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土木一式工事の一般競争入札を行います 土木一式工事の一般競争入札を行います 芦屋町が発注する魚見公園整備工事(その5)について、次のとおり一般競争入札に付します。令和6年10月15日福岡県遠賀郡芦屋町長 波 多 野 茂 丸1 工事の概要(... Public competitive bidding for civil engineering works Public competitive bidding for civil engineering works The Uomi Park Improvement Works (Part 5) ordered by Ashiya Town will be open to public competitive bidding as follows. October 15, 2024 Mayor of Ashiya Town, Onga District, Fukuoka Prefecture Shigeru Hatano Maru 1. Outline of the Works (...

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土木一式工事の一般競争入札を行います 土木一式工事の一般競争入札を行います 芦屋町が発注する魚見公園整備工事(その5)について、次のとおり一般競争入札に付します。令和6年10月15日福岡県遠賀郡芦屋町長 波 多 野 茂 丸1 工事の概要(... 福岡県芦屋町   入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 土木一式工事の一般競争入札を行います 種別 工事 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 15 日 組織 福岡県芦屋町 取得日 2024 年 10 月 15 日 19:06:28 公告内容 芦屋町が発注する魚見公園整備工事(その5)について、次のとおり一般競争入札に付します。令和6年10月15日福岡県遠賀郡芦屋町長 波 多 野 茂 丸1 工事の概要(1)工 事 名 魚見公園整備工事(その5)(2)工事場所 福岡県遠賀郡芦屋町大字山鹿1583-1地外(3)概 要 本工事は、魚見公園の管理用通路、第二展望所、第三展望所及び林間広場の造成等を行うものである。・敷地造成工 N=1式・構造物撤去工 N=1式・擁壁工 N=1式・補強工 N=1式・園路広場整備工 N=1式・管理施設整備工 N=1式(4)工 期 請負契約締結日の翌日から令和7年3月28日まで。(5)予 定 価 格 一金40,872,000円也(消費税抜き)(6)最低制限価格 一金37,602,240円也(消費税抜き)2 担当課及び問い合せ先(1)工事内容、積算に関すること〒807-0198 福岡県遠賀郡芦屋町幸町2番20号芦屋町役場 1階 都市整備課 土木係電話 093-223-3553(2)入札、契約に関すること〒807-0198 福岡県遠賀郡芦屋町幸町2番20号芦屋町役場 2階 財政課 契約管財係電話 093-223-35763 入札日程(概要)令和6年10月15日 一般競争入札の公告令和6年10月25日 入札参加資格確認申請書の提出締切日(16時まで)令和6年11月6日 入札参加資格の確認通知日令和6年11月7日 質疑書の受付日令和6年11月11日 質疑回答日(質疑がある場合のみ)令和6年11月13日 入札参加辞退の締切日(16時まで)令和6年11月15日 入札日(午前10時30分)4 入札の参加資格及び条件申請時において次の条件を満たしていること。なお、入札及び契約締結時も同様とする。(1)「令和6・7年度 芦屋町 建設工事 下水道管更生工事 一般(指名)競争入札等参加有資格者名簿」に登載され、土木一式工事でA、B又は、Cランクの認定を受け、経営規模等評価通知書における同工事の完成工事高のある者。(2)地方自治法施行令第167条の4に該当する者でないこと。(3)芦屋町から、指名停止を受けていない者。(4)会社更生法(昭和27年法律第172号)に基づき更生手続開始の申立てがなされている者又は民事再生法(平成11年法律第225号)に基づき再生手続開始の申立てがなされている者でないこと。(更生手続開始の決定後又は再生手続開始の決定後、手続開始決定日以降の日を審査基準日とする経営事項審査(以下「決定日以降の経審」という。)を受けている場合を除く。決定日以降の経審を受けている場合は、土木一式工事について総合評定値(P)が530点以上で、2又は3年平均完成工事高が、61,308千円以上ある者。)(5)土木一式工事について、建設業法(昭和24年法律第100号)に定める建設業の許可を有し、同法の定める経営事項審査を受け、公共工事の請負ができる期間内である者。(6)建設業法に定める本社本店、支店、営業所等が福岡県内にある者。(7)当該工事に、現場代理人及び主任技術者を専任で配置できる者。(8)前各号に掲げる要件をすべて満たす者が入札に参加しようとする場合において、次の各号に掲げる関係を有する場合については、当該関係を有する者のうち1者に限り入札に参加することができるものとする。当該関係を有する2者以上の者から入札があった場合には、全ての入札を無効とする。1)資本関係が次のいずれかに該当する場合ア 親会社(会社法第2条第4号及び会社法施行規則第3条の規定による親会社をいう。以下同じ。)と子会社の関係にある場合(当該子会社が会社更生法第2条第7項に規定する更生会社(以下「更生会社」という。)又は民事再生法第2条第4号に規定する再生手続が存続中の会社である場合を除く。)イ 親会社を同じくする子会社同士の関係にある場合(子会社の一方が更生会社又は民事再生法第2条第4号に規定する再生手続が存続中の会社である場合を除く。)2)人的関係が次のいずれかに該当する場合(アについては、会社の一方が更生会社又は民事再生法第2条第4号に規定する再生手続が存続中の会社である場合を除く。)ア 一方の会社の役員(会社の代表権を有する取締役(代表取締役)又は取締役(社外取締役・非常勤取締役を含む。)をいう。以下同じ。)が、他方の会社の役員を現に兼ねている場合イ 一方の会社の役員が、他方の会社の会社更生法第67条第1項又は民事再生法第64条第2項の規定により選任された管財人を現に兼ねている場合3)前2号に掲げる場合と同視しうる資本関係又は人的関係があると認められ、かつ、入札の適正さが阻害されると認められる場合(9)当該工事に係る設計業務等の受託者又は当該受託者と、資本、人事面において関連がある建設業者でないこと。(設計業務の受託者は、株式会社 日本インシーク)(10)その他発注仕様書に定める事項を遵守できる者。5 入札参加資格の確認(1)この入札に参加しようとする者は、所定の期日までに入札参加資格確認申請書(以下「申請書」という。)及び入札参加資料(以下「資料」という。)を提出し、資格及び入札参加資格の確認を受けなければならない。なお、期限までに申請書及び資料を提出しないとき、又は入札参加資格がないと認められたときは、当該入札に参加することができない。(2)入札参加資格の確認の結果は、令和6年11月6日までに通知する。この日までに通知がない場合は、財政課契約管財係まで連絡すること。(3)申請書及び資料の提出① 申請書及び資料の提出は、別に定める様式により行うものとする。② 申請書及び資料は持参するものとし、電送又は郵送等によるものは受付けない。(4)資料の内容① 配置予定現場代理人調書(複数者申請可)② 配置予定主任技術者調書(複数者申請可)③ 誓約書④ 土木一式工事の建設業許可が証明できるもの。(写し可)⑤ 最新の経営事項審査の写し。(5)申請書資料の受付及び図面の配布等① 受付期間 令和6年10月15日から令和6年10月25日(土日祝日を除く)までの、9時から16時まで。(ただし、12時から13時までを除く。)② 受付場所 芦屋町役場 2階 財政課 契約管財係③ 申請書及び資料の様式等の配布は、令和6年10月15日から令和6年10月25日まで芦屋町のホームページにて行う。④ 申請及び資料に係る費用は、申請者の負担とする。⑤ 町は、提出された申請書及び資料を無断で他の用途に使用しないものとする。⑥ 提出された申請書及び資料は、返却しないものとする。⑦ 申請の際に、入札参加資格確認通知書を送付するための返信用封筒を提出すること。 ⑧ 返信用封筒の表には申請者の郵便番号住所氏名を記載し、110円分の切手を貼付しておくこと。⑨ 仕様書及び図面等は、受付期間に申請した者に対して、CDで配付する。⑩ CDの複写は厳禁とする。⑪ CDは入札時に返却すること。6 入札の参加資格がないと認められた者に対する理由の説明(1)入札の参加資格がないと認められた者は、町長に対してその理由の説明を求めることができる。(2)説明を求める場合は、令和6年11月7日の9時から16時まで(ただし、12時から13時までを除く。)に、書面を提出して行なわなければならない。提出先 芦屋町役場 2階 財政課 契約管財係(3)書面は持参するものとし、電送又は郵送等によるものは受付けない。(4)説明を求められたときは、令和6年11月11日の9時から16時まで(ただし、12時から13時までを除く。)の間に、説明を求める者に対して、書面により回答するものとする。7 質疑・回答(1)工事の内容について質問がある場合は、その旨を記載した書面により提出すること。(質問が無い場合は提出不要。)なお、書面は持参するものとし、電送又は郵送等によるものは受付けない。① 受付期間 令和6年11月7日の9時から16時まで。(ただし、12時から13時までを除く。)② 受付場所 芦屋町役場1階 都市整備課 土木係(2)質問の有無は、令和6年11月8日に芦屋町ホームページにて知らせる。(3)質問に対する回答は、質問の受付場所で次のとおり配付に供する。令和6年11月11日の9時から16時まで。(ただし、12時から13時までを除く。)8 入札、開札の日時及び場所(1)入札① 日 時 令和6年11月15日 午前10時30分② 場 所 芦屋町役場 4階 41会議室③ 入札開始時刻に遅れたときは、入札に参加することができない。④ 入札参加資格確認通知書又はその写しを持参すること。⑤ 入札者が1者の場合は、入札を中止する。⑥ 入札保証金は免除する。⑦ 入札に参加する者は、参加にあたって知り得た個人情報、事業者の情報、その他町の情報(公知の事実を除く。)を漏らしてはならない。⑧ 入札時に、芦屋町から指名停止を受けている者は、入札に参加することはできない。⑨ 入札の参加を辞退する場合は、令和6年11月13日の16時までに、具体的な理由を明記した辞退届(様式は任意様式。宛先は芦屋町長とすること。)を、財政課契約管財係に提出すること。⑩ 上記以降の入札参加辞退は、これを認めないものとする。⑪ 入札参加者数及び参加業者名の入札前の事前公表は行わない。入札後、事後公表とする。(2)入札の方法① 代理人による入札の場合は入札前に委任状を提出し、代表者(支店長等)の住所氏名及び代理人の氏名を記入のうえ、代理人の印鑑で入札をすること。② 入札書提出者の印鑑を必ず持参すること。③ 入札回数は1回とする。④ 入札者は、消費税にかかる課税事業者であるか、免税業者であるかを問わず、取引に係る消費税及び地方消費税抜きの総額を入札書に記載すること。⑤ 入札に際し、入札書に記載されている入札価格に対応した、工事設計書6枚 (表紙を含む)を提出すること。※提出しない場合は、入札に参加することができない。⑥ 自社様式で作成する場合は、項目内容を合わせて作成すること。⑦ 工事設計書で違算等があり不明瞭であっても、入札書の入札価格とこれに対応する工事設計書の入札価格が同じであればこれを認め、入札価格の総額表記を最優先とする。⑧ 工事設計書には提出者の住所氏名を記載し押印をして、入札書と一緒に提出すること。⑨ 工事設計書は返却しない。⑩ 工事設計書は参考図書として提出を求めるものであり、入札及び契約上の権利義務を生じるものではない。⑪ 委任状及び入札書の右肩の上の№は、入札当日に当方から指定する番号を記入するため、事前記入は不要。⑫ 委任状又は入札書の提出の際、封筒は使用しない。⑬ 入札に関連する書類は、ホームページに掲載している本町指定の様式を使用すること。なお、「入札(見積)書」に記載されている「芦屋町入札心得」を「公告内容」と読み替えるものとする。また、本件は一般競争入札に付するものであるが、「見積」の訂正は不要とする。(3)入札の無効① 入札に参加する者に必要な資格にない者が入札したとき。② 契約権者において、定めた入札に関する条件に違反したとき。③ 入札者が2以上の入札をしたとき。④ 他人の代理を兼ね、又は2人以上を代理人として入札をしたとき。⑤ 入札者が連合して入札をしたとき、その他入札に際して不正の行為があったとき。⑥ 必要な事項を確認できない入札をしたとき。⑦ 入札時に芦屋町から、指名停止を受けている者が入札したとき。⑧ 入札書の入札価格を訂正して入札したとき。⑨ 工事設計書の見積価格を訂正して入札したとき。⑩ 電送又は郵送等で入札したとき。(4)開札 入札後その場にて、直ちに開札する。(5)落札の決定予定価格と最低制限価格の範囲内で、最低価格をもって入札した者を落札者とする。ただし、最低価格が2者以上あるときは、地方自治法施行令第167条の9の規定に基づき、くじにより落札者を決定する。9 談合情報に対する措置入札前に談合に関する通報があり信憑性がある場合は、「芦屋町談合情報対応事務要領」に基づき、次の措置を行うものとする。(1)入札日を原則として延期する。(2)入札に参加しようとする者を、くじにより3割を限度として減じたうえで当該入札を執行する。(3)入札の結果、情報どおりの者が落札した場合は契約を締結したうえで、その後の指名において、当初入札に参加しようとした者全員に、3月以内の期間指名を回避する。ただし、落札した業者については、当該落札に係る契約期間及び3月以内の期間指名を回避する。(4)資格審査委員会の審議結果に基づき、公正取引委員会及び警察に通報する。10 契約の締結(1)契約書作成の要否 要(2)契約金額は、落札金額に取引に係る消費税及び地方消費税を含んだ額とする。(3)契約保証金は、芦屋町財務規則第72条による。11 支払の条件(1)前払金 有 契約請負代金額の40%以内(2)中間前金払・部分払 有(いずれかを選択)(3)完了払 完了引渡後、正当な請求書を受理した日から40日以内に支払う。12 契約不適合責任期間引渡の日から2年故意又は重大な過失により生じた場合は民法の定めるところによる。13 その他入札及び契約の手続において使用する言語及び通貨は、日本語及び日本国通貨とする。 Public competitive bidding for civil engineering works Public competitive bidding for civil engineering works The Uomi Park Improvement Works (part 5) ordered by Ashiya Town will be open to public competitive bidding as follows. October 15, 2024 Mayor of Ashiya Town, Onga District, Fukuoka Prefecture Shigeru Hatano Maru 1 Construction Outline (... Ashiya Town, Fukuoka Prefecture Bidding information is as follows. Subject Public competitive bidding for civil engineering works Type Construction Date of announcement or update October 15, 2024 Organization Ashiya Town, Fukuoka Prefecture Date of acquisition October 15, 2024 19:06:28 Announcement Details The Uomi Park Improvement Works (Part 5) ordered by Ashiya Town will be put up for public competitive bidding as follows. October 15, 2024 Mayor of Ashiya Town, Onga District, Fukuoka Prefecture Shigeru Hatano Maru 1 Outline of the Works (1) Name of Work Uomi Park Improvement Works (Part 5) (2) Work Location 1583-1 Yamaga, Ashiya Town, Onga District, Fukuoka Prefecture (3) Outline This work involves the construction of the management path, second observation deck, third observation deck and forest plaza of Uomi Park. - Site development work N=1 set - Structure removal work N=1 set - Retaining wall work N=1 set - Reinforcement work N=1 set - Garden path plaza construction work N=1 set - Management facility construction work N=1 set (4) Construction Period From the day after the contract is concluded to March 28, 2025. (5) Estimated price: 40,872,000 yen (excluding consumption tax) (6) Minimum limit price: 37,602,240 yen (excluding consumption tax) 2. Department in charge and contact information (1) Regarding work content and cost estimates: 2-20 Saiwai-cho, Ashiya-machi, Onga-gun, Fukuoka 807-0198, Japan Ashiya Town Hall, 1st floor, Urban Development Division, Civil Engineering Section, Telephone: 093-223-3553 (2) Regarding bidding and contracts: 2-20 Saiwai-cho, Ashiya-machi, Onga-gun, Fukuoka 807-0198, Japan Ashiya Town Hall, 2nd floor, Finance Division, Contract Management Section, Telephone: 093-223-35763 Bidding schedule (summary): October 15, 2024 Announcement of public competitive bidding: October 25, 2024 Deadline for submitting application for confirmation of eligibility to participate in bids (by 4pm): November 6, 2024 Date of confirmation of eligibility to participate in bids: November 7, 2024 Date for receipt of questions: November 11, 2024 Date for questions to be answered (only if there are questions): November 13, 2024 Deadline for declining to participate in bids (by 4pm): November 15, 2024 Date of bidding (10:30am) 4. Eligibility and conditions for bidding The following conditions must be met at the time of application. The same applies at the time of bidding and contract conclusion. (1) A person who is listed on the "List of Eligible Participants for General (Nominated) Competitive Bidding, etc. for Construction Works, Sewer Pipe Rehabilitation Works in Ashiya Town, 2024/2025" and has been certified as A, B or C rank for general civil engineering works, and has a completed construction value for the same works in the business scale evaluation notice. (2) A person who does not fall under Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act. (3) A person who has not been suspended from bidding by Ashiya Town. (4) A person against whom a petition for the commencement of reorganization proceedings has been filed under the Corporate Reorganization Act (Act No. 172 of 1952) or a petition for the commencement of rehabilitation proceedings has been filed under the Civil Rehabilitation Act (Act No. 225 of 1999). (Excluding cases where a business review has been conducted after the decision to commence reorganization proceedings or the decision to commence rehabilitation proceedings, with a date on or after the decision to commence proceedings as the review reference date (hereinafter referred to as the "business review after the decision date"). In cases where a business review has been conducted after the decision date, a person with a comprehensive evaluation score (P) of 530 points or more for general civil engineering works and a two- or three-year average completed construction amount of 61,308,000 yen or more.) (5) For general civil engineering works, a person who holds a construction business license as provided for in the Construction Business Act (Act No. 100 of 1949), has undergone a business review as provided for in the same Act, and is within the period during which he or she is eligible to contract for public works. (6) A person whose head office, branch office, sales office, etc., as defined by the Construction Business Law, is located within Fukuoka Prefecture. (7) A person who can assign a full-time site agent and chief engineer to the said construction work. (8) If a person who meets all of the requirements set forth in the preceding paragraphs wishes to participate in the bid, and has any of the relationships set forth in the following paragraphs, only one of the persons with such relationships may participate in the bid. If bids are submitted by two or more persons with such relationships, all bids will be invalid. 1) When the capital relationship falls under any of the following: A. When the relationship is between a parent company (meaning a parent company under the provisions of Article 2, Paragraph 4 of the Companies Act and Article 3 of the Enforcement Regulations of the Companies Act; the same applies below) and a subsidiary company (excluding cases where the subsidiary company in question is a reorganization company under Article 2, Paragraph 7 of the Corporate Reorganization Act (hereinafter referred to as a "reorganization company") or a company undergoing rehabilitation proceedings under Article 2, Paragraph 4 of the Civil Rehabilitation Act); B. When the relationship is between subsidiaries of the same parent company (excluding cases where one of the subsidiaries is a reorganization company or a company undergoing rehabilitation proceedings under Article 2, Paragraph 4 of the Civil Rehabilitation Act); 2) When the personnel relationship falls under any of the following (excluding cases where one of the companies is a reorganization company or a company undergoing rehabilitation proceedings under Article 2, Paragraph 4 of the Civil Rehabilitation Act); A. When an officer of one company (meaning a director with the authority to represent the company (representative director) or a director (including an outside director and a part-time director); the same applies below) is currently an officer of the other company; B. (1) When an officer of one company is currently serving as a trustee of the other company appointed pursuant to the provisions of Article 67, Paragraph 1 of the Corporate Reorganization Act or Article 64, Paragraph 2 of the Civil Rehabilitation Act; (2) When it is deemed that there is a capital or personal relationship equivalent to the cases listed in the preceding two paragraphs, and the fairness of the bid is hindered; (3) When it is deemed that there is a capital or personal relationship equivalent to the case listed in the preceding two paragraphs, and the fairness of the bid is hindered; (4) When the person is not a contractor for the design work, etc. related to the construction, or a construction company related to the contractor in terms of capital or personnel. (The contractor for the design work is Nippon Inseek Co., Ltd.) (5) When the person is able to comply with other matters specified in the order specifications. 5 Confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid (1) Those who wish to participate in this bid must submit a confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid (hereinafter referred to as the "application") and bid participation documents (hereinafter referred to as the "documents") by the specified deadline, and have their eligibility and eligibility to participate in the bid confirmed. If the application and documents are not submitted by the deadline, or if it is deemed that they are not eligible to participate in the bid, they will not be able to participate in the bid. (2) The results of the confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid will be notified by November 6, 2024. If you have not received notification by this date, please contact the Finance Division, Contract Management Section. (3) Submission of application forms and materials① Applications and materials shall be submitted in a format specified separately. ② Applications and materials shall be submitted in person; those submitted by electronic or postal mail will not be accepted. (4) Contents of materials① Report of site agent to be assigned (multiple applications accepted)② Report of chief engineer to be assigned (multiple applications accepted)③ Written pledge④ Proof of construction business license for general civil engineering works (copies accepted)⑤ Copy of latest business review. (5) Acceptance of application materials and distribution of drawings, etc.① Acceptance period From October 15, 2024 to October 25, 2024 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays), from 9:00 to 16:00. (However, this does not include the hours of 12:00 to 13:00.)② Reception location: Ashiya Town Hall, 2nd floor, Finance Division, Contract Management Section③ Application forms and document formats will be distributed on the Ashiya Town website from October 15th, 2024 to October 25th, 2024. ④ Applicants will be responsible for costs associated with the application and documents. ⑤ The town will not use submitted applications and documents for any other purpose without permission. ⑥ Submitted applications and documents will not be returned. ⑦ When applying, a return envelope must be submitted in order to send the Notice of Confirmation of Eligibility to Bid. ⑧ The front of the return envelope must contain the applicant's postal code, address and name, and a 110 yen stamp must be affixed. ⑨ Specifications and drawings will be distributed on CD to those who applied during the application period. ⑩ Copying the CD is strictly prohibited. ⑪ The CD must be returned at the time of bidding. 6Explanation of reasons to those who are found to be ineligible to participate in the bid (1) Those who are found to be ineligible to participate in the bid may request the mayor to explain the reasons. (2) If an explanation is requested, it must be submitted in writing between 9:00 and 16:00 (excluding 12:00 and 13:00) on November 7, 2024. Where to submit: Contract Management Section, Finance Division, 2nd floor, Ashiya Town Hall (3) Written documents must be brought in person, and documents sent by telegram or post will not be accepted. (4) When an explanation is requested, a written response must be given to the person requesting the explanation between 9:00 and 16:00 (excluding 12:00 and 13:00) on November 11, 2024. 7 Questions and Answers (1) If you have any questions about the contents of the work, submit a written statement stating your questions. (No need to submit if you have no questions.) Written documents must be brought in person, and documents sent by telegram or post will not be accepted. ① Reception period: From 9:00 to 16:00 on November 7, 2024. (However, this does not include the time from 12:00 to 13:00.)② Reception location: Civil Engineering Section, Urban Development Division, 1st floor, Ashiya Town Hall (2) Whether or not there are any questions will be announced on the Ashiya Town website on November 8, 2024. (3) Responses to questions will be made available for distribution at the question reception location as follows: From 9:00 to 16:00 on November 11, 2024. (However, this does not include the time from 12:00 to 13:00.)8 Date, time and location of bidding and bid opening (1) Bidding① Date and time: November 15, 2024, 10:30 a.m.② Location: Meeting Room 41, 4th floor, Ashiya Town Hall③ If you are late for the bidding start time, you will not be able to participate in the bidding. ④ Bring a notice of confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid or a copy thereof. ⑤ If there is only one bidder, the bidding will be canceled. ⑥ The bid deposit will be waived. ⑦ Those who participate in the bid must not disclose any personal information, business information, or other town information (except for publicly known facts) that they learn in the course of participating. ⑧ Those who have been suspended from bidding by Ashiya Town at the time of bidding cannot participate in the bid. ⑨ If you wish to decline to participate in the bid, submit a notice of withdrawal (any format is acceptable, addressed to the Mayor of Ashiya Town) stating the specific reason to the Finance Division, Contract Management Section by 4:00 p.m. on November 13, 2024. ⑩ Any withdrawal from the bid after the above will not be accepted. ⑪ The number of bidders and the names of participating companies will not be announced in advance of the bid. They will be announced after the bid. (2) Bidding method ① If bidding by proxy, submit a power of attorney before bidding, fill in the address and name of the representative (branch manager, etc.) and the name of the proxy, and submit the bid with the proxy's seal. ② Be sure to bring the seal of the person submitting the bid. ③ Bidding is limited to one time. ④ Regardless of whether the bidder is a taxable business entity subject to consumption tax or a tax-exempt business entity, the bidder must state in the bid document the total amount excluding consumption tax and local consumption tax for the transaction. ⑤ When bidding, the bidder must submit six sheets of construction design documents (including the cover page) corresponding to the bid price stated in the bid document. *If you do not submit these documents, you will not be able to participate in the bid. ⑥ If you are creating the documents in your own format, create them together with the item contents. ⑦ Even if there is a discrepancy in the construction design documents and the bid price in the bid document and the corresponding construction design documents are the same, this will be accepted, and the total amount of the bid price will be given top priority. ⑧ The submitter's address and name must be written on the construction design documents, a seal must be affixed, and they must be submitted together with the bid document. ⑨ Construction design documents will not be returned. ⑩ Construction design documents are requested as reference documents and do not create rights and obligations under the bid or contract. ⑪ The number on the upper right corner of the power of attorney and bid document is to be filled in with a number designated by us on the day of the bid, so there is no need to fill it in in advance. ⑫ Do not use an envelope when submitting a power of attorney or bid document. ⑬ For documents related to bidding, use the format specified by the Town and posted on the website. The "Ashiya Town Bidding Guidelines" written on the "Bidding (Estimate) Document" shall be deemed to be the "Announcement Contents". Furthermore, although this matter is open to public competitive bidding, no corrections to the "Estimate" are required. (3) Invalid Bids ① When a person who does not have the necessary qualifications to participate in a bid submits a bid. ② When the contracting authority violates the conditions related to bidding established by the contracting authority. ③ When a bidder submits two or more bids. ④ When a bidder bids as a representative of another person or when two or more people bid as agents. ⑤ When bidders submit a joint bid or when there is any other fraudulent act in bidding. ⑥ When a bid is submitted without confirming the necessary information. ⑦ When a person who was suspended from bidding by Ashiya Town at the time of bidding submits a bid. ⑧ When a bid price is corrected in the bid document and a bid is submitted. ⑨ When a bid price is corrected in the construction design documents and a bid is submitted. ⑩ When a bid is submitted by electronic transmission or mail, etc. (4) Opening of bids The bids will be opened immediately after the bids are submitted. (5) The successful bidder will be the bidder who bids with the lowest price within the range of the estimated successful bid price and the minimum price limit. However, if there are two or more bidders with the lowest price, the successful bidder will be determined by drawing lots in accordance with the provisions of Article 167-9 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Law. 9. Measures against collusion information If a report of collusion is received before the bidding and is found to be credible, the following measures will be taken in accordance with the "Ashiya Town Guidelines for Handling Collusion Information." (1) In principle, the bidding date will be postponed. (2) The number of bidders who wish to participate in the bid will be reduced by drawing lots up to 30% before the bid is executed. (3) If the successful bidder matches the information, a contract will be concluded, and all those who originally wished to participate in the bid will be barred from selection for a period of up to three months. However, the successful bidder will be barred from selection for the contract period and a period of up to three months. (4) Based on the results of the deliberations of the Qualification Screening Committee, the matter will be reported to the Fair Trade Commission and the police. 10. Conclusion of Contract (1) Necessity of preparing a contract: Yes (2) The contract amount shall be the successful bid amount including consumption tax and local consumption tax on the transaction. (3) Contract deposits shall be in accordance with Article 72 of the Ashiya Town Financial Regulations. 11. Conditions of payment (1) Advance payment: Yes, up to 40% of the contract price (2) Interim advance payment/partial payment: Yes (choose one) (3) Completion payment: Paid within 40 days from the date of receipt of a valid invoice after completion delivery. 12. Liability period for non-compliance with contract: Two years from the date of delivery In the event of a breach resulting from intent or gross negligence, the liability period shall be as provided for in the Civil Code. 13. Other The language and currency to be used in the bidding and contract procedures shall be Japanese and Japanese currency.Civil Engineering Section (2) Whether or not there are any questions will be announced on the Ashiya Town website on November 8, 2024. (3) Responses to questions will be distributed at the question reception area as follows. From 9:00 to 16:00 on November 11, 2024. (However, excluding 12:00 to 13:00.) 8. Date, time and location of bidding and bid opening (1) Bidding ① Date and time: November 15, 2024, 10:30 a.m. ② Location: Ashiya Town Hall, 4th floor, Meeting Room 41 ③ If you are late for the bidding start time, you will not be able to participate in the bidding. ④ Bring a notice of confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid or a copy of it. ⑤ If there is only one bidder, the bidding will be canceled. ⑥ The bid security will be waived. ⑦ Those who participate in the bid must not disclose personal information, information about the business operator, or other information about the town (excluding publicly known facts) that they learn in the course of participating. ⑧ Those who have been suspended from bidding by Ashiya Town at the time of bidding will not be able to participate in the bid. ⑨ If you wish to decline to participate in the bid, submit a notice of withdrawal (any format is acceptable, addressed to the Mayor of Ashiya Town) stating the specific reason to the Finance Division, Contract Management Section by 4:00 p.m. on November 13, 2024. ⑩ Any withdrawal from the bid after the above will not be accepted. ⑪ The number of bidders and the names of participating companies will not be announced in advance of the bid. They will be announced after the bid. (2) How to bid ① If bidding by proxy, submit a power of attorney before bidding, fill in the address and name of the representative (branch manager, etc.) and the name of the proxy, and submit the bid with the proxy's seal. ② Be sure to bring the seal of the person submitting the bid. ③ The number of bids is limited to one. ④ Bidders, regardless of whether they are taxable businesses subject to consumption tax or tax-exempt businesses, must state in the bid document the total amount excluding consumption tax and local consumption tax for the transaction. ⑤ When bidding, submit six sheets of construction design documents (including the cover page) corresponding to the bid price stated in the bid document. ※If you do not submit the document, you will not be able to participate in the bid. ⑥ If you are creating the document in your own format, please create it with the same item contents. ⑦ Even if there is a discrepancy in the construction design document and it is unclear, if the bid price in the bid document and the corresponding construction design document are the same, this will be accepted, and the total amount of the bid price will be given top priority. ⑧ The address and name of the submitter must be written on the construction design document, stamped, and submitted together with the bid document. ⑨ Construction design documents will not be returned. ⑩ Construction design documents are requested as reference documents, and do not create rights and obligations in the bid or contract. ⑪ The number on the upper right corner of the power of attorney and bid document will be filled in by us on the day of the bid, so there is no need to fill it in in advance. ⑫ Do not use an envelope when submitting the power of attorney or bid document. ⑬ For documents related to the bid, please use the form specified by this town and posted on the website. In addition, the "Ashiya Town Bidding Guidelines" listed in the "Bidding (Estimate) Document" shall be read as "Announcement Contents". In addition, although this matter will be open to public competitive bidding, there is no need to correct the "quote." (3) Invalid Bids ① When a person who does not have the necessary qualifications to participate in a bid submits a bid. ② When the contracting authority violates the conditions for bidding established by the contracting authority. ③ When a bidder submits two or more bids. ④ When a bidder bids on behalf of another person or when two or more people bid as their agents. ⑤ When bidders submit a joint bid or when other fraudulent acts occur in the bidding process. ⑥ When a bidder submits a bid without confirming the necessary information. ⑦ When a person who was suspended from bidding by Ashiya Town at the time of bidding submits a bid. ⑧ When a bidder submits a bid after correcting the bid price in the bid documents. ⑨ When a bidder submits a bid after correcting the estimated price in the construction design documents. ⑩ When a bidder submits a bid by electronic transmission or mail, etc. (4) Opening of bids The bids will be opened immediately after the bids are submitted. (5) The successful bidder will be the bidder who bids the lowest price within the range of the planned successful bid price and the minimum limit price. However, if there are two or more lowest bidders, the successful bidder shall be determined by drawing lots, in accordance with Article 167-9 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Law. 9. Measures for Information on Collision If a report of collusion is received before the bidding and is found to be credible, the following measures shall be taken in accordance with the "Ashiya Town Guidelines for Handling Collision Information". (1) The bidding date shall be postponed in principle. (2) The number of bidders who wish to participate shall be reduced by drawing lots up to 30%, and the said bidding shall be carried out. (3) If the bidder who matches the information wins the bid as a result of the bidding, a contract shall be concluded, and all bidders who wish to participate in the initial bidding shall be prevented from being nominated for a period of up to three months in the future. However, the successful bidder shall be prevented from being nominated for the contract period and for a period of up to three months in the future. (4) Based on the results of the deliberations of the Qualifications Screening Committee, the Fair Trade Commission and the police shall be notified. 10. Conclusion of a contract (1) Whether or not a contract needs to be prepared Yes (2) The contract amount shall be the amount of the successful bid, including the consumption tax and local consumption tax for the transaction. (3) Contract deposits are in accordance with Article 72 of the Ashiya Town Financial Regulations. 11 Payment conditions (1) Advance payment: Yes, up to 40% of the contract price (2) Interim advance payment/partial payment: Yes (choose one) (3) Completion payment: Paid within 40 days from the date of receipt of a valid invoice after completion delivery. 12 Liability period for non-compliance with contract: Two years from the date of delivery In the event of an intentional or gross negligence, liability shall be as provided for in the Civil Code. 13 Other The language and currency to be used in bidding and contract procedures shall be Japanese and Japanese currency.Civil Engineering Section (2) Whether or not there are any questions will be announced on the Ashiya Town website on November 8, 2024. (3) Responses to questions will be distributed at the question reception area as follows. From 9:00 to 16:00 on November 11, 2024. (However, excluding 12:00 to 13:00.) 8. Date, time and location of bidding and bid opening (1) Bidding ① Date and time: November 15, 2024, 10:30 a.m. ② Location: Ashiya Town Hall, 4th floor, Meeting Room 41 ③ If you are late for the bidding start time, you will not be able to participate in the bidding. ④ Bring a notice of confirmation of eligibility to participate in the bid or a copy of it. ⑤ If there is only one bidder, the bidding will be canceled. ⑥ The bid security will be waived. ⑦ Those who participate in the bid must not disclose personal information, information about the business operator, or other information about the town (excluding publicly known facts) that they learn in the course of participating. ⑧ Those who have been suspended from bidding by Ashiya Town at the time of bidding will not be able to participate in the bid. ⑨ If you wish to decline to participate in the bid, submit a notice of withdrawal (any format is acceptable, addressed to the Mayor of Ashiya Town) stating the specific reason to the Finance Division, Contract Management Section by 4:00 p.m. on November 13, 2024. ⑩ Any withdrawal from the bid after the above will not be accepted. ⑪ The number of bidders and the names of participating companies will not be announced in advance of the bid. They will be announced after the bid. (2) How to bid ① If bidding by proxy, submit a power of attorney before bidding, fill in the address and name of the representative (branch manager, etc.) and the name of the proxy, and submit the bid with the proxy's seal. ② Be sure to bring the seal of the person submitting the bid. ③ The number of bids is limited to one. ④ Bidders, regardless of whether they are taxable businesses subject to consumption tax or tax-exempt businesses, must state in the bid document the total amount excluding consumption tax and local consumption tax for the transaction. ⑤ When bidding, submit six sheets of construction design documents (including the cover page) corresponding to the bid price stated in the bid document. ※If you do not submit the document, you will not be able to participate in the bid. ⑥ If you are creating the document in your own format, please create it with the same item contents. ⑦ Even if there is a discrepancy in the construction design document and it is unclear, if the bid price in the bid document and the corresponding construction design document are the same, this will be accepted, and the total amount of the bid price will be given top priority. ⑧ The address and name of the submitter must be written on the construction design document, stamped, and submitted together with the bid document. ⑨ Construction design documents will not be returned. ⑩ Construction design documents are requested as reference documents, and do not create rights and obligations in the bid or contract. ⑪ The number on the upper right corner of the power of attorney and bid document will be filled in by us on the day of the bid, so there is no need to fill it in in advance. ⑫ Do not use an envelope when submitting the power of attorney or bid document. ⑬ For documents related to the bid, please use the form specified by this town and posted on the website. In addition, the "Ashiya Town Bidding Guidelines" listed in the "Bidding (Estimate) Document" shall be read as "Announcement Contents". In addition, although this matter will be open to public competitive bidding, there is no need to correct the "quote." (3) Invalid Bids ① When a person who does not have the necessary qualifications to participate in a bid submits a bid. ② When the contracting authority violates the conditions for bidding established by the contracting authority. ③ When a bidder submits two or more bids. ④ When a bidder bids on behalf of another person or when two or more people bid as their agents. ⑤ When bidders submit a joint bid or when other fraudulent acts occur in the bidding process. ⑥ When a bidder submits a bid without confirming the necessary information. ⑦ When a person who was suspended from bidding by Ashiya Town at the time of bidding submits a bid. ⑧ When a bidder submits a bid after correcting the bid price in the bid documents. ⑨ When a bidder submits a bid after correcting the estimated price in the construction design documents. ⑩ When a bidder submits a bid by electronic transmission or mail, etc. (4) Opening of bids The bids will be opened immediately after the bids are submitted. (5) The successful bidder will be the bidder who bids the lowest price within the range of the planned successful bid price and the minimum limit price. However, if there are two or more lowest bidders, the successful bidder shall be determined by drawing lots, in accordance with Article 167-9 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Law. 9. Measures for Information on Collision If a report of collusion is received before the bidding and is found to be credible, the following measures shall be taken in accordance with the "Ashiya Town Guidelines for Handling Collision Information". (1) The bidding date shall be postponed in principle. (2) The number of bidders who wish to participate shall be reduced by drawing lots up to 30%, and the said bidding shall be carried out. (3) If the bidder who matches the information wins the bid as a result of the bidding, a contract shall be concluded, and all bidders who wish to participate in the initial bidding shall be prevented from being nominated for a period of up to three months in the future. However, the successful bidder shall be prevented from being nominated for the contract period and for a period of up to three months in the future. (4) Based on the results of the deliberations of the Qualifications Screening Committee, the Fair Trade Commission and the police shall be notified. 10. Conclusion of a contract (1) Whether or not a contract needs to be prepared Yes (2) The contract amount shall be the amount of the successful bid, including the consumption tax and local consumption tax for the transaction. (3) Contract deposits are in accordance with Article 72 of the Ashiya Town Financial Regulations. 11 Payment conditions (1) Advance payment: Yes, up to 40% of the contract price (2) Interim advance payment/partial payment: Yes (choose one) (3) Completion payment: Paid within 40 days from the date of receipt of a valid invoice after completion delivery. 12 Liability period for non-compliance with contract: Two years from the date of delivery In the event of an intentional or gross negligence, liability shall be as provided for in the Civil Code. 13 Other The language and currency to be used in bidding and contract procedures shall be Japanese and Japanese currency.Even if there is a discrepancy in the construction design documents and it is unclear, if the bid price in the bid document and the corresponding construction design document are the same, this will be accepted, and the total amount of the bid price will be given top priority. ⑧ The submitter's address and name must be written on the construction design documents, stamped, and submitted together with the bid documents. ⑨ Construction design documents will not be returned. ⑩ Construction design documents are requested as reference documents, and do not create rights and obligations in the bid or contract. ⑪ The number on the upper right corner of the power of attorney and bid documents is a number designated by us on the day of the bid, so there is no need to fill it in in advance. ⑫ Do not use an envelope when submitting the power of attorney or bid documents. ⑬ For documents related to the bid, use the form designated by this town and posted on the website. In addition, the "Ashiya Town Bidding Guidelines" written on the "Bidding (Estimate) Document" shall be read as "Announcement Contents". In addition, although this matter is open to public competitive bidding, corrections to the "Estimate" are not required. (3) Invalid Bids ① When a person who does not have the necessary qualifications to participate in a bid submits a bid. ② When the contracting authority violates the conditions for bidding established by the contracting authority. ③ When a bidder submits two or more bids. ④ When a bidder submits a bid concurrently as an agent for another person, or when two or more agents submit a bid. ⑤ When bidders submit a joint bid, or when other fraudulent acts occur in the bidding process. ⑥ When a bid is submitted without confirming the necessary information. ⑦ When a person who was suspended from bidding by Ashiya Town at the time of bidding submits a bid. ⑧ When a bid price is corrected in the bid documents and submitted. ⑨ When a bid price is corrected in the construction design documents and submitted. ⑩ When a bid is submitted by electronic transmission, mail, etc. (4) Opening of bids The bids shall be opened immediately after the bids are opened. (5) The successful bidder shall be the bidder with the lowest bid within the range of the estimated successful bid price and the minimum limit price. However, if there are two or more bidders with the lowest bid, the successful bidder shall be determined by drawing lots pursuant to the provisions of Article 167-9 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Law. 9. Measures against bid-rigging information If a report of bid-rigging is received before the bidding period and is deemed credible, the following measures shall be taken in accordance with the "Ashiya Town Guidelines for Handling Bid-rigging Information." (1) The bidding date shall be postponed in principle. (2) The number of people who wish to participate in the bidding shall be reduced by up to 30% by drawing lots, and the bidding shall be carried out. (3) If the successful bidder matches the information, a contract shall be concluded, and all people who wish to participate in the initial bidding shall be prevented from being nominated for a period of up to three months in the future. However, the successful bidder shall be prevented from being nominated for the contract period and for a period of up to three months in the future. (4) Based on the results of deliberations by the Qualifications Screening Committee, the Fair Trade Commission and the police shall be notified. 10. Conclusion of a contract (1) Whether or not a contract needs to be prepared Yes (2) The contract amount shall be the amount of the successful bid, including the consumption tax and local consumption tax for the transaction. (3) The contract deposit shall be in accordance with Article 72 of the Ashiya Town Financial Regulations. 11 Payment Conditions (1) Advance payment: Yes, up to 40% of the contract price (2) Interim advance payment/partial payment: Yes (choose one) (3) Completion payment: Payment must be made within 40 days of receipt of a valid invoice after completion delivery. 12 Liability period for non-compliance with contract: 2 years from the date of delivery In the event of intentional or gross negligence, liability shall be as provided for in the Civil Code. 13 Other The language and currency to be used in the bidding and contract procedures shall be Japanese and Japanese currency.Even if there is a discrepancy in the construction design documents and it is unclear, if the bid price in the bid document and the corresponding construction design document are the same, this will be accepted, and the total amount of the bid price will be given top priority. ⑧ The submitter's address and name must be written on the construction design documents, stamped, and submitted together with the bid documents. ⑨ Construction design documents will not be returned. ⑩ Construction design documents are requested as reference documents, and do not create rights and obligations in the bid or contract. ⑪ The number on the upper right corner of the power of attorney and bid documents is a number designated by us on the day of the bid, so there is no need to fill it in in advance. ⑫ Do not use an envelope when submitting the power of attorney or bid documents. ⑬ For documents related to the bid, use the form designated by this town and posted on the website. In addition, the "Ashiya Town Bidding Guidelines" written on the "Bidding (Estimate) Document" shall be read as "Announcement Contents". In addition, although this matter is open to public competitive bidding, corrections to the "Estimate" are not required. (3) Invalid Bids ① When a person who does not have the necessary qualifications to participate in a bid submits a bid. ② When the contracting authority violates the conditions for bidding established by the contracting authority. ③ When a bidder submits two or more bids. ④ When a bidder submits a bid concurrently as an agent for another person, or when two or more agents submit a bid. ⑤ When bidders submit a joint bid, or when other fraudulent acts occur in the bidding process. ⑥ When a bid is submitted without confirming the necessary information. ⑦ When a person who was suspended from bidding by Ashiya Town at the time of bidding submits a bid. ⑧ When a bid price is corrected in the bid documents and submitted. ⑨ When a bid price is corrected in the construction design documents and submitted. ⑩ When a bid is submitted by electronic transmission, mail, etc. (4) Opening of bids The bids shall be opened immediately after the bids are opened. (5) The successful bidder shall be the bidder with the lowest bid within the range of the estimated successful bid price and the minimum limit price. However, if there are two or more bidders with the lowest bid, the successful bidder shall be determined by drawing lots pursuant to the provisions of Article 167-9 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Law. 9. Measures against bid-rigging information If a report of bid-rigging is received before the bidding period and is deemed credible, the following measures shall be taken in accordance with the "Ashiya Town Guidelines for Handling Bid-rigging Information." (1) The bidding date shall be postponed in principle. (2) The number of people who wish to participate in the bidding shall be reduced by up to 30% by drawing lots, and the bidding shall be carried out. (3) If the successful bidder matches the information, a contract shall be concluded, and all people who wish to participate in the initial bidding shall be prevented from being nominated for a period of up to three months in the future. However, the successful bidder shall be prevented from being nominated for the contract period and for a period of up to three months in the future. (4) Based on the results of deliberations by the Qualifications Screening Committee, the Fair Trade Commission and the police shall be notified. 10. Conclusion of a contract (1) Whether or not a contract needs to be prepared Yes (2) The contract amount shall be the amount of the successful bid, including the consumption tax and local consumption tax for the transaction. (3) The contract deposit shall be in accordance with Article 72 of the Ashiya Town Financial Regulations. 11 Payment Conditions (1) Advance payment: Yes, up to 40% of the contract price (2) Interim advance payment/partial payment: Yes (choose one) (3) Completion payment: Payment must be made within 40 days of receipt of a valid invoice after completion delivery. 12 Liability period for non-compliance with contract: 2 years from the date of delivery In the event of intentional or gross negligence, liability shall be as provided for in the Civil Code. 13 Other The language and currency to be used in the bidding and contract procedures shall be Japanese and Japanese currency.
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