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令和6年度冬期注意喚起等広報(ラジオ放送)業務 令和6年度冬期注意喚起等広報(ラジオ放送)業務 入 札 公 告次のとおり一般競争入札に付します。令和6年10月15日分任支出負担行為担当官北陸地方整備局金沢河川国道事務所長 五十川 泰史1 競争入札に... Public relations (radio broadcasting) work to warn of winter caution in FY2024 Public relations (radio broadcasting) work to warn of winter caution in FY2024 Bidding announcement The following will be put up for public competitive bidding. October 15, 2024 Sub-contracted expenditure and burdening officer Director of Kanazawa River and National Highway Office, Hokuriku Regional Development Bureau Yasushi Isogawa 1 Competitive bidding...

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令和6年度冬期注意喚起等広報(ラジオ放送)業務 令和6年度冬期注意喚起等広報(ラジオ放送)業務 入 札 公 告次のとおり一般競争入札に付します。令和6年10月15日分任支出負担行為担当官北陸地方整備局金沢河川国道事務所長 五十川 泰史1 競争入札に... 国土交通省北陸地方整備局金沢河川国道事務所  石川県金沢市 入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 令和6年度冬期注意喚起等広報(ラジオ放送)業務 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 15 日 組織 石川県金沢市 取得日 2024 年 10 月 15 日 19:06:34 公告内容 入 札 公 告次のとおり一般競争入札に付します。令和6年10月15日分任支出負担行為担当官北陸地方整備局金沢河川国道事務所長 五十川 泰史1 競争入札に付する事項(1)件 名令和6年度冬期注意喚起等広報(ラジオ放送)業務(電子入札対象案件)(2)調達の概要等本案件は、冬期における道路利用についてラジオ放送を通じ、地域住民及び道路利用者に幅広く周知することを目的に行うものである。(3)履行期間契約締結の翌日から令和7年3月21日まで(4)履行場所AM北陸放送及びFM石川(5)入札方法落札決定に当たっては、入札書に記載された金額に消費税及び地方消費税の税率を乗じて得た額を加算した金額(当該金額に1円未満の端数があるときは、その端数金額を切り捨てた金額)をもって落札価格とするので、入札者は、消費税及び地方消費税に係る課税事業者であるか免税事業者であるかを問わず、見積もった契約希望金額から、当該金額に係る消費税及び地方消費税に相当する額を減じた金額を入札書に記載すること。入札回数は原則2回を限度とする。なお、当該入札回数までに落札者が決定しない場合は、原則として予算決算及び会計令(昭和22年勅令第165号)第99条の2の規定に基づく随意契約には移行しない。(6)電子調達システムの利用① 本案件は、競争参加資格確認申請書及び必要な証明書等(以下「申請書等」という。)の提出及び入札を電子調達システムで行う対象案件である。なお、電子調達システムの環境設定については、3(3)②のURLより行うこと。また、電子調達システムによりがたい場合は、紙入札方式参加願を提出するものとする。② 電子調達システムで使用できる電子証明書(ICカード又はファイル形式)は、資格審査結果通知書(全省庁統一資格)に記載されている者又は入札・見積権限について期間委任若しくは都度委任により委任を受けた者の電子証明書に限る。2 競争参加資格(1)予算決算及び会計令第70条及び第71条の規定に該当しない者であること。(2)令和4・5・6年度国土交通省競争参加資格(全省庁統一資格)「役務の提供等」のC又はD等級に格付けされた東海・北陸地域の競争参加資格を有する者のうち、「広告・宣伝」を営業品目としている者であること。ただし、有資格者が「会社更生法(平成14年法律第154号)に基づく更生手続開始の決定を受けた者」又は「民事再生法(平成11年法律第225号)に基づく再生手続開始の決定を受けた者」に該当した場合は、次に掲げる書類を提出していること。① 更生手続開始決定書又は再生手続開始決定書(写しでも可)② 許可決定に伴い定款、役員等に変更があった場合には、それを証明する書類の写し③ 上記②に伴う競争参加資格審査申請書変更届(3)会社更生法に基づき更生手続開始の申立てがなされている者又は民事再生法に基づき再生手続き開始の申立てがなされている者でないこと。(上記書類を提出している者を除く。)(4)申請書等の提出期限の日から開札の時までの期間に、北陸地方整備局長から指名停止を受けていないこと。(5)電子調達システムによる場合は、電子証明書を取得していること。(6)警察当局から、暴力団員が実質的に経営を支配する者又はこれに準ずるものとして、国土交通省が発注する業務等からの排除要請があり、当該状態が継続している者でないこと。(7)入札説明書の交付を直接受けた者であること。※ 交付を直接受けた者とは、以下のとおりとする。・電子調達システムから交付を受けた者・当局からCD-R等の記録媒体又は郵送により交付を受けた者3 入札手続等(1)契約条項を示す場所及び問い合わせ先〒920-8648石川県金沢市西念4丁目23番5号国土交通省北陸地方整備局 金沢河川国道事務所経理課契約係電 話 :076-264-8853 (内線 226)(2)入札説明書等の交付期間、場所及び方法等① 交付期間令和6年10月15日(火)から令和6年10月25日(金)までの土曜日、日曜日及び祝日を除く毎日9時00分から17時00分まで。② 交付場所及び方法電子調達システムにより交付する。ただし、電子調達システムから交付を受けることが出来ない場合は、CD-R等の記録媒体(USBメモリ等のディスク以外の記録媒体は不可)を持参のうえ、3(1)に備付の交付専用パソコンから、電子データを保存し、交付を受けること。なお、郵送希望者はCD-R等の記録媒体を返送用の封筒(切手添付)とともに3(1)宛てに送付すること。(3)申請書等の提出について① 提出期限:令和6年10月25日(金)17時00分② 提出場所:(a) 電子入札の場合・・・電子調達システム( https://www.p-portal.go.jp/pps-web-biz/ )(b) 紙入札方式の場合・・3(1)に同じ③ 提出方法:(a) 電子入札の場合・・・電子調達システムより提出すること。(b) 紙入札方式の場合・・持参又は郵送にて提出すること。ただし、押印を省略した申請書等については、電子メールによる提出を認める。なお、押印を省略する場合は、「責任者及び担当者」の氏名及び連絡先を申請書等に必ず記載し、送信後、着信確認を実施すること。詳細は入札説明書による。(4)入札書の提出について① 提出期限:令和6年11月6日(水)17時00分② 提出場所:(a) 電子入札の場合・・・3(3)②(a)に同じ(b) 紙入札方式の場合・・3(3)②(b)に同じ③ 提出方法:(a) 電子入札の場合・・・電子調達システムより提出すること。(b) 紙入札方式の場合・・持参又は郵送にて提出すること。※ 押印を省略した入札書であっても電子メール、FAXによる提出は認めない。詳細は入札説明書による。(5)開札の日時及び場所① 開札日時:令和6年11月7日(木)9時00分② 開札場所:国土交通省北陸地方整備局 金沢河川国道事務所 入札室4 その他(1)契約手続において使用する言語及び通貨日本語及び日本国通貨に限る。(2)入札保証金及び契約保証金免除(3)入札者に要求される事項① 電子調達システムから入札説明書の交付を受ける場合、必要事項を正確に入力するとともに、『ダウンロードした案件について訂正・取消が行われた際に更新通知メールの配信を希望する』と記載されている箇所のチェックボックスに、必ずチェックを付けなければならない。チェックを付けることを怠った場合や、メールアドレスの記載に誤りがあると、仕様書の訂正や質問に対する回答等で資料の追加等が生じた際に、更新通知メールが届かないこととなる。その場合は競争参加資格「無」若しくは入札無効となるので注意されたい。 ② 申請書等の提出から開札日の前日までの間において、必要な申請書等の内容に関する分任支出負担行為担当官からの照会があった場合には、説明しなければならない。(4)入札の無効記名を欠く入札(押印を省略する場合、「本件責任者及び担当者」の氏名・連絡先の記載がない入札)等、北陸地方整備局競争契約入札心得第6条第1項各号に該当する入札並びに入札者に求められる義務を履行しなかった者又は電子調達システムを利用するための電子証明書を不正に使用した者の行った入札は無効とする。(5)契約書作成の要否要(6)落札者の決定方法予算決算及び会計令第79条の規定に基づいて作成された予定価格の制限の範囲内で最低価格をもって有効な入札を行った者を落札者とする。ただし、落札者となるべき者の入札価格によっては、その者により当該契約の内容に適合した履行がなされないおそれがあると認められるとき、又はその者と契約を締結することが公正な取引の秩序を乱すこととなるおそれがあって著しく不適当であると認められるときは、予定価格の制限の範囲内の価格をもって入札した他の者のうち最低価格をもって入札した者を落札者とすることがある。(7)手続きにおける交渉の有無無(8)詳細は入札説明書による。以 上 Public relations (radio broadcasting) work to warn of winter cautions, etc. in fiscal year 2024 Public relations (radio broadcasting) work to warn of winter cautions, etc. in fiscal year 2024 Bidding announcement The following will be put up for public competitive bidding. October 15, 2024 Delegated expenditure and burdening officer Director of Kanazawa River and National Highway Office, Hokuriku Regional Development Bureau Yasushi Isogawa 1 Competitive bidding... Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Hokuriku Regional Development Bureau Kanazawa River and National Highway Office Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture Bidding information is as follows. Subject Public relations (radio broadcasting) work to warn of winter cautions, etc. in fiscal year 2024 Date of announcement or update October 15, 2024 Organization Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture Date of acquisition October 15, 2024 19:06:34 Announcement content Bidding announcement The following will be put up for public competitive bidding. October 15, 2024 Delegated Expenditure and Burdening Officer Yasushi Isogawa, Director, Kanazawa River and National Highway Office, Hokuriku Regional Development Bureau 1. Items to be put up for competitive bidding (1) Name of project: FY2024 winter awareness public relations (radio broadcasting) services (project eligible for electronic bidding) (2) Procurement details, etc. The purpose of this project is to widely inform local residents and road users about road use in the winter through radio broadcasting. (3)Performance periodFrom the day after the contract is concluded to March 21, 2025(4)Performance locationAM Hokuriku Broadcasting and FM Ishikawa(5)Bidding methodWhen deciding on the successful bid, the successful bid price will be the amount obtained by multiplying the amount stated in the bid document by the tax rate of the consumption tax and local consumption tax (if the amount has a fraction of less than 1 yen, the fractional amount will be rounded down). Therefore, regardless of whether the bidder is a taxable business entity or a tax-exempt business entity with respect to the consumption tax and local consumption tax, the bidder must state in the bid document the amount obtained by subtracting the amount equivalent to the consumption tax and local consumption tax from the estimated desired contract amount. In principle, the number of bids is limited to two. In addition, if the successful bidder is not decided within the number of bids, the contract will not be transferred to a discretionary contract based on the provisions of Article 99-2 of the Budget, Accounting and Auditing Act (Imperial Ordinance No. 165 of 1947). (6) Use of the electronic procurement system ① This project is a project for which the submission of the application form for confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bidding and the necessary certificates, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the "application form, etc.") and the bidding will be conducted through the electronic procurement system. The environment for the electronic procurement system should be set up through the URL in 3(3)②. If it is difficult to use the electronic procurement system, a paper bidding application should be submitted. ② The electronic certificates (IC card or file format) that can be used with the electronic procurement system are limited to those of persons listed in the notification of the qualification examination result (unified qualification for all ministries and agencies) or persons who have been delegated the authority to bid and estimate by term delegation or occasional delegation. 2 Eligibility to participate in the bidding (1) The person does not fall under the provisions of Articles 70 and 71 of the Budget, Accounting and Auditing Act. (2) The person is a person who is qualified to participate in the bidding in the Tokai and Hokuriku regions and is rated C or D in the "provision of services, etc." of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's qualification to participate in the bidding (unified qualification for all ministries and agencies) for fiscal years 2022, 2023 and 2024, and whose business item is "advertising and publicity." However, if the eligible person falls under the category of "a person who has received a decision to commence reorganization proceedings under the Corporate Reorganization Act (Act No. 154 of 2002)" or "a person who has received a decision to commence rehabilitation proceedings under the Civil Rehabilitation Act (Act No. 225 of 1999)", the following documents must be submitted. 1) Written decision to commence reorganization proceedings or written decision to commence rehabilitation proceedings (a copy is acceptable) 2) If there have been any changes to the articles of incorporation, officers, etc. as a result of the approval decision, a copy of the document certifying such changes 3) Notification of changes to the application for eligibility review associated with the above 2 (3) The eligible person is not a person against whom a petition for commencement of reorganization proceedings has been filed under the Corporate Reorganization Act or a petition for commencement of rehabilitation proceedings has been filed under the Civil Rehabilitation Act (excluding those who have submitted the above documents) (4) The eligible person has not been suspended from bidding by the Director-General of the Hokuriku Regional Development Bureau during the period from the deadline for submission of applications, etc. to the time of opening of bids. (5) In the case of using an electronic procurement system, an electronic certificate must be obtained. (6) The applicant is not a person who has been requested by the police authorities to be excluded from business activities ordered by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism as a person whose management is substantially controlled by a member of an organized crime group or a person equivalent thereto, and who continues to be in this state. (7) The applicant is a person who has directly received the bidding instructions. * Persons who have directly received the instructions are as follows:・Those who have received it from the electronic procurement system ・Those who have received it from the authorities by recording medium such as CD-R or by mail 3 Bidding procedures, etc. (1) Location and contact information for indicating the contract terms 23-5 Nishinen 4-chome, Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, 920-8648, Japan Contract Section, Accounting Division, Kanazawa River and National Highway Office, Hokuriku Regional Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Telephone: 076-264-8853 (ext. 226) (2) Period, place and method of delivery of bidding instructions, etc. ① Delivery period From Tuesday, October 15, 2024 to Friday, October 25, 2024, from 9:00 to 17:00 every day except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. ② Delivery place and method They will be delivered via the electronic procurement system. However, if you are unable to receive the document through the electronic procurement system, you must bring a recording medium such as a CD-R (recording media other than disks such as USB memory are not acceptable) and save the electronic data from the computer dedicated to delivery provided in 3(1) to receive the document. Those who wish to receive the document by mail must send a recording medium such as a CD-R along with a return envelope (with postage attached) to 3(1). (3) Submission of application forms, etc. ① Submission deadline: 17:00, Friday, October 25, 2024 ② Place of submission: (a) In the case of electronic bidding... Electronic Procurement System ( https://www.p-portal.go.jp/pps-web-biz/ )(b) In the case of paper bidding: Same as 3(1)③ Method of submission: (a) In the case of electronic bidding: Submit via the electronic procurement system. (b) In the case of paper bidding: Submit in person or by mail. However, applications and other documents that do not require a seal may be submitted by email. If a seal is omitted, the name and contact information of the "responsible person and person in charge" must be written on the application and other documents, and a receipt confirmation must be made after sending. For details, see the bidding instructions. (4) Submission of bid documents① Deadline for submission: Wednesday, November 6, 2024, 5:00 p.m.② Place of submission: (a) In the case of electronic bidding: Same as 3(3)②(a)(b) In the case of paper bidding: Same as 3(3)②(b)③ Method of submission: (a) In the case of electronic bidding: Submit via the electronic procurement system. (b) In the case of paper bidding: Submit in person or by mail. ※ Even if the bid document does not have a seal, submission by e-mail or fax is not permitted. For details, see the bidding instructions. (5) Date and time of bid opening① Date and time of bid opening: 9:00 a.m. Thursday, November 7, 2024② Place of bid opening: Bid Room 4, Kanazawa River and National Highway Office, Hokuriku Regional Development Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Other (1) Language and currency used in the contract procedure Japanese and Japanese currency only. (2) Exemption from bid security and contract security (3) Requirements for bidders① If you receive the bidding instructions from the electronic procurement system, you must enter the necessary information accurately and be sure to check the box that says, "I would like to receive an update notification email when the downloaded project is corrected or canceled." If you fail to check the box or there is an error in the email address, you will not receive an update notification email when documents are added to the specifications or responses to questions. Please note that in this case, you will be deemed ineligible to participate in the competition or your bid will be invalid. ② If there is an inquiry from the Delegated Expenditure and Burdening Officer regarding the contents of the necessary application documents between the submission of the application documents and the day before the opening of the bids, an explanation must be given. (4) Invalidation of bids Bids that fall under any of the items of Article 6, Paragraph 1 of the Hokuriku Regional Development Bureau Competitive Contract Bidding Guidelines, such as bids without a signature (in cases where a seal is omitted, bids that do not include the name and contact information of the "person in charge and person in charge"), as well as bids made by those who have not fulfilled the obligations required of bidders or those who have fraudulently used electronic certificates to use the electronic procurement system, will be invalid. (5) Whether or not a contract needs to be prepared Yes (6) Method of determining the successful bidder The successful bidder will be the one who submitted the lowest valid bid within the limit of the estimated price prepared based on the provisions of Article 79 of the Budget Accounting and Auditing Act. However, if it is deemed that the bid price of the potential successful bidder may result in the bidder not fulfilling the contract in accordance with its contents, or if it is deemed that entering into a contract with that person is likely to disrupt the order of fair trade and is extremely inappropriate, the successful bidder may be the bidder who submitted the lowest bid within the limit of the estimated price. (7) Whether or not negotiations will take place during the procedure (8) For details, see the bidding instructions. End
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