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令和6年度 公営住宅屋根塗装工事 令和6年度 公営住宅屋根塗装工事 【注意事項】【注意事項】共通事項・箕輪町入札参加資格者名簿に登載された者であること。 ・地方自治法施行令第167条の4の規定及び箕輪町建設工事等入札参加の資格及び業者... Public housing roof painting work in fiscal year 2024 Public housing roof painting work in fiscal year 2024 [Notes] [Notes] Common matters ・You must be listed on the Minowa Town bidder qualification list. ・You must be listed on the Minowa Town bidder qualification list in accordance with Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act and the qualifications and contractors for Minowa Town construction work bids...

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Deadline Date
令和6年度 公営住宅屋根塗装工事 令和6年度 公営住宅屋根塗装工事 【注意事項】【注意事項】共通事項・箕輪町入札参加資格者名簿に登載された者であること。 ・地方自治法施行令第167条の4の規定及び箕輪町建設工事等入札参加の資格及び業者... 長野県箕輪町   入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 令和6年度 公営住宅屋根塗装工事 種別 工事 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 16 日 組織 長野県箕輪町 取得日 2024 年 10 月 16 日 19:23:23 閲覧設計書特記仕様書図面 公告内容 【注意事項】【注意事項】共通事項・箕輪町入札参加資格者名簿に登載された者であること。 ・地方自治法施行令第167条の4の規定及び箕輪町建設工事等入札参加の資格及び業者の選定に関 する規程第3条第1項、第6条第1項及び第2項の規定に該当しない者であること。 ・入札公告日から落札決定日までの間において、箕輪町の指名停止措置を受けていないこと。 受付場所質問の回答 令和6年10月7日(月) から箕輪町公式ホームページに掲載(随時更新)設計図書等の閲覧及び入手、質問書の受付については、休日を除く午前8時30分から午後5時15分まで(正午から午後1時までを除く。)とします。 設計図書等の閲覧及び入手箕輪町役場 建設課 建設管理係質問書の受付受付期間 令和6年10月2日(水) 質問書様式により、直接又は、FAX・メールで提出(電話等により受領確認を行うこと)箕輪町役場 建設課 建設管理係~ 令和6年10月9日(水)開札経過、入札結果の公表は箕輪町公式ホームページに随時掲載入札書提出については、箕輪町の休日を定める条例(平成元年条例第33号)第1条の規定する箕輪町の休日(以下「休日」という。)を除く午前8時30分から午後5時15分まで(正午から午後1時までを除く。)とします。 4 契約条項、設計図書等を示す場所及び日時開 札 日 時及 び 入 札結 果 公 表令和6年10月17日(木) 午前9時00分 箕輪町役場2F 大会議室そ の 他なし※ 注(7 その他一般競争に関し必要な事項に記載)3 入札又は開札の場所及び日時等入 札 書 提出 期 限令和6年10月15日(火) 午後5時15分一般書留・簡易書留・配達記録郵便による郵送、または箕輪町役場企画振興課まで直接提出経 営 事 項審 査経営事項審査結果(開札日から起算して1年7ヶ月以内が審査基準日で、かつ最新のもの)の建築一式工事で総合評点が799点以下であること。 配置技術者次の資格を有する主任技術者(公告日より3月前からの恒常的雇用関係にある者)を専任配置できること。 建築士(1級又は2級)又は建築施工管理技士(1級又は2級) ただし、特定建設業許可者であって下請負金額の合計が、8,000万円以上となる場合は、建設業法第26条に基づく監理技術者(公告日より3月前からの恒常的雇用関係にある者)を専任配置できること。 地 域 要 件 町内の本店で建設業法上のものであること。(町内に本店を設置した後5年を経過していること。)建設業許可建築工事業を有していること。ただし、下請負金額の合計が7,000万円以上となる場合には、特定建設業許可を有すること。 予 定 価 格 事後公表とする最 低 制 限価 格《算定方法》①直接工事費の97%、②共通仮設費の90%、③現場管理費の90%、④一般管理費の68%※上記①~④の合計額※①~④の各段階で端数処理(1円未満を切り捨て)を行い、①~④の合計額に対しては1万円未満を切り捨てる。 ※上記算定式による額が、予定価格の92%を超える場合は92%の額とし、75%に満たない場合は75%の額とする。 (1万円に満たない端数があるときは、1万円未満を切り捨てる。)2 入札に参加する者に必要な資格工 事 概 要工 期 契約締結日から 令和7年2月28日 (予定)足場工 A=636㎡高圧洗浄 A=518㎡屋根塗装 A=518㎡南面ベランダケレン、塗装 A=37㎡雨樋・堅樋・外部柱塗装 L=203m箕輪町長 白鳥 政徳1 入札に付する事項工 事 名 令和6年度 公営住宅屋根塗装工事工事か所名 箕輪町 長岡住宅団地D棟入 札 公 告 次のとおり条件付一般競争入札を行いますので、地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号)第167条の6の規定により公告します。 令和6年10月2日【落札候補者がいない場合の措置】「受注希望型競争入札(事後審査)入札条件注意書」の10(3)に示すとおり。 入 札 担 当住所 〒399-4695 長野県上伊那郡箕輪町大字中箕輪10298番地電話 0265-79-3152 内線 1153 FAX 0265-79-0230 E-mail kizai@town.minowa.lg.jp箕輪町公式ホームページ http://www.town.minowa.lg.jp/箕輪町役場 企画振興課 まちづくり政策係そ の 他・その他「受注希望型競争入札(事後審査)入札条件注意書」に示すとおりです。 この入札公告に関する担当係等発 注 担 当FAX 0265-79-0230 E-mail kensetsu@town.minowa.lg.jp箕輪町役場 建設課 建設管理係支 払 条 件箕輪町財務規則第75条の2の規定に基づき契約金額の4割の範囲内で前金払の適用あり。 箕輪町財務規則第135条の規定に基づき部分払の適用あり。 中間前金払の適用なし。 落 札 者 の決 定本件入札は、開札後に最低価格入札者の入札参加者に必要な資格を審査し、資格を満たしていることが確認できた場合に、当該入札者を落札者と決定しますので、指示のあった者は、指示があった日から起算して2日以内(休日を除く)に、次に掲げる書類を入札担当まで持参提出してください。 (4) 配置する技術者の資格を証明する書類の写し(5) 配置する技術者の恒常的雇用関係を証明する書類の写し5 入札保証金に関する事項受注希望型競争入札(事後審査)入札条件注意書の7に示すとおり。 6 入札の無効等受注希望型競争入札(事後審査)入札条件注意書の11に示すとおり。 7 その他一般競争に関し必要な事項(1) 様式「入札参加資格審査書類の提出について」(2) 建設業許可証明書の写し(3) 経営事項審査結果通知書の写し(審査基準日が開札日から1年7月以内で最新のもの)受領印 箕輪町役場 企画振興課 まちづくり政策係工事(業務)名 令和6年度 公営住宅屋根塗装工事工事(業務)箇所名 箕輪町 長岡住宅団地D棟応 札 者キ リ ト リ◆入札書受領書(入札書を持参により提出する場合で、受領した書類が必要な方は、必要事項を記入し切り取って持参してください。)キリトリ入 札 書 受 領 書開 札 日 令和6年10月17日担当者名担当者連絡先(電話) ( )担当者連絡先(FAX番号) ( )工事(業務)名 令和6年度 公営住宅屋根塗装工事工事(業務)箇所名 箕輪町 長岡住宅団地D棟商号又は名称 住 所 住 所 キ リ ト リ【内封筒用】キ リ ト リ開 札 日 令和6年10月17日工事(業務)名 令和6年度 公営住宅屋根塗装工事工事(業務)箇所名 箕輪町 長岡住宅団地D棟商号又は名称 長野県上伊那郡箕輪町大字中箕輪10298番地入 札 書 在 中 ( 開札日 令和6年10月17日 )箕輪町役場 企画振興課 まちづくり政策係 行◆外封筒及び中封筒貼り付け用紙(キリトリ線に添って切り取り、外封筒及び中封筒に糊で貼り付けてください)【外封筒用】キ リ ト リ提出締切日 10月15日〒399-4695 番 号 課 長係 長設 計 者令和6年度 公営住宅屋根塗装工事 (金抜き)工事個所名 箕輪町 長岡住宅団地D棟設 計 大 要 施工方法 納入期限足場工 A=636㎡高圧洗浄 A=518㎡屋根塗装 A=518㎡南面ベランダケレン、塗装 A=37㎡雨樋・堅樋・外部柱塗装 L=203m【 仕 様 書 箕 輪 町 】変更起工理由金 円(税込み) 円(税抜き)本工事費 変更請負額算出内 附帯工事費測量及び試験費用地及び補償費訳 事務費 増 額 減 額工事雑費 用地費 補償費当初設計額 当初契約額請負令和6年度公営住宅屋根塗装工事_金抜設計書.xls,金抜設計書(表紙),2024/10/1,1/2内訳書名 称 形状寸法 単位 数量 単価 金額 摘要〈一般仮設〉枠組本足場 掛㎡636.0 掛払手間・損料・運搬・撤去共養生シート ㎡636.0 掛払手間・損料・運搬・撤去共〈屋根塗装工事〉高圧洗浄 ㎡518.0塗装 シリコン系遮熱塗料 3回塗り 幕板含む ㎡518.0塗料JIS K-5675(下・中・上塗り)南面ベランダケレン ㎡37.0南面ベランダ塗装 シリコン系塗料 3回塗り パラペット含む ㎡37.0塗料JIS K-5659(錆止・中・上塗り)雨樋・堅樋・外部柱塗装 シリコン系塗料 3回塗り m203.0塗料JIS K-5659(錆止・中・上塗り)法定福利費 式1.0*直接工事費*共通仮設費計*純工事費*現場管理費*工事原価*一般管理費*工事価格*端数調整*最終工事価格合計消費税 % 10.00合 計 (税込み計)令和6年度公営住宅屋根塗装工事_金抜設計書.xls 1特 記 仕 様 書1 工事名令和6年度 公営住宅屋根塗装工事2 工事箇所箕輪町 長岡住宅団地D棟3 工事概要長尺カラー鉄板瓦棒葺屋根及び雨樋・竪樋・南面ベランダを塗装する。4 仕様書(1)図面及び特記仕様書に記載されていない事項は、国土交通省大臣官房官庁営繕部監修「公共建築改修工事標準仕様書(建築工事編)」最新版による。(2)工事で設置する足場については、「手すり先行工法等に関するガイドライン」(厚生労働省 平成21年4月)の「働きやすい安心感のある足場に関する基準」に適合する手すり、中さん及び幅木の機能を有する足場とし、足場の組み立て、解体又は変更の作業は、同ガイドラインの「手すり先行工法による足場の組立て等に関する基準」の2の(2)手すり据置き方式又は(3)手すり先行専用足場方式により行うこと。(3)設計図書のくい違い、不明箇所等は入札に先立ち所定の期間に質疑し、回答を受けるものとする。なお、入札後に生じた疑義については監督員と協議し施工すること。(4)本工事における設計図書の優先は、①現場説明書(補足訂正、質疑応答を含む)、②特記仕様書、③設計図、④工事標準仕様書とする。(5)工事の施工が原因で補償する瑕疵は受注者で負担すること。(6)本工事にかかる諸官庁への手続き及びそれにかかる費用は、本工事に含むものとする。5 施工上の注意(1)工事に当たっては、事前に監督員、管理者、入居者等に作業内容、施工時期を説明し、協力を得ること。(2)工事中は工事ごと十分な養生を行って、常に現場内の整理整頓を行うこと。(3)工事中、工事個所以外の不良個所を発見した場合は、監督員に報告し別途協議すること。2(4)工事完成時は現場内外の後片付け、清掃を入念に行うこと。(5)工事中は入居者及び団地外の人の安全に十分注意すること。(6)暴力団関係者等による被害を受けた場合は、速やかに警察に被害届を提出すること。6 使用材料承認工事の実施に先立ち施工計画書等を作成し監督員の承認を得ること。7 書類及び報告書(1)工事の竣工検査完了後、塗料出荷証明書・報告書等をA4版にファイルして提出すること。(2)写真は、工事名・撮影対象物・日時等を映し込み、必要事項を記入のうえ竣工写真と併せてアルバム(A4版)に整理し、書類等と併せて提出する。なお、撮影箇所、時期は工事着手前・工事施工中・工事施工後とし、写真はカラーとする。8 発生材の処分(1)発生材の処分にあたっては、「廃棄物の処理及び清掃に関する法律」(以下「廃棄物処理法」という。)、「建設工事公衆災害防止対策要綱建築工事編」、「再生資源の利用の促進に関する法律」、「建設副産物適切処理推進要綱」その他関係法令により適切に実施する。(2)受注者自らが廃棄物の処理(分別、保管、収集、運搬、処分の一連の行為をいう。以下同じ。)を行う場合は、廃棄物処理法に基づき、適正に行うこと。(3)廃棄物の処理の全部または一部を下請人に委託するときは、廃棄物処理法に基づく処理を業として許可を取得している者に委託すること。(4)廃棄物の分別を徹底し、再利用及び再資源化に努める。(5)竣工したときは、最終処分地の案内図、処分処理マニュフェスト制度に基づく最終伝票を提出すること。下請け人に委託したときは、産業廃棄物処理業の知事の許可の写を提出すること。9 施工の内容・範囲(1) 既設長尺カラー鉄板瓦棒葺(幕板を含む)を高圧洗浄後、シリコン系遮熱塗料を用い3回塗りを行う。雨樋・竪樋及び南面ベランダをケレン後、シリコン系塗料を用い 3 回塗りを行う。3(2)塗料色は監督員の承認を受けて決定する。(3)工事に支障のあるアンテナ、電気引込箇所等は、移設して仮設置し工事完成後に復旧すること。また、入居者設置の工作物等については、事前に協議すること。 Public housing roof painting work in fiscal year 2024 Public housing roof painting work in fiscal year 2024 [Notes] [Notes] Common items - Must be listed on the Minowa Town bidder qualification list. - In accordance with the provisions of Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act and the qualifications and contractors for Minowa Town construction work etc. bidders... Minowa Town, Nagano Prefecture Bidding information is as follows. Subject Public housing roof painting work in fiscal year 2024 Type Construction Date of announcement or update October 16, 2024 Organization Minowa Town, Nagano Prefecture Date of acquisition October 16, 2024 19:23:23 View design document special specification drawing Announcement content [Notes] [Notes] Common items - Must be listed on the Minowa Town bidder qualification list. - Not falling under the provisions of Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act and Article 3, Paragraph 1, Article 6, Paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Regulations on Eligibility to Participate in Bids for Minowa Town Construction Works and the Selection of Contractors. - Not subject to Minowa Town's suspension of bids from the date of announcement of bids to the date of decision on successful bidder. Reception location Answers to questions Posted on the Minowa Town official website from Monday, October 7, 2024 (updated regularly) Viewing and obtaining design documents, etc., and the reception of questions will be from 8:30 am to 5:15 pm (excluding noon to 1 pm) except on holidays. Viewing and obtaining design documents, etc. Minowa Town Hall, Construction Division, Construction Management Section Acceptance of questionnaires Acceptance period Wednesday, October 2, 2024 Submit using the questionnaire form in person or by fax or email (receipt must be confirmed by phone, etc.) Minowa Town Hall, Construction Division, Construction Management Section - Wednesday, October 9, 2024 The bid opening process and announcement of bid results will be posted on the Minowa Town official website from time to time Bid submissions shall be made between 8:30 am and 5:15 pm (excluding noon to 1:00 pm), excluding Minowa Town holidays (hereinafter referred to as "holidays") as stipulated in Article 1 of the Minowa Town Holidays Ordinance (Ordinance No. 33 of 1989). 4. Place and date of contract clauses, design documents, etc. Date and time of bid opening and announcement of bid results Thursday, October 17, 2024, 9:00 AM, Minowa Town Hall, 2nd floor, main conference room Other None *Note (Please indicate in 7. Other necessary matters regarding general competition) 3. Place and date of bid or bid opening, etc. Deadline for submission of bids Tuesday, October 15, 2024, 5:15 PM Post by regular registered mail, simple registered mail, delivery record mail, or submit directly to the Planning and Promotion Division of Minowa Town Hall Business Matters Review Business Matters Review results (within 1 year and 7 months from the bid opening date as the review base date and the most recent) must be 799 points or less for general construction work. Assigned Engineer A full-time chief engineer with the following qualifications (a person who has been in a permanent employment relationship since 3 months prior to the date of announcement) can be assigned. Architect (1st or 2nd class) or construction management engineer (1st or 2nd class) However, if the company holds a specific construction business license and the total subcontract amount is 80 million yen or more, the company must be able to appoint a full-time supervising engineer (someone who has been in a permanent employment relationship for three months prior to the announcement date) under Article 26 of the Construction Business Law. Area requirements The company must have its head office within the town and be in accordance with the Construction Business Law. (Five years must have passed since the head office was established within the town.) The company must hold a construction business license for architectural construction work. However, if the total subcontract amount is 70 million yen or more, the company must hold a specific construction business license. Estimated Price Minimum limit price to be announced after the fact 《Calculation method》①97% of direct construction costs, ②90% of common temporary facilities costs, ③90% of site management costs, ④68% of general management costs *Total of ① to ④ above *Fractions are rounded down (rounded down to the nearest 1 yen) at each stage of ① to ④, and amounts less than 10,000 yen are rounded down for the total of ① to ④. *If the amount calculated using the above formula exceeds 92% of the estimated price, 92% will be used, and if it is less than 75%, 75% will be used. (Any fraction less than 10,000 yen will be rounded down to the nearest 10,000 yen.) 2 Qualifications required for those participating in bids Outline of work Work period From the date of contract conclusion to February 28, 2025 (planned) Scaffolding work A = 636 m2 High-pressure cleaning A = 518 m2 Roof painting A = 518 m2 South-facing balcony cleaning and painting A = 37 m2 Painting of rain gutters, gutters, and external pillars L = 203 m Minowa Town Mayor Shiratori Masanori 1 Items to be put up for bid Work name 2024 public housing roof painting work Work location Building D, Nagaoka Housing Complex, Minowa Town Bid announcement We will be conducting a conditional open competitive bidding as follows, and this is being announced pursuant to Article 167-6 of the Local Autonomy Act Enforcement Order (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947). October 2, 2024 [Measures to be taken in the event that there is no successful bidder] As indicated in 10(3) of the "Notes on bidding conditions for competitive bidding (post-review) for which the bidder is requested." Bidding contact address: 10298 Nakaminowa, Minowa-machi, Kamiina-gun, Nagano Prefecture, 399-4695 Phone: 0265-79-3152, extension 1153, FAX: 0265-79-0230 Email: kizai@town.minowa.lg.jp Minowa Town Official Website: http://www.town.minowa.lg.jp/ Minowa Town Hall, Planning and Promotion Division, Town Development Policy Section Other: As indicated in the "Notes on bidding conditions for competitive bidding (post-review) for which the bidder is requested." Contact person in charge of this tender announcement: Fax: 0265-79-0230 Email: kensetsu@town.minowa.lg.jpMinowa Town Office, Construction Division, Construction Management Section Payment conditions: Advance payment of up to 40% of the contract amount is applicable based on Article 75-2 of the Minowa Town Financial Regulations. Partial payment is applicable based on Article 135 of the Minowa Town Financial Regulations. Interim advance payment is not applicable. Determination of successful bidder: After the bids are opened, the lowest bidder will be screened for necessary qualifications. If it is confirmed that the bidder meets the qualifications, the bidder will be selected as the successful bidder. Those who are instructed to do so should submit the following documents to the bidding officer within two days (excluding holidays) from the date of the instructions. (4) A copy of the document certifying the qualifications of the engineer to be assigned (5) A copy of the document certifying the permanent employment relationship of the engineer to be assigned 5. Matters regarding bid bonds: As shown in 7 of the Notice on Bidding Conditions for Competitive Bidding (Post-Review). 6. Invalidation of bids, etc. As stated in 11 of the Notes on Bidding Conditions for Request for Contract (Post-Review). 7. Other matters necessary for public bidding (1) Form "Submission of documents for bidder qualification examination" (2) Copy of construction business license certificate (3) Copy of business examination result notice (latest one with examination reference date within 1 year and 7 months from the date of bid opening) Receipt stamp Minowa Town Office, Planning and Promotion Division, Urban Development Policy Section Project (task) name: Public housing roof painting work in fiscal year 2024 Project (task) location: Nagaoka Housing Estate, Building D, Minowa Town Bidders: ◆ Bidding document receipt (If you are submitting the bid document in person and need the document you received, please fill in the necessary information, cut it out and bring it with you.) Cut out Bidding document receipt Date of bid opening: October 17, 2024 Name of person in charge Contact information for person in charge (phone number) ( ) Contact information for person in charge (fax number) ( ) Project (task) name: Public housing roof painting work in fiscal year 2024 Project (task) location: Minowa Town Nagaoka Housing Complex D Building Trade name or name Address Address キリトリ【For inner envelope】キリトリBid opening date October 17, 2024Construction (business) name Reiwa 6th year Public housing roof painting constructionConstruction (business) location name Minowa Town Nagaoka Housing Complex D Building Trade name or name 10298 Nakaminowa, Minowa Town, Kamiina District, Nagano PrefectureBid form in hand (Bid opening date October 17, 2024)Minowa Town Hall Planning and Promotion Division, Urban Development Policy Section◆Outer envelope and inner envelope attachment paper (cut along the cut line and paste on the outer envelope and inner envelope with glue)【For outer envelope】キリトリSubmission deadline October 15th〒399-4695 Number Division Chief Designer Public housing roof painting work (removing gold) in fiscal year 2024 Construction site name Minowa-cho Nagaoka Housing Complex D Building Design outline Construction method Delivery deadline Scaffolding work A = 636 m2 High pressure cleaning A = 518 m2 Roof painting A = 518 m2 South-facing balcony cleaning, painting A = 37 m2 Rain gutters, hard gutters, external pillar painting L = 203 m [Specifications Minowa-cho] Change Reason for construction start Cost yen (tax included) yen (tax excluded) Main construction cost Change in contract amount calculation Ancillary construction costs Survey and testing costs Land and compensation costs Administrative costs Increase/decrease amount Miscellaneous construction costs Land costs Compensation costs Initial design amount Initial contract amount Contract Public housing roof painting work in fiscal year 2024 - Removing gold design document.xls, Removing gold design document (cover), 2024/10/1, 1/2 Details Name Shape and dimensions Unit Quantity Unit price Amount Remarks <General temporary works> Framework scaffolding - 636.0 m2 (paid for labor, rentals, transportation, and removal) Protection sheet - 636.0 m2 (paid for labor, rentals, transportation, and removal) <Roof painting work> High pressure washing - 518.0 m2 (painted) Silicone heat insulating paint, 3 coats, including fascia boards - 518.0 m2 (painted by JIS K-5675 (undercoat, middle, and top coat) South-facing balcony cleaning - 37.0 m2 (painted by JIS K-5659 (rust prevention, middle, and top coat) Rain gutters, gutters, and external pillars - 3 coats, silicone paint - 203.0 m2 (painted by JIS K-5659 (rust prevention, middle, and top coat) Legal welfare expenses Formula 1.0 * Direct construction cost * Total common temporary cost * Net construction cost * Site management cost * Construction cost * General management cost * Construction price * Rounding adjustment * Final construction price Total consumption tax % 10.00 Total (including tax) Public housing roof painting work in fiscal year 2024 - Gold removal design document.xls 1Special Specifications1 Name of WorkReiwa 6 Public Housing Roof Painting2 Work LocationMinowa Town Nagaoka Housing Complex D Building3 Work SummaryPaint the long colored steel plate tile roof, rain gutters, downspouts, and south-facing veranda. 4 Specifications(1) Any matters not listed in the drawings or special specifications shall be in accordance with the latest version of the "Standard Specifications for Public Building Renovation Works (Architectural Works)" supervised by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism's Minister's Secretariat Government Maintenance Department. (2) The scaffolding to be installed in the work shall have handrails, sills, and baseboards that comply with the "Standards for Scaffolding that is Easy to Work in and Feels Safe" in the "Guidelines for Handrail-First Construction Methods, etc." (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, April 2009), and the assembly, dismantling, or modification of the scaffolding shall be carried out according to the "Standards for Scaffolding Assembly, etc. Using Handrail-First Construction Methods" in 2 (2) (2) or (3) ... (3) Discrepancies and unclear points in the design documents shall be questioned and answered within a specified period prior to bidding. Any doubts that arise after bidding shall be discussed with the supervisor and then implemented. (4) The priority of the design documents for this work shall be ① the site description (including supplementary corrections and Q&A), ② special specifications, ③ design drawings, and ④ construction standard specifications. (5) The contractor shall bear any defects that are to be compensated for due to the construction of the work. (6) The procedures and associated costs for this work with various government agencies shall be included in this work. 5 Construction Precautions (1) Before starting construction, explain the work contents and construction schedule to the supervisor, manager, residents, etc., and obtain their cooperation. (2) During construction, provide adequate protection for each work and keep the site tidy at all times. (3) If any defects are found during construction other than the construction area, report them to the supervisor and discuss separately. 2 (4) When construction is completed, thoroughly clean up and clean up the inside and outside of the site. (5) Pay close attention to the safety of residents and people outside the housing complex during construction. (6) If you are victimized by members of organized crime groups, file a police report immediately. 6 Approval of Materials Used: Prepare a construction plan and obtain the approval of the supervisor before carrying out construction work. 7 Documents and Reports (1) After the completion inspection of the construction work is completed, submit the paint shipping certificate and report in an A4 size file. (2) Photographs should include the name of the construction work, the subject of the photograph, the date and time, etc., and after filling in the necessary information, organize them in an album (A4 size) together with the completion photographs, and submit them together with the documents. The photographs should be taken at the locations and times before the start of construction, during construction, and after construction, and the photographs should be in color. 8 Disposal of Generated Materials (1) Disposal of generated materials shall be carried out appropriately in accordance with the Waste Disposal and Public Cleansing Act (hereinafter referred to as the Waste Disposal Act), the Guidelines for Measures to Prevent Public Accidents during Construction Work - Building Construction, the Act on Promotion of Utilization of Recyclable Resources, the Guidelines for Promoting Appropriate Disposal of Construction By-Products, and other relevant laws and regulations. (2) If the contractor himself processes waste (referring to the series of actions of sorting, storing, collecting, transporting, and disposing of waste; the same applies below), he/she shall do so appropriately in accordance with the Waste Disposal Act. (3) If the contractor entrusts all or part of the waste disposal to a subcontractor, he/she shall entrust it to a person who is licensed as a business to perform waste disposal under the Waste Disposal Act. (4) The contractor shall thoroughly separate waste and strive to reuse and recycle it. (5) Upon completion, a guide map of the final disposal site and a final invoice based on the disposal manifest system shall be submitted. If the contractor entrusts the work to a subcontractor, a copy of the prefectural governor's license for industrial waste disposal shall be submitted. 9 Content and scope of work (1) After high-pressure washing of the existing long colored steel plate tile bar roofing (including fascia boards), paint three coats of silicone-based heat-insulating paint. After scraping the rain gutters, downspouts, and south-facing veranda, paint three coats of silicone-based paint. 3 (2) The paint color shall be decided upon approval of the supervisor. (3) Any antennas, electrical wiring points, etc. that interfere with the construction work will be relocated and temporarily installed, and then restored after the construction work is completed. In addition, consultations will be held in advance regarding structures, etc. installed by tenants.
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Deadline Date: 01.11.2024