Tender Details

町内会加入促進動画SNS広告設定業務委託契約に係る制限付き一般競争入札(公告) 町内会加入促進動画SNS広告設定業務委託契約に係る制限付き一般競争入札(公告) 告 示 第1306号令和6年10月15日鹿児島市長 下 鶴 隆 央町内会加入促進動画SNS広告設定業務委託契約に係る制限... Public competitive bidding with restrictions (public notice) for the contract for the outsourcing of the social media advertising setting service for the video promoting joining the neighborhood association Public competitive bidding with restrictions (public notice) for the contract for the outsourcing of the social media advertising setting service for the video promoting joining the neighborhood association Notice No. 1306 October 15, 2024 Mayor of Kagoshima City, Takahiro Shimotsuru Restricted bidding for the contract for the outsourcing of the social media advertising setting service for the video promoting joining the neighborhood association...

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町内会加入促進動画SNS広告設定業務委託契約に係る制限付き一般競争入札(公告) 町内会加入促進動画SNS広告設定業務委託契約に係る制限付き一般競争入札(公告) 告 示 第1306号令和6年10月15日鹿児島市長 下 鶴 隆 央町内会加入促進動画SNS広告設定業務委託契約に係る制限... 鹿児島県鹿児島市   入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 町内会加入促進動画SNS広告設定業務委託契約に係る制限付き一般競争入札(公告) 種別 役務 入札区分 制限付き一般競争入札 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 15 日 組織 鹿児島県鹿児島市 取得日 2024 年 10 月 15 日 19:06:35 仕様書(PDF:133KB) 公告内容 告 示 第1306号令和6年10月15日鹿児島市長 下 鶴 隆 央町内会加入促進動画SNS広告設定業務委託契約に係る制限付き一般競争入札について(公告)町内会加入促進動画SNS広告設定業務委託契約に係る制限付き一般競争入札を下記のとおり行うことについて、本入札に参加する者に必要な資格を地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号)第167条の5第1項及び第167条の5の2の規定に基づき次のとおり定めたので、同令第167条の5第2項及び第167条の6第1項並びに鹿児島市契約規則(昭和60年規則第25号)第3条の規定により公告します。記1 入札に付する事項(1) 業務の概要若い世代の町内会加入や活動への参加促進を図るため、鹿児島市町内会加入促進動画を用い、指定のSNSでのターゲティング広告を実施する。(2) 契約締結の方法制限付き一般競争入札(3) 契約期間契約締結の日から令和7年3月31日まで2 入札に参加する者に必要な資格(1) 本入札に参加することができる者は、次に掲げる資格要件の全てを満たす者とする。ア 地方自治法施行令第167条の4の規定に該当しない者であること。イ 鹿児島市内に主たる事務所又は営業所を有する法人であること。ウ この公告の日(以下「公告日」という。)以後において、鹿児島市業務委託等有資格業者の指名停止に関する要綱(平成11年4月16日制定)に基づく指名停止を受けていないこと。エ 公告日以後において、鹿児島市が行う契約からの暴力団排除対策要綱(平成26年3月27日制定)に基づく入札参加除外措置を受けていないこと。オ 暴力団員による不当な行為の防止等に関する法律(平成3年法律第77号)第2条第2号に規定する暴力団又は同条第6号に規定する暴力団員の統制下にある団体に該当しない者であること。カ 会社更生法(平成14年法律第154号)の規定による更生手続開始の申立てが行われた者又は民事再生法(平成11年法律第225号)の規定による再生手続開始の申立てが行われた者でないこと。キ 公告日において、納期の到来している市区町村税(特例猶予の適用を受けているものを除く。)を完納していること。ク 入札に参加しようとする者の間に資本関係又は人的関係がないこと。ケ 鹿児島市業務委託等入札参加有資格業者名簿の大分類「08広告又は催物請負業務」のうち小分類「01広告・イベント企画・運営」に登録があり、指名競争入札参加資格を有する者であること。コ 令和元年度以降に、国、県又は市町村が実施したSNSでのターゲティング広告設定及び管理を含む業務の受託実績があること。(2) 入札参加資格があると認められた者であっても入札日までに(1)に掲げる要件を全て満たさなくなったときは、その者は入札に参加することができない。3 入札参加希望の申請方法等(1) 本入札に参加を希望する者は、次に掲げる書類(以下「申請書等」という。)を所定の期日までに持参又は郵送(受付期間内必着)により提出し、入札参加資格の審査を受けなければならない。なお、所定の期日までに申請書等を提出した者で、入札参加資格があると認められたものでなければ、本入札に参加することはできない。ア 制限付き一般競争入札参加資格審査申請書(様式第1)イ 業務実績調書(様式第2)ウ 鹿児島市が発行した市税に滞納がないことの証明書(令和6年4月1日以降発行のものに限る。写しでも可。本社所在地が鹿児島市外である場合、本社所在の市区町村が発行したもの)又は特例猶予に基づく猶予制度の適用を受けていることが確認できる納税の猶予許可通知書若しくは納税証明書(2) 申請書等の作成に係る費用は、申請者の負担とする。(3) 提出された申請書等は、返却しない。4 資格審査申請書等の交付及び受付期間等(1) 交付及び受付期間公告日から令和6年10月29日(火)まで(土曜日及び日曜日を除く。)(2) 受付時間午前8時30分から午後5時15分まで(正午から午後1時までの時間を除く。)(3) 交付場所及び提出場所鹿児島市山下町11番1号鹿児島市市民局市民文化部地域づくり推進課(東別館2階)電話 099-216-1214(4) 提出部数各1部(5) その他この業務委託契約に係る仕様書及び制限付き一般競争入札参加審査申請書等は、鹿児島市ホームページ(https://www.city.kagoshima.lg.jp/)において入手することができる。5 入札参加資格の審査及び通知等(1) 入札参加資格は、提出された書類により審査し、その結果は令和6年10月31日(木)までに通知する。(2) 入札参加資格がないと認められた者は、通知を受けた日から2日以内(土曜日、日曜日及び休日を除く。)に市長に対して、入札参加資格がないと認めた理由についての説明を求めることができる。なお、説明を求める場合には、4(2)の受付時間内に受付場所に書面を持参して行わなければならない。(3) (2)の説明を求められたときは、令和6年11月6日(水)までに書面により回答する。6 仕様書の閲覧等及び質疑応答(1) 本業務の仕様書(以下「仕様書」という。)は、公告日から令和6年11月7日(木)までの間、本市ホームページにおいて閲覧に供する。(2) 仕様書に関して質問がある場合には、質問書(様式第3)に質問事項を記載し、公告日から令和6年11月1日(金)午後5時15分までの間に電子メールの送信により行わなければならない。受付電子メールアドレス chi-community@city.kagoshima.lg.jp(3) (2)の質問とそれに対する回答は、質問を受け付けた日から3日(土曜日、日曜日及び休日を除く。)以内に本市ホームページ上に掲載し、その期間は掲載の日から令和6年11月7日(木)までとする。7 入札説明会実施しない。8 入札執行の日時及び場所(1) 日時令和6年11月7日(木)午後3時から(2) 場所入札参加資格を有する者に後日連絡する。9 入札方法(1) 郵送及びファックスによる入札書の提出は認めない。(2) 落札決定に当たっては、入札書(様式第4)に記載された金額に当該金額の100分の10に相当する額を加算した金額(当該金額に1円未満の端数があるときは、その端数金額を切り捨てた金額)をもって落札額とするので、入札者は、消費税及び地方消費税に係る課税事業者であるか免税事業者であるかを問わず、見積もった計画希望金額の110分の100に相当する金額を入札書に記載すること。(3) 入札執行回数は、3回までとする。10 入札保証金及び契約保証金(1) 入札保証金鹿児島市契約規則第5条第3号の規定により免除する。(2) 契約保証金鹿児島市契約規則第26条第9号の規定により免除する。11 最低制限価格設定しない。12 開札の方法即時開札とする。 13 落札者の決定方法予定価格の範囲内で、最低の価格をもって入札した者を落札者とする。14 入札の無効等について(1) 次のいずれかに該当する入札は、無効とする。ア 入札に参加する資格のない者及び申請書等に虚偽の記載をした者のした入札イ 委任状を持参しない代理人のした入札ウ 記名のない入札書又は記載事項を判読しがたい入札書による入札エ 2以上の入札書(他の入札参加者の代理人として提出する入札書を含む。)による入札オ 入札金額が加除訂正されている入札書による入札カ 記載した文字を容易に消字することのできる筆記用具を用いて記入した入札書による入札キ 再度入札において前回の入札の最低金額以上の金額による入札ク 明らかに連合によると認められる入札ケ その他入札に関する条件に違反した入札(2) 代理人による入札をしようとするときは、入札前に委任状(様式第5)を提出すること。(3) 初度の入札において、入札に参加しなかった者及び無効な入札をした者は、当該契約に係る再度の入札に参加することができない。(4) 同価入札をした者は、くじによる落札決定においてくじを辞退することはできない。(5) 提出した入札書は、書換え、引換え又は撤回をすることはできない。(6) 入札は辞退できるが、辞退するときは、入札執行前にあっては入札辞退届を提出し、入札執行中にあっては入札辞退届又はその旨を明記した入札書を提出すること。15 問い合わせ先〒892-8677鹿児島市山下町11番1号鹿児島市市民局市民文化部地域づくり推進課コミュニティ係電話 099-216-1214ファックス 099-216-1207電子メールアドレス chi-community@city.kagoshima.lg.jp 町内会加入促進動画SNS広告設定業務仕様書1 業務名町内会加入促進動画SNS広告設定業務2 業務の概要若い世代の町内会加入や活動への参加促進を図るため、鹿児島市町内会加入促進動画を用い、指定のSNSでのターゲティング広告を実施する。3 委託期間契約の日から令和7年3月31日(月)まで4 広告設定期間令和6年12月1日(日)から令和7年3月31日(月)まで5 業務の内容(1) InstagramとYouTubeの2媒体にて、ターゲティング広告の設定及び管理を行うこと。なお、1月あたりの広告配信費用は、1媒体110,000円(税込み)とする。①Instagram・本市町内会加入促進動画を用い、広告の設定及び管理を行うこと。なお、広告配信面や投稿内容の詳細については発注者の確認を受けること。・広告は以下のターゲティング設定を行うこと。a.性別 全てb.年齢 20歳~39歳c.地域 鹿児島県鹿児島市②YouTube・本市町内会加入促進動画を用い、広告の設定及び管理を行うこと。なお、動画広告フォーマットや投稿内容の詳細については発注者の確認を受けること。・広告は以下のターゲティング設定を行うこと。a.性別 全てb.年齢 18歳~44歳c.地域 鹿児島県鹿児島市(2) 効果検証の実施として、SNS広告のクリック数や動画再生回数などを毎月1回報告すること。 また、広告設定終了後は、広告配信の効果検証を行い、業務期間内に報告書を提出すること。6 注意事項(1) 業務の遂行にあたっては、業務に精通した経験者等SNSでの広告配信について理解している人材を充てること。(2) 本委託契約で得られた成果に係る一切の権利は、発注者に帰属するものとする。(3) 広告の配信内容や方法等について、配信前に発注者の確認を受けること。修正があるときは、変更指示を受け、修正した内容について再度発注者の確認を受けること。(4) 5(2)の報告の内容に関して疑義が生じた場合、発注者はその都度協議する場を設けることがある。(5) 本仕様に記載されていることを実現するための一切の費用は、本業務委託料に含まれる。別紙1(6) 業務の一部を再委託する場合は、事前に鹿児島市の承諾を得ること。(7) 広告の掲載内容に誤りがないよう十分注意すること。(8) 本仕様書に記載のない事項又は仕様書に疑義が生じた場合は、発注者と協議し、その決定に従うこと。詳細について発注者と十分に協議・調整を行いながら業務すること。 Restricted public competitive bidding (announcement) for the contract to outsource the service of setting up SNS ads for videos to promote neighborhood association membership Restricted public competitive bidding (announcement) for the contract to outsource the service of setting up SNS ads for videos to promote neighborhood association membership Notice No. 1306 October 15th, 2024 Mayor of Kagoshima City, Shimotsuru Takao Restricted public competitive bidding (announcement) for the contract to outsource the service of setting up SNS ads for videos to promote neighborhood association membership... Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture Bidding information is as follows. Subject: Limited public competitive bidding (public announcement) for the contract for the setting of social media ads to promote neighborhood association membership Type: Services Bidding category: Limited public competitive bidding Date of announcement or update: October 15, 2024 Organization: Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture Date of acquisition: October 15, 2024 19:06:35 Specifications (PDF: 133KB) Contents of the announcement: Notice No. 1306 October 15, 2024 Mayor of Kagoshima City Shimotsuru Takashi Limited public competitive bidding for the contract for the SNS advertising setting of videos promoting neighborhood association membership (Announcement) Limited public competitive bidding for the contract for the SNS advertising setting of videos promoting neighborhood association membership will be conducted as follows. The qualifications required for those participating in this bid have been determined as follows based on the provisions of Article 167-5, Paragraph 1 and Article 167-5, Paragraph 2 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Law (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947), and therefore this is announced in accordance with the provisions of Article 167-5, Paragraph 2 and Article 167-6, Paragraph 1 of the same order and Article 3 of the Kagoshima City Contract Regulations (Regulations No. 25 of 1985). Notes 1. Items to be included in the bid (1) Overview of the work In order to promote the younger generation to join neighborhood associations and participate in activities, targeted advertising will be carried out on designated SNS using Kagoshima City neighborhood association membership promotion videos. (2) Open competitive bidding with restrictions on the method of contract conclusion (3) Contract period From the date of contract conclusion to March 31, 2025 2 Qualifications required for those participating in the bid (1) Those eligible to participate in this bid must meet all of the following qualification requirements. A. Those who do not fall under the provisions of Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act. B. Those who are corporations with their principal office or business office within Kagoshima City. C. Those who have not been subject to a suspension of nomination pursuant to the Guidelines for the Suspension of Nomination of Qualified Contractors for Kagoshima City Business Outsourcing, etc. (enacted on April 16, 1999) since the date of this announcement (hereinafter referred to as the "Announcement Date"). D. Those who have not been subject to exclusion measures from bidding pursuant to the Guidelines for Measures to Exclude Organized Crime Groups from Contracts Implemented by Kagoshima City (enacted on March 27, 2014) since the date of announcement. E) The bidder is not a member of an organized crime group as defined in Article 2, paragraph 2 of the Law Concerning Prevention of Unfair Activities by Organized Crime Group Members (Law No. 77 of 1991), nor an organization under the control of an organized crime group member as defined in Article 2, paragraph 6 of the same Law. F) The bidder is not a person against whom a petition for the commencement of reorganization proceedings has been filed under the Corporate Reorganization Law (Law No. 154 of 2002), or a person against whom a petition for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings has been filed under the Civil Rehabilitation Law (Law No. 225 of 1999). G) As of the date of announcement, the bidder has paid all city, town and village taxes (excluding those subject to special grace) that are due. H) There is no capital or personal relationship between the bidders. I) The bidder is registered in the minor category "01 Advertising, event planning and management" of the major category "08 Advertising or event contract work" in the Kagoshima City List of Qualified Contractors to Participate in Bids for Business Outsourcing, etc., and is therefore eligible to participate in designated competitive bidding. (k) Having a track record of being commissioned to carry out work including the setting and management of targeted advertising on social media implemented by the national government, prefectures or municipalities since FY2019. (2) Even if a person is recognized as eligible to participate in the bid, if he/she no longer meets all of the requirements listed in (1) by the date of the bid, he/she will not be able to participate in the bid. 3. How to apply to participate in the bid, etc. (1) Those who wish to participate in this bid must submit the documents listed below (hereinafter referred to as "application forms, etc.") by the specified deadline in person or by mail (must arrive within the acceptance period) and undergo an examination of their eligibility to participate in the bid. Those who have submitted application forms, etc. by the specified deadline and are not recognized as eligible to participate in the bid will not be able to participate in this bid. A) Application for qualification review to participate in limited public competitive bidding (Form No. 1) B) Report of business performance (Form No. 2) C) Certificate issued by Kagoshima City stating that there are no outstanding municipal taxes (limited to those issued on or after April 1, 2024. A copy is acceptable. If the head office is located outside Kagoshima City, a certificate issued by the city, ward, town or village where the head office is located) or a notice of permission for tax deferral or a tax payment certificate that verifies that the deferral system based on the special grace is being applied. (2) The applicant shall bear the costs associated with the preparation of the application form, etc. (3) Submitted application forms, etc. will not be returned. 4. Issuance and acceptance period of the qualification examination application form, etc. (1) From the date of announcement of the issuance and acceptance period to Tuesday, October 29, 2024 (excluding Saturdays and Sundays). (2) Acceptance time From 8:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. (excluding the time from noon to 1:00 p.m.) (3) Place of issuance and submission: 1-1 Yamashita-cho, Kagoshima City, Kagoshima City Citizens Bureau, Citizens and Culture Department, Regional Development Promotion Division (2nd floor of East Annex) Tel: 099-216-1214 (4) Number of copies to be submitted: 1 copy each (5) Other specifications related to this business outsourcing contract and the limited general competitive bidding participation examination application form, etc. can be obtained on the Kagoshima City website (https://www.city.kagoshima.lg.jp/). 5. Examination and notification of bidder eligibility (1) The bidder's eligibility will be examined based on the documents submitted, and the results will be notified by Thursday, October 31, 2024. (2) Any person who is found to be ineligible to participate in the bid may, within two days from the date of notification (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays), request the mayor to explain the reason why the person was found to be ineligible to participate in the bid. If an explanation is requested, the person must bring a written document to the reception location during the reception hours specified in 4(2). (3) If an explanation is requested as specified in (2), a written response will be provided by Wednesday, November 6, 2024. 6. Inspection of the Specifications and Questions and Answers (1) The specifications for this work (hereinafter referred to as the "Specifications") will be available for inspection on the City's website from the date of announcement until Thursday, November 7, 2024. (2) If you have any questions about the Specifications, you must write your questions in the Questions Form (Form 3) and send it by email between the date of announcement and 5:15 p.m. on Friday, November 1, 2024. Email address for inquiries: chi-community@city.kagoshima.lg.(3) The questions in (2) and the answers thereto will be posted on the City's website within three days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) from the day the questions are received, for a period of time until Thursday, November 7, 2024. 7. There will be no tender briefing session. 8. Date and location of tender execution (1) Date and time: Thursday, November 7, 2024, from 3:00 p.m. (2) Location: Those who are eligible to participate in the tender will be notified at a later date. 9. Bidding method (1) Submission of bids by mail or fax will not be accepted. (2) In determining the successful bid, the amount calculated by adding 10/100 of the amount stated in the tender (Form 4) to the amount stated in the tender (if the amount has a fraction of less than 1 yen, the fraction will be rounded down), and therefore, regardless of whether the bidder is a taxable business entity or a tax-exempt business entity with respect to consumption tax and local consumption tax, the bidder must state in the tender an amount equivalent to 110/100 of the estimated planned desired amount. (3) The number of bids to be submitted will be limited to three. 10 Bid security and contract security (1) Bid security will be waived in accordance with Article 5, item 3 of the Kagoshima City Contract Regulations. (2) Contract security will be waived in accordance with Article 26, item 9 of the Kagoshima City Contract Regulations. 11 No minimum price will be set. 12 Method of opening bids Bids will be opened immediately. 13 Method of determining successful bidder The successful bidder will be the bidder offering the lowest price within the estimated price range. 14 Regarding invalid bids, etc. (1) Bids that fall under any of the following will be considered invalid. A. Bids made by persons who are not qualified to participate in bidding and those who have made false statements on application forms, etc. B. Bids made by agents without a power of attorney C. Bids using unnamed bid documents or bid documents with illegible information D. Bids using two or more bid documents (including bid documents submitted on behalf of other bidders) E. Bids using bid documents with additions, deletions, or corrections to the bid amount F. Bids using bid documents filled in with a writing instrument that can easily erase written characters K. Bids made in rebids with an amount equal to or higher than the minimum amount of the previous bid K. Bids that are clearly recognized as being made by a consortium K. Bids that violate other conditions of bidding (2) When making a bid by agent, a power of attorney (Form No. 5) must be submitted before bidding. (3) Those who did not participate in the initial bid and those who submitted invalid bids cannot participate in rebids for the contract. (4) Those who submitted identical bids cannot decline the lottery if the successful bid is determined by lottery. (5) Bid documents submitted cannot be rewritten, exchanged, or retracted. (6) You may decline to bid, but if you decline before the bid is executed, you must submit a notice of bid withdrawal, or if you decline during the bid execution, you must submit a notice of bid withdrawal or a bid document clearly stating that. 15 Contact Information 11-1 Yamashita-cho, Kagoshima City, 892-8677 Kagoshima City Citizens Bureau, Citizens and Culture Department, Regional Development Promotion Division, Community Section Telephone: 099-216-1214 Fax: 099-216-1207 Email: chi-community@city.kagoshima.lg.jp Neighborhood Association Membership Promotion Video SNS Advertisement Setting Service Specifications 1. Service Name Neighborhood Association Membership Promotion Video SNS Advertisement Setting Service 2. Service Summary In order to encourage the younger generation to join neighborhood associations and participate in their activities, we will implement targeted advertising on designated SNS using the Kagoshima City neighborhood association membership promotion video. 3. Contract period: From the date of contract to Monday, March 31, 2025 4. Advertising setting period: From Sunday, December 1, 2024 to Monday, March 31, 2025 5. Contents of work (1) Set and manage targeted advertising on two media, Instagram and YouTube. The monthly advertising delivery cost is 110,000 yen (tax included) per media. ① Set and manage advertising using Instagram and videos promoting membership in the city's neighborhood associations. Details of the advertising delivery surface and posted content will be confirmed by the client. ・Advertisements will have the following targeting settings. a. Gender: All b. Age: 20 to 39 years old c. Area: Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture ② Set and manage advertising using YouTube and videos promoting membership in the city's neighborhood associations. Details of the video advertising format and posted content will be confirmed by the client. ・Advertisements will have the following targeting settings. a. Gender: All b. Age: 18 to 44 c. Area: Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture (2) To conduct effectiveness verification, the number of clicks on SNS ads and the number of video views, etc., shall be reported once a month. In addition, after the advertisement settings are completed, the effectiveness of the advertisement distribution shall be verified and a report submitted within the business period. 6. Notes (1) When carrying out the business, personnel who are familiar with the business and have experience and who understand advertisement distribution on SNS shall be assigned. (2) All rights related to the results obtained under this contract shall belong to the client. (3) The content and method of advertisement distribution, etc. shall be confirmed by the client before distribution. If there are any corrections, the client shall receive instructions for changes and the corrected content shall be confirmed by the client again. (4) If any doubts arise regarding the content of the report in 5 (2), the client may set up a forum for discussion each time. (5) All costs for realizing what is described in this specification are included in the business commission fee. Appendix 1 (6) If part of the business is to be subcontracted, the consent of Kagoshima City shall be obtained in advance. (7) Take great care to ensure that there are no errors in the contents of advertisements. (8) If any matter not specified in these specifications or any doubts arise regarding the specifications, consult with the client and follow their decision. Carry out the work while fully discussing and coordinating with the client regarding the details.Area: Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture (2) To conduct effectiveness verification, the number of clicks on SNS ads and the number of video views, etc. shall be reported once a month. In addition, after the advertisement settings are completed, the effectiveness of the advertisement distribution shall be verified and a report shall be submitted within the period of the work. 6. Notes (1) When carrying out the work, personnel who are familiar with the work and have experience and who understand advertisement distribution on SNS shall be assigned. (2) All rights related to the results obtained under this contract shall belong to the client. (3) The content and method of advertisement distribution shall be confirmed by the client before distribution. If there are any corrections, the client shall give instructions for changes and the corrected content shall be confirmed by the client again. (4) If any doubts arise regarding the content of the report in 5 (2), the client may set up a forum for discussion each time. (5) All costs for realizing what is described in these specifications are included in the commission fee for this work. Appendix 1 (6) If part of the work is to be subcontracted, the consent of Kagoshima City shall be obtained in advance. (7) Take great care to ensure that there are no errors in the content of the advertisements. (8) If any matter not specified in this specification or any doubts arise regarding the specification, consult with the client and follow their decision. Carry out the work while fully discussing and coordinating with the client regarding the details.Area: Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture (2) To conduct effectiveness verification, the number of clicks on SNS ads and the number of video views, etc. shall be reported once a month. In addition, after the advertisement settings are completed, the effectiveness of the advertisement distribution shall be verified and a report shall be submitted within the period of the work. 6. Notes (1) When carrying out the work, personnel who are familiar with the work and have experience and who understand advertisement distribution on SNS shall be assigned. (2) All rights related to the results obtained under this contract shall belong to the client. (3) The content and method of advertisement distribution shall be confirmed by the client before distribution. If there are any corrections, the client shall give instructions for changes and the corrected content shall be confirmed by the client again. (4) If any doubts arise regarding the content of the report in 5 (2), the client may set up a forum for discussion each time. (5) All costs for realizing what is described in these specifications are included in the commission fee for this work. Appendix 1 (6) If part of the work is to be subcontracted, the consent of Kagoshima City shall be obtained in advance. (7) Take great care to ensure that there are no errors in the content of the advertisements. (8) If any matter not specified in this specification or any doubts arise regarding the specification, consult with the client and follow their decision. Carry out the work while fully discussing and coordinating with the client regarding the details.1. The fee will be JPY 1,000 (tax included). 1. Use Instagram and videos promoting joining the city's neighborhood associations to set up and manage advertisements. Details of the ad delivery platform and post content must be confirmed by the client. - Advertisements must have the following targeting settings. a. Gender: All b. Age: 20-39 years old c. Area: Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture 2. Use YouTube and videos promoting joining the city's neighborhood associations to set up and manage advertisements. Details of the video ad format and post content must be confirmed by the client. - Advertisements must have the following targeting settings. a. Gender: All b. Age: 18-44 years old c. Area: Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture (2) To verify effectiveness, report the number of clicks on SNS advertisements and the number of video views once a month. After the advertisement settings are complete, verify the effectiveness of the advertisement delivery and submit a report within the business period. 6. Notes (1) When carrying out the work, assign experienced personnel who are familiar with the work and understand the distribution of advertisements on SNS. (2) All rights pertaining to the results obtained under this contract belong to the Client. (3) The content and method of advertisement distribution, etc. must be confirmed by the Client before distribution. If there are any corrections, the Client must be instructed to make the changes and the revised content must be confirmed by the Client again. (4) If doubts arise regarding the content of the report in 5(2), the Client may set up a forum for discussion each time. (5) All costs required to realize what is described in these specifications are included in the commission fee for this work. Appendix 1 (6) If part of the work is to be subcontracted, the consent of Kagoshima City must be obtained in advance. (7) Take great care to ensure that there are no errors in the content of the advertisements. (8) If any matters not described in these specifications or doubts arise regarding the specifications, consult with the Client and follow their decision. Work will be carried out while thoroughly discussing and coordinating with the Client on the details.1. The fee will be JPY 1,000 (tax included). 1. Use Instagram and videos promoting joining the city's neighborhood associations to set up and manage advertisements. Details of the ad delivery platform and post content must be confirmed by the client. - Advertisements must have the following targeting settings. a. Gender: All b. Age: 20-39 years old c. Area: Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture 2. Use YouTube and videos promoting joining the city's neighborhood associations to set up and manage advertisements. Details of the video ad format and post content must be confirmed by the client. - Advertisements must have the following targeting settings. a. Gender: All b. Age: 18-44 years old c. Area: Kagoshima City, Kagoshima Prefecture (2) To verify effectiveness, report the number of clicks on SNS advertisements and the number of video views once a month. After the advertisement settings are complete, verify the effectiveness of the advertisement delivery and submit a report within the business period. 6. Notes (1) When carrying out the work, assign experienced personnel who are familiar with the work and understand the distribution of advertisements on SNS. (2) All rights pertaining to the results obtained under this contract belong to the Client. (3) The content and method of advertisement distribution, etc. must be confirmed by the Client before distribution. If there are any corrections, the Client must be instructed to make the changes and the revised content must be confirmed by the Client again. (4) If doubts arise regarding the content of the report in 5(2), the Client may set up a forum for discussion each time. (5) All costs required to realize what is described in these specifications are included in the commission fee for this work. Appendix 1 (6) If part of the work is to be subcontracted, the consent of Kagoshima City must be obtained in advance. (7) Take great care to ensure that there are no errors in the content of the advertisements. (8) If any matters not described in these specifications or doubts arise regarding the specifications, consult with the Client and follow their decision. Work will be carried out while thoroughly discussing and coordinating with the Client on the details.
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