Tender Details

Accord-cadre pour la réalisation de diagnostique intérieur d'installations gaz selon la norme nf p 45-500 67000 Strasbourg Service - Procédure Adaptée Framework agreement for carrying out internal diagnostics of gas installations according to standard nf p 45-500 67000 Strasbourg Service - Adapted Procedure

Published Date
Deadline Date
Accord-cadre pour la réalisation de diagnostique intérieur d'installations gaz selon la norme nf p 45-500 67000 Strasbourg Service - Procédure Adaptée Réseau GDS Appel d'offres: Réseau GDS Appels d'offres Grand Est Bas-Rhin strasbourg Avis précédent Retour à la liste des avis Avis suivant Accord-cadre pour la réalisation de diagnostique intérieur d'installations gaz selon la norme nf p 45-500 AVIS REGLEMENT DOSSIER QUESTIONS DEPOT Accord-cadre pour la réalisation de diagnostique intérieur d'installations gaz selon la norme nf p 45-500 Réseau GDS Accéder au site acheteur 67000 Strasbourg Service - Procédure Adaptée €Marché > 90 000 € Date limite de l'offre : 31/10/2024 à 16h00 Avis initial Partager Imprimer Département de publication : 67 Rhin-bas   Nom et adresse officiels de l'organisme acheteur : R-GDS, 14 place des Halles, 67000 STRASBOURG   Objet du marché : Accord-cadre pour la réalisation de Diagnostique Intérieur d’installations gaz selon la norme NF P 45-500   Lieu principal d’exécution des travaux : STRASBOURG, 14 Place des Halles Reconduction : Aucune reconduction n’est prévue.   Variantes : Les variantes seront prises en compte. Dates : Début du marché : 1er janvier 2025 Fin du marché : 31 décembre 2027 Type d'avis : Avis d'appel public à concurrence Type de procédure : Procédure adaptée Catégorie : Service Adresse auprès de laquelle des informations complémentaires peuvent être obtenues :   Informations liées au marché : Philippe GROSS 14 place des Halles 67000 STRASBOURG 03 88 79 56 36 pgross@r-gds.fr Modalités de consultation : Les candidats sont invités à présenter une offre répondant aux exigences fixées par les documents du marché. La proposition tarifaire du candidat indiquant un prix unitaire HT et TTC en chiffres et en lettres avec la mention du taux de TVA applicable sera présentée dans l’acte d’engagement. Accès au dossier de consultation : Le dossier de consultation des entreprises (DCE) peut être obtenu gratuitement en le téléchargeant, sur le site internet ci-après : http://r-gds.e-marchespublics.com   Sur ce site, les candidats doivent indiquer leurs coordonnées, leur adresse électronique et le nom d’un correspondant. Ils pourront ainsi bénéficier de toutes les informations complémentaires qui seront éventuellement diffusées au cours de la consultation. Remise des offres par les candidats : Les candidats doivent obligatoirement procéder à une transmission électronique de leurs offres sur la plateforme de dématérialisation indiquée ci-dessus. La signature électronique des offres n’est pas requise pour cette procédure. Les dossiers électroniques dont l’avis de réception serait délivré après la date et l’heure limites précisées ci-dessous, ne seront pas retenus. Les candidats devront compléter les pièces du dossier telles qu'elles se présentent et en aucun cas ils ne pourront les modifier, sous peine de non-conformité de leur offre. Les fichiers informatisés reprennent les mêmes intitulés que lorsqu’ils ont été retirés du Dossier de Consultation des Entreprises (DCE), leur présentation est identique. Liste des pièces à fournir : Pour être complète l’offre du candidat est obligatoirement constituée des pièces suivantes, dûment complétées et signées dans l’ordre ci-dessous :   Pièces du marché : - l’Acte d’Engagement complété, daté et signé ; - le CCAP, daté et signé ; - le CCTP complété daté et signé ; - Mémoire technique du candidat, dont les Références et qualifications     En outre, pour permettre une appréciation complète de sa candidature, le candidat doit fournir les pièces suivantes dûment complétées, datées et signées le cas échéant :   Situation propre du candidat :   Sur la plateforme Provigis : Ces documents devront être remis sur la plateforme Provigis, avec le code association suivant : f3bb640bb8-4125 https://supplier.app.provigis.com/customers/newCustomer/f3bb640bb8-4125 - un extrait du registre du commerce et des sociétés. - ses attestations d'assurance en cours de validité indiquant que l'entreprise est garantie en ce qui concerne sa responsabilité civile et décennale, - les attestations ou certificats délivrés par les administrations et organismes compétents prouvant qu'il a satisfait à ses obligations fiscales et sociales.   Sur la plateforme e-marchespublics.com les documents suivants : Situation propre du candidat : - le formulaire DC1 - lettre de candidature - habilitation du mandataire par ses co-traitants ; - le formulaire DC2 - déclaration du candidat individuel ou du membre du groupement - ses états financiers des trois dernières années (bilan, compte de résultats, annexes),   Une fois déposée, aucune offre ne pourra être retirée. Confidentialité : Les candidats ayant accès au dossier de consultation sont tenus par le caractère confidentiel des informations qui pourraient être fournies dans les dossiers retirés et s’interdisent en conséquence de les divulguer ou d’en faire un usage autre que celui pour lesquelles elles sont prévues. Critères de choix de l’offre R-GDS choisira l’offre économiquement la plus avantageuse appréciée en fonction des critères énoncés ci-dessous : - valeur technique sur la base du mémoire technique (moyens humains, méthodologie, satisfaction des « clients référence », planning d’exécution, exigences fonctionnelles, …) : 50% - QSE (voir questionnaire) : 10% - prix : 40%   A l’issue d’une phase d’analyse des offres régulièrement réceptionnées, RGDS pourra être amenée à retenir certains candidats pour la phase de dialogue. Les négociations seront mises en oeuvre dans le respect des principes d’égalité de traitement des candidats et de confidentialité des offres. Les candidats sont avisés par R-GDS du rejet ou de l’acceptation de leurs offres par courrier électronique. Visite : Sans objet Date et heure limite de dépôts : 31 octobre 2024 – 16h00   Support(s) de parution :   http://r-gds.e-marchespublics.com http://www.e-marchespublics.com   Dossier de consultation Le téléchargement du dossier de consultation nécessite d'être authentifié pour être alerté des modifications et des précisions susceptibles d'être apportées en cours de consultation. : Mairie d'Obernai PRESTATIONS DE SERVICES D'ASSURANCE FLOTTE AUTOMOBILE VILLE D'OBERNAI - Lot 1_ Assurances Flotte automobile – Ville d'Obernai. - Lot 2_ Assurances Flotte automobile – CCAS d'Obernai. Date limite de dépôt : 28/10/2024 à 12h00 Plus d'informations Mairie d'Obernai Marché public de fourniture d'un chargeur télescopique et reprise en l'état de l'ancien matériel (chariot élévateur JCB 930) pour le compte de la Ville d'Obernai Date limite de dépôt : 18/10/2024 à 12h00 Plus d'informations COMMUNE DE GRIES Prestation de services d'assurances Date limite de dépôt : 06/11/2024 à 12h00 Plus d'informations Réseau GDS Assistance technique AMO Projets (pour 1 station service H2, 1 station service GNC et une plateforme R&D) Date limite de dépôt : 09/10/2024 à 12h00 Plus d'informations Mairie d'Obernai Assurance " DOMMAGES AUX BIENS " Lot n°1 : Assurance Dommages aux biens - VILLE D'OBERNAI Lot n°2 : Assurance Dommages aux biens - CCAS D'OBERNAI Date limite de dépôt : 24/10/2024 à 19h00 Plus d'informations RCUA Chaufferie R-CUA SPL Travaux d'adaptations 2024 distribution réseau de chaleur (pompes et vanne de régulation) Date limite de dépôt : 04/10/2024 à 12h00 Plus d'informations GRAND E-NOV Prestations relatives à l'organisation et à la promotion de l'évènement 360 Date limite de dépôt : 21/10/2024 à 10h00 Plus d'informations DOMIAL ESH Schiltigheim - réhabilitation d'un collectif de 4 logements à 28 rue de barr Date limite de dépôt : 17/10/2024 à 12h00 Plus d'informations DOMIAL ESH Strasbourg - rehabilitation d'un collectif de 10 logements - 3 rue saint joseph Date limite de dépôt : 16/10/2024 à 16h00 Plus d'informations DOMIAL ESH Molsheim - rehabilitation des immeubles de logements collectifs 1, 3 et 7 rue elisabeth juneck - 3, 5 et 7 rue louis chiron Date limite de dépôt : 16/10/2024 à 14h00 Plus d'informations Besoin d'aide Voir les questions fréquentes. :Expéditeur :Sujet :Message : Envoyer 914 055  entreprises enregistrées Voir l'audience certifiée ACPM-OJD 47 519 786   . 2003-2024    . Tous droits réservés FAQ |  Rejoignez-nous |  Conditions générales d'utilisation  |  Politique de confidentialité |  Cookies |  Recherche |  Fourni par Dematis Suivez-nous sur les réseaux sociaux : Rejoignez-nousMentions légalesPolitique de confidentialitéCookiesRechercheFourni par Dematis 2003-2024    . Tous droits réservés Framework agreement for the performance of internal diagnostics of gas installations according to the standard nf p 45-500 67000 Strasbourg Service - Adapted Procedure GDS Network Call for tenders: GDS Network Calls for tenders Grand Est Bas-Rhin strasbourg Previous notice Return to the list of notices Next notice Framework agreement for the performance of internal diagnostics of gas installations according to the standard nf p 45-500 NOTICE REGULATIONS FILE QUESTIONS DEPOSIT Framework agreement for the performance of internal diagnostics of gas installations according to the standard nf p 45-500 GDS Network Access the buyer's site 67000 Strasbourg Service - Adapted Procedure �Market > �90,000 Deadline for the offer: 10/31/2024 at 4:00 p.m. Initial notice Share Print Department of publication: 67 Rhin-bas Official name and address of the purchasing body: R-GDS, 14 place des Halles, 67000 STRASBOURG Subject of the contract: Framework agreement for the performance of an internal diagnosis of gas installations in accordance with standard NF P 45-500 Main place of execution of the works: STRASBOURG, 14 Place des Halles Renewal: No renewal is planned. Variants: Variants will be taken into account. Dates: Start of the contract: January 1, 2025 End of the contract: December 31, 2027 Type of notice: Notice of public call for competition Type of procedure: Adapted procedure Category: Service Address from which additional information can be obtained: Information relating to the contract: Philippe GROSS 14 place des Halles 67000 STRASBOURG 03 88 79 56 36 pgross@r-gds.fr Consultation procedures: Candidates are invited to submit an offer that meets the requirements set out in the contract documents. The candidate's price proposal indicating a unit price excluding and including VAT in figures and in words with the mention of the applicable VAT rate will be presented in the commitment document. Access to the consultation file: The business consultation file (DCE) can be obtained free of charge by downloading it from the following website: http://r-gds.e-marchespublics.com On this site, candidates must indicate their contact details, their email address and the name of a correspondent. They will thus be able to benefit from all the additional information that may be disseminated during the consultation. Submission of offers by candidates: Candidates must submit their offers electronically on the dematerialization platform indicated above. The electronic signature of offers is not required for this procedure. Electronic files for which the acknowledgement of receipt is issued after the deadline date and time specified below will not be accepted. Candidates must complete the documents in the file as they are presented and under no circumstances may they modify them, under penalty of non-compliance of their offer.The computerized files have the same titles as when they were removed from the Business Consultation File (DCE), their presentation is identical. List of documents to be provided: To be complete, the candidate's offer must consist of the following documents, duly completed and signed in the order below: Contract documents: - the completed, dated and signed Commitment Act; - the CCAP, dated and signed; - the completed, dated and signed CCTP; - Candidate's technical brief, including References and qualifications In addition, to allow a full assessment of his application, the candidate must provide the following documents duly completed, dated and signed where applicable: Candidate's own situation: On the Provigis platform: These documents must be submitted to the Provigis platform, with the following association code: f3bb640bb8-4125 https://supplier.app.provigis.com/customers/newCustomer/f3bb640bb8-4125 - an extract from the trade and companies register. - its valid insurance certificates indicating that the company is guaranteed with regard to its civil and ten-year liability, - the certificates or certificates issued by the competent administrations and organizations proving that it has met its tax and social obligations. On the e-marchespublics.com platform the following documents: Candidate's own situation: - the DC1 form - application letter - authorization of the agent by its co-contractors; - the DC2 form - declaration of the individual candidate or member of the group - its financial statements for the last three years (balance sheet, income statement, annexes), Once submitted, no offer may be withdrawn. Confidentiality: Candidates having access to the consultation file are bound by the confidential nature of the information that could be provided in the withdrawn files and therefore undertake not to disclose them or make any use of them other than that for which they are intended. Criteria for choosing the offer R-GDS will choose the most economically advantageous offer assessed according to the criteria set out below: - technical value on the basis of the technical brief (human resources, methodology, satisfaction of "reference customers", execution schedule, functional requirements, etc.): 50% - QSE (see questionnaire): 10% - price: 40% Following an analysis phase of the offers regularly received, RGDS may be required to retain certain candidates for the dialogue phase. Negotiations will be implemented in compliance with the principles of equal treatment of candidates and confidentiality of offers. Candidates will be notified by R-GDS of the rejection or acceptance of their offers by email. Visit: Not applicable Deadline for submissions: October 31, 2024 � 4:00 p.m. Publication medium(s): http://r-gds.e-marchespublics.com http://www.e-marchespublics.com Consultation file Downloading the consultation file requires authentication to be alerted of changes and clarifications that may be made during the consultation. : Obernai Town Hall AUTOMOBILE FLEET INSURANCE SERVICES CITY OF OBERNAI - Lot 1_ Automobile Fleet Insurance � City of Obernai. - Lot 2_ Automobile Fleet Insurance � CCAS of Obernai. Deadline for submission: 10/28/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Obernai Town Hall Public contract for the supply of a telescopic loader and recovery of the old equipment (JCB 930 forklift) on behalf of the City of Obernai Deadline for submission: 10/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information COMMUNE DE GRIES Provision of insurance services Deadline for submission: 11/06/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information GDS Network Technical assistance AMO Projects (for 1 H2 service station, 1 CNG service station and an R&D platform) Deadline for submission: 10/09/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Obernai Town Hall "PROPERTY DAMAGE" Insurance Lot No. 1: Property Damage Insurance - CITY OF OBERNAI Lot No. 2 : Property damage insurance - CCAS D'OBERNAI Deadline for submission: 10/24/2024 at 7:00 p.m. More information RCUA Boiler room R-CUA SPL Adaptation work 2024 heat network distribution (pumps and control valve) Deadline for submission: 10/04/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information GRAND E-NOV Services relating to the organization and promotion of the 360 ??event Deadline for submission: 10/21/2024 at 10:00 a.m. More information DOMIAL ESH Schiltigheim - rehabilitation of a collective of 4 dwellings at 28 rue de barr Deadline for submission: 10/17/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information DOMIAL ESH Strasbourg - rehabilitation of a collective of 10 dwellings - 3 rue saint joseph Deadline for submission: 10/16/2024 at 4:00 p.m. More information DOMIAL ESH Molsheim - rehabilitation of collective housing buildings 1, 3 and 7 rue elisabeth juneck - 3, 5 and 7 rue louis chiron Deadline for submission: 10/16/2024 at 2:00 p.m. More information Need help See frequently asked questions. :Sender:Subject:Message: Send 914,055 registered companies See the ACPM-OJD certified audience 47,519,786 . 2003-2024 . All rights reserved FAQ | Join us | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies | Search | Powered by Dematis Follow us on social media: Join usLegal noticesPrivacy policyCookiesSearchPowered by Dematis 2003-2024 . All rights reservedObernai Town Hall AUTOMOBILE FLEET INSURANCE SERVICES CITY OF OBERNAI - Lot 1_ Automobile Fleet Insurance � City of Obernai. - Lot 2_ Automobile Fleet Insurance � CCAS of Obernai. Deadline for submission: 10/28/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Obernai Town Hall Public contract for the supply of a telescopic loader and recovery of the old equipment (JCB 930 forklift) on behalf of the City of Obernai Deadline for submission: 10/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information COMMUNE DE GRIES Provision of insurance services Deadline for submission: 11/06/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information GDS Network Technical assistance AMO Projects (for 1 H2 service station, 1 CNG service station and an R&D platform) Deadline for submission: 10/09/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Obernai Town Hall "PROPERTY DAMAGE" Insurance Lot No. 1: Property Damage Insurance - CITY OF OBERNAI Lot No. 2 : Property damage insurance - CCAS D'OBERNAI Deadline for submission: 10/24/2024 at 7:00 p.m. More information RCUA Boiler room R-CUA SPL Adaptation work 2024 heat network distribution (pumps and control valve) Deadline for submission: 10/04/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information GRAND E-NOV Services relating to the organization and promotion of the 360 ??event Deadline for submission: 10/21/2024 at 10:00 a.m. More information DOMIAL ESH Schiltigheim - rehabilitation of a collective of 4 dwellings at 28 rue de barr Deadline for submission: 10/17/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information DOMIAL ESH Strasbourg - rehabilitation of a collective of 10 dwellings - 3 rue saint joseph Deadline for submission: 10/16/2024 at 4:00 p.m. More information DOMIAL ESH Molsheim - rehabilitation of collective housing buildings 1, 3 and 7 rue elisabeth juneck - 3, 5 and 7 rue louis chiron Deadline for submission: 10/16/2024 at 2:00 p.m. More information Need help See frequently asked questions. :Sender:Subject:Message: Send 914,055 registered companies See the ACPM-OJD certified audience 47,519,786 . 2003-2024 . All rights reserved FAQ | Join us | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies | Search | Powered by Dematis Follow us on social media: Join usLegal noticesPrivacy policyCookiesSearchPowered by Dematis 2003-2024 . All rights reservedObernai Town Hall AUTOMOBILE FLEET INSURANCE SERVICES CITY OF OBERNAI - Lot 1_ Automobile Fleet Insurance � City of Obernai. - Lot 2_ Automobile Fleet Insurance � CCAS of Obernai. Deadline for submission: 10/28/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Obernai Town Hall Public contract for the supply of a telescopic loader and recovery of the old equipment (JCB 930 forklift) on behalf of the City of Obernai Deadline for submission: 10/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information COMMUNE DE GRIES Provision of insurance services Deadline for submission: 11/06/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information GDS Network Technical assistance AMO Projects (for 1 H2 service station, 1 CNG service station and an R&D platform) Deadline for submission: 10/09/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Obernai Town Hall "PROPERTY DAMAGE" Insurance Lot No. 1: Property Damage Insurance - CITY OF OBERNAI Lot No. 2 : Property damage insurance - CCAS D'OBERNAI Deadline for submission: 10/24/2024 at 7:00 p.m. More information RCUA Boiler room R-CUA SPL Adaptation work 2024 heat network distribution (pumps and control valve) Deadline for submission: 10/04/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information GRAND E-NOV Services relating to the organization and promotion of the 360 ??event Deadline for submission: 10/21/2024 at 10:00 a.m. More information DOMIAL ESH Schiltigheim - rehabilitation of a collective of 4 dwellings at 28 rue de barr Deadline for submission: 10/17/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information DOMIAL ESH Strasbourg - rehabilitation of a collective of 10 dwellings - 3 rue saint joseph Deadline for submission: 10/16/2024 at 4:00 p.m. More information DOMIAL ESH Molsheim - rehabilitation of collective housing buildings 1, 3 and 7 rue elisabeth juneck - 3, 5 and 7 rue louis chiron Deadline for submission: 10/16/2024 at 2:00 p.m. More information Need help See frequently asked questions. :Sender:Subject:Message: Send 914,055 registered companies See the ACPM-OJD certified audience 47,519,786 . 2003-2024 . All rights reserved FAQ | Join us | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies | Search | Powered by Dematis Follow us on social media: Join usLegal noticesPrivacy policyCookiesSearchPowered by Dematis 2003-2024 . All rights reserved10/28/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Obernai Town Hall Public contract for the supply of a telescopic loader and recovery of the old equipment (JCB 930 forklift) on behalf of the City of Obernai Deadline for submission: 10/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information COMMUNE DE GRIES Provision of insurance services Deadline for submission: 11/06/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information GDS Network Technical assistance AMO Projects (for 1 H2 service station, 1 CNG service station and an R&D platform) Deadline for submission: 10/09/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Obernai Town Hall "PROPERTY DAMAGE" Insurance Lot No. 1: Property Damage Insurance - CITY OF OBERNAI Lot No. 2: Property Damage Insurance to the goods - CCAS D'OBERNAI Deadline for submission: 10/24/2024 at 7:00 p.m. More information RCUA Boiler room R-CUA SPL Adaptation work 2024 heat network distribution (pumps and control valve) Deadline for submission: 10/04/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information GRAND E-NOV Services relating to the organization and promotion of the 360 ??event Deadline for submission: 10/21/2024 at 10:00 a.m. More information DOMIAL ESH Schiltigheim - rehabilitation of a collective of 4 dwellings at 28 rue de barr Deadline for submission: 10/17/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information DOMIAL ESH Strasbourg - rehabilitation of a collective of 10 dwellings - 3 rue saint joseph Deadline for submission: 10/16/2024 at 4:00 p.m. More information DOMIAL ESH Molsheim - rehabilitation of collective housing buildings 1, 3 and 7 rue elisabeth juneck - 3, 5 and 7 rue louis chiron Deadline for submission: 10/16/2024 at 2:00 p.m. More information Need help See frequently asked questions. :Sender:Subject:Message: Send 914,055 registered companies See the ACPM-OJD certified audience 47,519,786 . 2003-2024 . All rights reserved FAQ | Join us | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies | Search | Provided by Dematis Follow us on social networks: Join usLegal noticesPrivacy policyCookiesSearchProvided by Dematis 2003-2024 . All rights reserved10/28/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Obernai Town Hall Public contract for the supply of a telescopic loader and recovery of the old equipment (JCB 930 forklift) on behalf of the City of Obernai Deadline for submission: 10/18/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information COMMUNE DE GRIES Provision of insurance services Deadline for submission: 11/06/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information GDS Network Technical assistance AMO Projects (for 1 H2 service station, 1 CNG service station and an R&D platform) Deadline for submission: 10/09/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information Obernai Town Hall "PROPERTY DAMAGE" Insurance Lot No. 1: Property Damage Insurance - CITY OF OBERNAI Lot No. 2: Property Damage Insurance to the goods - CCAS D'OBERNAI Deadline for submission: 10/24/2024 at 7:00 p.m. More information RCUA Boiler room R-CUA SPL Adaptation work 2024 heat network distribution (pumps and control valve) Deadline for submission: 10/04/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information GRAND E-NOV Services relating to the organization and promotion of the 360 ??event Deadline for submission: 10/21/2024 at 10:00 a.m. More information DOMIAL ESH Schiltigheim - rehabilitation of a collective of 4 dwellings at 28 rue de barr Deadline for submission: 10/17/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information DOMIAL ESH Strasbourg - rehabilitation of a collective of 10 dwellings - 3 rue saint joseph Deadline for submission: 10/16/2024 at 4:00 p.m. More information DOMIAL ESH Molsheim - rehabilitation of collective housing buildings 1, 3 and 7 rue elisabeth juneck - 3, 5 and 7 rue louis chiron Deadline for submission: 10/16/2024 at 2:00 p.m. More information Need help See frequently asked questions. :Sender:Subject:Message: Send 914,055 registered companies See the ACPM-OJD certified audience 47,519,786 . 2003-2024 . All rights reserved FAQ | Join us | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies | Search | Provided by Dematis Follow us on social networks: Join usLegal noticesPrivacy policyCookiesSearchProvided by Dematis 2003-2024 . All rights reserved10/24/2024 at 7:00 p.m. More information RCUA Boiler room R-CUA SPL Adaptation work 2024 heat network distribution (pumps and control valve) Deadline for submission: 10/04/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information GRAND E-NOV Services relating to the organization and promotion of the 360 ??event Deadline for submission: 10/21/2024 at 10:00 a.m. More information DOMIAL ESH Schiltigheim - rehabilitation of a collective of 4 dwellings at 28 rue de barr Deadline for submission: 10/17/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information DOMIAL ESH Strasbourg - rehabilitation of a collective of 10 dwellings - 3 rue saint joseph Deadline for submission: 10/16/2024 at 4:00 p.m. More information DOMIAL ESH Molsheim - rehabilitation of collective housing buildings 1, 3 and 7 rue elisabeth juneck - 3, 5 and 7 rue louis chiron Deadline for submission: 10/16/2024 at 2:00 p.m. More information Need help See frequently asked questions. :Sender:Subject:Message: Send 914,055 registered companies See the ACPM-OJD certified audience 47,519,786 . 2003-2024 . All rights reserved FAQ | Join us | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies | Search | Powered by Dematis Follow us on social media: Join usLegal noticesPrivacy policyCookiesSearchPowered by Dematis 2003-2024 . All rights reserved10/24/2024 at 7:00 p.m. More information RCUA Boiler room R-CUA SPL Adaptation work 2024 heat network distribution (pumps and control valve) Deadline for submission: 10/04/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information GRAND E-NOV Services relating to the organization and promotion of the 360 ??event Deadline for submission: 10/21/2024 at 10:00 a.m. More information DOMIAL ESH Schiltigheim - rehabilitation of a collective of 4 dwellings at 28 rue de barr Deadline for submission: 10/17/2024 at 12:00 p.m. More information DOMIAL ESH Strasbourg - rehabilitation of a collective of 10 dwellings - 3 rue saint joseph Deadline for submission: 10/16/2024 at 4:00 p.m. More information DOMIAL ESH Molsheim - rehabilitation of collective housing buildings 1, 3 and 7 rue elisabeth juneck - 3, 5 and 7 rue louis chiron Deadline for submission: 10/16/2024 at 2:00 p.m. More information Need help See frequently asked questions. :Sender:Subject:Message: Send 914,055 registered companies See the ACPM-OJD certified audience 47,519,786 . 2003-2024 . All rights reserved FAQ | Join us | Terms of use | Privacy policy | Cookies | Search | Powered by Dematis Follow us on social media: Join usLegal noticesPrivacy policyCookiesSearchPowered by Dematis 2003-2024 . All rights reserved
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