Tender Details

9502 - Purchase of an upgrade of existing Orbitrap Exploris 120 Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU DANMARK

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9502 - Purchase of an upgrade of existing Orbitrap Exploris 120 DTU is planning to purchase an upgrade of existing Orbitrap Exploris 120 with a full Xcalibur and Chromeloen integrated low-flow UHPLC system for trace analysis of xenobiotics, such as PFAS and pesticide residues in food items. The upgrade to low-flow UHPLC in combination with the high mass resolution of 120,000 at m/z 200 will enable the detection limits for pesticides and PFAS in complex matrices to be further lowered. This will thus enable the detection and quantification of several xenobiotic substances at a very low level.The award of the contract is to Thermo Fisher, as EASYSpray is fully compatible and integrable with our existing Orbitrap Exploris 120 system, including fully integrable with software Xca-libur and the data system Chromeleon. Vanquish Neo is also fully compatible and integrable with our existing Orbitrap Exploris 120 system, including fully integrable with software Xca-libur and the data system Chromeleon. Åbn udbudsdetaljer (gældende version 01-11-2024) Luk udbudsdetaljer (gældende version 01-11-2024) Titel 9502 - Purchase of an upgrade of existing Orbitrap Exploris 120 Dokumenttype Varer og tjenesteydelser uden klar grænseoverskridende interesse Opgavebeskrivelse DTU is planning to purchase an upgrade of existing Orbitrap Exploris 120 with a full Xcalibur and Chromeloen integrated low-flow UHPLC system for trace analysis of xenobiotics, such as PFAS and pesticide residues in food items. The upgrade to low-flow UHPLC in combination with the high mass resolution of 120,000 at m/z 200 will enable the detection limits for pesticides and PFAS in complex matrices to be further lowered. This will thus enable the detection and quantification of several xenobiotic substances at a very low level.The award of the contract is to Thermo Fisher, as EASYSpray is fully compatible and integrable with our existing Orbitrap Exploris 120 system, including fully integrable with software Xca-libur and the data system Chromeleon. Vanquish Neo is also fully compatible and integrable with our existing Orbitrap Exploris 120 system, including fully integrable with software Xca-libur and the data system Chromeleon. Annonceret 01-11-2024 kl. 16.30 Deadline 11-11-2024 kl. 12.00 Udbudstype Udbud under tærskelværdierne Opgavetype Varekøb Tildelingskriterier Pris Link til udbudsmateriale http://eu.eu-supply.com/ctm/Supplier/PublicPurchase/416594 Ordregiver Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU Skønnet kontraktsum 687000 DKK Adresse Anker Engelunds Vej 1 2800 Kgs. Lyngby WWW: http://www.dtu.dk CPV kode 38433100-0 - Massespektrometer 38522000-0 - Kromatografiscannere Udbudsform Andet Kontaktperson Pia Blume Kontakt E-mail: piabl@dtu.dkTelefon: +45 93511388
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