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令和6年度 第22号 新宮警察署職員宿舎外壁改修工事 令和6年度 第22号 新宮警察署職員宿舎外壁改修工事 (消費税及び地方消費税を除く)有有有議会の議決 不要工事年度・工事番号和歌山県の発注する建設工事の入札参加資格を有する者であること。 和歌山県建設... FY2024 No. 22 Shingu Police Station Staff Housing Exterior Wall Renovation Work FY2024 No. 22 Shingu Police Station Staff Housing Exterior Wall Renovation Work (excluding consumption tax and local consumption tax) Yes Yes Yes Council resolution No Construction year / construction number You must be eligible to participate in the bidding for construction work ordered by Wakayama Prefecture. Wakayama Prefecture Construction...

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令和6年度 第22号 新宮警察署職員宿舎外壁改修工事 令和6年度 第22号 新宮警察署職員宿舎外壁改修工事 (消費税及び地方消費税を除く)有有有議会の議決 不要工事年度・工事番号和歌山県の発注する建設工事の入札参加資格を有する者であること。 和歌山県建設... 国家公安委員会(警察庁)和歌山県警察  和歌山県和歌山市 入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 令和6年度 第22号 新宮警察署職員宿舎外壁改修工事 種別 工事 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 15 日 組織 和歌山県和歌山市 取得日 2024 年 10 月 15 日 19:13:49 公告内容 (消費税及び地方消費税を除く)有有有議会の議決 不要工事年度・工事番号和歌山県の発注する建設工事の入札参加資格を有する者であること。 和歌山県建設工事等契約に係る入札参加資格停止等措置要綱(平成16年6月15日制定)に基づく入札参加資格停止の期間中でない者であること。 和歌山県建設工事等暴力団排除対策措置要綱(昭和62年12月21日制定)に基づく入札参加除外を受けていない者であること。 工事概要工事場所同一入札に参加しようとする者の間に以下の基準のいずれかに該当する関係がないこと。 (ア) 資本関係以下のいずれかに該当する二者の場合① 子会社等と親会社等の関係にある場合② 親会社等を同じくする子会社等同士の関係にある場合(イ) 人的関係以下のいずれかに該当する二者の場合。ただし、①については、会社等の一方が民事再生法第2条第4号に規定する再生手続が存続中の会社等又は更生会社である場合を除く。 ① 一方の会社等の役員が、他方の会社等の役員を現に兼ねている場合② 一方の会社等の役員が、他方の会社等の管財人を現に兼ねている場合③ 一方の会社等の管財人が、他方の会社等の管財人を現に兼ねている場合(ウ) その他入札の適正さが阻害されうると認められる場合① 組合等とその組合等を構成する単体企業の場合② 一方の共同企業体の構成員と他方の共同企業体の構成員に資本関係又は人的関係がある場合③ その他上記(ア)又は(イ)と同視しうる資本関係又は人的関係があると認められる場合施工形態要前払金格付け基準における格付けの取り消しを受けていない者であること。 地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号)第167条の4の規定に該当しない者であること。 部分払建設業法(昭和24年法律第100号)第28条に基づく営業停止の処分を受けていない者であること。 談合等による損害賠償請求を和歌山県から受けていない者であること。 予定価格主たる工種設定5,997,200 円契約の保証5,452,000 円(消費税及び地方消費税を含む) 別記第1号様式(第3条関係) 入札公告(事後審査・持参方式) 次のとおり条件付き一般競争入札を行うので公告する。 令和 6 年 10 月 15 日和歌山県知事岸 本 周 平90日間和歌山県新宮市 地内工期工事名最低制限価格 設定有り、事後公表単体企業予定価格(税抜き)和歌山県の発注する建設工事の右の業種の入札参加資格を有する者であること。 塗装工事業和歌山県建設工事入札参加資格認定者格付け基準及び発注基準(平成19年11月13日施行)に規定する入札参加資格認定通知書において、「塗装工事」の入札可能ランクがWランクであること。 支払条件 中間前払金技術者現場配置条件職業能力開発促進法第47条第1項による指定機関が実施している「技能検定試験制度」に基づく塗装技能士(建築塗装作業)に関する学科及び実技試験に合格した1級又は2級塗装技能士(建築塗装作業)が在籍し、その者を現場に配置すること。 入札に付する工事の概要に関する事項令和6年度 第22号新宮警察署職員宿舎外壁改修工事新宮警察署職員宿舎の外壁改修を行う工事。 ・宿舎(RC造2階建て、延べ床面積:207.62㎡)・上記建物の外壁改修工事及びシーリング打替工事以下に定める届出をしていない者(当該届出の義務がない者を除く。)でないこと。 ・ 健康保険法(大正11年法律第70号)第48条の規定による届出・ 厚生年金保険法(昭和29年法律第115号)第27条の規定による届出・ 雇用保険法(昭和49年法律第116号)第7条の規定による届出当該工事の主たる工種については、防水型複層塗材E塗り工事とする。 対象業種本件工事に係る設計業務等の受託者又は受注者でないこと。 入札に参加する者に必要な資格に関する事項会社更生法に基づき、更生手続開始の申立てがなされている者又は民事再生法に基づき、再生手続開始の申立てがなされている者でないこと。ただし、更生手続又は再生手続開始の決定後、入札参加資格の再認定を受けている者を除く。 ・交付期間 までの休日等を除く午前9時30分から午後5時まで(正午から午後1時までを除く。)・交付場所 和歌山県新宮市新宮2330番地の9 和歌山県新宮警察署 会計課 電話番号 0735-21-0110から まで和歌山市小松原通一丁目1番地1和歌山県警察本部警務部会計課 施設財産係電話番号 073-423-0110ファクシミリ番号 073-423-0120から 建設業許可番号 担当者の所属及び氏名 担当者連絡先 電話番号 ファクシミリ番号入札等に関する事項一度提出された入札書等の書換え、引換え又は撤回は、認めないものとする。 商号又は名称和歌山県新宮市 地内提出期間外に提出した入札書等は、理由の如何にかかわらず受理しないものとする。 実施要領第10条の2に掲げる入札書は不受理とする。 落札決定にあたっては、入札書に記載された金額に当該金額の100分の10に相当する金額を加算した金額(当該金額に1円未満の端数があるときは、端数金額を切り捨てた金額)をもって落札価格とするので、入札者は、消費税及び地方消費税に係る課税事業者であるか免税業者であるかを問わず、見積もった契約希望金額の110分の100に相当する金額を入札書に記載すること。 封筒に入札書等を入れ、封筒の表面に、工事年度・工事番号、工事名、工事場所、入札者の商号又は名称、建設業許可番号、担当者の所属及び氏名並びに担当者連絡先(電話番号及びファクシミリ番号)を記載すること。 工事場所新宮警察署職員宿舎外壁改修工事 工事名開札日時開札場所入札書等は上記「開札予定日時及び場所に示した開札場所に、次の方法により持参で提出すること。なお、郵便及び電信による提出は認められないものとする。 入札書等の提出期限は、「開札予定日時及び場所」に示した開札予定時刻とし、開札予定時刻の5分前から開札予定時刻までを入札書等の提出可能期間(以下「提出期間」という。)とする。 入札参加手続等に関する事項開札予定日時及び場所入札参加者は、入札書等を提出期間内に提出しなければならない。 <封筒の記載例>令和6年10月21日(月)設計図書等に対する質問及び回答実施要領に定める質問書により直接持参又はファクシミリのいずれかの方法により提出すること。 13時35分受付方法令和6年10月31日(木)令和6年10月31日(木)令和6年10月25日(金)設計図書等は、下記の閲覧期間及び場所等で閲覧するものとする。 ・閲覧期間 技術資料作成要領の交付期間に同じ。 ・閲覧場所 技術資料作成要領の交付場所に同じ。 和歌山県新宮市新宮2330番地の9 和歌山県新宮警察署3階多目的室受付期間 令和6年10月23日(水)現場説明会は、行わない。 回答予定日技術資料作成要領は入札参加者に無料で次により交付する。 から入札書等の提出について令和6年度 第22号 工事年度・工事番号令和6年10月15日(火)回答の閲覧方法 和歌山県警察ホームページに掲載する。 当工事に配置する主任技術者については、この公告に対応する許可業種の建設業法(昭和24年法律第100号)に基づく主任技術者であり、この入札の開札日以前、継続して3か月以上の直接的な雇用関係を有する者であること。 主たる工種は受注者自らの施工を基本とする。ただし、事情により主たる工種について下請け契約を締結し、自ら施工しない場合には、契約金額が3,500万円未満の場合は、対象業種欄に示した業種の主任技術者になり得る国家資格を有する技術者を専任で配置できる者であること。また、主たる工種についての下請契約は1次下請までに限る。 本件入札においては、開札後に入札参加資格の審査を行うため、技術資料の提出等、当該審査に係る事前の手続は要しない。 受付場所以下のいずれかの施工実績を有すること。 ・平成21年4月1日から入札書を提出した日までに元請として工事目的物が完成し、引渡が完了した、国、和歌山県又は施工実績認定基準(平成21年1月22日施行)のウ)若しくはエ)に定める法人発注による塗装工事業の建築塗装工事の施工実績を有する者であること。 ・平成21年4月1日から入札書を提出した日までに工事目的物が完成し、引渡しが完了した、①国、地方公共団体又は施工実績認定基準(平成21年1月22日施行)のウ)若しくはエ)に定める法人発注による建築塗装工事の下請負人として自ら施工した施工実績、又は②和歌山県を除く地方公共団体の発注による塗装工事業の建築塗装工事を元請として自ら施工した実績(併せて3件以上)を有すること。但し、下請負人としての施工実績は、当該工事が施工体制台帳作成対象工事であって、自ら施工したものである場合に限る。 当該工事の入札参加資格要件である施工実績において、和歌山県が発注した工事のうち工事成績評定点が65点未満のものは、施工実績として認めない。 日高振興局建設部、西牟婁振興局建設部又は東牟婁振興局建設部管内に、主たる営業所を有する者であること。 「管財人」とは、民事再生法(平成11年法律第225号)第64条第2項又は会社更生法第67条第1項の規定により選任された管財人をいう。 この入札公告における用語の定義「組合等」とは、複数の単体企業により構成される組合等をいう。 「会社等の役員」とは、会社法施行規則第2条第3項第3号に規定する役員のうち、株式会社の取締役(監査等委員である取締役、指名委員会等設置会社の取締役、社外取締役及び業務を執行しない取締役を除く。)、執行役、持分会社の社員、組合の理事又はこれらに準ずるものをいう。 「子会社等」とは、会社法(平成17年法律第86号)第2条第3号の2に規定する子会社等をいう。 「親会社等」とは、会社法第2条第4号の2に規定する親会社等をいう。 「会社等」とは、会社法施行規則(平成18年法務省令第12号)第2条第3項第2号に規定する会社等をいう。 「持分会社」とは、合名会社、合資会社又は合同会社をいう。 「持分会社の社員」とは、会社法第575条第1項に規定する持分会社の社員をいう。ただし、同法第590条第1項に規定する定款に別段の定めがある場合により業務を執行しないこととされている社員を除く。 「指名委員会等設置会社の取締役」とは、会社法第2条第12号に規定する指名委員会等設置会社における取締役をいう。 落札決定後、契約の日までの期間に、落札者(共同企業体の場合は構成員を含む。)が、実施要領第4条に定めるいずれかの要件を満たさなくなったときは、契約を締結しない。この場合、和歌山県は落札者に対し、何ら責任を負わないものとする。 「監査等委員である取締役」とは、会社法第2条第11号の2に規定する監査等委員会設置会社における取締役をいう。 「実施要領」とは、建設工事に係る条件付き一般競争入札(事後審査・持参方式)実施要領(平成20年6月1日制定)をいう。 「共同企業体」とは、特定建設工事共同企業体をいう。 「更生会社」とは、会社更生法(平成14年法律第154号)第2条第7項に規定する更生会社をいう。 「休日等」とは、和歌山県の休日を定める条例(平成元年和歌山県条例第39号)第1条第1項第1号及び第2号に規定する県の休日、4月29日から5月5日までの日、8月13日から8月16日までの日並びに12月29日から翌年の1月6日までの日をいう。 「主たる営業所」とは、建設業を営む営業所を統轄し、指揮監督する権限を有する1か所の営業所をいう。 「格付け基準」とは、和歌山県建設工事入札参加資格認定者格付け基準及び発注基準(平成19年11月13日施行)をいう。 工事費内訳書の様式については、電子入札システムの「電子入札運用基準・様式・実施要領等」に掲載する。 「入札書等」とは、入札書並びに入札書に添付する工事費内訳書、入札時に提出を求める技術提案(総合評価を行う場合に限る。)及び意向確認書(低入札価格調査制度における意向確認設定案件の対象の入札に限る。)をいう。 「社外取締役」とは、会社法第2条第15号に規定する社外取締役をいう。 「業務を執行しない取締役」とは、会社法第348条第1項に規定する定款に別段の定めがある場合により業務を執行しないこととされている取締役をいう。 「執行役」とは、会社法第402条に規定する指名委員会等設置会社の執行役をいう。 開札後に入札参加資格要件の審査における実施要領第15条の規定に基づく技術資料の提出指示を受けた入札者は、不当要求行為等の防止に係る誓約書(別記様式1)を併せて提出すること。 審査に関する事項等開札状況の公表予定日公表方法注意事項一度提出された技術資料の書換え、引換え又は撤回は認めないものとする。 契約に関する事項予定価格(消費税及び地方消費税の額を除く。)の制限の範囲内で最も低い価格をもって有効な入札をした落札候補者を落札者とする。 落札者の決定方法に関する事項実施要領第12条の各号のいずれかに該当する者は、失格とする。 令和6年11月1日(金)開札等に関する事項入札参加資格要件の審査は、実施要領第15条の規定に基づき、提出された技術資料により行う。 開札状況及び入札結果の公表は、和歌山県警察ホームページに掲載するとともに、発注機関において閲覧により公表するものとする。 入札結果の公表令和6年11月7日(木) 落札予定日落札決定の翌日(休日等の場合は、翌日以降の最も近い休日等でない日) FY2024 No. 22 Shingu Police Station Staff Dormitory Exterior Wall Renovation Work FY2024 No. 22 Shingu Police Station Staff Dormitory Exterior Wall Renovation Work (excluding consumption tax and local consumption tax) Yes Yes Yes Council Resolution Not required Construction year/construction number The person must be eligible to participate in the bid for construction work ordered by Wakayama Prefecture. Wakayama Prefectural Construction... National Public Safety Commission (National Police Agency) Wakayama Prefectural Police Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture Bidding information is as follows. Subject FY2024 No. 22 Shingu Police Station Staff Dormitory Exterior Wall Renovation Work Type Construction Date of announcement or update October 15, 2024 Organization Wakayama City, Wakayama Prefecture Date of acquisition October 15, 2024 19:13:49 Announcement content (excluding consumption tax and local consumption tax) Yes Yes Yes Council Resolution Not required Construction year/construction number The person must be eligible to participate in the bid for construction work ordered by Wakayama Prefecture. The person must not be currently suspended from bidding based on the Wakayama Prefecture Guidelines for Measures to Suspend Bidding Eligibility for Construction Work Contracts, etc. (established June 15, 2004). The person must not have been excluded from bidding based on the Wakayama Prefecture Guidelines for Measures to Exterminate Organized Crime Groups for Construction Work Contracts, etc. (established December 21, 1987). The persons intending to bid for the same construction project and construction location must not have a relationship that meets any of the following criteria. (a) Capital relationship: In the case of two parties that meet any of the following criteria: 1) When they are in a relationship between a subsidiary company, etc. and a parent company, etc. 2) When they are subsidiaries, etc. of the same parent company, etc. (b) Personal relationship: In the case of two parties that meet any of the following criteria. However, in the case of 1, this does not apply if one of the companies, etc. is a company, etc. undergoing rehabilitation procedures under Article 2, Paragraph 4 of the Civil Rehabilitation Act or a reorganized company. ① When an officer of one company, etc. is currently also an officer of the other company, etc. ② When an officer of one company, etc. is currently also a trustee of the other company, etc. ③ When the trustee of one company, etc. is currently also a trustee of the other company, etc. (C) Other cases where it is deemed that the fairness of the bid may be hindered ① In the case of an association, etc. and an individual company that constitutes that association, etc. ② When there is a capital or personal relationship between the members of one joint venture and the members of the other joint venture ③ Other cases where it is deemed that there is a capital or personal relationship that can be considered to be the same as (A) or (B) above. A person who has not had his/her rating revoked in the rating criteria for construction type requiring advance payment. A person who does not fall under the provisions of Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Law (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947). A person who has not been subjected to a disposition of business suspension based on Article 28 of the Partial Payment Construction Business Law (Law No. 100 of 1949). A person who has not received a claim for damages due to collusion, etc. from Wakayama Prefecture. Estimated price: Main work type: 5,997,200 yen Contract guarantee: 5,452,000 yen (including consumption tax and local consumption tax) Attached Form No. 1 (related to Article 3) Bidding announcement (post-facto review/in-person method) This announcement is to be made for the following conditional open competitive bidding. October 15, 2024 Governor of Wakayama Prefecture Kishimoto Shu 90 days in a row Within Shingu City, Wakayama Prefecture Construction period Work name Minimum limit price set, post-publication Single company estimated price (excluding tax) Applicants must be qualified to bid in the industries listed below for construction work ordered by Wakayama Prefecture. Painting work In the notice of bidder qualification certification stipulated in the Wakayama Prefecture construction work bidder qualification certification rating criteria and ordering criteria (implemented November 13, 2007), the bidder's bidder eligibility rank for "painting work" must be W rank. Payment terms: Interim advance payment Conditions for technician placement on site: The company has a first or second class paint technician (architectural painting work) who has passed the academic and practical exams for paint technicians (architectural painting work) based on the "Skill Examination System" implemented by a designated institution under Article 47, Paragraph 1 of the Vocational Ability Development Promotion Act, and that technician must be placed on site. Details of the construction work to be put up for bid: FY 2024 No. 22 Renovation of the exterior walls of the Shingu Police Station staff accommodation Construction work to renovate the exterior walls of the Shingu Police Station staff accommodation. - Accommodation (2-story reinforced concrete structure, total floor area: 207.62㎡) ・Exterior wall repair work and sealing replacement work for the above building Not a person who has not made the following notification (excluding those who are not obligated to make said notification) ・Notification under Article 48 of the Health Insurance Act (Act No. 70 of 1922) ・Notification under Article 27 of the Employee's Pension Insurance Act (Act No. 115 of 1954) ・Notification under Article 7 of the Employment Insurance Act (Act No. 116 of 1974) The main type of work in question shall be waterproof multi-layer coating material E coating work. Target industry Not a contractor or a receiver of design work etc. related to this work. Matters related to qualifications required for those participating in the bid Not a person who has filed for the commencement of reorganization proceedings under the Corporate Reorganization Act or a person who has filed for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings under the Civil Rehabilitation Act. However, this does not include those who have been re-certified as eligible to participate in the bid after the decision to commence reorganization or rehabilitation proceedings.・Period of issuance 9:30AM to 5PM (excluding holidays, etc.) (excluding noon to 1PM)・Place of issuance 2330-9 Shingu, Shingu City, Wakayama Prefecture Accounting Division, Shingu Police Station, Wakayama Prefecture Telephone number 0735-21-0110 to 1-1-1 Komatsubara-dori 1-chome, Wakayama City Wakayama Prefectural Police Headquarters Police Affairs Department Accounting Division, Facilities Property Section Telephone number 073-423-0110 Fax number 073-423-0120 to Construction business license number Department and name of person in charge Contact information for person in charge Telephone number Fax number Matters regarding bidding, etc. Once submitted, bids, etc. cannot be rewritten, exchanged, or withdrawn. Business name or name Within Shingu City, Wakayama Prefecture Bids, etc. submitted outside the submission period will not be accepted regardless of the reason. Bids listed in Article 10-2 of the Implementation Guidelines will not be accepted. In determining the successful bid, the successful bid price will be the amount stated in the bid document plus 10/100 of that amount (if that amount has a fraction of less than 1 yen, the fraction will be rounded down), so bidders, regardless of whether they are taxable businesses or tax-exempt businesses with respect to consumption tax and local consumption tax, must state in their bid document an amount equivalent to 110/100 of their estimated desired contract amount. Place the bid document etc. in an envelope and write on the front of the envelope the construction year and number, project name, project location, bidder's trade name or title, construction business license number, affiliation and name of the person in charge, and the person in charge's contact information (telephone and facsimile numbers). Work location: Shingu Police Station Staff Accommodation Exterior Wall Renovation Work Project name: Bid opening date and time: Bid opening location: Bid documents, etc. shall be submitted in person at the bid opening location indicated above under "Scheduled bid opening date and time and location" by the following method. Submission by mail and telegraph will not be accepted. The deadline for submission of bid documents, etc. shall be the scheduled bid opening time indicated in "Scheduled bid opening date and time and location", and the period during which bid documents, etc. can be submitted (hereinafter referred to as the "submission period") shall be from five minutes prior to the scheduled bid opening time until the scheduled bid opening time. Matters related to bid participation procedures, etc. Scheduled bid opening date and location Bidders must submit their bid documents, etc. within the submission period. <Example of what to write on the envelope> Monday, October 21, 2024 Questions and answers regarding design documents, etc. Submit the questions as specified in the implementation guidelines either in person or by facsimile. 13:35 Method of receptionThursday, October 31, 2024Thursday, October 31, 2024Friday, October 25, 2024Design documents, etc., can be viewed during the viewing period and at the following locations. Viewing period: Same as the period for issuing the Technical Document Preparation Guidelines. Viewing location: Same as the location for issuing the Technical Document Preparation Guidelines. 2330-9 Shingu, Shingu City, Wakayama Prefecture, Wakayama Prefecture Shingu Police Station, 3rd floor, multipurpose roomReception period: Wednesday, October 23, 2024There will be no on-site briefing. Expected response dateThe Technical Document Preparation Guidelines will be provided to bidders free of charge as follows.FromAbout the submission of bid documents, etc.No. 22, Fiscal Year 2024 Construction Year and Construction NumberTuesday, October 15, 2024How to view the responseIt will be posted on the Wakayama Prefectural Police website. The chief engineer to be assigned to this project must be a chief engineer of the licensed industry according to the Construction Business Law (Law No. 100 of 1949) that corresponds to this announcement, and must have had a direct employment relationship with the contractor for at least three months prior to the opening of the bid. The main work will be carried out by the contractor itself. However, if the contractor concludes a subcontract agreement for the main work due to circumstances and does not carry out the work itself, the contract amount may be increased by 3,If the amount is less than 5 million yen, the bidder must be able to assign a full-time engineer who has a national qualification and can become a chief engineer in the industry shown in the target industry column. In addition, subcontracting for the main work type is limited to first-tier subcontracting. In this tender, the bidder's eligibility will be reviewed after the bid opening, so prior procedures for the review, such as submitting technical documents, are not required. Reception location The bidder must have one of the following construction experience: - The bidder must have construction experience in architectural painting work for painting work ordered by the national government, Wakayama Prefecture, or a corporation as specified in (c) or (d) of the Construction Experience Certification Standards (implemented on January 22, 2009), where the construction object was completed and handed over as a prime contractor between April 1, 2009 and the date of submission of the bid document.・The bidder must have a track record of performing construction work as a subcontractor for architectural painting work ordered by the national government, local government, or a corporation specified in item (c) or (d) of the Construction Performance Certification Standards (implemented on January 22, 2009), in which the construction object was completed and handed over between April 1, 2009 and the date of submission of the bid document, or a track record of performing construction work as a prime contractor for architectural painting work ordered by a local government other than Wakayama Prefecture (a total of three or more cases). However, construction experience as a subcontractor is limited to cases in which the said work is subject to the creation of a construction organization register and was performed by the bidder. In terms of the construction experience, which is a requirement for the bidder's eligibility for the said work, construction work ordered by Wakayama Prefecture with a construction performance evaluation score of less than 65 points will not be recognized as construction experience. The bidder must have a principal place of business within the jurisdiction of the Construction Department of the Hidaka Subprefectural Bureau, the Construction Department of the Nishimuro Subprefectural Bureau, or the Construction Department of the Higashimuro Subprefectural Bureau. "Trustee" refers to a trustee appointed pursuant to Article 64, Paragraph 2 of the Civil Rehabilitation Law (Law No. 225 of 1999) or Article 67, Paragraph 1 of the Corporate Reorganization Law. Definitions of terms used in this tender notice: "Partnership, etc." refers to a partnership, etc. consisting of multiple individual companies. "Officers of a company, etc." refers to officers as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 3, Item 3 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Companies Act, including directors of a stock company (excluding directors who are audit and supervisory committee members, directors of a company with a nomination committee, etc., outside directors, and directors who do not execute business), executive officers, members of an equity company, directors of a partnership, or persons equivalent thereto. "Subsidiary, etc." refers to subsidiary, etc. as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 3, Item 2 of the Companies Act (Law No. 86 of 2005). "Parent company, etc." refers to parent company, etc. as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 4, Item 2 of the Companies Act. "Company, etc." refers to a company, etc. as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 3, Item 2 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Companies Act (Ministry of Justice Ordinance No. 12 of 2006). "Equity Company" refers to a general partnership, limited partnership, or limited liability company. "Partner of an equity company" refers to a member of an equity company as defined in Article 575, Paragraph 1 of the Companies Act. However, this does not include members who are not to carry out business due to the provisions of the articles of incorporation as defined in Article 590, Paragraph 1 of the same Act. "Director of a company with a nomination committee, etc." refers to a director of a company with a nomination committee, etc. as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 12 of the Companies Act. If the successful bidder (including its members in the case of a joint venture) no longer meets any of the requirements as defined in Article 4 of the Implementation Guidelines during the period from the date of the successful bid to the date of the contract, the contract will not be concluded. In this case, Wakayama Prefecture shall not bear any responsibility to the successful bidder. "Directors who are audit and supervisory committee members" refers to directors of companies with audit and supervisory committees as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 11-2 of the Companies Act. "Implementation guidelines" refers to the Implementation Guidelines for Conditional Open Competitive Bidding (Post-Review/Bring-in Method) for Construction Works (enacted June 1, 2008). "Joint venture" refers to a specific construction work joint venture. "Reorganized company" refers to a reorganized company as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 7 of the Corporate Reorganization Act (Law No. 154 of 2002). "Holidays, etc." refers to prefectural holidays as defined in Article 1, Paragraph 1, Items 1 and 2 of the Wakayama Prefecture Holidays Ordinance (Wakayama Prefecture Ordinance No. 39 of 1989), the days from April 29th to May 5th, the days from August 13th to August 16th, and the days from December 29th to January 6th of the following year. "Principal office" refers to one office that has the authority to supervise, direct, and supervise offices engaged in the construction business. "Rating criteria" refers to the Wakayama Prefecture Construction Works Bidding Participant Qualification Approval Rating Criteria and Ordering Criteria (implemented November 13, 2007). The format of the construction cost breakdown is posted on the "Electronic Bidding Operation Standards, Forms, Implementation Guidelines, etc." of the electronic bidding system. "Bidding documents, etc." refers to the bid documents and construction cost breakdown attached to the bid documents, technical proposals requested to be submitted at the time of bidding (only in cases where comprehensive evaluation is performed), and intention confirmation documents (only in cases where intention confirmation is set under the low bid price investigation system). "Outside director" refers to an outside director as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 15 of the Companies Act. "Director not executing business" refers to a director who is not executing business in cases where the articles of incorporation as defined in Article 348, Paragraph 1 of the Companies Act provide otherwise. "Executive Officer" refers to an executive officer of a company that has established a nomination committee, etc., as provided for in Article 402 of the Companies Act. After the bid opening, bidders who have been instructed to submit technical documents based on the provisions of Article 15 of the Implementation Guidelines for the review of the bidder's eligibility requirements must also submit a pledge (Appendix Form 1) regarding the prevention of unjust demands, etc. Matters related to the review, etc. Date of announcement of the bid opening status Announcement method Notes Rewriting, exchange, or withdrawal of technical documents once submitted will not be permitted. Matters related to the contract The successful bidder will be the candidate who submitted a valid bid with the lowest price within the limit of the estimated price (excluding the amount of consumption tax and local consumption tax). Matters related to the method of determining the successful bidder Those who fall under any of the items of Article 12 of the Implementation Guidelines will be disqualified. Friday, November 1, 2024 Matters related to the bid opening, etc. The review of the bidder's eligibility requirements will be conducted based on the submitted technical documents, as provided for in Article 15 of the Implementation Guidelines. The announcement of the bid opening status and the bid results will be posted on the Wakayama Prefectural Police website, and will be made available for viewing by the ordering agency. Announcement of bidding results: Thursday, November 7, 2024. Expected successful bid date: The day after the successful bid is decided (if a holiday, the next non-holiday day after that)"Rating standards" refers to the Wakayama Prefecture Construction Works Bidding Participant Qualification Approval Rating Standards and Ordering Standards (effective November 13, 2007). The format of the construction cost breakdown is posted on the "Electronic Bidding Operation Standards, Forms, Implementation Guidelines, etc." of the electronic bidding system. "Bidding documents, etc." refers to the bidding documents and the construction cost breakdown attached to the bidding documents, technical proposals to be submitted at the time of bidding (only in cases where a comprehensive evaluation is conducted), and the intention confirmation letter (only in cases where the bid is subject to the intention confirmation setting under the low bid price investigation system). "Outside director" refers to the outside director stipulated in Article 2, Paragraph 15 of the Companies Act. "Director who does not execute business" refers to a director who does not execute business in cases where the articles of incorporation stipulated in Article 348, Paragraph 1 of the Companies Act provide otherwise. "Executive officer" refers to the executive officer of a company with a nomination committee, etc. stipulated in Article 402 of the Companies Act. Bidders who are instructed to submit technical documents based on Article 15 of the Implementation Guidelines for the review of the bidder eligibility requirements after the bid opening must also submit a pledge to prevent unjust demands (Appendix Form 1). Review-related matters, etc. Date of announcement of bid opening status Announcement method Notes Rewriting, exchange, or withdrawal of technical documents once submitted will not be permitted. Contract-related matters The successful bidder will be the candidate who submitted a valid bid with the lowest price within the limit of the estimated price (excluding the amount of consumption tax and local consumption tax). Matters regarding the method of determining the successful bidder Those who fall under any of the items of Article 12 of the Implementation Guidelines will be disqualified. Friday, November 1, 2024 Bidding-related matters, etc. The review of the bidder eligibility requirements will be conducted based on the submitted technical documents based on Article 15 of the Implementation Guidelines. The announcement of the bid opening status and the bid results will be posted on the Wakayama Prefectural Police website and will be made available for viewing by the ordering agency. Announcement of bidding results: Thursday, November 7, 2024. Expected successful bid date: The day after the successful bid is decided (if a holiday, the next non-holiday day after that)"Rating standards" refers to the Wakayama Prefecture Construction Works Bidding Participant Qualification Approval Rating Standards and Ordering Standards (effective November 13, 2007). The format of the construction cost breakdown is posted on the "Electronic Bidding Operation Standards, Forms, Implementation Guidelines, etc." of the electronic bidding system. "Bidding documents, etc." refers to the bidding documents and the construction cost breakdown attached to the bidding documents, technical proposals to be submitted at the time of bidding (only in cases where a comprehensive evaluation is conducted), and the intention confirmation letter (only in cases where the bid is subject to the intention confirmation setting under the low bid price investigation system). "Outside director" refers to the outside director stipulated in Article 2, Paragraph 15 of the Companies Act. "Director who does not execute business" refers to a director who does not execute business in cases where the articles of incorporation stipulated in Article 348, Paragraph 1 of the Companies Act provide otherwise. "Executive officer" refers to the executive officer of a company with a nomination committee, etc. stipulated in Article 402 of the Companies Act. Bidders who are instructed to submit technical documents based on Article 15 of the Implementation Guidelines for the review of the bidder eligibility requirements after the bid opening must also submit a pledge to prevent unjust demands (Appendix Form 1). Review-related matters, etc. Date of announcement of bid opening status Announcement method Notes Rewriting, exchange, or withdrawal of technical documents once submitted will not be permitted. Contract-related matters The successful bidder will be the candidate who submitted a valid bid with the lowest price within the limit of the estimated price (excluding the amount of consumption tax and local consumption tax). Matters regarding the method of determining the successful bidder Those who fall under any of the items of Article 12 of the Implementation Guidelines will be disqualified. Friday, November 1, 2024 Bidding-related matters, etc. The review of the bidder eligibility requirements will be conducted based on the submitted technical documents based on Article 15 of the Implementation Guidelines. The announcement of the bid opening status and the bid results will be posted on the Wakayama Prefectural Police website and will be made available for viewing by the ordering agency. Announcement of bidding results: Thursday, November 7, 2024. Expected successful bid date: The day after the successful bid is decided (if a holiday, the next non-holiday day after that)
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