Tender Details

Набавка на екстра лесно масло за греење ЕЛ-1 - социјала Стоки Поедноставена отворена постапка 16168/2024 Procurement of extra light heating oil EL-1 - social Goods Simplified open procedure 16168/2024

Published Date
Deadline Date
Набавка на екстра лесно масло за греење ЕЛ-1 - социјала Стоки Поедноставена отворена постапка 16168/2024 Јавна установа Завод за заштита и рехабилитација Бања Банско Број на оглас:16168/2024 ДЕЛ I: ДОГОВОРЕН ОРГАН I.1) Податоци за договорниот орган I.1.1) Назив на договорниот орган:Јавна установа Завод за заштита и рехабилитација Бања Банско I.1.2) Адреса:Бања Банско I.1.3) Град и поштенски код:с. Банско2400 I.1.4) Интернет адреса: I.1.5) Лице за контакт:Розита Манчева , адреса на е-пошта:mancevarozita@yahoo.com телефон/факс:034/377-169/ I.1.6) Дополнителни информации и тендерската документација може да се добијат: На горната адреса I.2) Категорија на договорен орган, негова главна активност или дејност: Правни лица основани за задоволување на потребите од јавен интерес – Член 9 став 1 алинеја б) од Законот - Социјална заштита ДЕЛ II: ПРЕДМЕТ НА ДОГОВОРОТ ЗА ЈАВНА НАБАВКА II.1) Предмет на договорот за јавна набавка: Набавка на екстра лесно масло за греење ЕЛ-1 - социјала II.1.1) Проценета вредност без ДДВ:1.694.915,00 II.2) Вид на договорот за јавна набавка: Стоки - Купување Место на испорака на стоките или извршување на услугите, или локација на извршување на работите:ЈУ Завод за заштита и рехабилитација Бања Банско с.Банско - Струмица II.3) Секторски договорНе II.4) Централно телоНе II.5) Групна набавкаНе II.6) Електронски каталог:Не II.7) Подетален опис на предметот на договорот за јавна набавка: II.8) Заеднички поимник за јавни набавки:Да Основен предмет на јавната набавка-Главен поимник Шифра Опис 15000000-8 Прехранбени производи, пијалаци, тутун и сродни производи II.9)  Делива набавкаНе II.10)  Рамковна спогодба:Не II.11)  Алтернативни понудиНе II.12)  Времетраење на договорот: Период во месеци: 12 или365 денови II.13) Претходна проверка на пазарот?Не ДЕЛ III: ПОСТАПКА III.1)  Вид на постапка:Поедноставена отворена постапка III.2)  Постапката за доделување на договор за јавна набавка ќе биде со скратени рокови:Не III.3)  Критериум за доделување на договор: Најниска цена III.4)  Електронска постапка?Да III.5)  Електронска аукцијаДа ДЕЛ IV: ПРАВНИ,ЕКОНОМСКИ,ФИНАНСИСКИ И ТЕХНИЧКИ ИНФОРМАЦИИ IV.1) Гаранции и авансно плаќање IV.1.1) Изјава за сериозност:Да IV.1.2) Гаранција за квалитетно извршување на договорот:Не IV.1.3) Авансно плаќање:Не IV.1.4) Здружување на група економски оператори во соодветна правна форма заради извршување на договорот (по извршен избор на најповолна понуда):Не IV.1.5) Резервирани договориНе IV.1.6) Посета на локација/Преглед на придружна документација:Не IV.2) Критериуми за утврдување на способност на понудувачот или кандидатот IV.2.1) За докажување на личната состојба, економскиот оператор треба да ги достави следниве документи - изјава дека во последните 5 години не е изречена правосилна судска пресуда за сторено кривично дело од член 88 став 1 од ЗЈН - потврда дека не е отворена постапка за стечај од надлежен орган - потврда дека не е отворена постапка за ликвидација од надлежен орган - потврда за платени даноци, придонеси и други јавни давачки од надлежен орган од земјата каде што економскиот оператор е регистриран - потврда од Регистарот на казни за сторени кривични дела на правните лица дека не му е изречена споредна казна забрана за учество во постапки за јавен повик, доделување на договори за јавна набавка и договори за јавно-приватно партнерство - потврда од Регистарот на казни за сторени кривични дела на правните лица дека не му е изречена споредна казна привремена или трајна забрана за вршење на одделна дејност - Уверение дека со правосилна пресуда не му е изречена прекршочна санкција - забрана за вршење на професија, дејност или должност, односно привремена забрана за вршење одделна дејност IV.2.2) Способност за вршење професионална дејност на економскиот оператор - Документ за регистрирана дејност: Документ за регистрирана дејност Лиценца за вршење на енергетска дејност IV.2.3) Техничка или професионална способност на економскиот оператор - со листа на главни испораки на стоки или извршени услуги со вредности, датуми, купувачи (договорни органи или економски оператори), со обезбедување потврда за извршени испораки или извршени услуги: - Искуство во успешно реализирани договори поврзани со предметот на набавка во последните три години IV.2.4) Стандарди - Стандарди за системи за квалитет: Стандарди за систем за квалитет ISO 9001 : 2015 или еквивалент ДЕЛ V: АДМИНИСТРАТИВНИ ИНФОРМАЦИИ V.1) Услови за добивање на тендерска документација и дополнителни документи V.2) Услови за доставување на понудите V.2.1) Понудите/планови да се достават најдоцна до:21.10.2024 година во 11:00 часот / локално време21.10.2024 година во 12:00 часот V.2.2) Краен рок за поставување прашања:15.10.2024 година во 15:30 часот / локално време15.10.2024 16:30 V.2.3) Краен рок за одговор на прашања:17.10.2024 година во 15:30 часот / локално време17.10.2024 16:30 V.3) Период на важност на понудата:120 дена V.4) Услови за отворање на понудите Јавното отворање на понудите ќе се одржи на денот и во часот определен како краен рок за доставување на понудите 21.10.2024 година во 11:00 часот / локално време21.10.2024 година во 12:00 часот , место:ЈУ Завод за заштита и рехабилитација Бања Банско с.Банско - Струмица V.5) Дополнителни информации V.6) Датум на објава:04.10.2024 година ДЕЛ VI: ДОКУМЕНТИ ДЕЛ VII: ПОНИШТУВАЊА ДЕЛ VIII: ПРИЛОЗИ ДЕЛ IX: ИЗВЕСТУВАЊА ЗА СКЛУЧЕН ДОГОВОР / ЕВИДЕНЦИИ Известувања за склучен договор Известувања за измена за склучен договор: ДЕЛ XIII: ГОДИШЕН ПЛАН НА ОГЛАСОТ Договорните органи се одговорни за веродостојноста и точноста на внесените податоци на ЕСЈН! v8.0.0.0 Procurement of extra light heating oil EL-1 - social Goods Simplified open procedure 16168/2024 Public institution Institute for protection and rehabilitation Banja Bansko Advertisement number: 16168/2024 PART I: CONTRACTING AUTHORITY I.1) Data on the contracting authority I. 1.1) Name of the contracting authority: Public institution Institute for Protection and Rehabilitation Banja Bansko I.1.2) Address: Banja Bansko I.1.3) City and postal code: s. Bansko 2400 I.1.4) Internet address: I.1.5) Contact person: Rozita Mancheva, e-mail address: mancevarozita@yahoo.com phone/fax: 034/377-169/ I.1.6) Additional information and tender documentation can to be obtained: At the above address I.2) Category of contracting authority, its main activity or activity: Legal entities established to satisfy the needs of public interest - Article 9 paragraph 1 paragraph b) of the Law - Social protection PART II: SUBJECT OF PUBLIC PROCUREMENT CONTRACT II.1) Subject of the public procurement contract: Purchase of extra light heating oil EL-1 - social II.1.1) Estimated value without VAT: 1,694,915.00 II.2) Type of public procurement contract procurement: Goods - Purchase Place of delivery of goods or performance of services, or location of performance of works: JU Protection and Rehabilitation Institute Banja Bansko village Bansko - Strumica II.3) Sectoral agreement No II.4) Central body No II.5 ) Group procurementNo II.6) Electronic catalog: No II.7) Detailed description of the subject of the public procurement contract: II.8) Common glossary for public procurement: Yes Basic subject of public procurement - Main glossary Code Description 15000000-8 Food products, beverages, tobacco and related products II.9) Divisible supply No II.10) Framework agreement: No II.11) Alternative offers No II.12) Duration of the contract: Period in months: 12 or 365 days II.13) Prior inspection of the market? No PART III: PROCEDURE III.1) Type of procedure: Simplified open procedure III.2) The procedure for awarding a contract for public procurement will be with shortened deadlines: No III.3) Criterion for awarding a contract: Lowest price III .4) Electronic procedure? Yes III.5) Electronic auction Yes PART IV: LEGAL, ECONOMIC, FINANCIAL AND TECHNICAL INFORMATION IV.1) Guarantees and advance payment IV.1.1) Statement of seriousness: Yes IV.1.2) Guarantee for quality execution of the contract: No IV.1.3) Advance payment: No IV.1.4) Association of a group of economic operators in an appropriate legal form for the purpose of executing the contract (after selection of the most favorable offer): No IV.1.5) Reserved contracts No IV.1.6) Visit to location/Review of accompanying documentation: No IV.2) Criteria for determining the ability of the bidder or candidate IV.2.1) To prove the personal situation,the economic operator should submit the following documents - a statement that in the last 5 years no final court verdict has been issued for a crime committed under Article 88 paragraph 1 of the Civil Code - confirmation that no bankruptcy proceedings have been opened by a competent authority - confirmation that no bankruptcy proceedings have been opened liquidation procedure from a competent authority - confirmation of paid taxes, contributions and other public duties from a competent authority of the country where the economic operator is registered - confirmation from the Register of Penalties for Criminal Offenses of Legal Entities that he has not been sentenced to a secondary penalty, a ban on participation in public call procedures, awarding of public procurement contracts and public-private partnership contracts - confirmation from the Register of Penalties for Criminal Offenses of Legal Entities that no secondary penalty, temporary or permanent ban on performing a separate activity has been imposed - Certificate that no misdemeanor sanction has been imposed on him by a final judgment - ban on performing a profession, activity or duty, i.e. temporary ban on performing a separate activity IV.2.2) Ability to perform professional activity of the economic operator - Document for registered activity: Document for registered activity License to carry out energy activity IV.2.3) Technical or professional ability of the economic operator - with a list of main deliveries of goods or performed services with values, dates, buyers (contractual authorities or economic operators), by providing a certificate of performed deliveries or services performed: - Experience in successfully executed contracts related to the subject of procurement in the last three years IV.2.4) Standards - Quality system standards: Quality system standards ISO 9001 : 2015 or equivalent PART V: ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION V.1) Conditions for obtaining tender documentation and additional documents V.2) Conditions for submission of offers V.2.1) Offers/plans to be submitted no later than: 21.10.2024 at 11:00 a.m. / local time 21.10.2024 at 12:00 V.2.2) Deadline for asking questions: 15.10.2024 at 15:30 / local time15.10.2024 16:30 V.2.3) Deadline for answering questions: 17.10.2024 at 15:30 / local time time 17.10.2024 16:30 V.3) Period of validity of the offer: 120 days V.4) Conditions for opening the offers The public opening of the offers will be held on the day and at the time determined as the deadline for submitting the offers 21.10.2024 year at 11:00 a.m. / local time 21.10.2024 at 12:00 p.m., place: JU Protection and Rehabilitation Institute Banja Bansko village - Strumica V.5) Additional information V.6) Date of publication: 04.10.2024 year PART VI: DOCUMENTS PART VII: CANCELLATIONS PART VIII: APPENDICES PART IX: CONTRACT NOTICES / RECORDS Contract notices Contract amendment notices: PART XIII: ANNUAL ADVERTISING PLAN Contracting authorities are responsible for the reliability and accuracy of the entered ESJN data! v8.0.0.0contributions and other public fees from the competent authority of the country where the economic operator is registered - confirmation from the Register of Penalties for Criminal Offenses of Legal Entities that he has not been sentenced to a secondary penalty, a ban on participation in public call procedures, awarding of contracts for public procurement and public-private partnership agreements - confirmation from the Register of Penalties for Criminal Offenses of Legal Entities that he has not been sentenced to a secondary penalty, a temporary or permanent ban on performing a separate activity - Certificate that no misdemeanor sanction has been imposed on him by a final judgment - prohibition to perform a profession, activity or duty, i.e. temporary prohibition to perform a separate activity IV.2.2) Ability to perform professional activity of the economic operator - Document for registered activity: Document for registered activity License for performing energy activity IV.2.3) Technical or professional ability of the economic operator - with a list of the main deliveries of goods or services performed with values, dates, buyers (contracting authorities or economic operators), by providing a confirmation of deliveries or services performed: - Experience in successfully executed contracts related to the subject of procurement in the last three years IV.2.4) Standards - Quality system standards: Quality system standards ISO 9001 : 2015 or equivalent PART V: ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION V.1) Conditions for obtaining tender documentation and additional documents V.2 ) Conditions for submission of offers V.2.1) Offers/plans to be submitted no later than: 21.10.2024 at 11:00 am / local time 21.10.2024 at 12:00 pm V.2.2) Deadline for asking questions: 15.10 .2024 at 3:30 p.m. / local time 15.10.2024 4:30 p.m. V.2.3) Deadline for answering questions: 17.10.2024 at 3:30 p.m. / local time 17.10.2024 4:30 p.m. V.3) Period of validity of the offer: 120 days V.4) Conditions for the opening of the offers The public opening of the offers will be held on the day and at the time determined as the deadline for the submission of the offers 21.10.2024 at 11:00 a.m. / local time 21.10.2024 at 12:00, place: JU Protection and Rehabilitation Institute Banja Bansko village Bansko - Strumica V.5) Additional information V.6) Date of publication: 04.10.2024 PART VI: DOCUMENTS PART VII: CANCELLATIONS PART VIII: APPENDICES PART IX: NOTIFICATIONS FOR A CONTRACT / RECORDS Notifications for a concluded contract Notifications for amendments to a concluded contract: PART XIII: ANNUAL PLAN OF THE ADVERTISEMENT Contracting authorities are responsible for the reliability and accuracy of the entered data on ESJN! v8.0.0.0contributions and other public fees from the competent authority of the country where the economic operator is registered - confirmation from the Register of Penalties for Criminal Offenses of Legal Entities that he has not been sentenced to a secondary penalty, a ban on participation in public call procedures, awarding of contracts for public procurement and public-private partnership agreements - confirmation from the Register of Penalties for Criminal Offenses of Legal Entities that he has not been sentenced to a secondary penalty, a temporary or permanent ban on performing a separate activity - Certificate that no misdemeanor sanction has been imposed on him by a final judgment - prohibition to perform a profession, activity or duty, i.e. temporary prohibition to perform a separate activity IV.2.2) Ability to perform professional activity of the economic operator - Document for registered activity: Document for registered activity License for performing energy activity IV.2.3) Technical or professional ability of the economic operator - with a list of the main deliveries of goods or services performed with values, dates, buyers (contracting authorities or economic operators), by providing a confirmation of deliveries or services performed: - Experience in successfully executed contracts related to the subject of procurement in the last three years IV.2.4) Standards - Quality system standards: Quality system standards ISO 9001 : 2015 or equivalent PART V: ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION V.1) Conditions for obtaining tender documentation and additional documents V.2 ) Conditions for submission of offers V.2.1) Offers/plans to be submitted no later than: 21.10.2024 at 11:00 am / local time 21.10.2024 at 12:00 pm V.2.2) Deadline for asking questions: 15.10 .2024 at 3:30 p.m. / local time 15.10.2024 4:30 p.m. V.2.3) Deadline for answering questions: 17.10.2024 at 3:30 p.m. / local time 17.10.2024 4:30 p.m. V.3) Period of validity of the offer: 120 days V.4) Conditions for the opening of the offers The public opening of the offers will be held on the day and at the time determined as the deadline for the submission of the offers 21.10.2024 at 11:00 a.m. / local time 21.10.2024 at 12:00, place: JU Protection and Rehabilitation Institute Banja Bansko village Bansko - Strumica V.5) Additional information V.6) Date of publication: 04.10.2024 PART VI: DOCUMENTS PART VII: CANCELLATIONS PART VIII: APPENDICES PART IX: NOTIFICATIONS FOR A CONTRACT / RECORDS Notifications for a concluded contract Notifications for amendments to a concluded contract: PART XIII: ANNUAL PLAN OF THE ADVERTISEMENT Contracting authorities are responsible for the reliability and accuracy of the entered data on ESJN! v8.0.0.0awarding of public procurement contracts and public-private partnership contracts - confirmation from the Register of Penalties for Criminal Offenses of Legal Entities that he has not been sentenced to a secondary penalty, a temporary or permanent ban on performing a separate activity - Certificate that a final judgment has not been imposed on him a misdemeanor sanction has been imposed - ban on performing a profession, activity or duty, i.e. temporary ban on performing a separate activity IV.2.2) Ability to perform professional activity of the economic operator - Document for registered activity: Document for registered activity License for performing energy activity IV.2.3) Technical or professional ability of the economic operator - with a list of the main deliveries of goods or performed services with values, dates, buyers (contracting authorities or economic operators), by providing a certificate of performed deliveries or performed services: - Experience in successful executed contracts related to the subject of procurement in the last three years IV.2.4) Standards - Standards for quality systems: Quality system standards ISO 9001 : 2015 or equivalent PART V: ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION V.1) Conditions for obtaining tender documentation and additional documents V.2) Conditions for submission of offers V.2.1) Offers/plans to be submitted no later than: 21.10.2024 at 11:00 am / local time 21.10.2024 at 12:00 pm V.2.2) Deadline for asking questions: 15.10.2024 at 15:30 / local time 15.10.2024 16:30 V.2.3) Deadline for answering questions: 17.10.2024 at 15:30 / local time 17.10.2024 16:30 V .3) Period of validity of the offer: 120 days V.4) Conditions for the opening of the offers The public opening of the offers will be held on the day and at the time determined as the deadline for submitting the offers October 21, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. / local time 21.10.2024 at 12:00, place: JU Protection and Rehabilitation Institute Banja Bansko village Bansko - Strumica V.5) Additional information V.6) Date of publication: 04.10.2024 PART VI: DOCUMENTS PART VII : CANCELLATIONS SECTION VIII: APPENDICES SECTION IX: NOTIFICATIONS FOR A CONTRACT / RECORDS Notifications for a concluded contract Notifications for amendments to a concluded contract: PART XIII: ANNUAL PLAN OF THE ADVERTISEMENT The contracting authorities are responsible for the reliability and accuracy of the entered data on ESJN! v8.0.0.0awarding of public procurement contracts and public-private partnership contracts - confirmation from the Register of Penalties for Criminal Offenses of Legal Entities that he has not been sentenced to a secondary penalty, a temporary or permanent ban on performing a separate activity - Certificate that a final judgment has not been imposed on him a misdemeanor sanction has been imposed - ban on performing a profession, activity or duty, i.e. temporary ban on performing a separate activity IV.2.2) Ability to perform professional activity of the economic operator - Document for registered activity: Document for registered activity License for performing energy activity IV.2.3) Technical or professional ability of the economic operator - with a list of the main deliveries of goods or performed services with values, dates, buyers (contracting authorities or economic operators), by providing a certificate of performed deliveries or performed services: - Experience in successful executed contracts related to the subject of procurement in the last three years IV.2.4) Standards - Standards for quality systems: Quality system standards ISO 9001 : 2015 or equivalent PART V: ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION V.1) Conditions for obtaining tender documentation and additional documents V.2) Conditions for submission of offers V.2.1) Offers/plans to be submitted no later than: 21.10.2024 at 11:00 am / local time 21.10.2024 at 12:00 pm V.2.2) Deadline for asking questions: 15.10.2024 at 15:30 / local time 15.10.2024 16:30 V.2.3) Deadline for answering questions: 17.10.2024 at 15:30 / local time 17.10.2024 16:30 V .3) Period of validity of the offer: 120 days V.4) Conditions for the opening of the offers The public opening of the offers will be held on the day and at the time determined as the deadline for submitting the offers October 21, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. / local time October 21, 2024 at 12:00, place: JU Protection and Rehabilitation Institute Banja Bansko village Bansko - Strumica V.5) Additional information V.6) Publication date: October 4, 2024 PART VI: DOCUMENTS PART VII : CANCELLATIONS SECTION VIII: APPENDICES SECTION IX: NOTIFICATIONS FOR A CONTRACT / RECORDS Notifications for a concluded contract Notifications for amendments to a concluded contract: PART XIII: ANNUAL PLAN OF THE ADVERTISEMENT The contracting authorities are responsible for the reliability and accuracy of the entered data on ESJN! v8.0.0.0by providing confirmation of delivered deliveries or performed services: - Experience in successfully implemented contracts related to the subject of procurement in the last three years IV.2.4) Standards - Quality system standards: Quality system standards ISO 9001 : 2015 or equivalent PART V : ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION V.1) Conditions for obtaining tender documentation and additional documents V.2) Conditions for submission of offers V.2.1) Offers/plans to be submitted no later than: 21.10.2024 at 11:00 a.m. / local time21 .10.2024 at 12:00 V.2.2) Deadline for asking questions: 15.10.2024 at 15:30 / local time 15.10.2024 16:30 V.2.3) Deadline for answering questions: 17.10.2024 at 15:30 / local time 17.10.2024 16:30 V.3) Period of validity of the offer: 120 days V.4) Conditions for opening the offers The public opening of the offers will be held on the day and at the hour determined as the deadline for submission of offers 21.10.2024 at 11:00 a.m. / local time 21.10.2024 at 12:00 p.m., place: JU Protection and Rehabilitation Institute Banja Bansko village Bansko - Strumica V.5) Additional information V.6) Publication date: 04.10.2024 PART VI: DOCUMENTS PART VII: CANCELLATIONS PART VIII: APPENDICES PART IX: CONTRACT NOTICES / RECORDS Contract notices Contract amendment notices: PART XIII: ANNUAL ADVERTISING PLAN Contracting authorities are responsible for the reliability and accuracy of the data entered on ESJN! v8.0.0.0by providing confirmation of delivered deliveries or performed services: - Experience in successfully implemented contracts related to the subject of procurement in the last three years IV.2.4) Standards - Quality system standards: Quality system standards ISO 9001 : 2015 or equivalent PART V : ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION V.1) Conditions for obtaining tender documentation and additional documents V.2) Conditions for submission of offers V.2.1) Offers/plans to be submitted no later than: 21.10.2024 at 11:00 a.m. / local time21 .10.2024 at 12:00 V.2.2) Deadline for asking questions: 15.10.2024 at 15:30 / local time 15.10.2024 16:30 V.2.3) Deadline for answering questions: 17.10.2024 at 15:30 / local time 17.10.2024 16:30 V.3) Period of validity of the offer: 120 days V.4) Conditions for opening the offers The public opening of the offers will be held on the day and at the hour determined as the deadline for submission of offers 21.10.2024 at 11:00 a.m. / local time 21.10.2024 at 12:00 p.m., place: JU Protection and Rehabilitation Institute Banja Bansko village Bansko - Strumica V.5) Additional information V.6) Publication date: 04.10.2024 PART VI: DOCUMENTS PART VII: CANCELLATIONS PART VIII: APPENDICES PART IX: CONTRACT NOTICES / RECORDS Contract notices Contract amendment notices: PART XIII: ANNUAL ADVERTISING PLAN Contracting authorities are responsible for the reliability and accuracy of the data entered on ESJN! v8.
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