Tender Details

2402258 | Campagne de raclage, reprofilage et d'enduisage superficiel sur la voirie de l'Etat de la Division de la Voirie de Diekirch pour les Objet : Travaux de revêtement de routes Organisme : Portail des marchés publics 4 lots DUME défini par l'acheteur 2402258 | Scraping, reprofiling and surface coating campaign on the State roads of the Roads Division of Diekirch for the Subject: Road surfacing works Organization: Public procurement portal 4 lots DUME defined by the buyer

Published Date
Deadline Date
2402258 | Campagne de raclage, reprofilage et d'enduisage superficiel sur la voirie de l'Etat de la Division de la Voirie de Diekirch pour les Objet : Travaux de revêtement de routes Organisme : Portail des marchés publics 4 lots DUME défini par l'acheteur 2402258 Marchés de test Assistance (+352) 247-83377 Accueil / Marchés / Répondre Détail de la consultation Date et heure limite de remise des plis : 04/12/2024 10:00 Référence : 2402258 Intitulé : Campagne de raclage, reprofilage et d'enduisage superficiel sur la voirie de l'Etat de la Division de la Voirie de Diekirch pour les années 2025 et 2026 Objet : Travaux de revêtement de routes Organisme : Portail des marchés publics Entité publique : Portail des marchés publics Service : PMP.LU / A MMTP / APC / DVD - Division de la voirie de Diekirch Type d'avis : Avis de marché Procédure : 10 européenne ouverte Catégorie principale : Travaux Lots : 4 Lots Code CPV : 45233220 (Code principal) Modalités de retrait du dossier : Les offres sont obligatoirement et exclusivement à remettre via le portail des marchés publics (www.pmp.lu) avant la date et l'heure fixées pour l'ouverture, conformément à la législation et à la réglementation sur les marchés publics. Lieu d'ouverture des offres ou de remise des candidatures : Administration des ponts et chaussées Division de la voirie de Diekirch 1, rue de Stavelot L-9280 Diekirch Variante : Non Temps restant pour répondre (délai d'acheminement inclus) : Dans 48 jour(s) 16 heure(s) 46 minute(s) Temps d'acheminement avec un débit de 128 kbs, il faut 1 minute par Mo de réponse (estimation donnée à titre indicatif) En savoir plus × Informations sur le temps d'acheminement Les tailles des fichiers sont exprimés usuellement en octets (ko ou Mo). Les débits de bande passante sont exprimés usuellement en bits par seconde (kbps ou Mbps). Un octet vaut 8 bits, cela signifie que pour télécharger un fichier d'1 Mo avec une bande passante effective de 128 kbps, il faut (1 000 000*8)/128 000= 62,5 secondes (estimation donnée à titre indicatif). Fermer SE PREPARER A L'AVANCE A REPONDRE - N'ATTENDEZ PAS LE DERNIER JOUR En savoir plus Tester ma configuration Consultation de test Publication / TéléchargementQuestionDépôtMessagerie sécurisée Publication / Téléchargement Question Dépôt Messagerie sécurisée Téléchargement Avis de marché Fichier joint - Avis complémentaire en ligne Voir l'avis TED Date d’envoi de l’avis à l’Office des publications de l’U.E. : 14/10/2024 10:06 Fichier joint - Avis complémentaire en ligne Pièces de la consultation Dossier de soumission - 8,74 Mo DUME Acheteur- 121,34 Ko Liste des pièces téléchargées Aucun résultat trouvé Liste des questions posées Poser une question Aucun résultat trouvé Vous devez être connecté pour accéder aux actions ci-dessous. Étape 1 : Sélection des lots Cette consultation comporte plusieurs lots. Veuillez sélectionner les lots pour lesquels vous souhaitez déposer votre réponse. Attention, cette sélection ne sera pas modifiable en phase de dépôt de la réponse. Veillez à bien sélectionner vos lots. Sélectionner les lots × Sélection des lots Sélectionnez les lots pour lesquels vous souhaitez déposer votre réponse : Sélection des lots Tous les lots Lot 1 | Raclage et reprofilage sur le territoire des services régionaux de Clervaux et de Wiltz Lot 2 | Raclage et reprofilage sur le territoire des services régionaux de Diekirch/Vianden et de Redange Lot 3 | Raclage et reprofilage sur le territoire du service régional d'Echternach Lot 4 | Enduisages et schlammages sur le territoire de la Division de la Voirie de Diekirch Annuler Valider Étape 2 : Sélection du mode de candidature Candidature avec un DUME (Document Unique de Marché Européen) Il est possible d'enregistrer le DUME en brouillon avant de le valider au moment du dépôt de la réponse Le DUME proposé dans le cadre de cette consultation a été pré-rempli par l'acheteur. Candidature standard Ce mode de candidature permet de déposer un pli de manière standard : les documents de candidature (exemples : DC1, DC2…) sont à déposer en pièces libres à l'étape suivante de réponse à la consultation. × Note importante Attention : en changeant de modalité de candidature, votre brouillon de DUME et les informations renseignées seront perdues. Souhaitez-vous continuer ? Annuler Continuer × Vous avez déjà fait un DUME pour cette consultation. Voulez-vous repartir du DUME précédent ? Annuler Continuer Étape 3 : Répondre à la consultation Accéder au service de dépôt d'un pli Répondre à la consultation × Note importante Vous avez choisi de renseigner votre DUME en ligne : merci de confirmer que les informations renseignées dans le DUME sont exactes et peuvent être utilisées dans le cadre de votre réponse. Fermer Légende × Légende Détail de la signature : Vérification OK Un jeton de signature a été associé au fichier joint et la signature est valide. : Vérification KO Un jeton de signature a été associé au fichier joint et la signature est invalide. (Exemple : certificat expiré, jeton inapproprié...). : Vérification incertaine Un jeton de signature a été associé au fichier joint mais la validité de la signature ou du certificat est incertaine. : Validité non vérifiable Un jeton de signature a été associé au fichier joint mais la validité de la signature n'est pas vérifiable Aucun jeton associé Aucun jeton de signature n'a été associé au fichier joint Actions dans le cas d'un fichier signé, permet de télécharger un exemplaire du jeton de signature associé Contenus transmis Liste des messages Aucun résultat trouvé Retour Faire une nouvelle recherche   Mentions légales Conditions d'utilisation Pré-requis techniques Accessibilité Portail des marchés publics 2402258 | Scraping, reprofiling and surface coating campaign on the State roads of the Roads Division of Diekirch for the years 2025 and 2026 Subject: Road surfacing works Organization: Public procurement portal 4 lots DUME defined by the buyer 2402258 Test markets Assistance (+352) 247-83377 Home / Markets / Reply Consultation details Date and deadline for submission of tenders: 04/12/2024 10:00 Reference: 2402258 Title: Scraping, reprofiling and surface coating campaign on the State roads of the Roads Division of Diekirch for the years 2025 and 2026 Subject: Road surfacing works Organization: Public procurement portal Public entity: Public procurement portal Service: PMP.LU / A MMTP / APC / DVD - Roads Division of Diekirch Type of notice: Contract notice Procedure: Open European 10 Main category: Works Lots: 4 Lots CPV code: 45233220 (Main code) Procedures for withdrawing the file: Offers must be submitted exclusively via the public procurement portal (www.pmp.lu) before the date and time set for opening, in accordance with the legislation and regulations on public procurement. Place of opening of offers or submission of applications: Administration des ponts et chaussées Division de la voierie de Diekirch 1, rue de Stavelot L-9280 Diekirch Variant: No Time remaining to respond (delivery time included): In 48 day(s) 16 hour(s) 46 minute(s) Delivery time with a flow rate of 128 kbs, it takes 1 minute per MB of response (estimate given for information purposes only) Learn more × Information on delivery time File sizes are usually expressed in bytes (kb or MB). Bandwidth rates are usually expressed in bits per second (kbps or Mbps). A byte is 8 bits, this means that to download a 1MB file with an effective bandwidth of 128 kbps, it takes (1,000,000*8)/128,000= 62.5 seconds (estimate given for information purposes only). Close PREPARE IN ADVANCE TO RESPOND - DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST DAY Learn more Test my configuration Test consultation Publication / DownloadQuestionDepositSecure messaging Publication / Download Question Deposit Secure messaging Download Contract notice Attached file - Supplementary notice online View the TED notice Date of sending the notice to the Publications Office of the EU: 14/10/2024 10:06 Attached file - Supplementary notice online Documents of the consultation Submission file - 8.74 MB DUME Buyer - 121.34 KB List of documents downloaded No results found List of questions asked Ask a question No results found You must be logged in to access the actions below. Step 1: Selection of lots This consultation includes several lots.Please select the lots for which you wish to submit your response. Please note that this selection will not be modifiable during the response submission phase. Be sure to select your lots. Select lots × Selection of lots Select the lots for which you wish to submit your response: Selection of lots All lots Lot 1 | Scraping and reprofiling in the territory of the Clervaux and Wiltz regional services Lot 2 | Scraping and reprofiling in the territory of the Diekirch/Vianden and Redange regional services Lot 3 | Scraping and reprofiling in the territory of the Echternach regional service Lot 4 | Coatings and sludges in the territory of the Diekirch Roads Division Cancel Validate Step 2: Selection of application method Application with a DUME (Single European Procurement Document) It is possible to save the DUME as a draft before validating it when submitting the response The DUME proposed as part of this consultation has been pre-filled by the buyer. Standard application This application method allows you to submit a document in a standard manner: the application documents (examples: DC1, DC2, etc.) must be submitted as separate documents at the next stage of the consultation response. × Important note Please note: by changing the application method, your draft DUME and the information provided will be lost. Do you want to continue? Cancel Continue × You have already completed a DUME for this consultation. Do you want to start again from the previous DUME? Cancel Continue Step 3: Respond to the consultation Access the service for submitting a document Respond to the consultation × Important note You have chosen to complete your DUME online: please confirm that the information provided in the DUME is accurate and can be used in your response. Close Legend × Legend Signature details: Verification OK A signature token has been associated with the attached file and the signature is valid. : Verification KO A signature token has been associated with the attached file and the signature is invalid. (Example: expired certificate, inappropriate token, etc.). : Uncertain verification A signature token has been associated with the attached file but the validity of the signature or certificate is uncertain. : Validity not verifiable A signature token has been associated with the attached file but the validity of the signature cannot be verified No associated token No signature token has been associated with the attached file Actions in the case of a signed file, allows you to download a copy of the associated signature token Transmitted content List of messages No results found Back Do a new search Legal notices Terms of use Technical prerequisites Accessibility Public procurement portalPlease make sure to select your lots carefully. Select lots × Selection of lots Select the lots for which you wish to submit your response: Selection of lots All lots Lot 1 | Scraping and reprofiling in the territory of the Clervaux and Wiltz regional services Lot 2 | Scraping and reprofiling in the territory of the Diekirch/Vianden and Redange regional services Lot 3 | Scraping and reprofiling in the territory of the Echternach regional service Lot 4 | Coatings and sludges in the territory of the Diekirch Roads Division Cancel Validate Step 2: Selection of application method Application with a DUME (Single European Procurement Document) It is possible to save the DUME as a draft before validating it when submitting the response The DUME proposed as part of this consultation has been pre-filled by the buyer. Standard application This application method allows you to submit a document in a standard manner: the application documents (examples: DC1, DC2, etc.) must be submitted as separate documents at the next stage of the consultation response. × Important note Please note: by changing the application method, your draft DUME and the information provided will be lost. Do you want to continue? Cancel Continue × You have already completed a DUME for this consultation. Do you want to start again from the previous DUME? Cancel Continue Step 3: Respond to the consultation Access the service for submitting a document Respond to the consultation × Important note You have chosen to complete your DUME online: please confirm that the information provided in the DUME is accurate and can be used in your response. Close Legend × Legend Signature details: Verification OK A signature token has been associated with the attached file and the signature is valid. : Verification KO A signature token has been associated with the attached file and the signature is invalid. (Example: expired certificate, inappropriate token, etc.). : Uncertain verification A signature token has been associated with the attached file but the validity of the signature or certificate is uncertain. : Validity not verifiable A signature token has been associated with the attached file but the validity of the signature cannot be verified No associated token No signature token has been associated with the attached file Actions in the case of a signed file, allows you to download a copy of the associated signature token Transmitted content List of messages No results found Back Do a new search Legal notices Terms of use Technical prerequisites Accessibility Public procurement portalPlease make sure to select your lots carefully. Select lots × Selection of lots Select the lots for which you wish to submit your response: Selection of lots All lots Lot 1 | Scraping and reprofiling in the territory of the Clervaux and Wiltz regional services Lot 2 | Scraping and reprofiling in the territory of the Diekirch/Vianden and Redange regional services Lot 3 | Scraping and reprofiling in the territory of the Echternach regional service Lot 4 | Coatings and sludges in the territory of the Diekirch Roads Division Cancel Validate Step 2: Selection of application method Application with a DUME (Single European Procurement Document) It is possible to save the DUME as a draft before validating it when submitting the response The DUME proposed as part of this consultation has been pre-filled by the buyer. Standard application This application method allows you to submit a document in a standard manner: the application documents (examples: DC1, DC2, etc.) must be submitted as separate documents at the next stage of the consultation response. × Important note Please note: by changing the application method, your draft DUME and the information provided will be lost. Do you want to continue? Cancel Continue × You have already completed a DUME for this consultation. Do you want to start again from the previous DUME? Cancel Continue Step 3: Respond to the consultation Access the service for submitting a document Respond to the consultation × Important note You have chosen to complete your DUME online: please confirm that the information provided in the DUME is accurate and can be used in your response. Close Legend × Legend Signature details: Verification OK A signature token has been associated with the attached file and the signature is valid. : Verification KO A signature token has been associated with the attached file and the signature is invalid. (Example: expired certificate, inappropriate token, etc.). : Uncertain verification A signature token has been associated with the attached file but the validity of the signature or certificate is uncertain. : Validity not verifiable A signature token has been associated with the attached file but the validity of the signature cannot be verified No associated token No signature token has been associated with the attached file Actions in the case of a signed file, allows you to download a copy of the associated signature token Transmitted content List of messages No results found Back Do a new search Legal notices Terms of use Technical prerequisites Accessibility Public procurement portalSelection of lots All lots Lot 1 | Scraping and reprofiling in the territory of the Clervaux and Wiltz regional services Lot 2 | Scraping and reprofiling in the territory of the Diekirch/Vianden and Redange regional services Lot 3 | Scraping and reprofiling in the territory of the Echternach regional service Lot 4 | Coatings and sludges in the territory of the Diekirch Roads Division Cancel Validate Step 2: Selection of the application method Application with a DUME (Single European Procurement Document) It is possible to save the DUME as a draft before validating it when submitting the response The DUME proposed as part of this consultation has been pre-filled by the buyer. Standard application This application method allows you to submit a document in a standard manner: the application documents (examples: DC1, DC2, etc.) are to be submitted as separate documents at the next stage of responding to the consultation. × Important note Please note: by changing the application method, your draft DUME and the information provided will be lost. Do you want to continue? Cancel Continue × You have already completed a DUME for this consultation. Do you want to start again from the previous DUME? Cancel Continue Step 3: Respond to the consultation Access the service for submitting a document Respond to the consultation × Important note You have chosen to complete your DUME online: please confirm that the information provided in the DUME is accurate and can be used in your response. Close Legend × Legend Signature details: Verification OK A signature token has been associated with the attached file and the signature is valid. : Verification KO A signature token has been associated with the attached file and the signature is invalid. (Example: expired certificate, inappropriate token, etc.). : Uncertain verification A signature token has been associated with the attached file but the validity of the signature or certificate is uncertain. : Validity not verifiable A signature token has been associated with the attached file but the validity of the signature cannot be verified No associated token No signature token has been associated with the attached file Actions in the case of a signed file, allows you to download a copy of the associated signature token Transmitted content List of messages No results found Back Do a new search Legal notices Terms of use Technical prerequisites Accessibility Public procurement portalSelection of lots All lots Lot 1 | Scraping and reprofiling in the territory of the Clervaux and Wiltz regional services Lot 2 | Scraping and reprofiling in the territory of the Diekirch/Vianden and Redange regional services Lot 3 | Scraping and reprofiling in the territory of the Echternach regional service Lot 4 | Coatings and sludges in the territory of the Diekirch Roads Division Cancel Validate Step 2: Selection of the application method Application with a DUME (Single European Procurement Document) It is possible to save the DUME as a draft before validating it when submitting the response The DUME proposed as part of this consultation has been pre-filled by the buyer. Standard application This application method allows you to submit a document in a standard manner: the application documents (examples: DC1, DC2, etc.) are to be submitted as separate documents at the next stage of responding to the consultation. × Important note Please note: by changing the application method, your draft DUME and the information provided will be lost. Do you want to continue? Cancel Continue × You have already completed a DUME for this consultation. Do you want to start again from the previous DUME? Cancel Continue Step 3: Respond to the consultation Access the service for submitting a document Respond to the consultation × Important note You have chosen to complete your DUME online: please confirm that the information provided in the DUME is accurate and can be used in your response. Close Legend × Legend Signature details: Verification OK A signature token has been associated with the attached file and the signature is valid. : Verification KO A signature token has been associated with the attached file and the signature is invalid. (Example: expired certificate, inappropriate token, etc.). : Uncertain verification A signature token has been associated with the attached file but the validity of the signature or certificate is uncertain. : Validity not verifiable A signature token has been associated with the attached file but the validity of the signature cannot be verified No associated token No signature token has been associated with the attached file Actions in the case of a signed file, allows you to download a copy of the associated signature token Transmitted content List of messages No results found Back Do a new search Legal notices Terms of use Technical prerequisites Accessibility Public procurement portalSelection of application method Application with a DUME (Single European Procurement Document) It is possible to save the DUME as a draft before validating it when submitting the response The DUME proposed as part of this consultation has been pre-filled by the buyer. Standard application This application method allows you to submit a document in a standard manner: the application documents (examples: DC1, DC2, etc.) are to be submitted as separate documents at the next stage of responding to the consultation. × Important note Please note: by changing the application method, your DUME draft and the information provided will be lost. Do you wish to continue? Cancel Continue × You have already completed a DUME for this consultation. Do you want to start again from the previous DUME? Cancel Continue Step 3: Respond to the consultation Access the service for submitting a tender Respond to the consultation × Important note You have chosen to complete your DUME online: please confirm that the information provided in the DUME is accurate and can be used in your response. Close Legend × Legend Signature details: Verification OK A signature token has been associated with the attached file and the signature is valid. : Verification KO A signature token has been associated with the attached file and the signature is invalid. (Example: expired certificate, inappropriate token, etc.). : Verification uncertain A signature token has been associated with the attached file but the validity of the signature or certificate is uncertain. : Validity not verifiable A signature token has been associated with the attached file but the validity of the signature cannot be verified No associated token No signature token has been associated with the attached file Actions in the case of a signed file, allows you to download a copy of the associated signature token Transmitted content List of messages No results found Back Do a new search Legal notices Terms of use Technical prerequisites Accessibility Public procurement portalSelection of application method Application with a DUME (Single European Procurement Document) It is possible to save the DUME as a draft before validating it when submitting the response The DUME proposed as part of this consultation has been pre-filled by the buyer. Standard application This application method allows you to submit a document in a standard manner: the application documents (examples: DC1, DC2, etc.) are to be submitted as separate documents at the next stage of responding to the consultation. × Important note Please note: by changing the application method, your DUME draft and the information provided will be lost. Do you wish to continue? Cancel Continue × You have already completed a DUME for this consultation. Do you want to start again from the previous DUME? Cancel Continue Step 3: Respond to the consultation Access the service for submitting a tender Respond to the consultation × Important note You have chosen to complete your DUME online: please confirm that the information provided in the DUME is accurate and can be used in your response. Close Legend × Legend Signature details: Verification OK A signature token has been associated with the attached file and the signature is valid. : Verification KO A signature token has been associated with the attached file and the signature is invalid. (Example: expired certificate, inappropriate token, etc.). : Verification uncertain A signature token has been associated with the attached file but the validity of the signature or certificate is uncertain. : Validity not verifiable A signature token has been associated with the attached file but the validity of the signature cannot be verified No associated token No signature token has been associated with the attached file Actions in the case of a signed file, allows you to download a copy of the associated signature token Transmitted content List of messages No results found Back Do a new search Legal notices Terms of use Technical prerequisites Accessibility Public procurement portalPlease confirm that the information provided in the DUME is accurate and can be used in your response. Close Legend × Legend Signature Detail : Verification OK A signature token has been associated with the attached file and the signature is valid. : Verification KO A signature token has been associated with the attached file and the signature is invalid. (Example: expired certificate, inappropriate token, etc.). : Verification uncertain A signature token has been associated with the attached file but the validity of the signature or certificate is uncertain. : Validity not verifiable A signature token has been associated with the attached file but the validity of the signature cannot be verified No associated token No signature token has been associated with the attached file Actions in the case of a signed file, allows you to download a copy of the associated signature token Transmitted content List of messages No results found Back Do a new search Legal notices Terms of use Technical prerequisites Accessibility Public procurement portalPlease confirm that the information provided in the DUME is accurate and can be used in your response. Close Legend × Legend Signature Detail : Verification OK A signature token has been associated with the attached file and the signature is valid. : Verification KO A signature token has been associated with the attached file and the signature is invalid. (Example: expired certificate, inappropriate token, etc.). : Verification uncertain A signature token has been associated with the attached file but the validity of the signature or certificate is uncertain. : Validity not verifiable A signature token has been associated with the attached file but the validity of the signature cannot be verified No associated token No signature token has been associated with the attached file Actions in the case of a signed file, allows you to download a copy of the associated signature token Transmitted content List of messages No results found Back Do a new search Legal notices Terms of use Technical prerequisites Accessibility Public procurement portal
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