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Pliego de Cargos 2024-0-35-0-99-LV-032123 - Vista Previa | PanamaCompra Pliego de Cargos Número: 2024-0-35-0-99-LV-032123 Nombre del acto: "SEGURO COLECTIVO DE SALUD, PARA LOS SERVIDORES PÚBLICOS DE LA PROCURADURÍA GENERAL DE LA NACIÓN" Objeto de la contratación: Servicio Información de la entidad Entidad: MINISTERIO PUBLICO Dependencia: SEDE Unidad de compra: DPTO. DE COMPRAS Dirección: Ministerio Público, Departamento de Compras, ubicado en la planta baja Contacto de la unidad de compra Nombre: Hillary Peart Cargo: secretaria ejecutiva 1 Teléfono: 520-1013 Correo electrónico: hillary.peart@procuraduria.gob.pa Aviso de convocatoria Número de acto: 2024-0-35-0-99-LV-032123 Tipo de procedimiento: Licitaciones Mejor Valor que exceda B/.500,000 Objeto contractual: Servicio Descripción: "SEGURO COLECTIVO DE SALUD, PARA LOS SERVIDORES PÚBLICOS DE LA PROCURADURÍA GENERAL DE LA NACIÓN" Fecha de publicación: 18-10-2024 04:29 PM Fecha y hora presentación de propuestas: 06-12-2024 Hasta 10:00 AM Fecha y hora de apertura de propuestas: 06-12-2024 - 10:01 AM Lugar de presentación de propuestas: La presentación de propuestas será de manera electrónica, según lo establecido en el artículo 55 del Texto Único de la Ley 22 de 2006, ordenado por la Ley 153 de 2020. Término de subsanación: 3 Días hábiles después de la fecha de apertura Fecha y hora de reunión previa y homologación: 14-11-2024 09:00 AM Lugar reunión previa y homologación: SALON DE REUNIONES, EDIFICIO SALOON, 1ER PISO, UBICADO EN CALIDONIA, CALLE 33, AL FRENTE DE LA IGLESIA DON BOSCO. Sala de reunion de homolgación virtual: https://pgn-panama.webex.com/pgn-panama-sp/j.php?MTID=m73452a915c1b2d572d0400bde758bdae Precio referencia: B/. 11,708,391.25 Partidas presupuestales: N° Número partida 1 G.003610200.001.164 Programa: --- Modalidad de adjudicación: Global Provincia de entrega: VARIAS Condiciones generales Ver condiciones Principios de Sostenibilidad Condiciones especiales Documentos a presentar con la propuesta IMPORTANTE: Todo documento que proviene del extranjero, debe estar traducido al idioma español, por intérprete público autorizado y cumplir con las autenticaciones a través del sello de la apostilla o estar debidamente legalizado por el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Panamá. N° Nombre documento Subsanable 1 Fianza de Propuesta. Todo proponente interesado en participar en un procedimiento de selección de contratista, que requiera presentación de una fianza de propuesta o garantía, según preceptúan los artículos 121 y 122 del Texto Único de la Ley N° 22 de 27 de junio de 2006, ordenado por la Ley N° 153 de 8 de mayo de 2020, deberán presentar de manera electrónica a la entidad licitante la Fianza de Propuesta. (Aplica solo para un acto mayor a B/.500,000.00). En los casos que el pliego de cargos permita la subsanación de este requisito, la corrección solo recaerá sobre el documento efectivamente presentado, de conformidad a lo establecido en el artículo 14 de la Resolución No.2259-2023-LEG/FySE de 10 de agosto de 2023. Su no presentación será causal de rechazo de plano de la propuesta Sí 2 Certificado de existencia del Proponente. De tratarse de una persona natural, deberá acreditarse mediante la presentación de copia cotejada, copia simple o copia digital de la cédula de identidad personal o del pasaporte cuando se trate de personas naturales extranjeras. Cuando se trata de una persona jurídica, acreditarse mediante la presentación de copia cotejada, copia simple o copia digital de la Certificación del Registro Público, de encontrarse registrada en Panamá, o de la autoridad competente del país de constitución, cuando se trata de persona jurídica extranjera no registrada en Panamá (Esta certificación deberá haber sido expedida dentro de un (1) año inmediatamente anterior a su presentación, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 637 del Código Judicial, en concordancia con el artículo 4 del Texto Único de la Ley 22 de 2006, ordenado por la Ley 153 de 2020); Igualmente, en el caso de personas jurídicas, deberá adjuntarse copia cotejada, copia simple o copia digital de la cédula de identidad personal o del pasaporte del representante legal. Cuando se trate de un consorcio o de unión temporal debe adjuntarse el acuerdo de consorcio notariado en el que se establecerán las condiciones básicas que regirán sus relaciones y la persona que lo representará, quien deberá ser una de aquellas que conforman el consorcio o asociación accidental; De igual forma, se deberá aportar copia cotejada, copia simple o copia digital de la cédula de identidad personal o del pasaporte de la persona natural que funja como representante legal del consorcio o asociación accidental. Todos los integrantes del consorcio o asociación accidental deberán estar inscritos en el Registro de Proponentes, antes de la celebración del acto público; de igual forma, el consorcio o asociación accidental deberá inscribirse por conducto de su empresa líder antes de la celebración del acto público. Observación: Para todos los efectos legales, se entiende por proponente cualquier persona natural o jurídica, nacional o extranjera, que participa y presente una oferta en un acto de selección de contratista. Sí 3 Declaración de Acciones Nominativas: [Cuando aplique por tratarse de actos de selección de contratista cuya cuantía exceda la suma de B/.500.000.00]. En los actos públicos cuyo precio de referencia exceda los Quinientos Mil Balboas (B/.500,000.00), tratándose de proponentes que sean personas jurídicas, estas deberán presentar vía electrónica a través del portal de “PanamaCompra”, la declaración jurada de acciones nominativas establecida en el artículo 41 del Texto Único de la Ley 22 de 27 de junio de 2006, ordenado por la Ley No. 153 de 2020; la misma se entenderá presentada una vez sea ingresada al Sistema Electrónico de Contrataciones Públicas “PanamaCompra”, haciendo uso de la funcionalidad que tiene el proponente, a fin de poder cumplir con el requisito de participación en el proceso de selección de contratista que corresponda. Corresponderá a las comisiones evaluadoras o verificadoras que sean designadas en los respectivos Actos Públicos, validar a través del Sistema Electrónico de Contrataciones Públicas “PanamaCompra”, que la Declaración Jurada de Acciones Nominativas ha cumplido con las formalidades mínimas establecidas para su presentación, en atención a lo señalado en la Circular No.DGCP-DS-005-2021. Esta declaración deberá mantenerse actualizada de manera anual y su falta de presentación ante la DGCP será impedimento de participación como proponente. Este requisito de Ley, deberá cumplirse de acuerdo a lo indicado en la sección relacionada con los requisitos obligatorios, y en el formulario que se adjunte en el Capítulo IV del Pliego de Cargos. No 4 Poder de representación en el acto público de selección de contratista. En caso que la propuesta sea suscrita por persona distinta al representante legal del proponente, su representante deberá acreditar mediante original, copia cotejada, copia simple o copia digital, que cuenta con poder especial, cuya firma debe estar autenticada por Notario Público o con poder general debidamente inscrito en el Registro Público de Panamá, con las facultades expresas para actuar como representante en el acto de selección de contratista. Sí 5 Paz y Salvo de Renta. Todo proponente que sea contribuyente en Panamá deberá acreditar que se encuentra a paz y salvo con el Tesoro Nacional, a través de la impresión de la certificación digital emitida por la Dirección General de Ingresos del Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas. Ante situaciones no imputables al proponente que le impidan la obtención de la referida certificación digital, la Dirección General de Ingresos podrá emitir dicho paz y salvo en medio impreso. Los proponentes extranjeros que no sean contribuyentes en Panamá deberán presentar una declaración jurada ante Notario, en la que harán constar que no son contribuyentes. No obstante, antes de la firma del contrato deberán inscribirse en la Dirección General de Ingresos, para obtener su Número Tributario (NT) y su respectivo paz y salvo con el Tesoro Nacional. Sí 6 Paz y Salvo del Pago de Cuota Obrero Patronal a la Caja de Seguro Social. Todo proponente deberá acreditar que se encuentra paz y salvo con la Caja de Seguro Social en el pago de la cuota obrero patronal, a través de original, copia simple o digital del paz y salvo emitido por la Dirección General de Ingresos de la Caja de Seguro Social o en su defecto, mediante original, copia cotejada o copia digital de la certificación de no cotizante al régimen de seguridad social, emitida por dicha entidad de seguridad social. Sí 7 Declaración Jurada de Medidas de Retorsión. Todo proponente, deberá cumplir con lo establecido en el artículo 12 de la Ley 48 del 26 de octubre del 2016, a través de la declaración jurada de las medidas de retorsión, cuya firma debe estar autenticada por Notario Público, la cual se presentará en original, copia simple o copia digital. Sí 8 Aviso de Operaciones. Todo proponente interesado en participar en un procedimiento de selección de contratista, deberá acreditar que tiene autorización para ejercer dicha actividad comercial, ya sea a través del aviso de operaciones o cualquier otro medio de prueba idóneo, cuyas actividades declaradas en el mismo, deben guardar relación con el objeto contractual. La documentación que acredite este requisito, podrá acreditarse mediante copia cotejada, copia simple o copia digital. Los miembros del consorcio que sean empresas extranjeras deberán aportar el documento similar que acredite que las mismas están autorizadas a operar comercialmente en el país en el que se encuentre registrada. Sí 9 Incapacidad legal para contratar. Los proponentes deberán presentar junto con su oferta una declaración por parte de la persona natural o persona jurídica, en la que deberán certificar que no se encuentran incapacitados para contratar con las entidades estatales, de conformidad con el artículo 24 del Texto Único de la Ley 22 de 27 de junio de 2006, ordenado por la Ley 153 de 2020 y el artículo 8 del Decreto Ejecutivo 439 de 2020, modificado por el Decreto Ejecutivo No.34 de 24 de agosto de 2022; la misma será suscrita y presentada a través del Sistema Electrónico de Contrataciones Públicas “PanamaCompra”. En caso de consorcios, este documento deberá ser suscrito por la persona designada para representarlo, y mediante esta suscripción todas las personas que conforman el consorcio declaran y aceptan que no se encuentran entre las situaciones establecidas en el artículo 24 del Texto Único de la Ley 22 de 2006, ordenado por la Ley 153 de 2020, respondiendo solidariamente de todas y cada una de las obligaciones derivadas de la propuesta y del contrato, así como por la falsedad de información y de documentos. Los proponentes que oferten dentro de procedimientos de selección de contratista que sean llevados a cabo por entidades que no cuenten con el servicio de internet debidamente certificado por la Autoridad Nacional para la Innovación Gubernamental, deberán presentar de manera física una declaración simple suscrita por la persona natural o el representante legal de la persona jurídica, en la que deberán declarar que no se encuentran incapacitados para contratar con las entidades estatales. No 10 Carta de Adhesión a Principios de Sostenibilidad: Todos los proponentes deberán presentar la Carta de Adhesión a los Principios de Sostenibilidad para Proveedores del Estado, suscrita por el representante legal del proponente o persona delegada, en atención a lo establecido en artículo 40 del Texto Único de la Ley 22 de 2006, ordenado por la Ley 153 de 2020 y el artículo52 del Decreto Ejecutivo No. 439 de 2020. Estos Principios de Sostenibilidad para Proveedores del Estado, tienen como propósito describir aquellas normas fundamentales en las relaciones comerciales que el Estado panameño espera mantener con sus proveedores. NOTA: Carta de Adhesión a Principios de Sostenibilidad para Proveedores del Estado deberá ser suscrito y presentado por cada proponente. En caso de consorcios, este documento deberá ser suscrito y presentado tanto por el consorcio, a través de la persona designada para representarlo, así como por cada una de las empresas que lo conforman, de manera individual. Sí 11 Pacto de Integridad: Todos los proponentes deberán presentar conjuntamente con su propuesta el Pacto de Integridad suscrito por el representante legal del proponente o persona delegada, en atención a lo establecido en los artículos 15 y 39 del Texto Único de la Ley 22 de 2006, ordenado por la Ley 153 de 2020. Este Pacto de Integridad se fundamentará en los principios de transparencia y anticorrupción y deberá establecer que ninguna de las partes pagará, ofrecerá, exigirá ni aceptará sobornos ni actuará en colusión con otros competidores para obtener la adjudicación del contrato y se hará extensivo durante su ejecución. Los contratistas incluirán el pacto de integridad en los contratos que celebren con subcontratistas para el cumplimiento de las obligaciones establecidas en la contratación pública. NOTA: El Pacto de Integridad deberá ser suscrito y presentado por cada proponente. En caso de consorcios, este documento deberá ser suscrito y presentado tanto por el consorcio, a través de la persona designada para representarlo, así como por cada una de las empresas que lo conforman, de manera individual. Sí Otros requisitos IMPORTANTE: Las entidades contratantes no deberán modificar, adicionar o condicionar los requisitos mínimos obligatorios previamente establecidos, en la sección de “Otros Requisitos”. 1 Desglose de Actividades y Precio. El proponente debe presentar el precio unitario del servicio por Servidor Público (Ajustarse al formulario N°1 del Capítulo IV). Sí 2 Certificación Otorgada por la Superintendencia de Seguros y Reaseguros. Copia autenticada por notario público de la certificación de la Superintendencia de Seguros y Reaseguros (vigente), que compruebe que el proponente está habilitado para la emisión de seguros de salud y experiencia técnica en el diseño y/o manejo de planes de seguros colectivos, a nivel nacional. En caso que participen en consorcio, ambas empresas deben presentar sus respectivas certificaciones. No 3 Calificación de riesgos vigente: Los proponentes deberán presentar copia notariada de la Calificación de Riesgo no menor de B+ del Estándar & Poors Insurance Rating o su calificación equivalente por alguna de las siguientes instituciones internacionales: A.M. Best, Fitch IBCA, Duff and Phelps, Moddy´s Investor Services, o Weiss Rating, Inc. en el ámbito local o regional. En caso de que el proponente no tenga calificación de riesgo local o regional, se aceptará la calificación internacional otorgada a la empresa en su casa matriz. Sí 4 Margen de Solvencia Técnica de la Compañía de Seguros Todos los proponentes deberán presentar constancia de solvencia técnica, que cubra el riesgo mínimo de cuarenta y cuatro millones trescientos dieciocho mil ciento treinta y tres balboas 50/100 (B/. 44,318,133.50). Para acreditar este requisito, deberá presentar copia notariada de la certificación o nota entregada por la Superintendencia de Seguros y Reaseguros a la aseguradora correspondiente al segundo trimestre del año 2024 o posterior, donde evidencie un margen de solvencia igual o superior al indicado. No 5 Estados Financieros Entregar copia de los Estados Financieros completos y debidamente auditados y firmados por un contador público autorizado, para los años 2021, 2022 y 2023. Se debe incluir como mínimo, el Balance General, el Estado de Resultados, el Estado de Cambios en el Patrimonio y Estado de Flujo de Efectivo, con sus correspondientes opiniones y notas. Si el Proponente es una empresa filial y sus estados financieros estuvieren consolidados dentro de los estados financieros de la casa matriz, deberá presentar éstos y acompañarlos de un documento de fianza de solidaridad ilimitada de la casa matriz para con el Proponente, para toda la ejecución del servicio. En caso que el proponente se presente en Consorcio o Asociación Accidental, debe presentar estados financieros de cada una de las empresas. Los Estados Financieros deben demostrar un margen de solvencia económica y utilidad neta de al menos 1.0%. No 6 Referencia Comercial Todos los proponentes deberán incluir un mínimo de tres (3) cartas en copias simples de referencias de clientes públicos o corporativos con planes de seguros colectivo de salud, con un manejo mínimo de cinco mil (5,000) asegurados y cuya relación se haya mantenido por un periodo de al menos tres (3) años consecutivos como mínimo, con manejo a nivel nacional. La referencia debe contener el periodo(s) por el cual les brindó la cobertura y la cantidad de asegurados. Adicional deberá incluir los datos de contacto relacionados con el nombre del cliente, el nombre de la persona identificada como punto de contacto, el teléfono en el cual se puede localizar y la dirección de correo electrónico. (Según modelo Formulario N°3 en el Capítulo IV) La comisión podrá verificar esta información. No 7 Referencias Bancarias. Aportar Carta(s) de Referencia Bancaria de cuentas de ahorro, cuentas corrientes, que individual o sumadas refleje un saldo mínimo de siete (7) cifras bajas, con una fecha no mayor de treinta (30) días calendario, con respecto a la fecha del presente Acto Público; o línea de crédito por el cien por ciento (100%) del valor total de la propuesta. Entiéndase que no son aceptables las cartas de intención de financiamiento ni de Factoring. En el caso de que la (s) carta (s) sea emitida por un banco que opere fuera del territorio nacional, se debe aportar, la carta de referencia emitida por un banco del país de origen, así como una carta de la institución homóloga a la Superintendencia de Bancos de Panamá, del país de origen, donde se certifique que el banco es reconocido para operar como tal; los valores monetarios que certifiquen debe ser en dólares americanos. En caso que el Proponente se presente en Consorcio o Asociación Accidental, este requisito puede ser presentado por al menos uno de los miembros del Consorcio o Asociación Accidental o en forma conjunta. (Ajustarse al Formulario N°2 del Capítulo IV) No 8 Listado de proveedores de red y especialistas Todo proponente deberá aportar un desglose de los proveedores de su red por región. Al formulario en donde detallan las cantidades, se le deberá adjuntar, además: • El listado detallado con el nombre del proveedor, su tipo y provincia en la cual presta su servicio, de tal forma de poder corroborar las cantidades plasmadas en el formulario. • Un resumen de la cantidad de centros especializados y médicos afiliados a nivel nacional, al igual que, hospitales, clínicas y médicos que cubran las diferentes especialidades y necesidades médicas de los asegurados. No 9 Sucursales de la Compañía de Seguros Proporcionar una declaración Jurada debidamente autenticada ante Notario Público, en la que se especifique que el proponente cuenta con sucursales en las ciudades de: Panamá, David, Santiago y Colón. Asimismo, deberá tener como mínimo una (1) sucursal en cualquiera de las siguientes ciudades: Las Tablas, Chitré, Aguadulce o Penonomé. En caso de no contar con estas sucursales deberá proporcionar una declaración Jurada debidamente autenticada ante Notario Público, en la que certifique que cuenta con una plataforma digital de atención a los usuarios. No 10 Convertibilidad Proporcionar una declaración Jurada debidamente autenticada ante Notario Público en donde se comprometen a dar la opción de convertibilidad del seguro de salud, a la salida del servidor público. Sí 11 Tabla de beneficios y coberturas Los proponentes deberán presentar el detalle de los beneficios y coberturas de las pólizas de salud del pliego de cargos. Se verificará que cada beneficio o cobertura cumpla como mínimo con lo plasmado en la tabla de beneficios y coberturas mínimas aceptadas, descritas en el capítulo de Especificaciones Técnicas. Esta tabla de beneficios y coberturas deberá presentarse debidamente notariada, firmada por el representante legal de la empresa. No 12 Valores agregados Los proponentes deberán presentar el detalle de los valores agregados ofrecidos. Los valores agregados incluyen los servicios de telemedicina, descuentos en proveedores de productos / servicios médicos u otros beneficios o coberturas no mencionados anteriormente. Esta información será presentada por cada proponente en nota membretada dirigida a la Procuraduría General de la Nación, firmada por su representante legal o persona autorizada. Sí Criterios de selección IMPORTANTE: Será adjudicada al proponente que obtenga el mayor puntaje en la metodología de ponderación, siempre que cumpla con los requisitos mínimos obligatorios exigidos Porcentaje de onerosidad a considerar 5.00 % Otros criterio evaluación Descripción Precio 40 Puntos/Porcentaje Descripción ASPECTOS FINANCIEROS 15 Puntos/Porcentaje Descripción ASPECTOS TÉCNICOS 15 Puntos/Porcentaje Descripción ASPECTOS ADMINISTRATIVOS 30 Puntos/Porcentaje Validez de la Propuesta 120 Días Hábiles Condiciones de la contratación Entrega: Parcial Lugar de entrega: A NIVEL NACIONAL Termino de entrega: 36 Meses Vigencia del contrato: 38 Meses Forma de pago de contrato: Crédito Termino de pago: 90 Días calendario Multas : 4.00 % Modificaciones y adiciones al contrato : En base al interés público, se atenderá a lo dispuesto en el artículo 98 del Texto Único de la Ley 22 del 2006 ordenado por la Ley 153 de 2020. Causales de la resolución administrativa del contrato : Además de las dispuestas en el artículo 136 del Texto Único de la Ley 22 del 2006 ordenado por la Ley 153 de 2020, se tendrán las siguientes:(Ver fojas 23 y 24 del Pliego de Cargos). Fianzas y otras garantías IMPORTANTE: Las Fianzas deberán presentarse de acuerdo a los modelos aprobados por la Contraloría General de la República y que se encuentran disponibles en los documentos adjuntos del Pliego de Cargos. Fianza de propuesta: Monto: 10.00 % Vigencia: 120 Días Hábiles Fianza de cumplimiento: Monto: 25.00 % Vigencia: 38 Meses Garantías: Los proponentes seleccionados deberán garantizar por escrito a la entidad contratante lo siguiente: a) En el caso de obras, se obliga a responder por los defectos de construcción hasta por un término de tres (3) años. b) En el caso de bienes, se obliga a responder por los vicios hasta por un término de un (1) año; en caso de bienes perecederos el término será el usual al ciclo de vida del producto. c) En el caso de servicios, el término será de un (1) año para responder por el cumplimiento de éstos, en las posiciones pactadas Especificaciones técnicas Bien/Servicio/Obra seleccionados R Código Clasificación Cantidad Unidad de medida Descripción SES 1 84131601 Seguros de vida 1 Servicio SEGURO COLECTIVO DE SALUD, PARA LOS SERVIDORES PÚBLICOS DE LA PROCURADURÍA GENERAL DE LA NACIÓN. --- Documentos adjuntos Descripción Tipo Fecha Acciones SOLICITUD DE BIENES Y SERVICIOS Otros 17-10-2024 04:09 PM PLIEGO DE CARGOS Pliego de Cargos 17-10-2024 04:19 PM CERTIFICACIÓN PRESUPUESTARIA EMITIDA POR EL MEF Certificación Partida Presupuestaria emitida MEF 17-10-2024 04:20 PM Documentos del acto público Documento Fecha Acciones No hay documentos del acto público Opciones "SEGURO COLECTIVO DE SALUD, PARA LOS SERVIDORES PÚBLICOS DE LA PROCURADURÍA GENERAL DE LA NACIÓN" "SEGURO COLECTIVO DE SALUD, PARA LOS SERVIDORES PÚBLICOS DE LA PROCURADURÍA GENERAL DE LA NACIÓN" Vigente Global MINISTERIO PUBLICO/DPTO. DE COMPRAS SEDE Specifications 2024-0-35-0-99-LV-032123 - Preview | PanamaCompra Specifications Number: 2024-0-35-0-99-LV-032123 Name of the act: "COLLECTIVE HEALTH INSURANCE, FOR PUBLIC SERVANTS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE" Purpose of the contract: Service Entity information Entity: PUBLIC MINISTRY Dependency: HEADQUARTERS Purchasing unit: DPTO. PURCHASE Address: Public Prosecutor's Office, Purchasing Department, located on the ground floor Purchasing unit contact Name: Hillary Peart Position: Executive Secretary 1 Telephone: 520-1013 Email: hillary.peart@procuraduria.gob.pa Call notice Act number: 2024-0-35-0-99-LV-032123 Type of procedure: Tenders Best Value exceeding B/.500,000 Contractual object: Service Description: "COLLECTIVE HEALTH INSURANCE, FOR PUBLIC SERVANTS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE" Publication date: 10-18-2024 04:29 PM Date and time of submission of proposals: 12-06-2024 Until 10:00 AM Date and time of opening of proposals: 12-06-2024 - 10:01 AM Place of submission of proposals: Proposals will be submitted electronically, as established in article 55 of the Single Text of Law 22 of 2006, ordered by Law 153 of 2020. Correction term: 3 business days after the opening date Date and time of prior meeting and approval: 11-14-2024 09:00 AM Place of prior meeting and approval: MEETING ROOM, SALOON BUILDING, 1ST FLOOR, LOCATED IN CALIDONIA, STREET 33, IN FRONT OF THE DON BOSCO CHURCH. Virtual approval meeting room: https://pgn-panama.webex.com/pgn-panama-sp/j.php?MTID=m73452a915c1b2d572d0400bde758bdae Reference price: B/. 11,708,391.25 Budget items: No. Item number 1 G.003610200.001.164 Program: --- Award method: Global Delivery province: VARIOUS General conditions See conditions Sustainability Principles Special conditions Documents to be submitted with the proposal IMPORTANT: All documents coming from abroad must be translated into Spanish by an authorized public interpreter and comply with the authentications through the apostille seal or be duly legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Panama. No. Name of correctable document 1 Proposal Bond. Any bidder interested in participating in a contractor selection procedure, which requires the submission of a proposal bond or guarantee, as provided for in articles 121 and 122 of the Single Text of Law No. 22 of June 27, 2006, ordered by Law No. 153 of May 8, 2020, must electronically submit the Proposal Bond to the bidding entity. (Applies only for an act greater than B/.500,000.00). In cases where the specifications allow the correction of this requirement, the correction will only fall on the document actually submitted,in accordance with the provisions of article 14 of Resolution No. 2259-2023-LEG/FySE of August 10, 2023. Failure to submit such submission will result in the outright rejection of the proposal. Yes 2 Certificate of existence of the Proponent. In the case of a natural person, this must be accredited by submitting a certified copy, simple copy or digital copy of the personal identity card or passport in the case of foreign natural persons. In the case of a legal entity, it must be accredited by submitting a certified copy, simple copy or digital copy of the Certification of the Public Registry, that it is registered in Panama, or of the competent authority of the country of incorporation, in the case of a foreign legal entity not registered in Panama (This certification must have been issued within one (1) year immediately prior to its submission, in accordance with the provisions of article 637 of the Judicial Code, in accordance with article 4 of the Single Text of Law 22 of 2006, ordered by Law 153 of 2020); Likewise, in the case of legal entities, a certified copy, simple copy or digital copy of the personal identity card or passport of the legal representative must be attached. In the case of a consortium or temporary association, the notarized consortium agreement must be attached, which will establish the basic conditions that will govern their relations and the person who will represent them, who must be one of those who make up the consortium or temporary association; Likewise, a certified copy, simple copy or digital copy of the personal identity card or passport of the natural person who acts as legal representative of the consortium or temporary association must be provided. All members of the consortium or temporary association must be registered in the Registry of Proponents, before the public act is held; likewise, the consortium or temporary association must be registered through its leading company before the public act is held. Observation: For all legal purposes, a proponent is understood to be any natural or legal person, national or foreign, who participates and presents a bid in a contractor selection act. Yes 3 Declaration of Nominative Shares: [When applicable due to contractor selection acts whose amount exceeds the sum of B/.500,000.00]. In public acts whose reference price exceeds Five Hundred Thousand Balboas (B/.500,000.00), in the case of bidders that are legal entities, they must submit electronically through the “PanamaCompra” portal, the sworn declaration of nominative shares established in article 41 of the Single Text of Law 22 of June 27, 2006, ordered by Law No. 153 of 2020; it will be understood to be submitted once it is entered into the Electronic Public Procurement System “PanamaCompra”,making use of the functionality that the proponent has, in order to comply with the requirement to participate in the corresponding contractor selection process. It will be the responsibility of the evaluating or verifying committees that are designated in the respective Public Acts, to validate through the Electronic Public Procurement System "PanamaCompra", that the Affidavit of Nominative Shares has complied with the minimum formalities established for its presentation, in accordance with the provisions of Circular No. DGCP-DS-005-2021. This declaration must be kept updated annually and its failure to submit it to the DGCP will be an impediment to participation as a proponent. This legal requirement must be fulfilled in accordance with the provisions of the section related to mandatory requirements, and in the form attached in Chapter IV of the Specifications. No. 4 Power of representation in the public act of contractor selection. In the event that the proposal is signed by a person other than the legal representative of the proponent, his representative must prove by means of an original, certified copy, simple copy or digital copy, that he has a special power of attorney, whose signature must be authenticated by a Notary Public or a general power of attorney duly registered in the Public Registry of Panama, with the express powers to act as a representative in the contractor selection act. Yes 5 Income Tax Clearance. Every proponent who is a taxpayer in Panama must prove that he is in good standing with the National Treasury, by printing the digital certification issued by the General Revenue Directorate of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. In the event of situations not attributable to the proponent that prevent him from obtaining the aforementioned digital certification, the General Revenue Directorate may issue said clearance in printed form. Foreign proponents who are not taxpayers in Panama must submit a sworn statement before a Notary, in which they will state that they are not taxpayers. However, before signing the contract, they must register with the General Revenue Directorate to obtain their Tax Number (TN) and their respective clearance with the National Treasury. Yes 6 Clearance of Payment of Employer-Employee Contribution to the Social Security Fund. All bidders must prove that they are in good standing with the Social Security Fund in the payment of the employer-employee contribution, through the original, simple or digital copy of the clearance issued by the General Revenue Directorate of the Social Security Fund or, failing that, through the original, certified copy or digital copy of the certification of non-contributor to the social security system, issued by said social security entity. Yes 7 Affidavit of Retaliation Measures. All bidders must comply with the provisions of article 12 of Law 48 of October 26, 2016,through the sworn statement of retaliatory measures, whose signature must be authenticated by a Notary Public, which must be submitted in original, simple copy or digital copy. Yes 8 Notice of Operations. Any bidder interested in participating in a contractor selection procedure must prove that he or she is authorized to engage in said commercial activity, either through the notice of operations or any other suitable means of proof, whose activities declared therein must be related to the contractual object. The documentation proving this requirement may be proven by means of a certified copy, simple copy or digital copy. Consortium members that are foreign companies must provide a similar document proving that they are authorized to operate commercially in the country in which they are registered. Yes 9 Legal incapacity to contract. Proponents must submit, along with their offer, a declaration by the natural person or legal entity, in which they must certify that they are not incapacitated to contract with state entities, in accordance with article 24 of the Consolidated Text of Law 22 of June 27, 2006, ordered by Law 153 of 2020 and article 8 of Executive Decree 439 of 2020, amended by Executive Decree No. 34 of August 24, 2022; it will be signed and submitted through the Electronic Public Procurement System "PanamaCompra". In the case of consortia, this document must be signed by the person designated to represent it, and by this subscription all persons that make up the consortium declare and accept that they are not among the situations established in article 24 of the Single Text of Law 22 of 2006, ordered by Law 153 of 2020, responding jointly for each and every one of the obligations derived from the proposal and the contract, as well as for the falsity of information and documents. Proponents who bid within contractor selection procedures that are carried out by entities that do not have the internet service duly certified by the National Authority for Government Innovation, must physically submit a simple declaration signed by the natural person or the legal representative of the legal entity, in which they must declare that they are not incapacitated to contract with state entities. No. 10 Letter of Adherence to Sustainability Principles: All proponents must submit the Letter of Adherence to the Sustainability Principles for State Suppliers, signed by the proponent's legal representative or delegated person, in accordance with the provisions of article 40 of the Single Text of Law 22 of 2006, ordered by Law 153 of 2020 and article 52 of Executive Decree No. 439 of 2020. These Sustainability Principles for State Suppliers,They are intended to describe the fundamental standards in commercial relations that the Panamanian State expects to maintain with its suppliers. NOTE: The Letter of Adherence to Sustainability Principles for State Suppliers must be signed and presented by each proponent. In the case of consortia, this document must be signed and presented both by the consortium, through the person designated to represent it, as well as by each of the companies that comprise it, individually. Yes 11 Integrity Pact: All bidders must submit, together with their proposal, the Integrity Pact signed by the legal representative of the bidder or delegated person, in accordance with the provisions of articles 15 and 39 of the Single Text of Law 22 of 2006, ordered by Law 153 of 2020. This Integrity Pact will be based on the principles of transparency and anti-corruption and must establish that neither party will pay, offer, demand or accept bribes or act in collusion with other competitors to obtain the award of the contract and will be extended during its execution. Contractors will include the integrity pact in the contracts they enter into with subcontractors for compliance with the obligations established in public procurement. NOTE: The Integrity Pact must be signed and presented by each bidder. In the case of consortia, this document must be signed and submitted by both the consortium, through the person designated to represent it, as well as by each of the companies that comprise it, individually. Yes Other requirements IMPORTANT: The contracting entities must not modify, add to, or condition the minimum mandatory requirements previously established in the "Other Requirements" section. 1 Breakdown of Activities and Price. The proponent must present the unit price of the service per Public Servant (Adhere to Form No. 1 of Chapter IV). Yes 2 Certification Granted by the Superintendency of Insurance and Reinsurance. Notarized copy of the certification from the Superintendency of Insurance and Reinsurance (current), proving that the proponent is authorized to issue health insurance and has technical experience in the design and/or management of collective insurance plans at a national level. If they participate in a consortium, both companies must present their respective certifications. No. 3 Current risk rating: Proponents must submit a notarized copy of the Risk Rating of no less than B+ from the Standard & Poors Insurance Rating or its equivalent rating from one of the following international institutions: AM Best, Fitch IBCA, Duff and Phelps, Moddy´s Investor Services, or Weiss Rating, Inc. at the local or regional level. In the event that the proponent does not have a local or regional risk rating,the international rating granted to the company at its parent company will be accepted. Yes 4 Technical Solvency Margin of the Insurance Company All bidders must present proof of technical solvency, covering the minimum risk of forty-four million three hundred eighteen thousand one hundred thirty-three balboas 50/100 (B/. 44,318,133.50). To prove this requirement, you must present a notarized copy of the certification or note delivered by the Superintendency of Insurance and Reinsurance to the insurer corresponding to the second quarter of 2024 or later, which shows a solvency margin equal to or greater than that indicated. No. 5 Financial Statements Submit a copy of the complete Financial Statements, duly audited and signed by a certified public accountant, for the years 2021, 2022 and 2023. At least the Balance Sheet, the Income Statement, the Statement of Changes in Equity and the Cash Flow Statement must be included, with their corresponding opinions and notes. If the Proponent is a subsidiary company and its financial statements are consolidated within the financial statements of the parent company, it must present these and accompany them with a document of unlimited solidarity guarantee from the parent company to the Proponent, for the entire execution of the service. If the Proponent presents itself as a Consortium or Accidental Association, it must present financial statements for each of the companies. The Financial Statements must demonstrate a margin of economic solvency and net profit of at least 1.0%. No. 6 Commercial Reference All bidders must include a minimum of three (3) letters in simple copies of references from public or corporate clients with group health insurance plans, with a minimum management of five thousand (5,000) insured and whose relationship has been maintained for a period of at least three (3) consecutive years as a minimum, with management at a national level. The reference must contain the period(s) for which the coverage was provided and the number of insured. Additionally, it must include contact information related to the name of the client, the name of the person identified as the point of contact, the telephone number where they can be reached and the email address. (According to Form No. 3 model in Chapter IV) The commission may verify this information. No. 7 Bank References. Provide Bank Reference Letter(s) for savings accounts, current accounts, which individually or added together reflect a minimum balance of seven (7) low figures, with a date no greater than thirty (30) calendar days, with respect to the date of this Public Act; or line of credit for one hundred percent (100%) of the total value of the proposal. Please understand that letters of intent for financing or Factoring are not acceptable. In the event that the letter(s) is issued by a bank operating outside the national territory, the following must be provided:the reference letter issued by a bank in the country of origin, as well as a letter from the institution equivalent to the Superintendency of Banks of Panama, in the country of origin, certifying that the bank is recognized to operate as such; the monetary values ​​​​certified must be in US dollars. In the event that the Proponent is presented in a Consortium or Accidental Association, this requirement may be presented by at least one of the members of the Consortium or Accidental Association or jointly. (Adjust to Form No. 2 of Chapter IV) No. 8 List of network providers and specialists All proponents must provide a breakdown of the providers in their network by region. In addition to the form detailing the amounts, the following must be attached: • The detailed list with the name of the provider, its type and province in which it provides its service, in order to corroborate the amounts stated in the form. • A summary of the number of affiliated specialized centers and doctors nationwide, as well as hospitals, clinics and doctors that cover the different specialties and medical needs of the insured. No. 9 Branches of the Insurance Company Provide a sworn statement duly authenticated before a Notary Public, specifying that the proponent has branches in the cities of: Panama, David, Santiago and Colon. Likewise, it must have at least one (1) branch in any of the following cities: Las Tablas, Chitré, Aguadulce or Penonomé. If you do not have these branches, you must provide a sworn statement duly authenticated before a Notary Public, certifying that you have a digital platform for user service. No. 10 Convertibility Provide a sworn statement duly authenticated before a Notary Public where they agree to provide the option of convertibility of health insurance, upon departure of the public servant. Yes 11 Table of benefits and coverages Proponents must present the details of the benefits and coverages of the health policies in the specifications. It will be verified that each benefit or coverage complies at least with what is stated in the table of minimum accepted benefits and coverages, described in the Technical Specifications chapter. This table of benefits and coverages must be duly notarized and signed by the legal representative of the company. No 12 Added values ​​Proponents must present the details of the added values ​​offered. Added values ​​include telemedicine services, discounts on medical product/service providers, or other benefits or coverages not mentioned above. This information will be presented by each proponent on letterhead addressed to the Attorney General's Office, signed by its legal representative or authorized person. Yes Selection criteria IMPORTANT:It will be awarded to the proponent who obtains the highest score in the weighting methodology, provided that it complies with the mandatory minimum requirements required. Percentage of burden to be considered 5.00 % Other evaluation criteria Description Price 40 Points / Percentage Description FINANCIAL ASPECTS 15 Points / Percentage Description TECHNICAL ASPECTS 15 Points / Percentage Description ADMINISTRATIVE ASPECTS 30 Points / Percentage Validity of the Proposal 120 Business Days Contracting conditions Delivery: Partial Place of delivery: NATIONWIDE Delivery term: 36 Months Contract validity: 38 Months Contract payment method: Credit Payment term: 90 Calendar days Fines: 4.00 % Modifications and additions to the contract: Based on the public interest, the provisions of article 98 of the Single Text of Law 22 of the 2006 ordered by Law 153 of 2020. Grounds for administrative termination of the contract: In addition to those provided in article 136 of the Single Text of Law 22 of 2006 ordered by Law 153 of 2020, the following shall apply: (See pages 23 and 24 of the Specifications). Bonds and other guarantees IMPORTANT: Bonds must be presented in accordance with the models approved by the Comptroller General of the Republic and which are available in the attached documents of the Specifications. Proposal bond: Amount: 10.00 % Validity: 120 Business Days Performance bond: Amount: 25.00 % Validity: 38 Months Guarantees: The selected bidders must guarantee the contracting entity in writing the following: a) In the case of works, they are obliged to respond for construction defects for a term of up to three (3) years. b) In the case of goods, they are obliged to respond for defects for a term of up to one (1) year; in the case of perishable goods, the term will be the usual one for the life cycle of the product. c) In the case of services, the term will be one (1) year to respond for the fulfillment of these, in the agreed positions Technical specifications Selected Good/Service/Work R Code Classification Quantity Unit of measurement Description SES 1 84131601 Life insurance 1 Service COLLECTIVE HEALTH INSURANCE, FOR PUBLIC SERVANTS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE OF THE NATION. --- Attached documents Description Type Date Actions REQUEST FOR GOODS AND SERVICES Others 10-17-2024 04:09 PM SPECIFICATION OF CHARGES Statement of Charges 10-17-2024 04:19 PM BUDGET CERTIFICATION ISSUED BY THE MEF Certification Budget Item issued by MEF 10-17-2024 04:20 PM Public act documents Document Date Actions There are no public act documents Options "COLLECTIVE HEALTH INSURANCE, FOR PUBLIC SERVANTS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE" "COLLECTIVE HEALTH INSURANCE, FOR PUBLIC SERVANTS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE" Current Global PUBLIC MINISTRY/PURCHASE DEPT. HEADQUARTERSSHOPPING HEADQUARTERSSHOPPING HEADQUARTERSas long as it meets the minimum mandatory requirements required Percentage of burden to be considered 5.00 % Other evaluation criteria Description Price 40 Points / Percentage Description FINANCIAL ASPECTS 15 Points / Percentage Description TECHNICAL ASPECTS 15 Points / Percentage Description ADMINISTRATIVE ASPECTS 30 Points / Percentage Validity of the Proposal 120 Business Days Contracting conditions Delivery: Partial Place of delivery: NATIONWIDE Delivery term: 36 Months Contract validity: 38 Months Contract payment method: Credit Payment term: 90 Calendar days Fines: 4.00 % Modifications and additions to the contract: Based on the public interest, the provisions of article 98 of the Single Text of Law 22 of 2006 ordered by Law 153 of 2020 will be observed. Causes for the administrative termination of the contract: In addition to those provided in article 136 of the Single Text of Law 22 of 2006 ordered by Law 153 of 2020, the following will apply: (See pages 23 and 24 of the Specifications). Bonds and other guarantees IMPORTANT: The Bonds must be presented in accordance with the models approved by the Comptroller General of the Republic and which are available in the attached documents of the Specifications. Proposal bond: Amount: 10.00 % Validity: 120 Business Days Compliance bond: Amount: 25.00 % Validity: 38 Months Guarantees: The selected bidders must guarantee in writing to the contracting entity the following: a) In the case of works, they are obliged to respond for construction defects for a term of up to three (3) years. b) In the case of goods, the obligation to respond for defects for a period of up to one (1) year; in the case of perishable goods, the term will be the usual one for the life cycle of the product. c) In the case of services, the term will be one (1) year to respond for compliance with these, in the agreed positions. Technical specifications Selected good/service/work R Code Classification Quantity Unit of measurement Description SES 1 84131601 Life insurance 1 Service COLLECTIVE HEALTH INSURANCE, FOR PUBLIC SERVANTS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE OF THE NATION. --- Attached documents Description Type Date Actions REQUEST FOR GOODS AND SERVICES Others 10-17-2024 04:09 PM SPECIFICATION OF CHARGES Statement of Charges 10-17-2024 04:19 PM BUDGET CERTIFICATION ISSUED BY THE MEF Certification Budget Item issued by MEF 10-17-2024 04:20 PM Public act documents Document Date Actions There are no public act documents Options "COLLECTIVE HEALTH INSURANCE, FOR PUBLIC SERVANTS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE" "COLLECTIVE HEALTH INSURANCE, FOR PUBLIC SERVANTS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE" Current Global PUBLIC MINISTRY/PURCHASE DEPT. HEADQUARTERSas long as it meets the minimum mandatory requirements required Percentage of burden to be considered 5.00 % Other evaluation criteria Description Price 40 Points / Percentage Description FINANCIAL ASPECTS 15 Points / Percentage Description TECHNICAL ASPECTS 15 Points / Percentage Description ADMINISTRATIVE ASPECTS 30 Points / Percentage Validity of the Proposal 120 Business Days Contracting conditions Delivery: Partial Place of delivery: NATIONWIDE Delivery term: 36 Months Contract validity: 38 Months Contract payment method: Credit Payment term: 90 Calendar days Fines: 4.00 % Modifications and additions to the contract: Based on the public interest, the provisions of article 98 of the Single Text of Law 22 of 2006 ordered by Law 153 of 2020 will be observed. Causes for the administrative termination of the contract: In addition to those provided in article 136 of the Single Text of Law 22 of 2006 ordered by Law 153 of 2020, the following will apply: (See pages 23 and 24 of the Specifications). Bonds and other guarantees IMPORTANT: The Bonds must be presented in accordance with the models approved by the Comptroller General of the Republic and which are available in the attached documents of the Specifications. Proposal bond: Amount: 10.00 % Validity: 120 Business Days Compliance bond: Amount: 25.00 % Validity: 38 Months Guarantees: The selected bidders must guarantee in writing to the contracting entity the following: a) In the case of works, they are obliged to respond for construction defects for a term of up to three (3) years. b) In the case of goods, the obligation to respond for defects for a period of up to one (1) year; in the case of perishable goods, the term will be the usual one for the life cycle of the product. c) In the case of services, the term will be one (1) year to respond for compliance with these, in the agreed positions. Technical specifications Selected good/service/work R Code Classification Quantity Unit of measurement Description SES 1 84131601 Life insurance 1 Service COLLECTIVE HEALTH INSURANCE, FOR PUBLIC SERVANTS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE OF THE NATION. --- Attached documents Description Type Date Actions REQUEST FOR GOODS AND SERVICES Others 10-17-2024 04:09 PM SPECIFICATION OF CHARGES Statement of Charges 10-17-2024 04:19 PM BUDGET CERTIFICATION ISSUED BY THE MEF Certification Budget Item issued by the MEF 10-17-2024 04:20 PM Public act documents Document Date Actions There are no public act documents Options "COLLECTIVE HEALTH INSURANCE, FOR PUBLIC SERVANTS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE" "COLLECTIVE HEALTH INSURANCE, FOR PUBLIC SERVANTS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE" Current Global PUBLIC MINISTRY/PURCHASE DEPT. HEADQUARTERS00 % Other evaluation criteria Description Price 40 Points / Percentage Description FINANCIAL ASPECTS 15 Points / Percentage Description TECHNICAL ASPECTS 15 Points / Percentage Description ADMINISTRATIVE ASPECTS 30 Points / Percentage Validity of the Proposal 120 Business Days Conditions of the contract Delivery: Partial Place of delivery: NATIONWIDE Delivery term: 36 Months Contract validity: 38 Months Contract payment method: Credit Payment term: 90 Calendar days Fines: 4.00 % Modifications and additions to the contract: Based on the public interest, the provisions of article 98 of the Single Text of Law 22 of 2006 ordered by Law 153 of 2020 will be observed. Causes for the administrative termination of the contract: In addition to those provided in article 136 of the Single Text Sole of Law 22 of 2006 ordered by Law 153 of 2020, the following will be had: (See pages 23 and 24 of the Specifications). Bonds and other guarantees IMPORTANT: The Bonds must be presented according to the models approved by the Comptroller General of the Republic and which are available in the attached documents of the Specifications. Proposal bond: Amount: 10.00 % Validity: 120 Business Days Compliance bond: Amount: 25.00 % Validity: 38 Months Guarantees: The selected proponents must guarantee in writing to the contracting entity the following: a) In the case of works, they are obliged to respond for construction defects for a term of up to three (3) years. b) In the case of goods, they are obliged to respond for vices for a term of up to one (1) year; In the case of perishable goods, the term will be the usual one for the product's life cycle. c) In the case of services, the term will be one (1) year to respond for the fulfillment of these, in the agreed positions Technical specifications Selected good/service/work R Code Classification Quantity Unit of measurement Description SES 1 84131601 Life insurance 1 Service COLLECTIVE HEALTH INSURANCE, FOR PUBLIC SERVANTS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE OF THE NATION. --- Attached documents Description Type Date Actions REQUEST FOR GOODS AND SERVICES Others 10-17-2024 04:09 PM SPECIFICATION OF CHARGES Statement of Charges 10-17-2024 04:19 PM BUDGET CERTIFICATION ISSUED BY THE MEF Certification Budget Item issued by MEF 10-17-2024 04:20 PM Public act documents Document Date Actions There are no public act documents Options "COLLECTIVE HEALTH INSURANCE, FOR PUBLIC SERVANTS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE" "COLLECTIVE HEALTH INSURANCE, FOR PUBLIC SERVANTS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE" Current Global PUBLIC MINISTRY/PURCHASE DEPT. HEADQUARTERS00 % Other evaluation criteria Description Price 40 Points / Percentage Description FINANCIAL ASPECTS 15 Points / Percentage Description TECHNICAL ASPECTS 15 Points / Percentage Description ADMINISTRATIVE ASPECTS 30 Points / Percentage Validity of the Proposal 120 Business Days Conditions of the contract Delivery: Partial Place of delivery: NATIONWIDE Delivery term: 36 Months Contract validity: 38 Months Contract payment method: Credit Payment term: 90 Calendar days Fines: 4.00 % Modifications and additions to the contract: Based on the public interest, the provisions of article 98 of the Single Text of Law 22 of 2006 ordered by Law 153 of 2020 will be observed. Causes for the administrative termination of the contract: In addition to those provided in article 136 of the Single Text Sole of Law 22 of 2006 ordered by Law 153 of 2020, the following will be had: (See pages 23 and 24 of the Specifications). Bonds and other guarantees IMPORTANT: The Bonds must be presented according to the models approved by the Comptroller General of the Republic and which are available in the attached documents of the Specifications. Proposal bond: Amount: 10.00 % Validity: 120 Business Days Compliance bond: Amount: 25.00 % Validity: 38 Months Guarantees: The selected proponents must guarantee in writing to the contracting entity the following: a) In the case of works, they are obliged to respond for construction defects for a term of up to three (3) years. b) In the case of goods, they are obliged to respond for vices for a term of up to one (1) year; In the case of perishable goods, the term will be the usual one for the product's life cycle. c) In the case of services, the term will be one (1) year to respond for the fulfillment of these, in the agreed positions Technical specifications Selected good/service/work R Code Classification Quantity Unit of measurement Description SES 1 84131601 Life insurance 1 Service COLLECTIVE HEALTH INSURANCE, FOR PUBLIC SERVANTS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE OF THE NATION. --- Attached documents Description Type Date Actions REQUEST FOR GOODS AND SERVICES Others 10-17-2024 04:09 PM SPECIFICATION OF CHARGES Statement of Charges 10-17-2024 04:19 PM BUDGET CERTIFICATION ISSUED BY THE MEF Certification Budget Item issued by MEF 10-17-2024 04:20 PM Public act documents Document Date Actions There are no public act documents Options "COLLECTIVE HEALTH INSURANCE, FOR PUBLIC SERVANTS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE" "COLLECTIVE HEALTH INSURANCE, FOR PUBLIC SERVANTS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE" Current Global PUBLIC MINISTRY/PURCHASE DEPT. HEADQUARTERSNATIONWIDE Delivery term: 36 Months Contract validity: 38 Months Contract payment method: Credit Payment term: 90 Calendar days Fines: 4.00 % Modifications and additions to the contract: Based on the public interest, the provisions of article 98 of the Single Text of Law 22 of 2006 ordered by Law 153 of 2020 will be observed. Causes for the administrative termination of the contract: In addition to those provided in article 136 of the Single Text of Law 22 of 2006 ordered by Law 153 of 2020, the following will apply: (See pages 23 and 24 of the Specifications). Bonds and other guarantees IMPORTANT: Bonds must be submitted in accordance with the models approved by the Comptroller General of the Republic and which are available in the attached documents of the Specifications. Proposal bond: Amount: 10.00 % Validity: 120 Business Days Performance bond: Amount: 25.00 % Validity: 38 Months Guarantees: The selected bidders must guarantee the contracting entity in writing the following: a) In the case of works, they are obliged to respond for construction defects for a term of up to three (3) years. b) In the case of goods, they are obliged to respond for defects for a term of up to one (1) year; in the case of perishable goods, the term will be the usual one for the life cycle of the product. c) In the case of services, the term will be one (1) year to respond for the fulfillment of these, in the agreed positions Technical specifications Selected Good/Service/Work R Code Classification Quantity Unit of measurement Description SES 1 84131601 Life insurance 1 Service COLLECTIVE HEALTH INSURANCE, FOR PUBLIC SERVANTS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE OF THE NATION. --- Attached documents Description Type Date Actions REQUEST FOR GOODS AND SERVICES Others 10-17-2024 04:09 PM SPECIFICATION OF CHARGES Statement of Charges 10-17-2024 04:19 PM BUDGET CERTIFICATION ISSUED BY THE MEF Certification Budget Item issued by MEF 10-17-2024 04:20 PM Public act documents Document Date Actions There are no public act documents Options "COLLECTIVE HEALTH INSURANCE, FOR PUBLIC SERVANTS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE" "COLLECTIVE HEALTH INSURANCE, FOR PUBLIC SERVANTS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE" Current Global PUBLIC MINISTRY/PURCHASE DEPT. HEADQUARTERSNATIONWIDE Delivery term: 36 Months Contract validity: 38 Months Contract payment method: Credit Payment term: 90 Calendar days Fines: 4.00 % Modifications and additions to the contract: Based on the public interest, the provisions of article 98 of the Single Text of Law 22 of 2006 ordered by Law 153 of 2020 will be observed. Causes for the administrative termination of the contract: In addition to those provided in article 136 of the Single Text of Law 22 of 2006 ordered by Law 153 of 2020, the following will apply: (See pages 23 and 24 of the Specifications). Bonds and other guarantees IMPORTANT: Bonds must be submitted in accordance with the models approved by the Comptroller General of the Republic and which are available in the attached documents of the Specifications. Proposal bond: Amount: 10.00 % Validity: 120 Business Days Performance bond: Amount: 25.00 % Validity: 38 Months Guarantees: The selected bidders must guarantee the contracting entity in writing the following: a) In the case of works, they are obliged to respond for construction defects for a term of up to three (3) years. b) In the case of goods, they are obliged to respond for defects for a term of up to one (1) year; in the case of perishable goods, the term will be the usual one for the life cycle of the product. c) In the case of services, the term will be one (1) year to respond for the fulfillment of these, in the agreed positions Technical specifications Selected Good/Service/Work R Code Classification Quantity Unit of measurement Description SES 1 84131601 Life insurance 1 Service COLLECTIVE HEALTH INSURANCE, FOR PUBLIC SERVANTS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE OF THE NATION. --- Attached documents Description Type Date Actions REQUEST FOR GOODS AND SERVICES Others 10-17-2024 04:09 PM SPECIFICATION OF CHARGES Statement of Charges 10-17-2024 04:19 PM BUDGET CERTIFICATION ISSUED BY THE MEF Certification Budget Item issued by MEF 10-17-2024 04:20 PM Public act documents Document Date Actions There are no public act documents Options "COLLECTIVE HEALTH INSURANCE, FOR PUBLIC SERVANTS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE" "COLLECTIVE HEALTH INSURANCE, FOR PUBLIC SERVANTS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE" Current Global PUBLIC MINISTRY/PURCHASE DEPT. HEADQUARTERSBonds and other guarantees IMPORTANT: Bonds must be submitted in accordance with the models approved by the Comptroller General of the Republic and which are available in the attached documents of the Specifications. Proposal bond: Amount: 10.00 % Validity: 120 Business Days Performance bond: Amount: 25.00 % Validity: 38 Months Guarantees: The selected bidders must guarantee the contracting entity in writing the following: a) In the case of works, they are obliged to respond for construction defects for a term of up to three (3) years. b) In the case of goods, they are obliged to respond for defects for a term of up to one (1) year; in the case of perishable goods, the term will be the usual one for the life cycle of the product. c) In the case of services, the term will be one (1) year to respond for the fulfillment of these, in the agreed positions Technical specifications Selected Good/Service/Work R Code Classification Quantity Unit of measurement Description SES 1 84131601 Life insurance 1 Service COLLECTIVE HEALTH INSURANCE, FOR PUBLIC SERVANTS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE OF THE NATION. --- Attached documents Description Type Date Actions REQUEST FOR GOODS AND SERVICES Others 10-17-2024 04:09 PM SPECIFICATION OF CHARGES Statement of Charges 10-17-2024 04:19 PM BUDGET CERTIFICATION ISSUED BY THE MEF Certification Budget Item issued by the MEF 10-17-2024 04:20 PM Public act documents Document Date Actions There are no public act documents Options "COLLECTIVE HEALTH INSURANCE, FOR PUBLIC SERVANTS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE" "COLLECTIVE HEALTH INSURANCE, FOR PUBLIC SERVANTS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE" Current Global PUBLIC MINISTRY/PURCHASE DEPT. HEADQUARTERSBonds and other guarantees IMPORTANT: Bonds must be submitted in accordance with the models approved by the Comptroller General of the Republic and which are available in the attached documents of the Specifications. Proposal bond: Amount: 10.00 % Validity: 120 Business Days Performance bond: Amount: 25.00 % Validity: 38 Months Guarantees: The selected bidders must guarantee the contracting entity in writing the following: a) In the case of works, they are obliged to respond for construction defects for a term of up to three (3) years. b) In the case of goods, they are obliged to respond for defects for a term of up to one (1) year; in the case of perishable goods, the term will be the usual one for the life cycle of the product. c) In the case of services, the term will be one (1) year to respond for the fulfillment of these, in the agreed positions Technical specifications Selected Good/Service/Work R Code Classification Quantity Unit of measurement Description SES 1 84131601 Life insurance 1 Service COLLECTIVE HEALTH INSURANCE, FOR PUBLIC SERVANTS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE OF THE NATION. --- Attached documents Description Type Date Actions REQUEST FOR GOODS AND SERVICES Others 10-17-2024 04:09 PM SPECIFICATION OF CHARGES Statement of Charges 10-17-2024 04:19 PM BUDGET CERTIFICATION ISSUED BY THE MEF Certification Budget Item issued by MEF 10-17-2024 04:20 PM Public act documents Document Date Actions There are no public act documents Options "COLLECTIVE HEALTH INSURANCE, FOR PUBLIC SERVANTS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE" "COLLECTIVE HEALTH INSURANCE, FOR PUBLIC SERVANTS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE" Current Global PUBLIC MINISTRY/PURCHASE DEPT. HEADQUARTERS--- Attached documents Description Type Date Actions REQUEST FOR GOODS AND SERVICES Others 10-17-2024 04:09 PM SPECIFICATION OF CHARGES Statement of Charges 10-17-2024 04:19 PM BUDGET CERTIFICATION ISSUED BY THE MEF Certification Budget Item issued by MEF 10-17-2024 04:20 PM Public act documents Document Date Actions There are no public act documents Options "COLLECTIVE HEALTH INSURANCE, FOR PUBLIC SERVANTS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE" "COLLECTIVE HEALTH INSURANCE, FOR PUBLIC SERVANTS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE" Current Global PUBLIC MINISTRY/PURCHASE DEPT. HEADQUARTERS--- Attached documents Description Type Date Actions REQUEST FOR GOODS AND SERVICES Others 10-17-2024 04:09 PM SPECIFICATION OF CHARGES Statement of Charges 10-17-2024 04:19 PM BUDGET CERTIFICATION ISSUED BY THE MEF Certification Budget Item issued by MEF 10-17-2024 04:20 PM Public act documents Document Date Actions There are no public act documents Options "COLLECTIVE HEALTH INSURANCE, FOR PUBLIC SERVANTS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE" "COLLECTIVE HEALTH INSURANCE, FOR PUBLIC SERVANTS OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE" Current Global PUBLIC MINISTRY/PURCHASE DEPT. HEADQUARTERS
Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking General Freight Trucking Securities Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking Executive HospitalsT Executive General Freight Trucking
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