Tender Details

アクア・バイオマスセンター汚泥脱水機更新設計委託 アクア・バイオマスセンター汚泥脱水機更新設計委託 北広島市水道部告示第61号事後審査型条件付一般競争入札を行うので、北広島市上下水道事業契約規程(平成16年北広島市水道部管理規程第1号)第2条の規定に... Aqua Biomass Center sludge dehydrator renewal design contract Aqua Biomass Center sludge dehydrator renewal design contract In accordance with the Kitahiroshima City Water Department Notification No. 61, a post-examination type conditional open competitive bidding will be conducted, and in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 of the Kitahiroshima City Water Supply and Sewage Business Contract Regulations (Kitahiroshima City Water Department Management Regulations No. 1 of 2004)...

Published Date
Deadline Date
アクア・バイオマスセンター汚泥脱水機更新設計委託 アクア・バイオマスセンター汚泥脱水機更新設計委託 北広島市水道部告示第61号事後審査型条件付一般競争入札を行うので、北広島市上下水道事業契約規程(平成16年北広島市水道部管理規程第1号)第2条の規定に... 北海道北広島市   入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 アクア・バイオマスセンター汚泥脱水機更新設計委託 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 16 日 組織 北海道北広島市 取得日 2024 年 10 月 16 日 20:10:44 公告内容 北広島市水道部告示第61号事後審査型条件付一般競争入札を行うので、北広島市上下水道事業契約規程(平成16年北広島市水道部管理規程第1号)第2条の規定に基づき、次のとおり告示する。令和6年10月16日北広島市上下水道事業北広島市長 上 野 正 三1 入札に付する事項⑴ 業務名 アクア・バイオマスセンター汚泥脱水機更新設計委託⑵ 業務場所 北広島市富ヶ岡916番地2⑶ 業務概要 アクア・バイオマスセンターNO.2汚泥脱水機更新設計⑷ 履行期間 契約締結の日から令和7年3月10日まで⑸ 予定価格 事後公表とする。2 発注方式単体とする。3 入札参加資格に関する事項⑴ 地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号)第167条の4の規定に該当する者でないこと。⑵ 北広島市契約規則(平成15年北広島市規則第12号。以下「契約規則」という。)に規定する令和5・6年度における北広島市建設工事等競争入札参加資格者名簿(以下「入札参加者名簿」)において、登録種別「土木設計」に登録されており、かつ、建設コンサルタント登録規程(昭和52年建設省告示第717号)により建設コンサルタント(「下水道部門」)の登録を受けていること(会社更生法(平成14年法律第154号)による更生手続開始の申立てがなされている者又は民事再生法(平成11年法律第225号)による再生手続開始の申立てがなされている者については、手続開始の決定後、当該登録種別の再認定を受けていること。)。⑶ この公告の日から入札の日までの期間において、北広島市競争入札参加資格者指名停止措置要綱(平成17年3月2日市長決裁)第2条第1項の規定による指名停止の措置(以下「指名停止措置」という。)を受けている期間中でないこと。⑷ 会社更生法による更生手続開始の申立てがなされている者又は民事再生法による再生手続開始の申立てがなされている者(⑵の再認定を受けた者を除く。)等経営状態が著しく不健全である者でないこと。⑸ 入札に参加しようとする者の間に次に掲げる資本関係又は人的関係がないこと。ア 資本関係次のいずれかに該当する2者の場合。ただし、子会社(会社法(平成17年法律第86号)第2条第3号の規定による子会社をいう。以下同じ。)又は子会社の一方が会社更生法第2条第7項に規定する更生会社又は民事再生法第2条第4号に規定する再生手続が存続中の会社(以下「更生会社等」という。)である場合を除く。(ア) 親会社(会社法第2条第4号の規定による親会社をいう。以下同じ。)と子会社の関係にある場合(イ) 親会社を同じくする子会社同士の関係にある場合イ 人的関係次のいずれかに該当する 2 者の場合。ただし、(ア)については、会社の一方が更生会社等である場合を除く。(ア) 一方の会社の役員が、他方の会社の役員を現に兼ねている場合(イ) 一方の会社の役員が、他方の会社の会社更生法第67条第1項又は民事再生法第64条第2項の規定により選任された管財人を現に兼ねている場合ウ その他入札の適正さが阻害されると認められる場合ア、イと同視し得る資本関係又は人的関係があると認められる場合⑹ 石狩振興局管内に営業所(令和5年12月1日以前から有しているものに限る。)を有していること。⑺ 次の要件を満たす管理技術者及び照査技術者を配置できること。(ア) ⑹の営業所に常駐している者(イ) 技術士法(昭和58年法律第25号)による上下水道部門(選択科目「下水道」に限る。)又は総合技術監理部門(選択科目「上下水道-下水道」に限る。)の登録を受けている者(ウ) 照査技術者は、管理技術者を兼ねることはできない。4 入札参加申請⑴ 入札に参加しようとする者は、次に掲げる書類(以下「申請書類」という。)を提出しなければならない。ア 申請書類(ア) 事後審査型条件付一般競争入札参加資格審査申請書(別記第2号様式)(イ) 資本関係・人的関係調書その2(別記様式)※該当する場合のみ提出(ウ) 建設コンサルタント登録規程(昭和52年建設省告示第717号)の規定により建設コンサルタント(「下水道部門」)の登録を受けていることを証明する書類(建設コンサルタント登録更新通知書の写し)(エ) 主任(監理)技術者経歴書(別記第3号様式に準じた任意様式)(オ) 3⑺(イ)の登録を受けている証明書(公益社団法人日本技術士会が発行する「技術士登録証明書」の写し等)(カ) 3⑹に常駐していることを証明する書類(健康保険証等の写し等)イ 提出期間告示の日から令和6年10月30日(水)までの日曜日、土曜日及び国民の祝日に関する法律(昭和 23 年法律第 178 号)に規定する休日(以下「休日」という。)を除く、9 時から17時まで。ウ 提出方法申請書の提出は郵送によるものとし、一般書留郵便又は簡易書留郵便のいずれかの方法により郵送してください。エ 提出場所北広島市中央4丁目2番地1北広島市財務部契約管財課(北広島市役所3階)⑵ 申請書類は、北広島市役所ホームページに掲載する。北広島市役所ホームページ https://www.city.kitahiroshima.hokkaido.jp/⑶ 入札参加資格については、入札日を基準日として確認するものとする。5 落札者の決定方法⑴ 入札執行後、予定価格の制限の範囲内で、入札価格の低い者から順に入札参加資格審査を実施し、入札参加資格を有する者 1 人が確認できるまで行うものとし、入札参加資格を有するものとして確認した場合は、その者を落札者として決定する。⑵ 落札者を決定したときは、直ちに当該落札者に結果を通知し、⑴において入札参加資格がないと認められた者に対しては、その理由を記載した事後審査型条件付一般競争入札参加資格審査結果通知書により通知する。6 入札参加資格がないと認めた者に対する理由の説明⑴ 入札参加資格がないと認められた者は、本市に対して入札参加資格がないと認めた理由について、次に従い書面(様式は任意)により説明を求めることができる。ア 提出期限 令和6年11月8日(金)17時までイ 提出場所 4⑴エに同じ。ウ その他 書面は持参することにより提出するものとし、送付又は電送によるものは受け付けない。⑵ 説明を求めた者に対しては、原則として書面を受け取った日の翌日から起算して 4 日以内に書面により回答する。7 契約条項を示す場所及びその期間⑴ 設計図書の閲覧等ア 閲覧期間及び時間告示の日から入札執行の前日までの休日を除く、9時から17時まで。イ 閲覧場所閲覧室での閲覧は行わない。ウ 入手方法希望する者は、申請書類提出期限までに下記メールアドレスに案件名・会社名・担当者名・連絡先を記載の上、メールを送信してください。送信されたメールアドレスに対してデータ送付いたします。 北広島市役所財務部契約管財課 E-mail:keiyaku@city.kitahiroshima.lg.jp⑵ 設計図書に対する質問等ア 質問の受付期間及び時間この告示の日から令和6年10月30日(水)までの休日を除く、9時から17時まで。イ 受付場所及び提出方法(ア) 受付場所4⑴エに同じ。(イ) 提出方法質疑応答書(様式は任意)により、郵送で提出すること。※質問がない場合は提出不要ウ 質問に対する回答の閲覧(ア) 閲覧期間及び時間告示の日から入札執行の前日まで。(イ) 閲覧場所北広島市役所ホームページに掲載する。https://www.city.kitahiroshima.hokkaido.jp/8 入札執行の日時及び場所⑴ 日時 令和6年11月6日(水) 9時30分⑵ 場所 北広島市中央4丁目2番地1北広島市役所4階 4F会議室⑶ 開札の立会い入札者による立会いは行わず、入札事務に関係のない職員を立ち会わせるものとする。9 入札方法等⑴ 入札者は、入札書に必要事項を記入し、一般書留郵便又は簡易書留郵便のいずれかの方法により郵送しなければいけない。※郵便入札の封筒作成方法参照⑵ 入札書の到達期限令和6年11月5日(火)17時まで。⑶ 入札書の提出先4⑴エに同じ。⑷ 落札決定に当たっては、入札書に記載された金額に当該金額の100分の10に相当する額を加算した金額(当該金額に 1 円未満の端数があるときは、その端数金額を切り捨てた金額)をもって落札価格とするので、入札者は、消費税及び地方消費税に係る課税事業者であるか免税事業者であるかを問わず、見積った契約希望金額の110分の100に相当する金額を入札書に記載すること。⑸ 開札の結果、予定価格以下の入札がない場合は、直ちに再度入札を実施するが、再度入札の回数は1回とする。⑹ 再度入札を行う場合、入札執行者は第 1 回目の最低入札価格、入札書の提出期日、開札日時及び場所を指定し、入札参加者にファクシミリで通知する。⑺ 入札の執行に当たっては、北広島市建設工事等低入札価格調査制度実施要綱(平成20年4月 23 日市長決裁。以下「低入札価格調査要綱」という。)に基づき、調査基準価格を設定する。⑻ 入札を行った結果、調査基準価格を下回る入札があったときは、低入札価格調査要綱に定めた手続により調査を行い、落札者を決定する。10 入札保証金免除する。11 契約保証金契約金額の100分の10以上の額の契約保証金を納付しなければならない。ただし、国債、地方債又は銀行が振り出し、若しくは支払保証した小切手の提供をもって契約保証金の納付に代えることができる。また、公共工事履行保証証券による保証を付し、又は履行保証保険契約の締結を行った場合は、契約保証金を免除する。12 入札の無効次のいずれかに該当する入札は、無効とする。⑴ 契約規則第15条各号のいずれかに該当する入札⑵ この告示に示した条件を満たさない者が行った入札⑶ 申請書類を提出期限までに提出しない者が行った入札⑷ 申請書類に虚偽の記載をした者が行った入札⑸ 入札参加資格を認められなかった者が行った入札⑹ 入札参加資格を認められた後、指名停止措置を受ける等入札参加資格に欠けることとなった者が行った入札13 契約書作成の要否要14 支払条件⑴ 前払金 契約金額の3割以内を限度とする。⑵ 部分払 行わない。15 その他⑴ この告示に定めるもののほか、入札参加者は、契約規則その他関係法令を遵守すること。⑵ 申請書類の作成及び提出に係る費用は、申請者の負担とする。⑶ 提出された申請書類は、入札参加資格の審査以外に申請者に無断で使用しない。⑷ 提出された申請書類は、返却しない。⑸ 提出期限以降における申請書類の差替え及び再申請は、認めない。⑹ 入札までの間にやむを得ない事由のため、当該入札を延期又は中止することがある。⑺ 郵便入札の開札を延期する場合は、到着した入札書等を延期後の開札日時まで厳重に保管するものとし、入札を中止する場合は速やかに入札参加者に返却する。⑻ 入札が中止となった場合でも申請書類の作成及び提出に係る費用は、申請者の負担とする。⑼ 落札決定から契約締結までの間に指名停止措置を受ける等この告示に示した入札参加資格に欠けることとなった場合、当該落札決定を取消すことがある。16 問合せ先〒061-1192北広島市中央4丁目2番地1北広島市財務部契約管財課(北広島市役所3階)TEL 011-372-3311(内線3353)FAX 011-373-2903 Contract for renewal design of Aqua Biomass Center sludge dehydrator Contract for renewal design of Aqua Biomass Center sludge dehydrator We will be conducting a public competitive bidding with post-mortem review conditions as per Kitahiroshima City Water Department Notification No. 61, and in accordance with Article 2 of the Kitahiroshima City Water Supply and Sewage Business Contract Regulations (Kitahiroshima City Water Department Management Regulations No. 1 of 2004)... Kitahiroshima City, Hokkaido The bidding information is as follows. Subject Contract for renewal design of Aqua Biomass Center sludge dehydrator Announcement date or update date October 16, 2024 Organization Kitahiroshima City, Hokkaido Acquisition date October 16, 2024 20:10:44 Announcement content We will be conducting a public competitive bidding with post-mortem review conditions as per Kitahiroshima City Water Department Notification No. 61, and in accordance with Article 2 of the Kitahiroshima City Water Supply and Sewage Business Contract Regulations (Kitahiroshima City Water Department Management Regulations No. 1 of 2004), we announce the following. Kitahiroshima City Water Supply and Sewage Business Mayor of Kitahiroshima City, Ueno Masazo 1. Items to be put up for bidding (1) Name of work: Contract for renewal design of Aqua Biomass Center sludge dehydrator (2) Location of work: 916-2 Tomigaoka, Kitahiroshima City (3) Overview of work: Renewal design of Aqua Biomass Center No. 2 sludge dehydrator (4) Performance period: From the date of contract conclusion to March 10, 2025 (5) Estimated price: To be announced after the fact. 2. Ordering method: Standalone. 3. Items regarding eligibility to participate in the bid (1) Persons who do not fall under the provisions of Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947). ⑵ The person is registered as a "civil engineering designer" in the Kitahiroshima City List of Eligible Participants in Competitive Bidding for Construction Works, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Bidding Participant List") for fiscal years 2023 and 2024 as prescribed in the Kitahiroshima City Contract Rules (Kitahiroshima City Rules No. 12 of 2003; hereinafter referred to as the "Contract Rules"), and is registered as a construction consultant ("Sewerage Division") pursuant to the Construction Consultant Registration Regulations (Construction Ministry Notification No. 717 of 1977) (in the case of a person who has filed a petition for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings under the Corporate Reorganization Act (Act No. 154 of 2002) or a person who has filed a petition for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings under the Civil Rehabilitation Act (Act No. 225 of 1999), the person must have been re-certified for that registration type after the decision to commence proceedings has been made). (3) During the period from the date of this announcement to the date of the bid, the person is not currently subject to a suspension of nomination pursuant to Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Guidelines for Suspension of Nomination of Eligible Participants in Kitahiroshima City Competitive Bidding (approved by the Mayor on March 2, 2005) (hereinafter referred to as the "suspension of nomination"). (4) The person is not a person against whom a petition for the commencement of reorganization proceedings under the Corporate Reorganization Act has been filed, or a person against whom a petition for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings under the Civil Rehabilitation Act has been filed (excluding persons who have been recertified under (2)), or whose business condition is extremely unsound. (5) There are no capital or personal relationships as listed below between the persons intending to participate in the bid. (a) Capital relationship: In the case of two persons that fall under any of the following: However, this does not apply when a subsidiary (meaning a subsidiary under Article 2, Paragraph 3 of the Companies Act (Act No. 86 of 2005); the same applies below) or one of the subsidiaries is a reorganization company under Article 2, Paragraph 7 of the Corporate Reorganization Act or a company undergoing rehabilitation proceedings under Article 2, Paragraph 4 of the Civil Rehabilitation Act (hereinafter referred to as a "reorganization company, etc."). (a) When in a relationship between a parent company (meaning a parent company under Article 2, Paragraph 4 of the Companies Act; the same applies below) and a subsidiary (b) When in a relationship between subsidiaries of the same parent company B. Personal relationship When two parties fall under any of the following. However, in the case of (a), this does not apply when one of the companies is a reorganization company, etc. (a) When an officer of one company is currently also an officer of the other company. (b) When an officer of one company is currently also a trustee appointed pursuant to Article 67 Paragraph 1 of the Corporate Reorganization Act or Article 64 Paragraph 2 of the Civil Rehabilitation Act of the other company. (c) When it is deemed that the fairness of the bid is otherwise hindered. When it is deemed that there is a capital or personal relationship that can be considered equivalent to (a) or (b). (6) Having a business office (limited to those that have been in business before December 1, 2023) within the jurisdiction of the Ishikari Regional Development Bureau. (7) Being able to assign a management engineer and a review engineer who meet the following requirements. (a) A person who is permanently stationed at the business office in (b) A person who is registered in the water supply and sewerage department (limited to the elective subject "Sewerage") or the general technical supervision department (limited to the elective subject "Water supply and sewerage - Sewerage") under the Professional Engineers Act (Act No. 25 of 1983). (c) A review engineer cannot also serve as a management engineer. 4. Application to participate in the bid (1) Anyone who wishes to participate in the bid must submit the documents listed below (hereinafter referred to as the "application documents"). A. Application documents (A) Post-review type conditional open competitive bidding participation qualification review application (Appendix No. 2 form) (B) Capital and personnel relationship report No. 2 (Appendix form) *Submit only if applicable (C) Document certifying that you are registered as a construction consultant ("sewerage department") in accordance with the provisions of the Construction Consultant Registration Regulations (Ministry of Construction Notification No. 717 of 1977) (copy of the construction consultant registration renewal notice) (D) Chief (supervising) engineer resume (optional format conforming to Appendix No. 3 form) (E) Certificate of registration under 3⑺(A) (copy of "Engineer Registration Certificate" issued by the Japan Institute of Certified Engineers, a public interest incorporated association, etc.) (F) Document certifying that you are permanently stationed at 3⑹ (copy of health insurance card, etc.) (B) Submission period: From the date of public notice to Wednesday, October 30, 2024, in accordance with the Law on Sundays, Saturdays, and National Holidays (Law No. 178 of 1948) (hereinafter referred to as "holidays") as stipulated in the Act on the Promotion of ...jp/⑶ The date of bidding shall be used as the base date for confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid. 5. Method of determining the successful bidder⑴ After the bid is executed, the bidder's eligibility review shall be conducted in order of lowest bidder within the limit of the estimated price, until one bidder who is eligible to participate in the bid is identified. If one bidder is identified as eligible to participate in the bid, that bidder shall be selected as the successful bidder.⑵ When the successful bidder is selected, the result shall be notified to the successful bidder immediately, and those who are deemed ineligible to participate in the bid in⑴ shall be notified by a notice of the results of the post-review type conditional open competitive bidding eligibility review that includes the reasons. 6. Explanation of reasons to those who are deemed ineligible to participate in the bid⑴ Those who are deemed ineligible to participate in the bid may request an explanation in writing (any format) from the city regarding the reasons why they were deemed ineligible to participate in the bid, as follows. A. Deadline for submission: Friday, November 8, 2024, 5:00 p.m. B. Place of submission: Same as 4⑴E. C Others Written documents must be submitted in person, and documents sent or transmitted by mail will not be accepted. ⑵ In principle, those who request an explanation will receive a written response within four days from the day following the day the document was received. 7 Place and period of contract provisions ⑴ Inspection of design documents, etc. A. Inspection period and time From the day of this notice to the day before the execution of the bid, from 9:00 to 17:00, excluding holidays. B. Inspection location Inspection will not be conducted in a reading room. C. How to obtain If you wish to obtain documents, please send an email to the following email address by the deadline for submitting application documents, stating the project name, company name, person in charge, and contact information. The data will be sent to the email address sent. Kitahiroshima City Hall Finance Department Contract Management Division E-mail: keiyaku@city.kitahiroshima.lg.jp ⑵ Questions about design documents, etc. A. Acceptance period and time for questions From the day of this notice to Wednesday, October 30, 2024, from 9:00 to 17:00, excluding holidays. B. Reception location and submission method (A) Reception location Same as 4⑴E. (B) Submission method Submit by mail using the Q&A sheet (any format). *No submission required if no questions are asked. C. Viewing of answers to questions (A) Viewing period and time From the day of announcement to the day before the tender execution. (B) Viewing location It will be posted on the Kitahiroshima City Hall website. https://www.city.kitahiroshima.hokkaido.jp/8. Date and time of tender execution (1) Date and time Wednesday, November 6, 2024, 9:30 a.m. (2) Location 4F Meeting Room, 4th floor, Kitahiroshima City Hall, 1-2-1 Chuo 4-chome, Kitahiroshima City (3) Presence of bid opening Bidders will not be present at the opening of bids, but an employee not involved in the tender process will be present. 9. Bidding method, etc. (1) Bidders must fill in the necessary information on the bid form and mail it by either regular registered mail or simple registered mail. ※See how to prepare an envelope for postal bidding. ⑵ The deadline for arrival of the bid is 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. ⑶ Where to submit the bid: Same as 4.⑴E. ⑷ When deciding on the successful bid, the successful bid price will be the amount stated in the bid plus 10/100 of the said amount (if the amount has a fraction of less than 1 yen, the fractional amount will be rounded down). Therefore, the bidder, regardless of whether he/she is a taxable business entity or a tax-exempt business entity with respect to consumption tax and local consumption tax, must state in the bid an amount equivalent to 1/100 of the estimated desired contract price. ⑸ If there is no bid below the planned price as a result of the bid opening, the bidder will immediately hold a re-bid, but the number of re-bids will be one. ⑹ When holding a re-bid, the bidder will specify the first lowest bid price, the deadline for submitting the bid, the date and time of bid opening, and the place of bid opening, and notify the bidders by facsimile. ⑺ When conducting the bidding, the investigation base price will be set based on the Kitahiroshima City Construction Works Low Bid Price Investigation System Implementation Guidelines (approved by the Mayor on April 23, 2008; hereafter referred to as the "Low Bid Price Investigation Guidelines"). ⑻ If, as a result of the bidding, a bid is made that is below the investigation base price, an investigation will be conducted according to the procedures set forth in the Low Bid Price Investigation Guidelines, and the successful bidder will be determined. 10 Bid security will be waived. 11 Contract security A contract security of at least 10/100 of the contract amount must be paid. However, the payment of the contract security may be substituted by the submission of national or local government bonds, or a check issued or guaranteed by a bank. In addition, the contract security will be waived if a guarantee is provided in the form of a public works performance guarantee bond or a performance guarantee insurance contract is concluded. 12 Invalidated Bids Bids that fall under any of the following will be considered invalid. ⑴ Tenders that fall under any of the items of Article 15 of the Contract Rules.⑵ Tenders made by persons who do not meet the conditions set out in this notice.⑶ Tenders made by persons who do not submit application documents by the deadline.⑷ Tenders made by persons who make false statements in their application documents.⑸ Tenders made by persons who were not granted eligibility to participate in bids.⑹ Tenders made by persons who were granted eligibility to participate in bids but who subsequently lost eligibility to participate in bids due to suspension of nomination or other reasons.13 Necessity of preparation of a contract.Yes.14 Payment conditions.⑴ Advance payment. Up to 30% of the contract amount.⑵ Partial payment. Not made.15 Other.⑴ In addition to what is set out in this notice, bidders shall comply with the Contract Rules and other relevant laws and regulations.⑵ The applicant shall bear the costs associated with the preparation and submission of application documents.⑶ Submitted application documents shall not be used without the applicant's permission for any purpose other than the screening of eligibility to participate in bids.⑷ Submitted application documents shall not be returned. ⑸ Substitution of application documents and reapplication after the submission deadline will not be accepted. ⑹ The bid may be postponed or cancelled due to unavoidable circumstances up until the time of the bid. ⑺ If the opening of postal bids is postponed, the received bid documents etc. shall be kept securely until the postponed bid opening date and time, and if the bid is cancelled, they shall be promptly returned to the bidders. ⑻ Even if the bid is cancelled, the applicant shall bear the costs associated with the preparation and submission of application documents. ⑼ If the applicant is subject to suspension of nomination between the time of the successful bid and the time of the contract, or otherwise becomes unable to meet the eligibility requirements for participation in the bid as stated in this notice, the successful bid may be revoked. 16 Contact Kitahiroshima City Finance Department, Contract Management Division (3rd floor, Kitahiroshima City Hall), 1-2-4 Chuo, Kitahiroshima 061-1192, Japan, TEL 011-372-3311 (ext. 3353), FAX 011-373-2903jp/8 Date and time and place of bid execution⑴ Date and time: Wednesday, November 6, 2024, 9:30 a.m.⑵ Place: 4F Conference Room, Kitahiroshima City Hall, 1-2-1 Chuo 4-chome, Kitahiroshima City⑶ Attendance at bid opening: Bidders will not be present, but an employee not involved in bidding affairs will be present. 9 Bidding method, etc.⑴ Bidders must fill in the necessary information on the bid form and mail it by either regular registered mail or simple registered mail. *See how to prepare an envelope for postal bids⑵ Deadline for arrival of bid forms: Tuesday, November 5, 2024, 5:00 p.m.⑶ Where to submit bid forms: Same as 4⑴E. ⑷ In determining the successful bid, the successful bid price will be the amount stated in the bid document plus 10/100 of the amount (if the amount has a fraction of less than 1 yen, the fraction will be rounded down), so the bidder, regardless of whether he/she is a taxable business or an exempt business with respect to consumption tax and local consumption tax, must state in the bid document an amount equivalent to 110/100 of the estimated desired contract price. ⑸ If, as a result of the bid opening, there is no bid below the planned price, the bidder will immediately hold a re-bid, but the number of re-bids will be one. ⑹ When holding a re-bid, the bidder will specify the first lowest bid price, the deadline for submitting the bid document, the date and time of bid opening, and notify the bidders by facsimile. ⑺ When holding the bid, the investigation base price will be set based on the Kitahiroshima City Construction Works Low Bid Price Investigation System Implementation Guidelines (approved by the Mayor on April 23, 2008; hereinafter referred to as the "Low Bid Price Investigation Guidelines"). ⑻ If, as a result of the bidding, a bid is made that is below the investigation base price, an investigation will be conducted in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Low Bid Price Investigation Guidelines, and the successful bidder will be determined. 10 Bid security will be waived. 11 Contract security A contract security of at least 10/100 of the contract amount must be paid. However, the payment of the contract security may be substituted by the submission of national or local government bonds, or a cheque issued or guaranteed by a bank. In addition, the contract security will be waived if a guarantee is provided in the form of a public works performance guarantee bond, or a performance guarantee insurance contract is concluded. 12 Invalid Bid Bids that fall under any of the following will be deemed invalid. ⑴ Tenders that fall under any of the items of Article 15 of the Contract Rules.⑵ Tenders made by persons who do not meet the conditions set out in this notice.⑶ Tenders made by persons who do not submit application documents by the deadline.⑷ Tenders made by persons who make false statements in their application documents.⑸ Tenders made by persons who were not granted eligibility to participate in bids.⑹ Tenders made by persons who were granted eligibility to participate in bids but who subsequently lost eligibility to participate in bids due to suspension of nomination or other reasons.13 Necessity of preparation of a contract.Yes.14 Payment conditions.⑴ Advance payment. Up to 30% of the contract amount.⑵ Partial payment. Not made.15 Other.⑴ In addition to what is set out in this notice, bidders shall comply with the Contract Rules and other relevant laws and regulations.⑵ The applicant shall bear the costs associated with the preparation and submission of application documents.⑶ Submitted application documents shall not be used without the applicant's permission for any purpose other than the screening of eligibility to participate in bids.⑷ Submitted application documents shall not be returned. ⑸ Substitution of application documents and reapplication after the submission deadline will not be accepted. ⑹ The bid may be postponed or cancelled due to unavoidable circumstances up until the time of the bid. ⑺ If the opening of postal bids is postponed, the received bid documents etc. shall be kept securely until the postponed bid opening date and time, and if the bid is cancelled, they shall be promptly returned to the bidders. ⑻ Even if the bid is cancelled, the applicant shall bear the costs associated with the preparation and submission of application documents. ⑼ If the applicant is subject to suspension of nomination between the time of the successful bid and the time of the contract, or otherwise becomes unable to meet the eligibility requirements for participation in the bid as stated in this notice, the successful bid may be revoked. 16 Contact Kitahiroshima City Finance Department, Contract Management Division (3rd floor, Kitahiroshima City Hall), 1-2-4 Chuo, Kitahiroshima 061-1192, Japan, TEL 011-372-3311 (ext. 3353), FAX 011-373-2903jp/8 Date and time and place of bid execution⑴ Date and time: Wednesday, November 6, 2024, 9:30 a.m.⑵ Place: 4F Conference Room, Kitahiroshima City Hall, 1-2-1 Chuo 4-chome, Kitahiroshima City⑶ Attendance at bid opening: Bidders will not be present, but an employee not involved in bidding affairs will be present. 9 Bidding method, etc.⑴ Bidders must fill in the necessary information on the bid form and mail it by either regular registered mail or simple registered mail. *See how to prepare an envelope for postal bids⑵ Deadline for arrival of bid forms: Tuesday, November 5, 2024, 5:00 p.m.⑶ Where to submit bid forms: Same as 4⑴E. ⑷ In determining the successful bid, the successful bid price will be the amount stated in the bid document plus 10/100 of the amount (if the amount has a fraction of less than 1 yen, the fraction will be rounded down), so the bidder, regardless of whether he/she is a taxable business or an exempt business with respect to consumption tax and local consumption tax, must state in the bid document an amount equivalent to 110/100 of the estimated desired contract price. ⑸ If, as a result of the bid opening, there is no bid below the planned price, the bidder will immediately hold a re-bid, but the number of re-bids will be one. ⑹ When holding a re-bid, the bidder will specify the first lowest bid price, the deadline for submitting the bid document, the date and time of bid opening, and notify the bidders by facsimile. ⑺ When holding the bid, the investigation base price will be set based on the Kitahiroshima City Construction Works Low Bid Price Investigation System Implementation Guidelines (approved by the Mayor on April 23, 2008; hereinafter referred to as the "Low Bid Price Investigation Guidelines"). ⑻ If, as a result of the bidding, a bid is made that is below the investigation base price, an investigation will be conducted in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Low Bid Price Investigation Guidelines, and the successful bidder will be determined. 10 Bid security will be waived. 11 Contract security A contract security of at least 10/100 of the contract amount must be paid. However, the payment of the contract security may be substituted by the submission of national or local government bonds, or a cheque issued or guaranteed by a bank. In addition, the contract security will be waived if a guarantee is provided in the form of a public works performance guarantee bond, or a performance guarantee insurance contract is concluded. 12 Invalid Bid Bids that fall under any of the following will be deemed invalid. ⑴ Tenders that fall under any of the items of Article 15 of the Contract Rules.⑵ Tenders made by persons who do not meet the conditions set out in this notice.⑶ Tenders made by persons who do not submit application documents by the deadline.⑷ Tenders made by persons who make false statements in their application documents.⑸ Tenders made by persons who were not granted eligibility to participate in bids.⑹ Tenders made by persons who were granted eligibility to participate in bids but who subsequently lost eligibility to participate in bids due to suspension of nomination or other reasons.13 Necessity of preparation of a contract.Yes.14 Payment conditions.⑴ Advance payment. Up to 30% of the contract amount.⑵ Partial payment. Not made.15 Other.⑴ In addition to what is set out in this notice, bidders shall comply with the Contract Rules and other relevant laws and regulations.⑵ The applicant shall bear the costs associated with the preparation and submission of application documents.⑶ Submitted application documents shall not be used without the applicant's permission for any purpose other than the screening of eligibility to participate in bids.⑷ Submitted application documents shall not be returned. ⑸ Substitution of application documents and reapplication after the submission deadline will not be accepted. ⑹ The bid may be postponed or cancelled due to unavoidable circumstances up until the time of the bid. ⑺ If the opening of postal bids is postponed, the received bid documents etc. shall be kept securely until the postponed bid opening date and time, and if the bid is cancelled, they shall be promptly returned to the bidders. ⑻ Even if the bid is cancelled, the applicant shall bear the costs associated with the preparation and submission of application documents. ⑼ If the applicant is subject to suspension of nomination between the time of the successful bid and the time of the contract, or otherwise becomes unable to meet the eligibility requirements for participation in the bid as stated in this notice, the successful bid may be revoked. 16 Contact Kitahiroshima City Finance Department, Contract Management Division (3rd floor, Kitahiroshima City Hall), 1-2-4 Chuo, Kitahiroshima 061-1192, Japan, TEL 011-372-3311 (ext. 3353), FAX 011-373-2903Even if the bid is cancelled, the applicant shall bear the costs of preparing and submitting the application documents. ⑼ If the applicant is suspended from bidding during the period from the time of the successful bid to the time of the contract, or otherwise becomes ineligible to participate in the bid as stated in this notice, the successful bid may be revoked. 16 Contact details Kitahiroshima City Finance Department, Contract Management Division (3rd floor, Kitahiroshima City Hall), 1-2-1 Chuo 4-chome, Kitahiroshima City, 061-1192, Japan. TEL: 011-372-3311 (ext. 3353), FAX: 011-373-2903Even if the bid is cancelled, the applicant shall bear the costs of preparing and submitting the application documents. ⑼ If the applicant is suspended from bidding during the period from the time of the successful bid to the time of the contract, or otherwise becomes ineligible to participate in the bid as stated in this notice, the successful bid may be revoked. 16 Contact details Kitahiroshima City Finance Department, Contract Management Division (3rd floor, Kitahiroshima City Hall), 1-2-1 Chuo 4-chome, Kitahiroshima City, 061-1192, Japan. TEL: 011-372-3311 (ext. 3353), FAX: 011-373-2903
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