Tender Details

【一般】市道沖之須26号線他配水管布設替工事 【一般】市道沖之須26号線他配水管布設替工事 入 札 公 告制限付き一般競争入札を行うので、地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号)第167条の6及び掛川市契約規則(平成17年掛川市規則第33号)第... [General] Water pipe replacement work on Okinosu 26th city road and other areas [General] Water pipe replacement work on Okinosu 26th city road and other areas We will be conducting a public competitive bidding with limited notice, so in accordance with Article 167-6 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Law (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947) and Article 167-6 of the Kakegawa City Contract Regulations (Kakegawa City Regulations No. 33 of 2005)...

Published Date
Deadline Date
【一般】市道沖之須26号線他配水管布設替工事 【一般】市道沖之須26号線他配水管布設替工事 入 札 公 告制限付き一般競争入札を行うので、地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号)第167条の6及び掛川市契約規則(平成17年掛川市規則第33号)第... 静岡県掛川市   入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 【一般】市道沖之須26号線他配水管布設替工事 種別 工事 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 16 日 組織 静岡県掛川市 取得日 2024 年 10 月 16 日 19:17:08 公告内容 入 札 公 告制限付き一般競争入札を行うので、地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号)第167条の6及び掛川市契約規則(平成17年掛川市規則第33号)第4条の規定に基づき公告する。入札執行等については、関係法令に定めるもののほか、この入札公告によるものとする。この入札は静岡県共同利用電子入札システムの「制限付き一般競争入札」により執行する。令和6年10月16日掛川市長 久保田 崇入 札 執 行 者 掛川市長 久保田 崇 入札番号 第10519号建 設 工 事 名 令和6年度 一般配水管改良事業市道沖之須26号線他配水管布設替工事施工箇 所 掛川市 沖之須 地内 工 種 管工事工 期 令和7年2月28日 予定価格 (税込) 17,743,000円方 式 電子入札案件「制限付き一般競争入札」週休2日 [週休2日推進工事]…掛川市週休2日推進工事(土木工事等)実施要領による。工事概要規 模 HPPEφ75 L=155.99mHPPEφ50 L=116.72m給水管布設 N=14箇所構造形式公告日 令和6年10月16日(水) 申請書等の提出期限日 令和6年10月22日(火)資格の認定日 令和6年10月23日(水) 開札執行日(午前11時) 令和6年10月31日(木)建設工事業者の入札参加資格要件(特記事項)掛川市における建設工事競争入札参加資格の認定を受けている者のうち、次に掲げる条件をすべて満たしていること。(1) 建設業法(昭和24年法律第100号。以下「法」という。)第3条の規定に基づく管工事に係る一般建設業又は特定建設業の許可を受けている者であり、掛川市建設工事競争入札参加者の格付基準により、管工事のB等級又はC等級に格付されている者であること。(公告日において掛川市内に本社を有する者であること。)(2) 管工事に係る経営事項審査結果(「令和5・6年度一般競争(指名競争)参加資格審査申請書(建設工事)」の提出時以降のもの)の年間平均完成工事高が予定価格以上であること。(3) 掛川市上下水道部が認定する指定給水装置工事事業者であること。(4) 法第26条の規定に基づく管工事に係る主任技術者又は監理技術者を当該工事に配置できること。(5) 管工事の許可を有しての営業年数が3年以上であること。(共通事項) (6)(1)の営業所が掛川市の入札参加資格者名簿に契約営業所として登録されている者であること。(7) 地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号)第167条の4の規定に該当しないこと。(8) 掛川市工事請負契約等入札参加停止等実施要綱に基づく入札参加停止等を受けている期間中でないこと。(9) 法第28条第3項の規定による営業停止の期間中でないこと。(10)工事の施工に対応して必要な建設業法に規定する技術者を配置できる者であること。(11)会社更生法(平成14年法律第154号)に基づき更生手続き開始の申立てがなされている者(更生手続き開始の決定を受けている者を除く)または民事再生法(平成11年法律第225号)に基づき再生手続き開始の申し立てがなされている者(再生手続き開始の決定を受けている者を除く)でないこと。配置予定技術者等の資格及び工事経験(1) 入札参加資格要件に掲げる資格[監理(主任)技術者]があることを的確に判断できる配置予定技術者の資格を有すること。(2) 工事経験は、平成21年度以降で工事が完成し引渡しが済んでいる静岡県又は県内市区町発注の同種工事(管工事)の経験があること。(3) 配置予定技術者として複数の候補技術者を記載することができる。設計図書等の閲覧及び配布閲覧場所:掛川市役所4階 行政課契約検査室契約検査係において閲覧する。配布方法:静岡県掛川市公式ホームページからダウンロードする。入札参加資格なし理由請求令和6年10月24日(木)までに書面(任意様式)を提出することにより、説明を求めることができる。入札執行方法 電子入札:令和6年10月29日(火)の午前9時から令和6年10月30日(水)の午後4時までに電子入札システムにより提出すること。紙 入 札:令和6年10月31日(木)の午前11時までに掛川市役所4階行政課入札室へ入札書等を直接持参すること。申請書類等の提出場所静岡県掛川市長谷一丁目1番地の1掛川市役所4階 行政課契約検査室契約検査係 電話番号0537-21-1133(直通)入札参加資格確認申請書及び確認資料紙入札案件の申請書等は、直接提出するものとする。電子入札案件の申請書等の提出は、原則として電送とするが、電子ファイルの容量で電送できない場合や掛川市電子入札運用基準(様式3:紙入札方式参加申請書)により発注者の承諾を得た場合は、申請書及び資料を持参することができる。紙入札方式参加申請書は“申請書等の提出期限日”の午後5時までに直接提出するものとする。申請書及び確認資料の提出は“申請書等の提出期限日”の午後5時までに静岡県共同利用電子入札システムにより提出すること。なお、添付資料のファイル名については「業者名」を必ず記入すること。また、持参による場合は“申請書等の提出期限日”の午後5時までに提出するものとする。入札参加資格確認申請書は、別紙様式第2号により作成し、(1)の同種工事の施工実績表、及び(3)の配置予定技術者等の資格・経験表、及び(4)の許可等の状況表に記載すること。(1) 同種工事の施工実績表建設工事業者の入札参加資格要件に掲げる資格があることを的確に判断できる同種工事の施工実績を記載すること。この場合、資格があると確認できる工事を複数記載できるものとする。(2) 契約書等の写し(1)の同種工事の施工実績として記載した工事に係る契約書の写し並びに施工実績を証明する設計書の写し、又は工事実績情報システム(CORINS)の工事カルテ受領書の写しを提出すること。(3) 配置予定技術者等の資格・工事経験表“配置予定技術者等の資格及び工事経験”のとおりとし、同一の技術者を重複して複数工事の配置予定の技術者とする場合においての入札参加資格の確認申請者は、他の工事を落札したことにより配置予定の技術者を配置することができなくなったときは、直ちに当該申請の取下げを行うこと。 他の工事を落札したことにより配置予定の技術者を配置することができないにもかかわらず入札した場合においては、掛川市工事請負契約等入札参加停止等実施要綱(平成19年9月1日施行)に基づく入札参加停止等を行う場合がある。(4) 許可等の状況建設業許可の状況及び建設工事の格付及び経営事項審査の結果等を記載すること。(5) その他・申請書及び確認資料の作成及び申込に係る費用は提出者の負担とする。・提出資料は、入札参加資格の確認以外に無断で使用しない。・提出期限後における申請書又は資料の差し替え及び再提出は認めない。・提出資料は、返却しない。・提出資料は、公表しない。設計図書等の閲覧及び配布仕様書、設計書、図面等の閲覧及び配布は次のとおりとする。閲覧期間は“開札執行日”までとする。配布期間は“資格の認定日”までとする。なお、配布方法の詳細については下記のとおりとする。※静岡県掛川市公式ホームページからダウンロードする。[トップページ⇒くらし・行政情報⇒産業・仕事⇒新着情報⇒“制限付き一般競争入札公告を更新しました。”]トップページURL http://www.city.kakegawa.shizuoka.jp/設計図書等に対する質問設計図書等に対する質問がある場合においては、質疑書を提出すること。質疑書を“申請書等の提出期限日”の午後5時までに電子入札システムの説明要求[入札説明書・案件内容]により提出すること。なお、持参による場合は“申請書等の提出期限日”の午後5時までに直接提出するものとする。質疑書に対する回答については、次のとおりとする。回答を“資格の認定日”までに電子入札システムに掲載する。なお、持参による場合は、前項の掲載及び“資格の認定日”までに“申請書類等の提出場所”において回答書を配布する。なお、質疑書の提出がない場合には、回答等を掲載又は配布しない。現場説明会 無し入札参加資格なし理由請求及び回答入札参加資格がないと認められた者は、入札参加資格がないと認めた理由について説明を求めることができる。書面を“入札参加資格なし理由請求日”の午後5時までに電子入札システムの説明要求[「参加資格なし」の理由請求 ]により提出すること。なお、持参による場合は“入札参加資格なし理由請求日”の午後5時までに直接提出するものとする。入札執行者は、説明を求められたときは、説明を求めた者に対し電子入札システムにより回答する。なお、持参による場合は“申請書類等の提出場所”において、説明を求めた者に対し回答書を配付する。入札執行条件 (1) 郵送による入札は認めない。(2) 代理人が入札する場合には、入札前に委任状を提出しなければならない。(3) 持参による入札に当たっては、入札参加資格があることが確認された旨の通知書及びこの工事の詳細な積算資料を入札執行場所へ持参すること。(4) 入札書に記載される入札金額の根拠となる工事費内訳書を作成し、提出しなければならない。紙による入札に当たっては、工事費内訳書を入札書とともに入札用封筒に封かんして提出しなければならない。なお、工事費内訳書を提出しない入札参加者は、当該入札に参加することができない。(5) 落札決定に当たっては、入札書に記載された金額に当該金額の100分の10に相当する額を加算した金額(当該金額に1円未満の端数があるときは、その端数金額を切り捨てた金額)をもって落札金額とするので、入札者は、消費税に係る課税事業者であるか免税事業者であるかを問わず、見積もった契約希望金額の110分の100に相当する金額を入札すること。開札 開札は、入札日時後に入札参加者又はその代理人を立ち会わせて行う。ただし、入札参加者又はその代理人が立ち会わない場合においては入札事務に関係のない市職員を立ち会わせて行う。入札の無効 本公告に示した入札に参加する者に必要な資格のない者及び虚偽の申請を行った者のした入札並びに入札説明書、入札心得において示した条件等入札に関する条件に違反した入札は、無効とする。なお、入札参加資格のある旨を承認された者であっても、確認の後に入札参加停止措置を受けて入札時点において入札参加停止期間中である者等入札時点において建設工事業者の入札参加資格要件に掲げる資格のない者のした入札は無効とする。落札者の決定方法地方自治法第234条第3項及び地方自治法施行令第167条の10第1項の規定により予定価格の範囲内で最低の価格をもって有効な入札を行った者を落札者とする。最低制限価格 採用:掛川市最低制限価格実施要領による。入札保証金 免除入札執行回数 予定価格事前公表:1回を限度とする。予定価格事後公表:2回(再度入札)を限度とする。不落随契 予算決算及び会計令(昭和22年政令第220号)第99条の2の規定により競争に付しても入札者がないとき、又は再度の入札をしても落札者がない(予定価格と最低価格との差が5%以内に限る。)ときは、予定価格の範囲内で随意契約とする。契約保証金 請負代金額が300万円以上の場合に10分の1以上の額とする。契約書の作成 請 書:請負代金額300万円未満の場合に作成する。請負契約書:請負代金額300万円以上の場合に作成する。支払条件等 前 払 金:請負代金額の10分の4以内の額とする。中間前払金:請負代金額の10分の2以内の額とする。部 分 払:請負代金額が5,000万円以上の場合は4回以内。請負代金額が2,000万円以上5,000万円未満の場合は3回以内。請負代金額が 300万円以上2,000万円未満の場合は2回以内。その他 (1) 掛川市電子入札運用基準に基づき入札に参加すること。(2) 入札参加者は、掛川市競争契約入札心得を遵守すること。(3) 落札者は、申請書に記載した配置予定技術者を当該工事の現場に配置すること。(4) 契約手続きにおいて使用する言語及び通貨は、日本語及び日本国通貨とする。(5) 申請書又は資料に虚偽の記載をした場合においては、掛川市工事請負契約等入札参加停止等実施要綱に基づく入札参加停止を行うことがある。(6) インターネットによる設計図書等の電子データが閲覧及びダウンロードできない場合には電子データが保存された媒体を借用することができる。(7) 電子入札システムに障害等やむを得ない事情がある場合には、紙入札に変更する場合があります。(8) 電子入札システム(入札参加者側)の運用時間等は、土曜日、日曜日及び祝日を除く午前9時から午後9時までとなる。(9) 掛川市役所行政課においての申請書等の受付日時は、土曜日、日曜日及び祝日を除く午前8時30分から午後5時までとする。 (10)その他詳細不明の点については、静岡県掛川市役所行政課契約検査室契約検査係 電話番号0537-21-1133(直通)に照会すること。 [General] Water distribution pipe replacement work on Okinosu City Road No. 26 and other areas [General] Water distribution pipe replacement work on Okinosu City Road No. 26 and other areas Open competitive bidding with restrictions on bid announcement will be conducted, so in accordance with Article 167-6 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Law (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947) and Kakegawa City Contract Regulations (Kakegawa City Regulations No. 33 of 2005)... Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture Bidding information is as follows. Subject: [General] Water pipe replacement work for Okinosu City Road Route 26 and other areas Type: Construction Date of announcement or update: October 16, 2024 Organization: Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture Date of acquisition: October 16, 2024 19:17:08 Announcement contents: Bidding announcement: A limited open competitive bidding will be conducted, and this announcement is made pursuant to Article 167-6 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947) and Article 4 of the Kakegawa City Contract Regulations (Kakegawa City Regulations No. 33 of 2005). In addition to those prescribed by relevant laws and regulations, bidding will be conducted in accordance with this bidding announcement. This bidding will be conducted through the "limited open competitive bidding" of the Shizuoka Prefecture Joint Use Electronic Bidding System. October 16, 2024 Mayor of Kakegawa City, Takashi Kubota Bid executor: Mayor of Kakegawa City, Takashi Kubota Bid number: No. 10519 Construction project name: General water pipe improvement project for fiscal year 2024, replacement of water pipes on Okinosu City Road No. 26 and other construction sites: Okinosu, Kakegawa City Type of work: Pipe work Construction period: February 28, 2025 Estimated price (tax included): 17,743,000 yen Method Electronic bidding project "Limited public competitive bidding" 2 days off per week [2 days off per week construction work]... According to Kakegawa City's 2 days off per week construction work (civil engineering works, etc.) implementation guidelines. Construction overview Scale HPPE φ75 L = 155.99m HPPE φ50 L = 116.72m Water supply pipe installation N = 14 locations Structure type Announcement date Wednesday, October 16, 2024 Deadline for submission of application forms, etc. Tuesday, October 22, 2024 Qualification certification date Wednesday, October 23, 2024 Bid opening date (11:00 am) Thursday, October 31, 2024 Bidding eligibility requirements for construction contractors (special notes) Those who have been certified as eligible to participate in competitive bidding for construction work in Kakegawa City must meet all of the following conditions. (1) A person who holds a license for general construction or specific construction work in accordance with Article 3 of the Construction Business Act (Act No. 100 of 1949; hereinafter referred to as the "Act") and is rated B or C for pipework according to the rating criteria for participants in competitive bidding for construction work in Kakegawa City. (A person who has his/her head office within Kakegawa City on the date of announcement.) (2) The average annual completed construction value of the results of the management review for pipework (after the submission of the "Application for Qualification Review for General Competitive Bidding (Designated Competitive Bidding) for FY2023/2024 (Construction Work)") is equal to or exceeds the estimated price. (3) A person who is a designated water supply system construction business operator certified by the Kakegawa City Waterworks and Sewerage Department. (4) Able to assign a chief engineer or supervising engineer for pipework in accordance with Article 26 of the Act to the work. (5) Having operated for more than three years with a license for pipework. (Common Items) (6) The business office in (1) is registered as a contract business office in the Kakegawa City list of persons eligible to participate in bids. (7) Not falling under the provisions of Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Law (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947). (8) Not being subject to a suspension of bids based on the Kakegawa City Guidelines for Suspension of Bidding for Construction Contracts, etc. (9) Not being subject to a business suspension based on the provisions of Article 28, Paragraph 3 of the Law. (10) A person who is able to assign engineers as specified in the Construction Business Law required for the execution of the works. (11) Not being subject to a petition for the commencement of reorganization proceedings under the Corporate Reorganization Law (Law No. 154 of 2002) (excluding those who have received a decision to commence reorganization proceedings) or a petition for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings under the Civil Rehabilitation Law (Law No. 225 of 1999) (excluding those who have received a decision to commence rehabilitation proceedings). Qualifications and construction experience of engineers to be assigned (1) The engineer to be assigned must have the qualifications set forth in the requirements for eligibility to participate in the bid [supervising (chief) engineer], which can be accurately judged as such. (2) The construction experience must be experience in similar construction (pipe work) ordered by Shizuoka Prefecture or cities, wards, and towns within the prefecture, which has been completed and handed over since fiscal year 2009. (3) Multiple candidates for engineers to be assigned may be listed. Viewing and distribution of design documents, etc. Viewing location: Kakegawa City Hall, 4th floor, Administrative Division, Contract Inspection Office, Contract Inspection Section. Distribution method: Download from the official website of Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture. Request for reasons for ineligibility to participate in the bid An explanation can be requested by submitting a written request (any format) by Thursday, October 24, 2024. Bidding method Electronic bidding: Submit via the electronic bidding system between 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, October 29, 2024 and 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 30, 2024. Paper bidding: Bid documents, etc. must be brought to the Administrative Division Bidding Room on the 4th floor of Kakegawa City Hall by 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, October 31, 2024. Place to submit application documents, etc. Administrative Division Contract Inspection Room Contract Inspection Section, 4th floor, Kakegawa City Hall, 1-1-1 Hase, Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture Telephone number: 0537-21-1133 (direct) Bid participation qualification confirmation application and confirmation documents Applications for paper bidding projects must be submitted in person. In principle, applications for electronic bidding projects must be submitted electronically, but if the capacity of the electronic file does not allow for electronic transmission or if the purchaser's consent is obtained according to the Kakegawa City Electronic Bidding Operation Standards (Form 3: Paper Bidding Participation Application), the application and documents may be brought in person. Paper bidding participation applications must be submitted in person by 5:00 p.m. on the "Application submission deadline". Applications and confirmation documents must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on the "Application submission deadline" via the Shizuoka Prefecture Joint Use Electronic Bidding System. In addition, the name of the contractor must be written in the file name of the attached documents. In addition, if submitting in person, it must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on the deadline for submitting applications, etc. The application for confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid should be prepared using Attached Form No. 2, and should include the (1) table of construction track record for similar works, the (3) table of qualifications and experience of engineers to be assigned, and the (4) table of permission status. (1) Table of construction track record for similar works: List the construction track record of similar works that can accurately determine that the contractor has the qualifications listed in the construction contractor's eligibility requirements for participating in the bid. In this case, multiple works that can be confirmed as having the qualifications may be listed. (2) Copies of contracts, etc.: Submit copies of the contracts for the works listed as the construction track record for similar works in (1), as well as copies of the design documents certifying the construction track record, or a copy of the construction chart receipt from the Construction Track Record Information System (CORINS). (3) Qualifications and construction experience table for engineers to be assigned, etc. In the case of the same engineer being assigned to multiple construction projects, the applicant for confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid shall follow the table "Qualifications and construction experience of engineers to be assigned", and shall immediately withdraw the application if the applicant is unable to assign the engineer to be assigned due to winning a bid for another construction project. If the applicant submits a bid despite being unable to assign the engineer to be assigned due to winning a bid for another construction project, the applicant may be suspended from participating in the bid based on the Kakegawa City Construction Contracts Suspension Implementation Guidelines (effective September 1, 2007). (4) Status of permits, etc. The status of the construction business permit, the construction project rating, and the results of the business review, etc. shall be described. (5) Other - The applicant shall bear the costs of preparing and submitting the application and confirmation documents. - Submitted documents shall not be used without permission except for confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid. - Substitution or resubmission of application forms or documents after the submission deadline is not permitted. - Submitted documents shall not be returned. - Submitted documents shall not be made public. Viewing and distribution of design documents, etc. Viewing and distribution of specifications, design documents, drawings, etc. shall be as follows. The viewing period shall be until the "date of bid opening." The distribution period shall be until the "date of qualification certification." Details of the distribution method shall be as follows. *Download from the official website of Kakegawa City, Shizuoka Prefecture. [Top page ⇒ Lifestyle and administrative information ⇒ Industry and work ⇒ Latest news ⇒ "Restricted public competitive bidding announcement has been updated."] Top page URL http://www.city.kakegawa.shizuoka.jp/Questions about design documents, etc. If you have any questions about design documents, etc., please submit a written question. Submit the written question by 5:00 p.m. on the "Application submission deadline" via the electronic bidding system's request for explanation [Tender explanations/item details]. If you submit the written question in person, you must submit it by 5:00 p.m. on the "Application submission deadline". Responses to the written question are as follows. The response will be posted on the electronic bidding system by the "Qualification certification date". If you submit the written question in person, the response will be posted as described in the previous paragraph and distributed at the "Application submission location" by the "Qualification certification date". If you do not submit a written question, the response will not be posted or distributed. On-site briefing session None Request for reasons for ineligibility to participate in bids and response Those who are found to be ineligible to participate in bids may request an explanation for why they were found to be ineligible to participate in bids. Submit the written question by 5:00 p.m. on the "Date of request for reasons for ineligibility to participate in bids" via the electronic bidding system's request for explanation [Request for reasons for "ineligibility to participate"]. If submitting in person, the bidder must submit the bid in person by 5:00 p.m. on the "Date of Request for Reason for Disqualification." If an explanation is requested, the bidder will respond to the person requesting the explanation via the electronic bidding system. If submitting in person, the bidder will distribute the response to the person requesting the explanation at the "place for submission of application documents, etc." Conditions for bid execution (1) Bids submitted by mail are not permitted. (2) If a representative submits a bid, a power of attorney must be submitted before submitting the bid. (3) When submitting in person, the bidder must bring to the place of bid execution a notice that the bidder has been confirmed as eligible to participate in the bid and detailed cost estimates for the work. (4) A construction cost breakdown that serves as the basis for the bid amount stated in the bid documents must be prepared and submitted. When submitting on paper, the construction cost breakdown must be submitted in a sealed bid envelope together with the bid documents. Bidders who do not submit a construction cost breakdown will not be able to participate in the bid. (5) In determining the successful bid, the successful bid amount will be the amount stated in the bid document plus 10/100 of the amount stated in the bid document (if the amount has a fraction of less than 1 yen, the fraction will be rounded down). Therefore, regardless of whether the bidder is a taxable business entity or a tax-exempt business entity, the bidder must bid an amount equivalent to 110/100 of the estimated desired contract amount. Bid opening Bid opening will be held after the date and time of the bid in the presence of the bidder or his/her agent. However, if the bidder or his/her agent is not present, a city employee not involved in the bidding process will be present. Invalidated bids Bids made by persons who do not have the necessary qualifications to participate in the bid as stated in this announcement and those who have made false applications, as well as bids that violate the conditions of the bid, such as the conditions stated in the bid instructions and bid guidelines, will be invalid. In addition, bids made by persons who have been approved as eligible to participate in the bid but who have been suspended from participating in the bid after confirmation and are still suspended from participating in the bid at the time of the bid, or who do not have the qualifications set forth in the bidder qualification requirements for construction contractors at the time of the bid, will be invalid. Method of determining successful bidder Pursuant to the provisions of Article 234, paragraph 3 of the Local Autonomy Law and Article 167-10, paragraph 1 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Law, the successful bidder will be the one who submits a valid bid with the lowest price within the estimated price range. Minimum limit price Adoption: According to Kakegawa City's minimum limit price implementation guidelines. Bid bond Number of bids exempt from bids Pre-announcement of estimated price: Limited to once Post-announcement of estimated price: Limited to twice (re-bidding). Non-contract contract Pursuant to the provisions of Article 99-2 of the Budget, Accounting and Auditing Order (Cabinet Order No. 220 of 1947), if there are no bidders even after a competitive bidding, or if there is no successful bidder even after re-bidding (limited to a difference of 5% or less between the estimated price and the lowest price), a contract will be made on a discretionary basis within the estimated price range. Contract bond If the contract price is 3 million yen or more, the amount will be at least one-tenth of the amount. Preparation of contract Request: To be prepared if the contract price is less than 3 million yen. Contract agreement: To be prepared if the contract price is 3 million yen or more. Payment terms, etc. Advance payment: Up to 4/10 of the contract price. Interim advance payment: Up to 2/10 of the contract price. Partial payment: Up to 4 installments if the contract price is 50 million yen or more. Up to 3 installments if the contract price is between 20 million yen and 50 million yen. Up to 2 installments if the contract price is between 3 million yen and 20 million yen. Other (1) Participate in the bid in accordance with Kakegawa City's Electronic Bidding Operation Standards. (2) Bidders must comply with Kakegawa City's Competitive Contract Bidding Guidelines. (3) The successful bidder must assign the engineers listed on the application to the construction site. (4) The language and currency to be used in the contract procedures shall be Japanese and Japanese currency. (5) In the event of false statements in the application or documents, the applicant may be suspended from bidding in accordance with the Kakegawa City Construction Contract Bidding Suspension Implementation Guidelines. (6) In the event that electronic data such as design documents cannot be viewed or downloaded via the Internet, the media on which the electronic data is saved may be borrowed. (7) In the event of unavoidable circumstances such as a malfunction of the electronic bidding system, the bidding may be changed to paper bidding. (8) The operating hours of the electronic bidding system (bidder side) are 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. (9) The hours of reception of applications, etc. at the Administrative Affairs Division of Kakegawa City Hall are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. (10) For any other details that are unclear, please contact the Contract Inspection Section, Contract Inspection Office, Administrative Affairs Division, Kakegawa City Hall, Shizuoka Prefecture, at 0537-21-1133 (direct).If the amount is less than 10 million yen, the limit is two times. Other (1) Participate in the bid based on the Kakegawa City Electronic Bidding Operation Standards. (2) Bidders must comply with the Kakegawa City Competitive Contract Bidding Guidelines. (3) The successful bidder must assign the engineers listed in the application to the site of the work. (4) The language and currency used in the contract procedure must be Japanese and Japanese currency. (5) If false statements are made in the application or documents, the bidder may be suspended from bidding based on the Kakegawa City Guidelines for Suspension of Bidding for Construction Contracts, etc. (6) If electronic data such as design documents cannot be viewed or downloaded via the Internet, the media on which the electronic data is saved may be borrowed. (7) In the event of unavoidable circumstances such as a malfunction of the electronic bidding system, the bidder may change to a paper bid. (8) The operating hours of the electronic bidding system (bidder side) will be from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. (9) The hours for accepting applications, etc. at the Administrative Affairs Division of Kakegawa City Hall shall be from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. (10) For any other details that are unclear, please contact the Contract Inspection Section, Contract Inspection Office, Administrative Affairs Division, Kakegawa City Hall, Shizuoka Prefecture, at 0537-21-1133 (direct line).If the amount is less than 10 million yen, the limit is two times. Other (1) Participate in the bid based on the Kakegawa City Electronic Bidding Operation Standards. (2) Bidders must comply with the Kakegawa City Competitive Contract Bidding Guidelines. (3) The successful bidder must assign the engineers listed in the application to the site of the work. (4) The language and currency used in the contract procedure must be Japanese and Japanese currency. (5) If false statements are made in the application or documents, the bidder may be suspended from bidding based on the Kakegawa City Guidelines for Suspension of Bidding for Construction Contracts, etc. (6) If electronic data such as design documents cannot be viewed or downloaded via the Internet, the media on which the electronic data is saved may be borrowed. (7) In the event of unavoidable circumstances such as a malfunction of the electronic bidding system, the bidder may change to a paper bid. (8) The operating hours of the electronic bidding system (bidder side) will be from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. (9) The hours for accepting applications, etc. at the Administrative Affairs Division of Kakegawa City Hall shall be from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. (10) For any other details that are unclear, please contact the Contract Inspection Section, Contract Inspection Office, Administrative Affairs Division, Kakegawa City Hall, Shizuoka Prefecture, at 0537-21-1133 (direct line).If the amount is less than 10 million yen, the limit is two times. Other (1) Participate in the bid based on the Kakegawa City Electronic Bidding Operation Standards. (2) Bidders must comply with the Kakegawa City Competitive Contract Bidding Guidelines. (3) The successful bidder must assign the engineers listed in the application to the site of the work. (4) The language and currency used in the contract procedure must be Japanese and Japanese currency. (5) If false statements are made in the application or documents, the bidder may be suspended from bidding based on the Kakegawa City Guidelines for Suspension of Bidding for Construction Contracts, etc. (6) If electronic data such as design documents cannot be viewed or downloaded via the Internet, the media on which the electronic data is saved may be borrowed. (7) In the event of unavoidable circumstances such as a malfunction of the electronic bidding system, the bidder may change to a paper bid. (8) The operating hours of the electronic bidding system (bidder side) will be from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. (9) The hours for accepting applications, etc. at the Administrative Affairs Division of Kakegawa City Hall shall be from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. (10) For any other details that are unclear, please contact the Contract Inspection Section, Contract Inspection Office, Administrative Affairs Division, Kakegawa City Hall, Shizuoka Prefecture, at 0537-21-1133 (direct line).If the amount is less than 10 million yen, the limit is two times. Other (1) Participate in the bid based on the Kakegawa City Electronic Bidding Operation Standards. (2) Bidders must comply with the Kakegawa City Competitive Contract Bidding Guidelines. (3) The successful bidder must assign the engineers listed in the application to the site of the work. (4) The language and currency used in the contract procedure must be Japanese and Japanese currency. (5) If false statements are made in the application or documents, the bidder may be suspended from bidding based on the Kakegawa City Guidelines for Suspension of Bidding for Construction Contracts, etc. (6) If electronic data such as design documents cannot be viewed or downloaded via the Internet, the media on which the electronic data is saved may be borrowed. (7) In the event of unavoidable circumstances such as a malfunction of the electronic bidding system, the bidder may change to a paper bid. (8) The operating hours of the electronic bidding system (bidder side) will be from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. (9) The hours for accepting applications, etc. at the Administrative Affairs Division of Kakegawa City Hall shall be from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. (10) For any other details that are unclear, please contact the Contract Inspection Section, Contract Inspection Office, Administrative Affairs Division, Kakegawa City Hall, Shizuoka Prefecture, at 0537-21-1133 (direct line).If the amount is less than 10 million yen, the limit is two times. Other (1) Participate in the bid based on the Kakegawa City Electronic Bidding Operation Standards. (2) Bidders must comply with the Kakegawa City Competitive Contract Bidding Guidelines. (3) The successful bidder must assign the engineers listed in the application to the site of the work. (4) The language and currency used in the contract procedure must be Japanese and Japanese currency. (5) If false statements are made in the application or documents, the bidder may be suspended from bidding based on the Kakegawa City Guidelines for Suspension of Bidding for Construction Contracts, etc. (6) If electronic data such as design documents cannot be viewed or downloaded via the Internet, the media on which the electronic data is saved may be borrowed. (7) In the event of unavoidable circumstances such as a malfunction of the electronic bidding system, the bidder may change to a paper bid. (8) The operating hours of the electronic bidding system (bidder side) will be from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. (9) The hours for accepting applications, etc. at the Administrative Affairs Division of Kakegawa City Hall shall be from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. (10) For any other details that are unclear, please contact the Contract Inspection Section, Contract Inspection Office, Administrative Affairs Division, Kakegawa City Hall, Shizuoka Prefecture, at 0537-21-1133 (direct line).If the amount is less than 10 million yen, the limit is two times. Other (1) Participate in the bid based on the Kakegawa City Electronic Bidding Operation Standards. (2) Bidders must comply with the Kakegawa City Competitive Contract Bidding Guidelines. (3) The successful bidder must assign the engineers listed in the application to the site of the work. (4) The language and currency used in the contract procedure must be Japanese and Japanese currency. (5) If false statements are made in the application or documents, the bidder may be suspended from bidding based on the Kakegawa City Guidelines for Suspension of Bidding for Construction Contracts, etc. (6) If electronic data such as design documents cannot be viewed or downloaded via the Internet, the media on which the electronic data is saved may be borrowed. (7) In the event of unavoidable circumstances such as a malfunction of the electronic bidding system, the bidder may change to a paper bid. (8) The operating hours of the electronic bidding system (bidder side) will be from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. (9) The hours for accepting applications, etc. at the Administrative Affairs Division of Kakegawa City Hall shall be from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. (10) For any other details that are unclear, please contact the Contract Inspection Section, Contract Inspection Office, Administrative Affairs Division, Kakegawa City Hall, Shizuoka Prefecture, at 0537-21-1133 (direct line).
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