Tender Details

Буряк столовий молодий, з обрізаною зеленню, першого товарного сорту, Морква молода свіжа, з обрізаною зеленню, Цибуля ріпчаста свіжа, вищого товарного сорту, від 5 см, ДСТУ 3234, Капуста білоголова свіжа, пізньостигла, першого товарного сорту, ДСТУ 7037, Ядра волоських горіхів, половинки, вищого сорту, Яблука свіжі, пізньостиглі, вищого товарного сорту, ДСТУ 8133, Банани свіжі, ґатунок другий, світло-зелені, від 14 см, діаметр плоду не більше 4 см, Лимони свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 4 см, вищого сорту, Груші середньостиглі, вищого товарного сорту, діаметр не менше 70 мм, Апельсини свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 5 см, вищого сорту, Ківі, сорт вищий, плід вагою не менше 90 г, Виноград свіжий столовий, першого товарного сорту, ДСТУ 2438, Мандарини свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 3,8 см 135 200.00 грн. з ПДВ Ізяславський навчально-реабілітаційний центр Хмельницької обласної ради UA-2024-10-31-004418-a Young table beets, with trimmed greens, of the first commercial grade, Fresh young carrots, with trimmed greens, Fresh onions, of the highest commercial grade, from 5 cm, DSTU 3234, Fresh white cabbage, late ripening, of the first commercial grade, DSTU 7037, Voloski kernels nuts, halves, top grade, Apples, fresh, late ripe, top grade, DSTU 8133, Bananas, fresh, grade two, light green, from 14 cm, fruit diameter no more than 4 cm, Lemons, fresh, fruit diameter no less than 4 cm, medium-ripe pears, superior commercial grade, diameter at least 70 mm, fresh oranges, fruit diameter at least 5 cm, superior grade, Kiwi, superior grade, fruit weighing at least 90 g, fresh table grapes, first commercial grade, DSTU 2438, Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm 135,200.00 UAH. with VAT Izyaslav educational and rehabilitation center of the Khmelnytskyi Regional Council UA-2024-10-31-004418-a

Published Date
Deadline Date
Буряк столовий молодий, з обрізаною зеленню, першого товарного сорту, Морква молода свіжа, з обрізаною зеленню, Цибуля ріпчаста свіжа, вищого товарного сорту, від 5 см, ДСТУ 3234, Капуста білоголова свіжа, пізньостигла, першого товарного сорту, ДСТУ 7037, Ядра волоських горіхів, половинки, вищого сорту, Яблука свіжі, пізньостиглі, вищого товарного сорту, ДСТУ 8133, Банани свіжі, ґатунок другий, світло-зелені, від 14 см, діаметр плоду не більше 4 см, Лимони свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 4 см, вищого сорту, Груші середньостиглі, вищого товарного сорту, діаметр не менше 70 мм, Апельсини свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 5 см, вищого сорту, Ківі, сорт вищий, плід вагою не менше 90 г, Виноград свіжий столовий, першого товарного сорту, ДСТУ 2438, Мандарини свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 3,8 см ДатиПодача пропозиційдо 5 листопада, 00:00Дата останніх змін31 жовтня, 12:28Предмети закупівліБуряк столовий молодий, з обрізаною зеленню, першого товарного сорту100 кілограмАдреса поставки: 30300, Україна, Хмельницька область, Ізяслав, Незалежності,42Строк: до 31.12.2024 11:42Тип предмета закупівлі: Товари Код ДК 021:2015: 03220000-9, Овочі, фрукти та горіхиПрофіль: Мандарини свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 3,8 см Товарний сортпершийВидз обрізаною зеленнюДіаметр коренеплодуне менше 5 смХарактеристики не суперечать ДСТУ 7034ТакМорква молода свіжа, з обрізаною зеленню100 кілограмАдреса поставки: 30300, Україна, Хмельницька область, Ізяслав, Незалежності,42Строк: до 31.12.2024 11:42Тип предмета закупівлі: Товари Код ДК 021:2015: 03220000-9, Овочі, фрукти та горіхиПрофіль: Мандарини свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 3,8 см Видз обрізаною зеленнюДіаметр коренеплодуне менше 1,5 смХарактеристики не суперечать ДСТУ 286ТакЦибуля ріпчаста свіжа, вищого товарного сорту, від 5 см, ДСТУ 3234100 кілограмАдреса поставки: 30300, Україна, Хмельницька область, Ізяслав, Незалежності,42Строк: до 31.12.2024 11:42Тип предмета закупівлі: Товари Код ДК 021:2015: 03220000-9, Овочі, фрукти та горіхиПрофіль: Мандарини свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 3,8 см Товарний сортвищийНайбільший поперечний діаметрвід 5 смХарактеристики не суперечать ДСТУ 3234ТакЦибуля ріпчаста ранняКапуста білоголова свіжа, пізньостигла, першого товарного сорту, ДСТУ 7037200 кілограмАдреса поставки: 30300, Україна, Хмельницька область, Ізяслав, Незалежності,42Строк: до 31.12.2024 11:42Тип предмета закупівлі: Товари Код ДК 021:2015: 03220000-9, Овочі, фрукти та горіхиПрофіль: Мандарини свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 3,8 см Товарний сортпершийСтрок достиганняпізньостиглаВідповідність ДСТУ 7037ТакЯдра волоських горіхів, половинки, вищого сорту10 кілограмАдреса поставки: 30300, Україна, Хмельницька область, Ізяслав, Незалежності,42Строк: до 31.12.2024 11:42Тип предмета закупівлі: Товари Код ДК 021:2015: 03220000-9, Овочі, фрукти та горіхиПрофіль: Мандарини свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 3,8 см CортвищийВидполовинкиЯблука свіжі, пізньостиглі, вищого товарного сорту, ДСТУ 8133300 кілограмАдреса поставки: 30300, Україна, Хмельницька область, Ізяслав, Незалежності,42Строк: до 31.12.2024 11:42Тип предмета закупівлі: Товари Код ДК 021:2015: 03220000-9, Овочі, фрукти та горіхиПрофіль: Мандарини свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 3,8 см Термін достиганняпізньостигліТоварний сортвищийДіаметр плодуне менше 70 ммВідповідність ДСТУДСТУ 8133Банани свіжі, ґатунок другий, світло-зелені, від 14 см, діаметр плоду не більше 4 см300 кілограмАдреса поставки: 30300, Україна, Хмельницька область, Ізяслав, Незалежності,42Строк: до 31.12.2024 11:42Тип предмета закупівлі: Товари Код ДК 021:2015: 03220000-9, Овочі, фрукти та горіхиПрофіль: Мандарини свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 3,8 см ҐатунокдругийКолір (на момент реалізації)світло-зеленийРозмір плодівне менше 14 смДіаметр плодуне більше 4 смЛимони свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 4 см, вищого сорту25 кілограмАдреса поставки: 30300, Україна, Хмельницька область, Ізяслав, Незалежності,42Строк: до 31.12.2024 11:42Тип предмета закупівлі: Товари Код ДК 021:2015: 03220000-9, Овочі, фрукти та горіхиПрофіль: Мандарини свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 3,8 см Відсутність мерзлих та підморожених плодівТакКолір (на момент реалізації)від світло-зеленого до жовтогоДіаметр плодуне менше 4 смСортвищийХарактеристики не суперечать ДСТУ ЕЭК ООН FFV-14:2007ТакГруші середньостиглі, вищого товарного сорту, діаметр не менше 70 мм50 кілограмАдреса поставки: 30300, Україна, Хмельницька область, Ізяслав, Незалежності,42Строк: до 31.12.2024 11:42Тип предмета закупівлі: Товари Код ДК 021:2015: 03220000-9, Овочі, фрукти та горіхиПрофіль: Мандарини свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 3,8 см Термін достиганнясередньостигліТоварний сортвищийДіаметр плодуне менше 70 ммВідповідність ДСТУ 8326ТакАпельсини свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 5 см, вищого сорту300 кілограмАдреса поставки: 30300, Україна, Хмельницька область, Ізяслав, Незалежності,42Строк: до 31.12.2024 11:42Тип предмета закупівлі: Товари Код ДК 021:2015: 03220000-9, Овочі, фрукти та горіхиПрофіль: Мандарини свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 3,8 см Колір (на момент реалізації)від світло-помаранчевого до помаранчевогоДіаметр плодуне менше 5 смВідсутність мерзлих та підморожених плодівТакСортвищийХарактеристики не суперечать ДСТУ ЕЭК ООН FFV-14:2007ТакКіві, сорт вищий, плід вагою не менше 90 г50 кілограмАдреса поставки: 30300, Україна, Хмельницька область, Ізяслав, Незалежності,42Строк: до 31.12.2024 11:42Тип предмета закупівлі: Товари Код ДК 021:2015: 03220000-9, Овочі, фрукти та горіхиПрофіль: Мандарини свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 3,8 см СортвищийКалібрування за вагоюне менше 90 гВиноград свіжий столовий, першого товарного сорту, ДСТУ 2438100 кілограмАдреса поставки: 30300, Україна, Хмельницька область, Ізяслав, Незалежності,42Строк: до 31.12.2024 11:42Тип предмета закупівлі: Товари Код ДК 021:2015: 03220000-9, Овочі, фрукти та горіхиПрофіль: Мандарини свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 3,8 см Товарний сортпершийВідповідність ДСТУ 2438ТакМандарини свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 3,8 см300 кілограмАдреса поставки: 30300, Україна, Хмельницька область, Ізяслав, Незалежності,42Строк: до 31.12.2024 11:42Тип предмета закупівлі: Товари Код ДК 021:2015: 03220000-9, Овочі, фрукти та горіхиПрофіль: Мандарини свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 3,8 см Колір (на момент реалізації)від світло-помаранчевого до помаранчевогоДіаметр плодуне менше 3,8 смВідсутність мерзлих та підморожених плодівТак ДатиПодача пропозиційдо 5 листопада, 00:00Дата останніх змін31 жовтня, 12:28Предмети закупівліБуряк столовий молодий, з обрізаною зеленню, першого товарного сорту100 кілограмАдреса поставки: 30300, Україна, Хмельницька область, Ізяслав, Незалежності,42Строк: до 31.12.2024 11:42Тип предмета закупівлі: Товари Код ДК 021:2015: 03220000-9, Овочі, фрукти та горіхиПрофіль: Мандарини свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 3,8 см Товарний сортпершийВидз обрізаною зеленнюДіаметр коренеплодуне менше 5 смХарактеристики не суперечать ДСТУ 7034ТакМорква молода свіжа, з обрізаною зеленню100 кілограмАдреса поставки: 30300, Україна, Хмельницька область, Ізяслав, Незалежності,42Строк: до 31.12.2024 11:42Тип предмета закупівлі: Товари Код ДК 021:2015: 03220000-9, Овочі, фрукти та горіхиПрофіль: Мандарини свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 3,8 см Видз обрізаною зеленнюДіаметр коренеплодуне менше 1,5 смХарактеристики не суперечать ДСТУ 286ТакЦибуля ріпчаста свіжа, вищого товарного сорту, від 5 см, ДСТУ 3234100 кілограмАдреса поставки: 30300, Україна, Хмельницька область, Ізяслав, Незалежності,42Строк: до 31.12.2024 11:42Тип предмета закупівлі: Товари Код ДК 021:2015: 03220000-9, Овочі, фрукти та горіхиПрофіль: Мандарини свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 3,8 см Товарний сортвищийНайбільший поперечний діаметрвід 5 смХарактеристики не суперечать ДСТУ 3234ТакЦибуля ріпчаста ранняКапуста білоголова свіжа, пізньостигла, першого товарного сорту, ДСТУ 7037200 кілограмАдреса поставки: 30300, Україна, Хмельницька область, Ізяслав, Незалежності,42Строк: до 31.12.2024 11:42Тип предмета закупівлі: Товари Код ДК 021:2015: 03220000-9, Овочі, фрукти та горіхиПрофіль: Мандарини свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 3,8 см Товарний сортпершийСтрок достиганняпізньостиглаВідповідність ДСТУ 7037ТакЯдра волоських горіхів, половинки, вищого сорту10 кілограмАдреса поставки: 30300, Україна, Хмельницька область, Ізяслав, Незалежності,42Строк: до 31.12.2024 11:42Тип предмета закупівлі: Товари Код ДК 021:2015: 03220000-9, Овочі, фрукти та горіхиПрофіль: Мандарини свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 3,8 см CортвищийВидполовинкиЯблука свіжі, пізньостиглі, вищого товарного сорту, ДСТУ 8133300 кілограмАдреса поставки: 30300, Україна, Хмельницька область, Ізяслав, Незалежності,42Строк: до 31.12.2024 11:42Тип предмета закупівлі: Товари Код ДК 021:2015: 03220000-9, Овочі, фрукти та горіхиПрофіль: Мандарини свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 3,8 см Термін достиганняпізньостигліТоварний сортвищийДіаметр плодуне менше 70 ммВідповідність ДСТУДСТУ 8133Банани свіжі, ґатунок другий, світло-зелені, від 14 см, діаметр плоду не більше 4 см300 кілограмАдреса поставки: 30300, Україна, Хмельницька область, Ізяслав, Незалежності,42Строк: до 31.12.2024 11:42Тип предмета закупівлі: Товари Код ДК 021:2015: 03220000-9, Овочі, фрукти та горіхиПрофіль: Мандарини свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 3,8 см ҐатунокдругийКолір (на момент реалізації)світло-зеленийРозмір плодівне менше 14 смДіаметр плодуне більше 4 смЛимони свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 4 см, вищого сорту25 кілограмАдреса поставки: 30300, Україна, Хмельницька область, Ізяслав, Незалежності,42Строк: до 31.12.2024 11:42Тип предмета закупівлі: Товари Код ДК 021:2015: 03220000-9, Овочі, фрукти та горіхиПрофіль: Мандарини свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 3,8 см Відсутність мерзлих та підморожених плодівТакКолір (на момент реалізації)від світло-зеленого до жовтогоДіаметр плодуне менше 4 смСортвищийХарактеристики не суперечать ДСТУ ЕЭК ООН FFV-14:2007ТакГруші середньостиглі, вищого товарного сорту, діаметр не менше 70 мм50 кілограмАдреса поставки: 30300, Україна, Хмельницька область, Ізяслав, Незалежності,42Строк: до 31.12.2024 11:42Тип предмета закупівлі: Товари Код ДК 021:2015: 03220000-9, Овочі, фрукти та горіхиПрофіль: Мандарини свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 3,8 см Термін достиганнясередньостигліТоварний сортвищийДіаметр плодуне менше 70 ммВідповідність ДСТУ 8326ТакАпельсини свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 5 см, вищого сорту300 кілограмАдреса поставки: 30300, Україна, Хмельницька область, Ізяслав, Незалежності,42Строк: до 31.12.2024 11:42Тип предмета закупівлі: Товари Код ДК 021:2015: 03220000-9, Овочі, фрукти та горіхиПрофіль: Мандарини свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 3,8 см Колір (на момент реалізації)від світло-помаранчевого до помаранчевогоДіаметр плодуне менше 5 смВідсутність мерзлих та підморожених плодівТакСортвищийХарактеристики не суперечать ДСТУ ЕЭК ООН FFV-14:2007ТакКіві, сорт вищий, плід вагою не менше 90 г50 кілограмАдреса поставки: 30300, Україна, Хмельницька область, Ізяслав, Незалежності,42Строк: до 31.12.2024 11:42Тип предмета закупівлі: Товари Код ДК 021:2015: 03220000-9, Овочі, фрукти та горіхиПрофіль: Мандарини свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 3,8 см СортвищийКалібрування за вагоюне менше 90 гВиноград свіжий столовий, першого товарного сорту, ДСТУ 2438100 кілограмАдреса поставки: 30300, Україна, Хмельницька область, Ізяслав, Незалежності,42Строк: до 31.12.2024 11:42Тип предмета закупівлі: Товари Код ДК 021:2015: 03220000-9, Овочі, фрукти та горіхиПрофіль: Мандарини свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 3,8 см Товарний сортпершийВідповідність ДСТУ 2438ТакМандарини свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 3,8 см300 кілограмАдреса поставки: 30300, Україна, Хмельницька область, Ізяслав, Незалежності,42Строк: до 31.12.2024 11:42Тип предмета закупівлі: Товари Код ДК 021:2015: 03220000-9, Овочі, фрукти та горіхиПрофіль: Мандарини свіжі, діаметр плоду не менше 3,8 см Колір (на момент реалізації)від світло-помаранчевого до помаранчевогоДіаметр плодуне менше 3,8 смВідсутність мерзлих та підморожених плодівТак Допомога юристів в видаленнідискримінаційних умов Замовити оскарження Young table beets, with trimmed greens, of the first commercial grade, Fresh young carrots, with trimmed greens, Fresh onions, of the highest commercial grade, from 5 cm, DSTU 3234, Fresh white cabbage, late ripening, of the first commercial grade, DSTU 7037, Voloski kernels nuts, halves, top grade, Apples, fresh, late ripe, top grade, DSTU 8133, Bananas, fresh, grade two, light green, from 14 cm, fruit diameter no more than 4 cm, Lemons, fresh, fruit diameter no less than 4 cm, medium-ripe pears, superior commercial grade, diameter at least 70 mm, fresh oranges, fruit diameter at least 5 cm, superior grade, Kiwi, superior grade, fruit weighing at least 90 g, fresh table grapes, first commercial grade, DSTU 2438, Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter not less than 3.8 cm Dates Submission of offers until November 5, 00:00 Date of last changes October 31, 12:28 Purchase items Young table beet, with trimmed greens, of the first commercial grade 100 kilograms Delivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav , Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh mandarins, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Commodity grade first Appearance of cut greens Root fruit diameter less than 5 cmCharacteristics do not contradict DSTU 7034YesYoung fresh carrots, with trimmed greens100 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42Expiration: until 12.31.2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods Code 021:2015: 03220000-9 , vegetables, fruits and nutsProfile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm View of cut greensDiameter of root fruit less than 1.5 cmCharacteristics do not contradict DSTU 286 YesFresh bulbous onions, of the highest commercial grade, from 5 cm, DSTU 3234100 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi region , Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of procurement: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Commodity grade The largest transverse diameter from 5 cmCharacteristics do not contradict DSTU 3234YesEarly onion Cabbage, fresh, late ripening, of the first commercial grade, DSTU 7037200 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42Term: until 12/31/2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods Code DK 021:2015 : 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nutsProfile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cmCommodity grade firstRate of ripening lateripeCompliance with DSTU 7037YesWalnut kernels, halves, of the highest grade10 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42Stroke: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Cortvyshyi HalvesApples, fresh, late ripe, of the highest commercial grade, DSTU 8133300 kilogramAddress delivery: 30300, Ukraine,Khmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of procurement: Goods DK code 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Ripening periodlate ripeCommodity high grade Fruit diameter not less than 70 mm Conformity to DSTUDSTU 8133 Fresh bananas, second grade, light green, from 14 cm, fruit diameter not more than 4 cm300 kilograms Delivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Expiry date: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type subject of purchase: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Second grade Color (at the time of sale) light green Fruit size not less than 14 cm Fruit diameter more than 4 cm Fresh lemons, the diameter of the fruit is not less than 4 cm, of the highest grade25 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42Expiration: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods DK code 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, diameter fruit size at least 3.8 cm Absence of frozen and frozen fruits Yes Color (at the time of sale) from light green to yellow Fruit diameter is less than 4 cm High grade Characteristics do not contradict UN ECE FFV-14:2007 Yes Medium-ripe pears, of the highest commercial grade, diameter at least 70 mm 50 kilograms Delivery address : 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of procurement: Goods DK code 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Ripe period medium-ripeCommodity high grade Fruit diameter not less than 70 mm Compliance with DSTU 8326 Yes Oranges are fresh, fruit diameter not less than 5 cm, high grade 300 kilograms Delivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 12/31/2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Color (at the time of sale) from light orange to orange Fruit diameter is not less than 5 cm Absence of frozen and frozen fruits Yes Sorthigher Characteristics do not contradict UN ECE DSTU FFV-14:2007YesKiwi, superior grade, fruit weighing at least 90 g50 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42Expiration: until 12/31/2024 11:42 Type of procurement: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nutsProfile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cmHigh gradeCalibration by weight at least 90 gFresh table grapes, first commercial grade, DSTU 2438100 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of procurement: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Commodity first grade Compliance with DSTU 2438YesFresh tangerines, fruit diameter not less than 3.8 cm300 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine,Khmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of procurement: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Color (on the moment of realization) from light orange to orange Fruit diameter not less than 3.8 cm Absence of frozen and frozen fruits Yes Dates Submission of offers until November 5, 00:00 Date of last changes October 31, 12:28 Items of purchase Young table beets, with trimmed greens, of the first commercial grade 100 kilograms Delivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of procurement: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Commodity first grade, with cut greens. The diameter of the root is not less than 5 cm. The characteristics do not contradict DSTU 7034. Yes. Young fresh carrots, with cut greens. 100 kilograms. DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm With cut greens Root diameter at least 1.5 cm Characteristics do not contradict DSTU 286 Yes Fresh onion, of the highest commercial grade, from 5 cm, DSTU 3234100 kilograms Delivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42Expire: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of procurement: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Commercial grade higher than 5 cm. Characteristics do not contradict DSTU 3234. Yes. Onion. Early white cabbage 1:42 Type of purchase item: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Commodity grade first Ripening period late ripe Conformity with DSTU 7037 Yes Walnut kernels, halves, top grade 10 kilograms Delivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm High-quality HalvesApples fresh, late-ripe, higher commodity grade, DSTU 8133300 kilosDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 12.31.2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods DK code 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines and , fruit diameter not less than 3.8 cm Ripening period late ripe Commodity variety higher Fruit diameter not less than 70 mm Compliance with DSTUDSTU 8133 Bananas fresh, second grade, light green, from 14 cm, fruit diameter not more than 4 cm 300 kilograms Delivery address: 30300, Ukraine,Khmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Grade second Color (on time of sale) light green Fruit size not less than 14 cm Fruit diameter more than 4 cm Fresh lemons, fruit diameter not less than 4 cm, top grade 25 kilograms Delivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 12/31/2024 11:42 Type of purchase item : Goods Code DC 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Absence of frozen and frozen fruits Yes Color (at the time of sale) from light green to yellow Fruit diameter at least 4 cm High quality Characteristics no contrary to UNECE DSTU FFV-14:2007 Yes Medium-ripe pears, of the highest commercial grade, diameter at least 70 mm50 kilograms Delivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 12/31/2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods Code DK 021 :2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nutsProfile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Ripening period medium-ripeCommodity gradeFruit diameter not less than 70 mmCompliance with DSTU 8326YesFresh oranges, fruit diameter at least 5 cm, top quality300 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine , Khmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of procurement: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Color ( at the time of implementation) from light orange to orange Fruit diameter not less than 5 cm Absence of frozen and sub-frozen fruits Yes Varietal Superior Characteristics do not contradict UN ECE DSTU FFV-14:2007 Yes Kiwi, superior variety, fruit weighing at least 90 g 50 kilograms Delivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Term: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh mandarins, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm higher Calibration for weight not less than 90 g Fresh table grapes , of the first commercial grade, DSTU 2438100 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42Expire: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods Code DC 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nutsProfile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter not less than 3.8 cm. Commodity grade first. Compliance with DSTU 2438 Yes. Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter not less than 3.8 cm. 300 kilograms. : Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Color (at the time of sale) from light orange to orange Fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Absence of frozen or frozen plodovYes Assistance of lawyers in removing discriminatory conditions Order an appealNezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Second grade Color (at the time of sale) light- green Fruit size less than 14 cm Fruit diameter more than 4 cm Fresh lemons, fruit diameter at least 4 cm, top quality 25 kilograms Delivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 12/31/2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods Code DK 021 :2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Absence of frozen and sub-frozen fruits Yes Color (at the time of sale) from light green to yellow Fruit diameter at least 4 cm Varietal higher Characteristics do not contradict UN ECE FFV DSTU -14:2007YesPears of medium ripeness, of the highest commercial grade, diameter at least 70 mm50 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42Expiration: until 12/31/2024 11:42Type of purchase item: Goods DC Code 021:2015: 03220000- 9, Vegetables, fruits and nutsProfile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Maturity period medium-ripeCommodity varietyhigher Fruit diameter not less than 70 mmCompliance with DSTU 8326YesFresh oranges, fruit diameter at least 5 cm, high grade300 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav , Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of procurement: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Color (at the time of sale) from light orange to orange Fruit diameter not less than 5 cm Absence of frozen and sub-frozen fruits Yes Variety Higher Characteristics do not contradict UN ECE DSTU FFV-14:2007 Yes Kiwi, higher grade, fruit weighing at least 90 g 50 kilograms Delivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Expiry date: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of purchase object: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm High grade Calibration for weighing less than 90 g Fresh table grapes, first commercial grade, DSTU 2438100 kilogrameramendress of delivery: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnitsky region, Izyaslav, independence, 42st: until 31.12.2024 11: 42type of the procurement item: goods Code DK 021: 2015: 03220000-9 not less than 3.8 cm Commodity grade firstCompliance with DSTU 2438 YesTangerines are fresh, fruit diameter not less than 3.8 cm300 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 12/31/2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods Code DK 021 :2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Color (at the time of sale) from light orange to orange Fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Absence of frozen and frozen fruits Yes Legal assistance in removing discriminatory conditions Order an appealNezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Second grade Color (at the time of sale) light- green Fruit size less than 14 cm Fruit diameter more than 4 cm Fresh lemons, fruit diameter at least 4 cm, top quality 25 kilograms Delivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 12/31/2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods Code DK 021 :2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Absence of frozen and sub-frozen fruits Yes Color (at the time of sale) from light green to yellow Fruit diameter at least 4 cm Varietal higher Characteristics do not contradict UN ECE FFV DSTU -14:2007YesPears of medium ripeness, of the highest commercial grade, diameter at least 70 mm50 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42Expiration: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000- 9, Vegetables, fruits and nutsProfile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Maturity period medium-ripeCommodity varietyhigher Fruit diameter not less than 70 mmCompliance with DSTU 8326YesFresh oranges, fruit diameter at least 5 cm, high grade300 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav , Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of procurement: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Color (at the time of sale) from light orange to orange Fruit diameter not less than 5 cm Absence of frozen and sub-frozen fruits Yes Variety Higher Characteristics do not contradict UN ECE DSTU FFV-14:2007 Yes Kiwi, higher grade, fruit weighing at least 90 g 50 kilograms Delivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Expiry date: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of purchase object: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm High grade Calibration for weighing less than 90 g Fresh table grapes, first commercial grade, DSTU 2438100 kilogrameramendress of delivery: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnitsky region, Izyaslav, independence, 42st: until 31.12.2024 11: 42type of the procurement item: goods Code DK 021: 2015: 03220000-9 not less than 3.8 cm Commodity grade firstCompliance with DSTU 2438 YesTangerines are fresh, fruit diameter not less than 3.8 cm300 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 12/31/2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods Code DK 021 :2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Color (at the time of sale) from light orange to orange Fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Absence of frozen and frozen fruits Yes Legal assistance in removing discriminatory conditions Order an appeal42 Type of purchase object: Goods Code DC 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Second grade Color (at the time of sale) light green Fruit size less than 14 cm Fruit diameter more than 4 cm Fresh lemons , fruit diameter not less than 4 cm, top grade 25 kilograms Delivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods DC Code 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nutsProfile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Absence of frozen and frozen fruits Yes Color (at the time of sale) from light green to yellow Fruit diameter is not less than 4 cm High variety Characteristics do not contradict the UN ECE FFV-14:2007 Standard Pears diameter not less than 70 mm50 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42Term: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nutsProfile: Fresh tangerines , fetal diameter not less than 3.8 cm The term of reaching the Medium -Rifle -Ribbonian Diammeter is less than 70 mmmboliance DSTU 8326takaapels fresh, the fetus diameter is not less :42 Type of purchase object: Goods DC Code 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Color (at the time of sale) from light orange to orange Fruit diameter is not less than 5 cm Absence of frozen ones and frozen fruits YesVariety superiorCharacteristics do not contradict UNECE DSTU FFV-14:2007YesKiwi, superior variety, fruit weighing at least 90 g50 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 12/31/2024 11:42 Type of procurement: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nutsProfile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cmHigh gradeCalibration by weight not less than 90 gFresh table grapes, first commercial grade, DSTU 2438100 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytska oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of procurement: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Commodity grade first Conformity to DSTU 2438YesTangerines fresh, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm300 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42Expiry date: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods DC Code 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Color (at the time of sale) from light orange to orange Fruit diameter is not less than 3.8 cm Absence of frozen and frozen fruits Yes Legal assistance in removing discriminatory conditions Order an appeal42 Type of purchase object: Goods Code DC 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Second grade Color (at the time of sale) light green Fruit size less than 14 cm Fruit diameter more than 4 cm Fresh lemons , fruit diameter at least 4 cm, top quality 25 kilograms Delivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods DC Code 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nutsProfile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Absence of frozen and frozen fruits Yes Color (at the time of sale) from light green to yellow Fruit diameter is not less than 4 cm High variety Characteristics do not contradict the UN ECE FFV-14:2007 Standard Pears diameter not less than 70 mm50 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42Term: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nutsProfile: Fresh tangerines , fetal diameter not less than 3.8 cm The term of reaching the Medium -Rifle -Ribbonate Diammeter is less than 70 mmmpoperation of DSTU 8326takaapels fresh, the fetus diameter is not less :42 Type of purchase object: Goods Code DC 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Color (at the time of sale) from light orange to orange Fruit diameter is not less than 5 cm Absence of frozen ones and frozen fruits YesHigher varietyThe characteristics do not contradict UNECE DSTU FFV-14:2007YesKiwi, higher grade, fruit weighing at least 90 g50 kilograms Delivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 12/31/2024 11:42 Type of procurement: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nutsProfile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cmHigh gradeCalibration by weight not less than 90 gFresh table grapes, first commercial grade, DSTU 2438100 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytska oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of procurement: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Commodity grade first Conformity to DSTU 2438YesTangerines fresh, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm300 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42Expiry date: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods DC Code 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Color (at the time of sale) from light orange to orange Fruit diameter is not less than 3.8 cm Absence of frozen and frozen fruits Yes Legal assistance in removing discriminatory conditions Order an appealFresh mandarins, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm. Second grade. Color (at the time of sale) light green. Fruit size less than 14 cm. Fruit diameter more than 4 cm. Fresh lemons, fruit diameter at least 4 cm. , Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of procurement: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nutsProfile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Absence of frozen and frozen fruitsYesColor (on the moment of realization) from light green to yellow Fruit diameter not less than 4 cm Varietal superior Characteristics do not contradict UN ECE DSTU FFV-14:2007 Yes Medium-ripe pears, superior marketable grade, diameter not less than 70 mm 50 kilograms Delivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Date: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Ripening period medium ripe Commodity grade Fruit diameter not less than 70 mm Compliance with DSTU 8326 Yes Oranges fresh, diameter fruit not less than 5 cm, top grade300 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods DC Code 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nutsProfile : Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm. Color (at the time of sale) from light orange to orange. Fruit diameter at least 5 cm. Absence of frozen and frozen fruits. 90 g50 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42Expiration: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of procurement: Goods DK Code 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter not less than 3.8 cm High grade Calibration by weight not less than 90 g Fresh table grapes, first commercial grade, DSTU 2438 100 kilograms Delivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 12/31/2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods Code DC 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nutsProfile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Commodity first gradeCompliance with DSTU 2438YesTangerines fresh, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm300 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav , Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of procurement: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Color (at the time of sale) from light orange to orange The diameter of the fruit is less than 3.8 cm Absence of frozen and sub-frozen fruits Yes Legal assistance in removing discriminatory conditions Order an appealFresh mandarins, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm. Second grade. Color (at the time of sale) light green. Fruit size less than 14 cm. Fruit diameter more than 4 cm. Fresh lemons, fruit diameter at least 4 cm. , Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of procurement: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nutsProfile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Absence of frozen and frozen fruitsYesColor (on the moment of realization) from light green to yellow Fruit diameter not less than 4 cm Varietal superior Characteristics do not contradict UN ECE DSTU FFV-14:2007 Yes Medium-ripe pears, superior marketable grade, diameter not less than 70 mm 50 kilograms Delivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Date: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Ripening period medium ripe Commodity grade Fruit diameter not less than 70 mm Compliance with DSTU 8326 Yes Oranges fresh, diameter fruit not less than 5 cm, top grade300 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods DC Code 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nutsProfile : Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm. Color (at the time of sale) from light orange to orange. Fruit diameter at least 5 cm. Absence of frozen and frozen fruits. 90 g50 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42Expiration: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods DK code 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh mandarins, fruit diameter not less than 3.8 cm High grade Calibration by weight not less than 90 g Fresh table grapes, first commercial grade, DSTU 2438 100 kilograms Delivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 12/31/2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods Code DC 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nutsProfile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Commodity first gradeCompliance with DSTU 2438 YesTangerines fresh, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm300 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav , Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of procurement: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Color (at the time of sale) from light orange to orange The diameter of the fruit is less than 3.8 cm Absence of frozen and sub-frozen fruits Yes Legal assistance in removing discriminatory conditions Order an appealfruit diameter at least 4 cm, top quality 25 kilograms Delivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods DC Code 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nutsProfile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Absence of frozen and frozen fruits Yes Color (at the time of sale) from light green to yellow Fruit diameter is not less than 4 cm High variety Characteristics do not contradict UN EEC DSTU FFV-14:2007 Yes Medium-ripe pears, of the highest commercial grade, diameter not less than 70 mm50 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42Expiration: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods DC Code 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nutsProfile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Ripening period medium-ripeCommodity grade superior Fruit diameter at least 70 mm Compliance with DSTU 8326 Yes Oranges fresh, fruit diameter at least 5 cm, top grade 300 kilograms Delivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 12.31.2024 11: 42 Type of purchase item: Goods Code DC 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Color (at the time of sale) from light orange to orange Fruit diameter is not less than 5 cm Absence of frozen and of frozen fruitsYesHigher varietyThe characteristics do not contradict UNECE DSTU FFV-14:2007YesKiwi, higher grade, fruit weighing at least 90 g50 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 12/31/2024 11:42 Type of procurement: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nutsProfile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cmHigh gradeCalibration by weight not less than 90 gFresh table grapes, first commercial grade, DSTU 2438100 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi region , Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of procurement: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Commodity grade first Conformity to DSTU 2438 Yes Fresh tangerines , fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm300 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42Term: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nutsProfile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Color (at the time of sale) from light orange to orange Fruit diameter is not less than 3.8 cm Absence of frozen and frozen fruits Yes Legal assistance in removing discriminatory conditions Order an appealfruit diameter at least 4 cm, top quality 25 kilograms Delivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods DC Code 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and NutsProfile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Absence of frozen and frozen fruits Yes Color (at the time of sale) from light green to yellow Fruit diameter is not less than 4 cm High variety Characteristics do not contradict UNECE DSTU FFV-14:2007 Yes Medium-ripe pears, high commercial grade, diameter not less than 70 mm50 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42Expiration: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods DC Code 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nutsProfile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Ripening period medium-ripeCommodity grade superior Fruit diameter at least 70 mm Compliance with DSTU 8326 Yes Oranges fresh, fruit diameter at least 5 cm, top grade 300 kilograms Delivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 12.31.2024 11: 42 Type of purchase item: Goods Code DC 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Color (at the time of sale) from light orange to orange Fruit diameter is not less than 5 cm Absence of frozen and of frozen fruitsYesHigher varietyThe characteristics do not contradict UNECE DSTU FFV-14:2007YesKiwi, higher grade, fruit weighing at least 90 g50 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 12/31/2024 11:42 Type of procurement: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm High grade Calibration by weight not less than 90 g Fresh table grapes, first commercial grade, DSTU 2438100 kilograms Delivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi region , Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of procurement: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Commodity grade first Conformity to DSTU 2438 Yes Fresh tangerines , the diameter of the fruit is not less than 3.8 cm300 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42Term: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods DC Code 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nutsProfile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Color (at the time of sale) from light orange to orange Fruit diameter is not less than 3.8 cm Absence of frozen and frozen fruits Yes Legal assistance in removing discriminatory conditions Order an appeal8 cm Absence of frozen and sub-frozen fruits Yes Color (at the time of sale) from light green to yellow Fruit diameter less than 4 cm High variety Characteristics do not contradict UN ECE FFV-14:2007 DSTU Yes Medium-ripe pears, of the highest commercial grade, diameter at least 70 mm 50 kilograms Delivery address: 30300, Ukraine Khmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of procurement: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Ripening period medium-ripe Commodity grade Higher diameter the fruit is less than 70 mm Compliance with DSTU 8326 Yes Oranges are fresh, fruit diameter is not less than 5 cm, top quality 300 kilograms Delivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 12/31/2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Color (at the time of sale) from light orange to orange Fruit diameter is not less than 5 cm Absence of frozen and frozen fruits Yes Sort higher Characteristics do not contradict UN ECE FFV-14 DSTU: 2007YesKiwi, superior variety, fruit weighing at least 90 g50 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods DC Code 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nutsProfile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cmHigh gradeCalibration for weighing less than 90 gFresh table grapes, first commercial grade, DSTU 2438100 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42Expire: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Commodity grade first Conformity to DSTU 2438 Yes Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm 300 kilograms Delivery address : 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42Expire: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of procurement: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3, 8 cm Color (at the time of sale) from light orange to orange Fruit diameter is not less than 3.8 cm Absence of frozen and frozen fruits Yes Legal assistance in removing discriminatory conditions Order an appeal8 cm Absence of frozen and sub-frozen fruits Yes Color (at the time of sale) from light green to yellow Fruit diameter less than 4 cm High variety Characteristics do not contradict UN ECE FFV-14:2007 DSTU Yes Medium-ripe pears, of the highest commercial grade, diameter at least 70 mm 50 kilograms Delivery address: 30300, Ukraine Khmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of procurement: Goods DK code 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Ripening period medium-ripe Commodity grade Higher diameter the fruit is less than 70 mm Compliance with DSTU 8326 Yes Oranges are fresh, fruit diameter is not less than 5 cm, top quality 300 kilograms Delivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 12/31/2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Color (at the time of sale) from light orange to orange Fruit diameter is not less than 5 cm Absence of frozen and frozen fruits Yes Sort higher Characteristics do not contradict UN ECE FFV-14 DSTU: 2007YesKiwi, superior variety, fruit weighing at least 90 g50 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods DC Code 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nutsProfile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cmHigh gradeCalibration for weighing less than 90 gFresh table grapes, first commercial grade, DSTU 2438100 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42Expire: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Commodity grade first Conformity with DSTU 2438 Yes Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm 300 kilograms Delivery address : 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42Expire: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of procurement: Goods DK Code 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3, 8 cm Color (at the time of sale) from light orange to orange Fruit diameter is not less than 3.8 cm Absence of frozen and frozen fruits Yes Legal assistance in removing discriminatory conditions Order an appealKhmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of procurement: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Color (on the moment of implementation) from light orange to orange Fruit diameter not less than 5 cm Absence of frozen and frozen fruits Yes Varietal Superior Characteristics do not contradict UN ECE FFV-14:2007 DSTU Yes Kiwi, superior variety, fruit weighing at least 90 g 50 kilograms Delivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti ,42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm High grade Calibration for weight less than 90 g Fresh table grapes, First product variety, DSTU 2438100 kilogramaramendress of delivery: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytsky region, Izyaslav, Independence, 42st: Up fresh, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Commodity grade firstCompliance with DSTU 2438YesTangerines fresh, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm300 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 12/31/2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods Code DC 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Color (at the time of sale) from light orange to orange Fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Absence of frozen and frozen fruits Yes Assistance of lawyers in removing discriminatory conditions Order an appealKhmelnytskyi region, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of procurement: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Color (on the moment of implementation) from light orange to orange Fruit diameter not less than 5 cm Absence of frozen and frozen fruits Yes Varietal Superior Characteristics do not contradict UN ECE FFV-14:2007 DSTU Yes Kiwi, superior variety, fruit weighing at least 90 g 50 kilograms Delivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti ,42 Deadline: until 31.12.2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods Code DK 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm High grade Calibration for weight less than 90 g Fresh table grapes, First product variety, DSTU 2438100 kilogramaramendress of delivery: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytsky region, Izyaslav, Independence, 42st: Up fresh, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Commodity grade firstCompliance with DSTU 2438YesTangerines fresh, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm300 kilogramsDelivery address: 30300, Ukraine, Khmelnytskyi Oblast, Izyaslav, Nezalezhnosti, 42 Deadline: until 12/31/2024 11:42 Type of purchase item: Goods Code DC 021:2015: 03220000-9, Vegetables, fruits and nuts Profile: Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Color (at the time of sale) from light orange to orange Fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm Absence of frozen and frozen fruits Yes Assistance of lawyers in removing discriminatory conditions Order an appealFresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm. Color (at the time of sale) from light orange to orange. Fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm. Absence of frozen and frozen fruits.Fresh tangerines, fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm. Color (at the time of sale) from light orange to orange. Fruit diameter at least 3.8 cm. Absence of frozen and frozen fruits.
Piece Goods Piece Goods General Freight Trucking
Fruit, nuts or fruit peel preserved by sugar Lemons Apples Carrots Beetroot Oranges Vegetable saps Vegetables Bananas Onions Apples, pears and quinces Goods used in construction Kiwi fruit Cereals, potatoes, vegetables, fruits and nuts Vegetable saps, extracts, peptic substances and thickeners Fruit, vegetables and related products Vegetables, fruits and nuts Tangerines Grapes Cabbage
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