Tender Details

特別支援学校通学用スクールバス運行業務(教育委員会) 特別支援学校通学用スクールバス運行業務(教育委員会) 令和7年度からの特別支援学校通学用スクールバスコース等一覧バスの型式リフト又はスロープ車内カメラ安全装置登校 16.3km下校 16.4km登校 ... School bus operation for special needs schools (Board of Education) School bus operation for special needs schools (Board of Education) List of school bus routes for special needs schools from 2025 Bus type Lift or ramp In-vehicle camera Safety device 16.3km to school 16.4km to school ...

Published Date
Deadline Date
特別支援学校通学用スクールバス運行業務(教育委員会) 特別支援学校通学用スクールバス運行業務(教育委員会) 令和7年度からの特別支援学校通学用スクールバスコース等一覧バスの型式リフト又はスロープ車内カメラ安全装置登校 16.3km下校 16.4km登校 ... 広島県   入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 特別支援学校通学用スクールバス運行業務(教育委員会) 入札区分 一般競争入札 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 3 日 組織 広島県 取得日 2024 年 10 月 3 日 19:07:27 (2) 公告(写し) (PDFファイル)(206KB)(3) 関係様式 (その他のファイル)(126KB) 公告内容 令和7年度からの特別支援学校通学用スクールバスコース等一覧バスの型式リフト又はスロープ車内カメラ安全装置登校 16.3km下校 16.4km登校 17.7km下校 17.5km登校 15km下校 15km登校 17.2km下校 17.2km登校 43.3km下校 43.3km登校 21.9km下校 21.9km登校 13.1km下校 13.7km登校 17.8km下校 17.8km登校 11.2km下校 11.2km車体・主な装備必要中型中型呉特別支援学校 呉市焼山北三丁目22-1中型 不要 必要中型 必要 必要コース番号学校名 学校所在地 コース名キロ数(始点~学校)701 宮島街道 大型 必要709東広島市黒瀬町乃美尾10025-1呉南特別支援学校広呉市内宮原703704必要必要必要必要中型中型中型中型不要不要必要 必要必要702705706707708必要必要必要必要廿日市特別支援学校 廿日市市宮内10877-2呉市阿賀中央五丁目13-71美鈴が丘八本松安浦府中瀬野川黒瀬特別支援学校必要必要必要必要必要必要必要必要 次のとおり一般競争入札に付すこととしたので、地方公共団体の物品等又は特定役務の調達手続の特例を定める政令(平成7年政令第372号)第6条の規定によって公告する。令和6年10月3日広島県教育委員会教育長 篠 田 智 志教一般6第11号1 調達内容(1) 業務名特別支援学校通学用スクールバス運行業務(2) 業務の仕様等入札説明書及び仕様書による。(3) 履行期間令和7年4月1日から令和12年3月31日まで(地方自治法(昭和22年法律第67号)第234条の3の規定に基づく長期継続契約)(4) 履行場所入札説明書及び仕様書による。(5) 入札方法コースごとに1日当たりの単価で入札に付する。(6) 入札書の記載方法等落札決定に当たっては、入札書に記載された金額に当該金額の10パーセントに相当する金額を加算した金額(10パーセントを加算した結果1円未満の端数が生じた場合は、その端数を切り捨てるものとする。)をもって落札価格とするので、入札者は、消費税及び地方消費税に係る課税事業者であるか免税事業者であるかを問わず、契約しようとする希望金額の110分の100に相当する金額を入札書に記載すること。2 入札参加資格(1) 地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号。以下「施行令」という。)第167条の4の規定のいずれにも該当しない者であること。(2) 令和3年広島県告示第670号(令和4年から令和6年までの間において県が行う物品及び役務を調達するための競争入札に参加する者に必要な資格等。以下「資格告示」という。)によって「57B旅客運送」の資格を認定されている者であること。(3) 本件調達の公告日から開札日までの間のいずれの日においても、広島県の指名除外を受けていない者であること。(4) 本件調達の公告日から開札日までの間のいずれの日においても、低入札価格調査制度事務処理要領第11項に定める他入札への参加禁止措置の対象となっている者でないこと。3 入札参加資格審査の申請手続(1) 本件の一般競争入札への参加を希望する者(以下「入札参加希望者」という。)で上記2(2)の資格を有しない者は、資格告示に基づき申請手続を行うこと。(2) 申請期間令和6年10月3日(木)から令和6年10月18日(金)まで(土曜日、日曜日及び国民の祝日に関する法律(昭和23年法律第178号)に規定する休日(以下「休日」という。)を除く。)の午前9時から午後5時までの間、随時受け付ける。(3) 申請書等の作成に用いる言語等申請書、決算書及び委任状は、日本語で作成すること。なお、その他の書類で外国語で記載のものは、日本語の訳文を付記又は添付するものとする。また、申請書及び添付書類のうち、金額欄については、日本国通貨をもって記載すること。外国通貨をもって金額を算出しているときは、出納官吏事務規程(昭和22年大蔵省令第95号)第16条に規定する外国貨幣換算率により日本国通貨に換算して記載するものとする。(4) 申請書の入手先、提出場所及び申請に関する問合せ先〒730-8511 広島市中区基町10番52号広島県会計管理部契約・調達管理課(広島県庁舎南館1階)電話 (082)513-2315(ダイヤルイン)4 入札手続等(1) 入札説明書及び仕様書等の交付場所、交付期間及び入手方法ア 交付場所〒730-8514 広島市中区基町9番42号広島県教育委員会事務局学びの変革推進部特別支援教育課(広島県庁舎東館6階)電話 (082)513-4981(ダイヤルイン)イ 交付期間令和6年10月3日(木)から令和6年10月18日(金)まで(土曜日、日曜日及び休日を除く。)の午前9時から午後5時までの間、随時交付する。ウ 入手方法上記アの場所で直接受け取る、又は郵送により請求すること。ただし、郵送による請求の場合は、上記イの期間内に必着することとし、返信用の封筒及び切手を同封すること。(2) 入札参加資格の確認ア 入札参加希望者は、入札説明書に明記されている入札参加資格確認申請書に、誓約書のほか必要な添付書類(以下「入札参加資格確認申請書等」という。)を提出し、入札参加資格の確認を受けなければならない。確認の結果、入札参加資格に適合するとされた者に限り入札の対象とする。イ 提出先上記(1)アの場所ウ 提出期限令和6年10月18日(金) 午後5時エ 提出方法持参、郵送等(書留郵便又は民間事業者による信書の送達に関する法律(平成14年法律第99号)第2条第6項に規定する一般信書便事業者若しくは同条第9項に規定する特定信書便事業者の提供する同条第2項に規定する信書便の役務のうちこれらに準ずるものに限る。以下同じ。)又は電子メールによる。ただし、郵送等又は電子メールによる場合は、上記ウの期限までに必着することとする。オ 入札参加資格の確認結果の通知令和6年10月25日(金)までに通知する。(3) 入札書の提出先、提出期限及び提出方法ア 提出先上記(1)アの場所イ 提出期限令和6年11月19日(火) 午後5時ウ 提出方法持参又は郵送等による。ただし、郵送等による場合は、上記イの期限までに必着することとする。(4) 開札の日時及び場所ア 日時令和6年11月20日(水) 午後3時30分イ 場所広島市中区基町9番42号広島県庁舎東館4階 教育委員会室5 落札者の決定方法(1) コースごとに、広島県契約規則(昭和39年広島県規則第32号)第19条の規定により定められた予定価格の制限の範囲内で最低の価格をもって入札をした者を落札者とする。(2) 開札の結果、落札となるべき同価の入札をした者が2人以上あるときは、施行令第167条の9の規定により、その場で直ちに、当該入札者にくじを引かせて落札者を決定する。当該入札者のうちくじを引かない者(開札に立ち会っていない者を含む。)があるときは、これに代えて、当該入札事務に関係のない職員にくじを引かせるものとする。6 その他(1) 契約手続において使用する言語及び通貨日本語及び日本国通貨(2) 入札保証金及び契約保証金ア 入札保証金免除イ 契約保証金(ア) 県と締結した委託・役務業務契約を平成19年10月1日以降に解除され、その後、当該契約解除の要因となった契約種目の資格を入札参加資格要件とする県との契約を締結し、誠実に履行した実績がない者(ただし、契約解除の要因となった契約種目は、「57B旅客運送」の資格に限る。)契約金額の100分の10以上の額を納付。ただし、金融機関の保証をもって契約保証金の納付に代えることができる。また、県を被保険者とする履行保証保険契約又は県を債権者とする履行保証契約を締結した場合は、契約保証金の納付を免除する。(イ) 上記(ア)以外の者免除(3) 入札者に求められる義務上記4(2)オにより、入札参加資格に適合するとされた者は、封印した入札書を提出期限までに提出しなければならない。 入札者は、契約を担当する職員から入札参加資格確認申請書等について説明を求められた場合は、自己の費用負担のもとでこれに応じなければならない。また、入札書に記載する運行に係る経費の金額は、「一般貸切旅客自動車運送事業の運賃・料金の変更命令について(平成12年1月5日付け中国運輸局公示第3号)」による道路運送法(昭和26年法律第183号)第9条の2第2項に該当するか否かの審査の結果、運賃・料金を変更すべきことを命じられるおそれがあるものであってはならない。(4) 入札の無効本公告に示した入札参加資格のない者による入札、入札に際しての注意事項に違反した入札、入札者に求められる義務を履行しなかった者による入札その他広島県契約規則第21条各号に該当する入札は、無効とする。(5) 契約書作成の要否要(6) 手続における交渉の有無無(7) 調査協力入札者は、落札者となった場合において、契約を担当する職員から入札額に係る経費内訳書(一般競争入札事務処理要領別記様式第4号の2の書式による)の提出を求められたとき及び別記様式第4号の3(労働関係法令等の遵守義務に係る確認調査票)による調査が実施されたとき(再委託を行う場合は再委託先を含む。)は、自己の費用負担のもとでこれに応じなければならない。(8) その他入札説明書による。7 問合せ先〒730-8514 広島市中区基町9番42号広島県教育委員会事務局学びの変革推進部特別支援教育課(広島県庁舎東館6階)電話 (082)513‐4981(ダイヤルイン) ファクシミリ (082)223‐6341メールアドレス tokushikyouiku@pref.hiroshima.lg.jp8 Summary(1) Nature and quantity of the service to be required: Operating of the schoolbus for Special Support School studentsOperation course of the school bus is noted in the bid explanation form(2) Fulfillment period: From 1 April 2025 through 31 March 2030(A long-termcontinuing contract based on the regulations, Article 234-3 of the LocalGovernment Act)(3) Fulfillment place: noted in the bid explanation form(4) Time-limit for the submission of application forms and relevant documentsfor the qualification: 5:00 pm 18 October 2024(5) Time-limit for tender: 5:00 pm 19 November 2024(6) Contact point for the notice: Special Support Education Division, LearningInnovation Promotion Department, Hiroshima Prefectual Board of EducationSecretariat9-42 Motomachi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City 730-8514 JapanTEL 082-513-4981(direct dialing) FAX 082-223-6341E-mail address tokushikyouiku@pref.hiroshima.lg.jp Operating school buses for special needs schools (Board of Education) Operating school buses for special needs schools (Board of Education) List of school bus routes for special needs schools from 2025 Bus type Lift or ramp In-vehicle camera Safety device Arriving at school: 16.3km Returning from school: 16.4km Arriving at school... Hiroshima Prefecture Bidding information is as follows. Subject School bus operation for special needs schools (Board of Education) Bidding category Open competitive bidding Date of announcement or update October 3, 2024 Organization Hiroshima Prefecture Date of acquisition October 3, 2024 19:07:27 (2) Announcement (copy) (PDF file) (206KB) (3) Related forms (other files) (126KB) Announcement contents List of school bus routes for special needs schools from 2025 Bus type Lift or ramp In-vehicle camera Safety device Arriving at school 16.3km Returning home 16.4km Arriving at school 17.7km Returning home 17.5km Arriving at school 15km Returning home 15km Arriving at school 17.2km Returning home 17.2km Arriving at school 43.3km Returning home 43.3km Arriving at school 21.9km Returning home 21.9km 13.1km home from school 13.7km to school 17.8km home from school 17.8km to school 11.2km home from school 11.2kmVehicle and main equipmentRequiredMediumMediumKure Special Needs School 22-1 Yakiyamakita 3-chome, Kure CityMediumNot requiredRequiredMediumRequiredRequiredCourse numberSchool nameSchool locationCourse nameKilometers (starting point to school)701 Miyajima KaidoLarge Required70910025-1 Nomio, Kurose-cho, Higashihiroshima CityKure Minami Special Needs School703 Miyahara, Hirokure City704RequiredRequiredRequiredMediumMediumMediumMediumNot requiredNot requiredRequiredRequired702705706707708RequiredRequiredRequiredHatsukaichi Special Needs School 10877-2 Miyauchi, Hatsukaichi City13-71 Agachuo 5-chome, Kure CityMisuzugaokaYabonmatsuYasuuraFuchuSenogawaKurose Special Needs SchoolRequiredRequiredRequiredRequiredRequired The following will be put up for public competitive bidding, and this is announced pursuant to Article 6 of the Cabinet Order on Special Provisions for Procurement Procedures for Goods, etc. or Specific Services of Local Governments (Cabinet Order No. 372 of 1995). October 3, 2024 Superintendent of Education, Hiroshima Prefectural Board of Education Satoshi Shinoda Shikyo General 6 No. 11 1. Procurement Details (1) Name of Business Operation of school buses for commuting to special needs schools (2) Service Specifications, etc. As per the bidding instructions and specifications. (3) Performance Period From April 1, 2025 to March 31, 2020 (long-term continuing contract based on the provisions of Article 234-3 of the Local Autonomy Act (Act No. 67 of 1947)) (4) Place of Performance As per the bidding instructions and specifications. (5) Bidding Method The contract will be put up for bidding at the daily unit price for each course. (6) How to fill out the bid document, etc. When determining the successful bidder, the successful bid price shall be the amount stated in the bid document plus 10% of said amount (if the addition of 10% results in a fraction less than 1 yen, the fraction shall be rounded down). Therefore, regardless of whether the bidder is a taxable business or a tax-exempt business with respect to consumption tax and local consumption tax, the bidder must state in the bid document an amount equivalent to 110/100 of the desired contract price. 2. Qualifications for participating in the bid (1) A person who does not fall under any of the provisions of Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947; hereinafter referred to as the "Enforcement Order"). (2) A person who has been certified as qualified for "57B Passenger Transportation" under Hiroshima Prefectural Notification No. 670 of 2021 (Qualifications, etc. required for persons participating in competitive bidding for the procurement of goods and services conducted by the prefecture from 2022 to 2024; hereinafter referred to as the "Qualifications Notification"). (3) The applicant must not have been excluded from the selection list by Hiroshima Prefecture on any of the days between the date of the public announcement of this procurement and the date of the opening of bids. (4) The applicant must not have been subject to the prohibition against participation in other bids as stipulated in Article 11 of the Low Bid Price Investigation System Administrative Procedures on any of the days between the date of the public announcement of this procurement and the date of the opening of bids. 3 Application Procedures for Bidding Eligibility Review (1) Bidders who wish to participate in the open competitive bidding for this procurement (hereinafter referred to as "Bidders") and do not have the qualifications set forth in 2(2) above must apply in accordance with the Qualifications Public Notice. (2) Application Period Applications will be accepted at any time between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 3, 2024 to Friday, October 18, 2024 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays (hereinafter referred to as "holidays") as stipulated in the National Holidays Act (Act No. 178 of 1948). (3) Language, etc. to be used in preparing the application form, etc. Application forms, financial statements, and power of attorney must be prepared in Japanese. For other documents written in a foreign language, a Japanese translation must be added or attached. Furthermore, the amount column of the application form and attached documents must be written in Japanese currency. If the amount is calculated in a foreign currency, it must be converted into Japanese currency using the foreign currency conversion rate stipulated in Article 16 of the Accounting Officials' Duties Regulations (Ministry of Finance Ordinance No. 95 of 1947). (4) Where to obtain application forms, where to submit them, and contact information for applications: Contract and Procurement Management Division, Accounting Management Department, Hiroshima Prefecture, 10-52 Motomachi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture, 730-8511 (1st floor, South Wing, Hiroshima Prefectural Office), Tel: (082) 513-2315 (online) 4. Bidding procedures, etc. (1) Place of issue, period of issue, and method of obtaining bidding instructions and specifications, etc. A. Place of issue: Special Needs Education Division, Learning Transformation Promotion Department, Secretariat of Hiroshima Prefectural Board of Education, 9-42 Motomachi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture, 730-8514 (6th floor, East Wing, Hiroshima Prefectural Office), Tel: (082) 513-4981 (online) B. Period of issue: The documents will be issued at any time between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. from Thursday, October 3, 2024 to Friday, October 18, 2024 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays). C. Method of obtaining: Receive them directly at the location in A above, or request them by mail. However, if a request is made by mail, it must arrive within the period specified in (i) above and a reply envelope and postage stamp must be enclosed. (2) Confirmation of eligibility to participate in bids (a) Bidders wishing to participate in bids must submit the application form for confirmation of eligibility to participate in bids specified in the bidding instructions, along with the letter of pledge and any necessary supporting documents (hereinafter referred to as the "application form for confirmation of eligibility to participate in bids, etc.") and have their eligibility to participate in bids confirmed. Only those who are found to meet the eligibility requirements as a result of the confirmation will be eligible to bid. (b) Where to submit: The location specified in (1) (a) above (c) Deadline for submission: Friday, October 18, 2024, 5:00 p.m. (d) Method of submission: By hand, by mail, etc. (limited to registered mail or equivalent services of mail delivery as specified in Article 2, Paragraph 2 of the Law Concerning Delivery of Letters by Private Business Operators (Law No. 99 of 2002) provided by general mail delivery service providers as specified in Article 2, Paragraph 6 or specific mail delivery service providers as specified in Article 2, Paragraph 9 of the same Law; the same applies below), or by email. However, if submitted by mail, etc. or e-mail, it must arrive by the deadline in C above. E Notification of confirmation results of eligibility to participate in bids Notification will be made by Friday, October 25, 2024. (3) Place to submit bids, deadline and method of submission A Place to submit: Place as specified in A above (1) B Deadline for submission: Tuesday, November 19, 2024, 5:00 p.m. C Method of submission: By hand or by mail, etc. However, if submitted by mail, etc., it must arrive by the deadline in C above. (4) Date and time and place of bid opening A Date and time: Wednesday, November 20, 2024, 3:30 p.m. B Place: Room 5, Board of Education, 4th floor, East Wing of Hiroshima Prefectural Office, 9-42 Motomachi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City Method of determining successful bidder (1) For each course, the successful bidder will be the bidder who submits the lowest bid within the estimated price limit set by the provisions of Article 19 of the Hiroshima Prefectural Contract Regulations (Hiroshima Prefectural Regulations No. 32 of 1964). (2) If, as a result of the opening of the bids, there are two or more bidders with the same bid that should be the successful bidder, the successful bidder shall be determined immediately on the spot by drawing lots in accordance with the provisions of Article 167-9 of the Enforcement Order. If any of the bidders (including those who are not present at the opening of the bids) do not want to draw lots, an official not involved in the bidding process shall instead draw lots. 6 Other (1) Language and currency used in the contract procedure Japanese and Japanese currency (2) Bid bond and contract bond A. Exemption from bid bond B. Contract bond (A)A person whose contract for commissioned services with the prefecture was terminated on or after October 1, 2007, and who has subsequently concluded a contract with the prefecture in which the qualification for the contract type that caused the termination of the contract is a requirement for bidder eligibility and has not performed the contract in good faith (however, the contract type that caused the contract termination is limited to the qualification for "57B passenger transportation"). Pay at least 10% of the contract amount. However, the contract bond may be substituted with a guarantee from a financial institution. In addition, if a performance guarantee insurance contract with the prefecture as the insured party or a performance guarantee contract with the prefecture as the creditor is concluded, the person is exempt from paying the contract bond. (ii) Exemption for persons other than (a) above (3) Obligations required of bidders A person who is determined to meet the eligibility requirements for bidders pursuant to 4(2)(e) above must submit a sealed bid document by the submission deadline. If the bidder is requested by the official in charge of the contract to explain the application for confirmation of bidder eligibility, etc., he/she must comply with the request at his/her own expense. In addition, the amount of expenses related to operation stated in the bid documents must not be such that there is a risk of being ordered to change fares and charges as a result of an examination to determine whether or not the bid falls under Article 9-2, Paragraph 2 of the Road Transportation Law (Law No. 183 of 1951) in accordance with "Orders to Change Fares and Charges for General Chartered Passenger Automobile Transportation Business (Chugoku Transport Bureau Public Notice No. 3, dated January 5, 2000)." (4) Invalidation of BidsBids made by persons who are not eligible to participate in bidding as stated in this public notice, bids that violate the notes for bidding, bids made by persons who have not fulfilled the obligations required of bidders, and other bids that fall under any of the items of Article 21 of the Hiroshima Prefecture Contract Regulations will be invalid. (5) Whether a contract needs to be prepared Yes (6) Whether negotiations will be conducted during the procedure (7) Cooperation with investigations If the successful bidder is requested by the official in charge of contracts to submit an expense breakdown for the bid amount (in the format of Annex Item 4-2 of the General Competitive Bidding Procedures) and if an investigation is conducted using Annex Item 4-3 (Confirmation questionnaire regarding compliance with labor-related laws and regulations, etc.) (including the subcontractor in case of subcontracting), the bidder must comply with such request at its own expense. (8) Other matters shall be as stated in the bidding instructions. 7. Contact Information Hiroshima Prefectural Board of Education Secretariat, Learning Transformation Promotion Department, Special Needs Education Division (6th floor, East Wing, Hiroshima Prefectural Office) 9-42 Motomachi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City, 730-8514 Japan Telephone: (082) 513-4981 (Direct line) Fax: (082) 223-6341 Email: tokushikyouiku@pref.hiroshima.lg.jp 8. Summary (1) Nature and quantity of the service to be required: Operating of the school bus for Special Support School students Operation course of the school bus is noted in the bid explanation form (2) Fulfillment period: From 1 April 2025 through 31 March 2030 (A long-term continuing contract based on the regulations, Article 234-3 of the Local Government Act) (3) Fulfillment place: noted in the bid explanation form (4) Time-limit for the submission of application forms and relevant documents for the qualification: 5:00 pm 18 October 2024(5) Time-limit for tender: 5:00 pm 19 November 2024(6) Contact point for the notice: Special Support Education Division, LearningInnovation Promotion Department, Hiroshima Prefectual Board of EducationSecretariat9-42 Motomachi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City 730-8514 JapanTEL 082-513-4981(directing dialing) FAX 082- 223-6341E-mail address tokushikyouiku@pref.hiroshima.lg.jpOperating of the schoolbus for Special Support School studentsOperation course of the school bus is noted in the bid explanation form(2) Fulfillment period: From 1 April 2025 through 31 March 2030(A long-termcontinuing contract based on the regulations, Article 234-3 of the LocalGovernment Act)(3) Fulfillment place: noted in the bid explanation form(4) Time-limit for the submission of application forms and relevant documentsfor the qualification: 5:00 pm 18 October 2024(5) Time-limit for tender : 5:00 pm 19 November 2024(6) Contact point for the notice: Special Support Education Division, LearningInnovation Promotion Department, Hiroshima Prefectual Board of EducationSecretariat9-42 Motomachi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City 730-8514 JapanTEL 082-513-4981 (direct dialing) FAX 082-223-6341E-mail address tokushikyouiku@pref.hiroshima.lg.jpOperating of the schoolbus for Special Support School studentsOperation course of the school bus is noted in the bid explanation form(2) Fulfillment period: From 1 April 2025 through 31 March 2030(A long-termcontinuing contract based on the regulations, Article 234-3 of the LocalGovernment Act)(3) Fulfillment place: noted in the bid explanation form(4) Time-limit for the submission of application forms and relevant documentsfor the qualification: 5:00 pm 18 October 2024(5) Time-limit for tender : 5:00 pm 19 November 2024(6) Contact point for the notice: Special Support Education Division, LearningInnovation Promotion Department, Hiroshima Prefectual Board of EducationSecretariat9-42 Motomachi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City 730-8514 JapanTEL 082-513-4981 (direct dialing) FAX 082-223-6341E-mail address tokushikyouiku@pref.hiroshima.lg.jp
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