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Elaboration of Technical-economic Documentation for the Project improve the Traffic Level of Dj 156a and Dj 208g for Access to the Ten-t Network Respectively: Field Studies, Technical Expertise, Dali, ... Romania

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Contract Award's Details : Elaboration of Technical-economic Documentation for the Project improve the Traffic Level of Dj 156a and Dj 208g for Access to the Ten-t Network Respectively: Field Studies, Technical Expertise, Dali, ... NEAMT COUNTY Elaboration of Technical-economic Documentation for the Project improve the Traffic Level of Dj 156a and Dj 208g for Access to the Ten-t Network Respectively: Field Studies, Technical Expertise, Dali, ... Document Type: ARWARD NOTICE AGREEMENT Titles: Elaboration of technical-economic documentation for the project Improving the traffic level of DJ 156A and DJ 208G for access to the TEN-T network respectively: field studies, technical expertise, dali, technical assistance from the designer Contract No.: 24753/104 Reference Number: 2612839_2022_Paapd1322554 Type contract: Services Estimated Value: 3224901.08 - Ron Description: The project Support at the North-East Region level for the preparation of projects financed from the programming period 2021-2027 on the fields of urban mobility, urban regeneration, leisure centers/tour bases (school camps), infrastructure and public tourism services, including The objectives of heritage with tourist potential and road infrastructure of county interest, including bypassing variants and / or connecting roads , SMIS code 145313: Elaboration of technical-economic documentation for the project Improving the traffic level of DJ 156A and DJ 208G for access to access. TEN-T network ”respectively: field studies, technical expertise, dali, for, technical assistance from the designer” is the object of the contract ... Romania Contract value : 3,224,901.08 RON Contractors : ALIDO PROJECT 24/02/2023 03/03/2023 01/01/1900 79113471 03/03/2023 NEAMT COUNTY Address : Address: Street: Alexandru cel Bun, no. 27 Town: Piatra Neamt NUTS-CODE: RO214 - Neamt Postal Code: 610004 Contact Point: Catalin-Constantin Bordei Phone: +40 0233212890 Fax: +40 0233211569 Romania Romania Contract Awards Romania 24/02/2023 01/01/1900 3,224,901.08 RON
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Contract Value
3,224,901.08 RON
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