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Translation Memory and Terminology Management solution / Cof Cyfieithu a Rheoli Terminoleg Welsh Translation Memory and Terminology Management solution for the Welsh Government Translation Service ... Mae Gwasanaeth Cyfieithu Llywodraeth Cymru (GC) yn dymuno prynu system Cof Cyfieithu a Rheoli Terminoleg gadarn, sy'n gallu ymdopi â chynnydd mewn defnydd, i ddisodli ei system ...

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Translation Memory and Terminology Management solution / Cof Cyfieithu a Rheoli Terminoleg Welsh Translation Memory and Terminology Management solution for the Welsh Government Translation Service ... Mae Gwasanaeth Cyfieithu Llywodraeth Cymru (GC) yn dymuno prynu system Cof Cyfieithu a Rheoli Terminoleg gadarn, sy'n gallu ymdopi â chynnydd mewn defnydd, i ddisodli ei system ... Welsh Government Translation Memory and Terminology Management solution / Cof Cyfieithu a Rheoli Terminoleg - Opportunity Translation Memory and Terminology Management solution / Cof Cyfieithu a Rheoli Terminoleg Welsh Government F02: Contract notice Notice reference: 2021/S 000-022567 Published 10 September 2021, 3:45pm Watch this notice Newer publications F03. 2023/S 000-005075 F14. 2021/S 000-025657 Contents Open all one. Contracting authorityI. Contracting authorityPress escape key to exit two. Object II. Object three. Legal, economic, financial and technical informationIII. Legal, economic, financial and technical information four. ProcedureIV. Procedure six. Complementary informationVI. Complementary information Download PDF version Share this notice Twitter LinkedIn Email Copy link Print this notice Report concerns about this procurement The closing date and time has been changed to: 18 October 2021, 2:00pm See the change notice. Section one: Contracting authoritySection I: Contracting authority one.1) Name and addressesI.1) Name and addresses Welsh Government Corporate Procurement Services, Cathays Park Cardiff CF10 3NQ Contact Karen Roberts Email ICTProcurement@gov.wales Telephone +44 3000623300 Country United Kingdom NUTS code UKL - Wales Internet address(es) Main address http://wales.gov.uk/?skip=1&lang=en Buyer's address https://www.sell2wales.gov.wales/search/Search_AuthProfile.aspx?ID=AA0007 one.2) Information about joint procurementI.2) Information about joint procurement The contract is awarded by a central purchasing body one.3) CommunicationI.3) Communication The procurement documents are available for unrestricted and full direct access, free of charge, at https://etenderwales.bravosolution.co.uk/web/login.shtml Additional information can be obtained from the above-mentioned address Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted electronically via https://etenderwales.bravosolution.co.uk/web/login.shtml Electronic communication requires the use of tools and devices that are not generally available. Unrestricted and full direct access to these tools and devices is possible, free of charge, at https://etenderwales.bravosolution.co.uk/web/login.shtml one.4) Type of the contracting authorityI.4) Type of the contracting authority Body governed by public law one.5) Main activityI.5) Main activity General public services Section two: ObjectSection II: Object two.1) Scope of the procurementII.1) Scope of the procurement two.1.1) TitleII.1.1) Title Translation Memory and Terminology Management solution / Cof Cyfieithu a Rheoli Terminoleg Reference number C129/2020/2021 two.1.2) Main CPV codeII.1.2) Main CPV code 72212740 - Foreign language translation software development services two.1.3) Type of contractII.1.3) Type of contract Services two.1.4) Short descriptionII.1.4) Short description Welsh Translation Memory and Terminology Management solution for the Welsh Government Translation Service two.1.5) Estimated total valueII.1.5) Estimated total value Value excluding VAT: £700,000 two.1.6) Information about lotsII.1.6) Information about lots This contract is divided into lots: No two.2) DescriptionII.2) Description two.2.2) Additional CPV code(s)II.2.2) Additional CPV code(s) 48740000 - Foreign language translation software package 72212740 - Foreign language translation software development services two.2.3) Place of performanceII.2.3) Place of performance NUTS codes UKL - Wales Main site or place of performance Cathays Park Cardiff CF10 3NQ two.2.4) Description of the procurementII.2.4) Description of the procurement Mae Gwasanaeth Cyfieithu Llywodraeth Cymru (GC) yn dymuno prynu system Cof Cyfieithu a Rheoli Terminoleg gadarn, sy'n gallu ymdopi â chynnydd mewn defnydd, i ddisodli ei system bresennol. Rhaid iddi fod yn addas ar gyfer adran o tua 45 o gyfieithwyr proffesiynol a staff gweinyddol, sy'n gweithio mewn sawl lleoliad ledled Cymru gan gynnwys gartref, yn ogystal ag ecosystem o gontractwyr cyfieithu allanol sy'n ategu'r tîm hwn. Dyma ofynion hanfodol y system: - System cof cyfieithu, a fydd yn caniatáu ar gyfer mewngludo data cyfredol y GC, ac a fydd yn cynnig cyfieithiadau yn seiliedig ar (i) cofau cyfieithu'r sefydliad a (ii) cyfieithu peirianyddol o ffynhonnell ddiogel (Microsoft Translator drwy Azure ar hyn o bryd), ynghyd â thermau perthnasol o gronfeydd termau'r sefydliad. - System Rheoli Terminoleg, a fydd yn (i) caniatáu i ddata cyfredol y GC gael eu mewnforio; (ii) gweithio ochr yn ochr â'r system cof cyfieithu i gynnig termau cyfatebol yng nghyd-destun y cyfieithiad; (iii) rheoli'r gwaith o ychwanegu, adolygu, cyfuno a dileu data terminolegol; a (iv) allforio data ar gyfer cronfa derminoleg ar lein y GC, TermCymru, a gynhelir ar wefan Llywodraeth Cymru. Sylwer nad oes angen gallu darparu rhyngwyneb cyhoeddus ar wahân ar gyfer y gronfa dermau o dan y contract hwn. - Llif gwaith terminoleg, a fydd yn rheoli ac yn cofnodi prosesau ymchwil, adolygu a chymeradwyo hyblyg ar gyfer termau newydd a rhai sy'n bodoli eisoes Dyma'r gofynion dymunol: - Llif gwaith cyfieithu a fydd yn caniatáu i waith cyfieithu gael ei ddirprwyo i aelodau'r tîm mewnol ac i gyflenwyr allanol, yn ogystal â chaniatáu iddynt ddefnyddio storfa'r GC o gofau cyfieithu a chronfeydd data terminolegol, er mwyn sicrhau bod y llif gwaith cyfan mor effeithiol ag y bo modd ac er mwyn lleihau costau cyfieithu allanol. - Y gallu i newid iaith y rhyngwyneb rhwng Cymraeg a Saesneg yn unol â dewis y defnyddiwr. CYMRAEG: itt_89527 Neu Saesneg: The Welsh Government Translation Service (TS) wishes to purchase a robust and scalable replacement Translation Memory and Terminology Management solution suitable for a department of around 45 professional translators and administrative staff, working from several locations across Wales including from home, which is supplemented by an ecosystem of external translation contractors. The essential requirements of the system are: - A Translation Memory system, which will allow the TS’s current data to be imported, and which will provide suggested translations based on (i) the organisation’s translation memories and (ii) a secure machine translation source (currently Microsoft Translator via Azure), along with relevant terminology matches from the organisation’s termbases. - A Terminology Management system, which will (i) allow the TS’s current data to be imported; (ii) work alongside the Translation Memory system to suggest terminology matches within the translation context; (iii) manage the addition, revision, merging and deletion of terminological data; and (iv) provide export of data for TS’s online termbase, TermCymru, which is hosted on the Welsh Government website. Note that the ability to provide a separate public interface for the termbase is not required under this contract. - A Terminology Workflow solution, which will manage and record flexible research, review and approval processes for new and existing terms; Desirable requirements are: - A Translation Management solution which will allow translation work to be delegated to members of the internal team and to external suppliers while allowing them access to the TS’s repository of Translation Memories and Terminological databases in order to maximise the efficiency of the entire workflow and minimise the cost of external translation. - The ability to optionally switch the user interface language between English and Welsh. OR ENGLISH ITT_89526 two.2.5) Award criteriaII.2.5) Award criteria Quality criterion - Name: Technical Criteria / Weighting: 70 Price - Weighting: 30 two.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing systemII.2.7) Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system Duration in months 48 This contract is subject to renewal No two.2.10) Information about variantsII.2.10) Information about variants Variants will be accepted: No two.2.11) Information about optionsII.2.11) Information about options Options: No two.2.13) Information about European Union FundsII.2.13) Information about European Union Funds The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: No two.2.14) Additional informationII.2.14) Additional information Sicrwydd / Security: Cyber Essentials Plus ISO27001 Section three. Legal, economic, financial and technical informationSection III. Legal, economic, financial and technical information three.1) Conditions for participationIII.1) Conditions for participation three.1.2) Economic and financial standingIII.1.2) Economic and financial standing Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents three.1.3) Technical and professional abilityIII.1.3) Technical and professional ability Selection criteria as stated in the procurement documents Section four. ProcedureSection IV. Procedure four.1) DescriptionIV.1) Description four.1.1) Type of procedureIV.1.1) Type of procedure Open procedure four.1.8) Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)IV.1.8) Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: Yes four.2) Administrative informationIV.2) Administrative information four.2.1) Previous publication concerning this procedureIV.2.1) Previous publication concerning this procedure Notice number: 2020/S 223-549445 four.2.2) Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participateIV.2.2) Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate Originally published as: Date 15 October 2021 Local time 2:00pm Changed to: Date 18 October 2021 Local time 2:00pm See the change notice. four.2.4) Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submittedIV.2.4) Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted English, Welsh four.2.6) Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tenderIV.2.6) Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender Duration in months: 4 (from the date stated for receipt of tender) four.2.7) Conditions for opening of tendersIV.2.7) Conditions for opening of tenders Date 15 October 2021 Local time 2:00pm Section six. Complementary informationSection VI. Complementary information six.1) Information about recurrenceVI.1) Information about recurrence This is a recurrent procurement: No six.2) Information about electronic workflowsVI.2) Information about electronic workflows Electronic ordering will be used Electronic invoicing will be accepted Electronic payment will be used six.3) Additional informationVI.3) Additional information Dewis - CYMRAEG ITT_89527 NEU Saesneg ENGLISH ITT_89526. Choose - Welsh ITT_89527 OR English language English ITT_89526. NOTE: The authority is using eTenderwales to carry out this procurement process. To obtain further information record your interest on Sell2Wales at https://www.sell2wales.gov.wales/search/search_switch.aspx?ID=113388 (WA Ref:113388) six.4) Procedures for reviewVI.4) Procedures for review six.4.1) Review bodyVI.4.1) Review body High Court Royal Courts of Justice, The Strand London WC2A 2LL Telephone +44 2079477501 Country United Kingdom Back to top 1715072518 Support links About us Contact us Accessibility statement Terms and conditions Privacy notice Cookies Data and API All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated. Notices are based on TED XML schema. © European Union, https://ted.europa.eu, 1998–2020 © Crown copyright Review services If you have any concerns about procurement practices, including late payment, you can contact a review service. The role of the services is to: provide a clear, structured and direct route for suppliers to raise concerns about public procurement practice offer feedback to enquirers on their concerns Find out more: England - Public Procurement Review Service Northern Ireland - CPD Supplier Charter Scotland - Single Point of Enquiry Wales - Supplier Feedback Service Close Saved to watched notices list This notice has been added to your watched notices list. Close Sign in to watch this notice To watch this notice, sign in to your account or register. You will need to find this notice again after signing in to watch it. Watching a notice means: It will be in your list of watched notices, so you can easily find it again You can choose to receive emails when it is updated or before it closes Close Confirm YesNo Session timeout Your session will time out soon You will be signed out of your account if you do not respond in 5 minutes. We do this to keep your information secure. 5 minutes remaining until you will be signed out. Continue session Sign out warning you will not be able to undo this action Translation Memory and Terminology Management solution / Cof Cyfieithu a Rheoli TerminolegWelsh Government  Welsh Translation Memory and Terminology Management solution for the Welsh Government Translation Service ... Mae Gwasanaeth Cyfieithu Llywodraeth Cymru (GC) yn dymuno prynu system Cof Cyfieithu a Rheoli Terminoleg gadarn, sy'n gallu ymdopi â chynnydd mewn defnydd, i ddisodli ei system ...  Notice typeF02: Contract noticeClosing18 October 2021, 2:00pmContract locationUKL - WalesTotal value £700,000 Publication date10 September 2021, 3:45pm
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