は無効とする。(4) 落札者の決定方法あらかじめ契約を締結しようとする事項の仕様書,設計書等によって作成された予定価格の制限の範囲内で,最高の評価値をもって有効な入札を行った者を落札者とする。ただし,落札者となるべき者の入札価格によっては,その者により当該契約の内容に適合した履行がなされないおそれがあると認められるとき,又はその者と契約を締結することが公正な取引の秩序を乱すこととなるおそれがあって著しく不適当であると認められるときは,予定価格の制限の範囲内の価格をもって入札した他の者のうち評価値が最も高い者を落札者とすることがある。(5) 配置予定技術者の確認落札者決定後,財団法人日本建設情報総合センターの工事実績情報サービス(CORINS)等により配置予定の監理技術者等の専任違反等の事実が確認された場合,契約を結ばないことがある。なお,種々の状況からやむを得ないものとして承認された場合の外は,申請書及び資料の差替えは認められない。(6) 契約書作成の要否 要(7) 関連情報を入手するための照会窓口上記4(1)に同じ(8) 一般競争参加資格の認定を受けていない者の参加 上記2(3)に掲げる一般競争参加資格の認定を受けていない者も上記4(3)により申請書及び資料を提出することができるが,競争に参加するためには,開札の時において,当該資格の認定を受け,かつ競争参加資格の確認を受けていなければならない。(9) 詳細は入札説明書による。 添付ファイル1:R6-48_koukoku 添付ファイル2:R6-48_zumen 当該法人の調達情報(リンク) http://hiroshima-u.jp/about/contract/shisetsu 文部科学省電子入札システムへのリンク 調達案件番号:10010803369999920240034 ※公告内容、添付ファイルの問合せは、発注機関(公告掲載の連絡先参照)に問い合わせしてください。 ※添付ファイルの掲載は申請期限までとなります。 ページトップへ戻る Pavement repair work on Hiroshima University (Midori) junior and senior high school volleyball courts, etc. Pavement repair work on Hiroshima University (Midori) junior and senior high school volleyball courts, etc. Announcement information Back To return to the list of search results, click the back button. Pavement repair work on Hiroshima University (Midori) junior and senior high school volleyball courts, etc. Tender announcement (construction work) As follows... Hiroshima University, National University Corporation Higashihiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture Tender information is as follows. Subject Pavement repair work on Hiroshima University (Midori) junior and senior high school volleyball courts, etc. Type Construction Date of announcement or update October 15, 2024 Organization National University Corporation Date acquired October 15, 2024 19:08:38 Announcement Content Announcement Information Back Click the back button to return to the list of search results. Hiroshima University (Midori) Junior and Senior High School Volleyball Court Pavement Renovation Works Bidding Announcement (Construction Works) The following will be put up for public competitive bidding. Tuesday, October 15, 2024 Hatta Kazutsugu, Director (Finance and General Affairs), Contract Officer, National University Corporation Hiroshima University 1. Work Overview (1) Work Name Hiroshima University (Midori) Junior and Senior High School Volleyball Court Pavement Renovation Works (2) Work Location Hiroshima University Midori Housing Complex, 1-1-1 Midori, Minami-ku, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture (3) Work Overview This work involves renovating the soil-based pavement of the outdoor athletic fields of the volleyball and basketball courts (construction area 3,396.0 m2) at Hiroshima University Midori Housing Complex. (4) Construction period From the day after the contract date to Tuesday, January 14, 2025 (5) This construction is a construction that implements a comprehensive evaluation bidding method (performance evaluation type) in which the application form and documents describing the "technical capabilities of the company" and "reliability and sociality of the company" are accepted, and the successful bidder is determined by comprehensively evaluating the price and factors other than price. (6) This construction is a two-day work week promotion construction (client-designated method) in which the client specifies that the work will be carried out on two days off per week. (7) This construction will be submitted with a confirmation application for competitive bidding (hereinafter referred to as the "application form") and confirmation documents for competitive bidding (hereinafter referred to as the "documents"), as well as bidding, etc., through the electronic bidding system. Those who have difficulty using the electronic bidding system may use the paper bidding method with the consent of the university. 2. Eligibility to participate in the competition (1) Those who do not fall under the provisions of Section 8 of Hiroshima University Construction Contract Contract Regulations 1-10. In addition, minors, persons under guardianship, or persons under assistance who have obtained the necessary consent to enter into a contract may participate in the competition. (2) In the case of a person who has filed a petition for the commencement of reorganization proceedings under the Corporate Reorganization Act (Act No. 15 of 2002) or a person who has filed a petition for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings under the Civil Rehabilitation Act (Act No. 225 of 1999), the person must be qualified as a general bidder after being examined after receiving a decision to commence proceedings. (3) The grade (Notice of Certification of Qualification to Participate in General Competition (Designated Competition)) for the fiscal year 2023 and 2024 for paving work, as rated in accordance with Article 4, Chapter 1 of the "Qualification of General Bidder" (Decided by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology on January 6, 2001) by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, must be certified as a general bidder of Grade A, Grade B, or Grade C. (4) The person does not fall under the disqualifications of "Company's construction capabilities" and "Ability of engineers to be assigned" shown in the evaluation items of the comprehensive evaluation. (See bidding instructions) (5) The applicant must have a track record of completing and delivering similar works as a prime contractor since FY2009, which meet all of the following requirements: 1. Construction area: Outdoor paving works of 1,600 m2 or more (track record as a member of a joint venture is limited to works with an investment ratio of 20% or more) (6) The applicant must be able to assign a chief engineer or supervising engineer who meets the following criteria to the work: 1. The applicant must hold a construction management engineer, construction machinery construction engineer, or an equivalent or higher qualification. 2. The applicant must have experience in the works listed in 2 (5) above. 3. The supervising engineer must hold a supervising engineer qualification certificate and a certificate of completion of a supervising engineer training course. * If the work does not fall under the category of work specified in Article 27 of the Enforcement Order of the Construction Business Act (Cabinet Order No. 273 of 1956), the chief engineer or supervising engineer does not need to be a full-time person. ④ The chief engineer or supervising engineer to be assigned must have a direct and permanent employment relationship, and therefore documents showing this fact may be required. If such documents are not shown, the applicant may not be able to participate in the bid. (7) During the period from the deadline for submitting the application and documents to the time of opening of the bids, the applicant must not have been subject to a suspension of nomination (hereinafter referred to as the "Suspension of Nomination Measures Guidelines") issued by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology based on the "Guidelines for Measures such as Suspension of Nomination for Construction Contracts" (Notice of the Director of the Educational Facilities Planning Department, No. 17 MEXT No. 345, dated January 20, 2006). (8) In the case of paving works ordered by a construction performance mutual use registration ordering organization that has a track record of construction works completed in or after FY2022, the average score of the total evaluation points on the construction performance evaluation sheet for the said works for each fiscal year (the past two fiscal years) must not be less than 65 points for two consecutive years. (9) The applicant must not be a contractor of design work, etc. for the works listed in 1 above, or a construction company that is related to the said contractor in terms of capital or personnel. (10) There is no capital or personal relationship between the parties intending to participate in the bid. (Except when all of the parties with a capital or personal relationship are members other than the representative of the joint venture (see bidding instructions).) (11) The head office, branch office, or sales office licensed under the Construction Business Act is located in Hiroshima Prefecture or an adjacent prefecture. (12) The party is not a construction company substantially controlled by a member of an organized crime group or a party equivalent to such a company that has been requested by the police authorities to be excluded from Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-ordered construction projects, etc., and this situation does not continue. (See bidding instructions.) 3. Matters related to comprehensive evaluation (1) Method of determining successful bidder① Bidders will participate in the bid based on "price," "corporate technical capabilities," and "corporate reliability and sociality." Among those who meet the following requirements (a) and (b), the one with the highest numerical value obtained by the comprehensive evaluation method in 3 (2) below (hereinafter referred to as the "evaluation value") will be the successful bidder. (a) The bid price is within the limit of the estimated price. (b) The evaluation value must not be lower than the standard score divided by the estimated price (standard evaluation value). ② In the above 3 (1) ①, if there are two or more bidders with the highest evaluation value, the successful bidder will be determined by drawing lots. (2) Method of comprehensive evaluation ① The "standard score" will be 100 points. "Additional points" will be awarded up to 14 points depending on the contents of the technical proposal in the evaluation items in 3 (3) ① and ② below. ② The method of calculating the additional points is to evaluate bidders whose bid price is within the estimated price limit for each evaluation item in 3 (3) ① and ② below, and the total of the evaluation points for each evaluation item will be awarded as additional points. In addition, bidders who are evaluated as "inappropriate (disqualified)" in the following 3 (3) ① and ② will not be allowed to participate in the bid. ③ The comprehensive evaluation of price and factors other than price will be calculated by dividing the total of the bidder's "standard score" and the "additional points" obtained in the above 3 (2) ② by the bidder's "bid price". (3) Evaluation items The evaluation items are as follows (details are given in the bidding documents): ① Technical capabilities of the company (a) Construction capabilities of the company (b) Capability of the engineers to be deployed ② Reliability and sociality of the company (a) Compliance with laws and regulations (b) Local familiarity (c) Promotion of work-life balance, etc. (d) Companies, etc. that have declared the implementation of wage increases 4. Bidding procedure (1) Responsible department Facilities Accounting, Facilities Planning Group, Facilities Department, Finance and General Affairs Office, Hiroshima University 2-2 Kagamiyama 1-chome, Higashihiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture 739-8512 Telephone: 082-424-6107 (direct line) (2) Period, place and method of delivery of bidding documents ① Delivery period: From Tuesday, October 15, 2024 to Friday, October 25, 2024, 5:00 p.m. ② Delivery locationAll materials required for participation in this project must be downloaded from the university's website. https://hiroshima-u.jp/about/contract/sheisetsu. Drawings, etc. must be obtained in accordance with the bidding instructions. (3) Period, place and method of submission of application and materials① Submission period: Wednesday, October 16, 2024 to Friday, October 25, 2024, 5:00 p.m.② Submission method: Application and materials must be submitted through the electronic bidding system. However, if paper bidding is to be conducted with the consent of the purchaser, they must be submitted in person or by mail (only by registered mail or other means that leave a delivery record) to the submission location below.③ Submission location: Same as 4 (1) above. (4) Date, time and place of bidding and bid opening, and method of submitting bids: Bids must be submitted through the electronic bidding system. If the purchaser's approval is obtained, the bidder may submit the bid in paper by hand, by post (registered mail only), or by courier (equivalent to registered mail only). ① The deadline for submitting the bid is Monday, November 11, 2024, 11:00 (must arrive by this date). If the bid is submitted on paper, the place of submission shall be the same as 4 (1) above. ② Bid opening will be held on Tuesday, November 12, 2024 at 14:00 at the Facilities Department on the first basement floor of the Hiroshima University Central Library. 5. Other (1) Language and currency used in the procedure Japanese and Japanese currency only. (2) Bid bond and contract bond ① Exemption from bid bond ② Payment of contract bond However, the payment of the contract bond may be substituted by the provision of securities, etc., or a guarantee from a bank, financial institution, or guarantee company that the University deems reliable. In addition, if a guarantee is provided by a public works performance bond or a performance guarantee insurance contract is concluded, the contract bond will be waived. (3) Invalidation of bids: Bids made by persons who are not qualified to participate in the competition as stated in this announcement, bids made by persons who make false statements in their applications or documents, and bids that violate the conditions of bidding shall be invalid. (4) Method of determining successful bidder: The successful bidder shall be the person who submitted a valid bid with the highest evaluation value within the range of the estimated price limit prepared in advance based on the specifications, design documents, etc. of the items to be contracted. However, if it is deemed that the bid price of the successful bidder is likely to cause the bidder to fail to perform the contract in accordance with its contents, or if it is deemed that entering into a contract with the successful bidder is likely to disrupt the order of fair transactions and is extremely inappropriate, the successful bidder may be the person with the highest evaluation value among other bidders who submitted bids within the range of the estimated price limit. (5) Confirmation of the planned engineers If, after the successful bidder has been determined, it is confirmed by the Construction Performance Information Service (CORINS) of the Japan Construction Information Center, etc. that the planned supervising engineers have violated their full-time duties, the contract may not be concluded. Furthermore, except in cases where it is approved as unavoidable due to various circumstances, replacement of application forms and documents will not be permitted. (6) Necessity of contract preparation: Yes (7) Contact point for obtaining related information: Same as 4(1) above (8) Participation of persons who have not been certified as eligible to participate in general competitive bidding: Persons who have not been certified as eligible to participate in general competitive bidding as set forth in 2(3) above may submit application forms and documents as set forth in 4(3) above, but in order to participate in the competition, they must be certified as eligible and have their eligibility confirmed at the time of opening of bids. (9) For details, see the bidding instructions. Attachment 1: R6-48_koukoku Attachment 2: R6-48_zumen Procurement information for this corporation (link) http://hiroshima-u.jp/about/contract/shisetsu Link to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's electronic bidding system Procurement case number: 10010803369999920240034 *For inquiries about the contents of the announcement and attached files, please contact the ordering agency (see contact details for announcement posting). *Attached files will be posted until the application deadline. Return to top of page10010803369999920240034 *For inquiries about the contents of the announcement and attached files, please contact the ordering organization (see the contact information for announcement publication). *Attached files will be published until the application deadline. Return to top of page10010803369999920240034 *For inquiries about the contents of the announcement and attached files, please contact the ordering organization (see the contact information for announcement publication). *Attached files will be published until the application deadline. Return to top of page
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