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服部天神駅前広場整備工事 服部天神駅前広場整備工事 豊中市告示第487号服部天神駅前広場整備工事の工事請負契約に係る総合評価一般競争入札(特別簡易型)について服部天神駅前広場整備工事の工事請負契約について、次のとおり総合評価一... Hattori Tenjin Station Square Development Work Hattori Tenjin Station Square Development Work Toyonaka City Notification No. 487 Comprehensive evaluation of the construction contract for the Hattori Tenjin Station Square Development Work General competitive bidding (special simplified type) The comprehensive evaluation of the construction contract for the Hattori Tenjin Station Square Development Work is as follows...

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服部天神駅前広場整備工事 服部天神駅前広場整備工事 豊中市告示第487号服部天神駅前広場整備工事の工事請負契約に係る総合評価一般競争入札(特別簡易型)について服部天神駅前広場整備工事の工事請負契約について、次のとおり総合評価一... 大阪府豊中市   入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 服部天神駅前広場整備工事 種別 工事 入札区分 一般競争入札 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 3 日 組織 大阪府豊中市 取得日 2024 年 10 月 3 日 19:46:40 配置図(PDF:208KB) 公告内容 豊中市告示第487号服部天神駅前広場整備工事の工事請負契約に係る総合評価一般競争入札(特別簡易型)について服部天神駅前広場整備工事の工事請負契約について、次のとおり総合評価一般競争入札(特別簡易型)を行いますので、地方自治法施行令(昭和22年政令第16号。以下「施行令」という。)第167条の6の規定により公告します。令和6年10月3日豊中市長 長 内 繁 樹1 入札に付する事項(1) 工事名服部天神駅前広場整備工事(2) 工事場所豊中市服部元町1丁目地内(3) 工事概要工事延長 L=50.0m 工事面積 A=1,800㎡撤去工 1式仮設工 1式土工 1式排水工 1式路側工 1式境界工 1式道路付属施設工 1式舗装工 1式道路植栽工 1式付帯工 1式電線共同溝工 1式(4) 工期契約締結日から令和8年3月31日(火)まで(5) その他本入札は、豊中市電子入札システム(URL(https://e-bid.nyusatsu.ebid-osaka.jp/CALS/Accepter/index.jsp?KikanNo=0203&HachuType=0)。以下「電子入札システム」という。)により行う。2 入札に参加する者に必要な資格次に掲げる要件をすべて満たした者(1) 豊中市内に本店を有する者であること。(2) 施行令第167条の4の規定に該当しない者であること。(3) 公告日において豊中市建設工事入札参加資格の土木工事の認定を受けていること。ただし、当該認定の際に提出した業者登録カードに土木工事の認定に係る希望順位を1と記載した者であること。(4) 建設業法(昭和24年法律第100号)に基づく営業停止の処分を受けていない者であること。(5) 本市から豊中市入札参加停止基準(平成7年6月1日制定)に基づく入札参加停止措置を受けていないこと。(6) 本市から豊中市発注契約に係る暴力団等排除措置要綱(平成24年2月1日制定)に基づく入札参加除外措置を受けていないこと。(7) 土木工事について、経営規模等評価結果通知書総合評定値通知書の総合評定値(最新のもの)が、600点以上であること。(8) 土木工事について、建設業法に基づく建設業の許可を有していること。(9) 工事請負契約1件の請負金額が213,000千円(取引に係る消費税及び地方消費税を含む。 共同企業体については、出資比率に応じて算出した金額であること。)以上の土木工事一式を元請けとして施工した実績があること(入札日において竣工済みであること。)。(10) 本工事の契約締結日において、現場代理人を工事現場に配置し得ること。ただし、本入札の一般競争入札参加申込書の提出日現在において、3か月以上、直接的かつ恒常的な雇用関係を有している者であって、経営業務の管理責任者又は営業所の専任技術者でないものであること。(11) 本工事の契約締結日において、土木工事に対応する主任技術者又は監理技術者を建設業法に基づき適切に配置し得ること。ただし、本入札の一般競争入札参加申込書の提出日現在において、3か月以上、直接的かつ恒常的な雇用関係を有している者(主任技術者又は監理技術者を工事現場に専任で配置しなければならない場合にあっては、経営業務の管理責任者又は営業所の専任技術者でない者に限る。)であること。(12) 本入札の申込書類及び入札書の提出期間の末日までに、電子署名及び認証業務に関する法律施行規則(平成13年総務省・法務省・経済産業省令第2号)第13条第1項第1号の電子証明書(ICカード)を取得し、及び電子入札システムを利用するための登録(利用者登録)を電子入札システムにより完了していること。(13) 会社法の施行に伴う関係法律の整備等に関する法律(平成17年法律第87号)第64条による改正前の商法(明治32年法律第48号)第381条第1項(会社法の施行に伴う関係法律の整備等に関する法律第107条の規定によりなお従前の例によることとされる場合を含む。)の規定による会社の整理の開始を命ぜられていない者であること。(14) 平成12年3月31日以前に民事再生法(平成11年法律第225号)附則第2条による廃止前の和議法(大正11年法律第72号)第12条第1項の規定による和議開始の申立てをしていない者であること。(15) 平成12年4月1日以後に民事再生法第21条第1項又は第2項の規定による再生手続開始の申立てをしていない者又は申立てをなされていない者であること。ただし、同法第33条第1項の再生手続開始の決定を受けた者が、その者に係る同法第174条第1項の再生計画認可の決定が確定した場合にあっては、再生手続開始の申立てをしなかった者又は申立てをなされなかった者とみなす。(16) 会社更生法(平成14年法律第154号)第17条第1項又は第2項の規定による更生手続開始の申立て(同法附則第2条の規定によりなお従前の例によることとされる更生事件(以下「旧更生事件」という。)に係る同法による改正前の会社更生法(昭和27年法律第172号。以下「旧法」という。)第30条第1項又は第2項の規定による更生手続開始の申立てを含む。以下「更生手続開始の申立て」という。)をしていない者又は更生手続開始の申立てをなされていない者であること。ただし、会社更生法第41条第1項の更生手続開始の決定(旧更生事件に係る旧法に基づく更生手続開始の決定を含む。)を受けた者については、その者に係る会社更生法第199条第1項の更生計画の認可の決定(旧更生事件に係る旧法に基づく更生計画の認可の決定を含む。)があった場合にあっては、更生手続開始の申立てをしなかった者又は更生手続開始の申立てをなされなかった者とみなす。3 申込制限2の規定にかかわらず、次の各号のいずれかに該当する者は、本入札に参加することができない。(1) 公告日において、本市(上下水道局及び市立豊中病院を含む。以下同じ。)が一般競争入札(特定建設工事共同企業体による入札を除く。)又は指名競争入札により発注した予定価格が30,000千円以上の工事(以下「30,000千円以上の工事」という。)(竣工していないものに限る。)を6件以上落札している者。ただし、公告日前1年以内に竣工した30,000千円以上の工事に対する本市の竣工検査で、80点以上の工事成績を取得したことがある者(公告日前1年以内に竣工した30,000千円以上の工事に対する本市の竣工検査で、60点未満の工事成績を取得したことがある者を除く。)にあっては、7件以上とする。(2) 公告日において、30,000千円以上の工事(竣工していないものに限る。)の請負金額を合計した金額が、2(3)に規定する認定に係る等級に応じて別表に定める工事金額以上である者。ただし、次のア又はイに該当する場合は、請負金額を合計した金額には含まないものとする。ア 請負者の責めに帰すことができない理由により工期延期の変更契約を行ったため、工事が未竣工である場合における当該工事の請負金額イ 工事の工期が複数の会計年度にわたる場合において、会計年度末の出来高による既済部分検査を受けている場合における当該出来高金額(3) 公告日前1年以内に竣工した30,000千円以上の工事に対する本市の竣工検査で、60点未満の工事成績を取得したことがある者(公告日前1年以内に竣工した30,000千円以上の工事に対する本市の竣工検査で、80点以上の工事成績を取得したことがある者を除く。)であって、当該60点未満の工事成績を取得した30,000千円以上の工事の竣工日から6か月を経過していないもの4 図面、設計書、一般仕様書、特記仕様書、現場説明書、提出書類一覧、豊中市電子入札運用基準及び豊中市工事請負契約等電子入札心得(事後審査方式)(以下「設計図書等」という。)の配付(1) 設計図書等の配付ア 配付期間令和6年10月3日(木)の午後1時から午後5時まで及び令和6年10月4日(金)から令和6年11月6日(水)まで(土曜日、日曜日、祝日及び振替休日を除く。)の午前9時から午後5時までイ 配付方法電子入札システムにより行う。(2) その他設計図書等の内容についての質疑の方法、日時及び場所は、現場説明書で指示する。5 契約条項を示す場所及び期間(1) 場所豊中市中桜塚3丁目1番1号豊中市総務部契約検査課(第一庁舎4階)電話(06)6858-2075(2) 期間令和6年10月3日(木)から令和6年11月6日(水)まで(土曜日、日曜日、祝日及び振替休日を除く。)の午前9時から午後5時まで6 届出書類の提出(1) 本工事の入札に参加を希望する者は、 (4)に定めるところに従い、次に掲げる書類(以下「届出書類」という。)を提出しなければならない。 ア 技術提案書(市内総合様式1)イ 本市における公告日から過去2年以内の工事成績評定点(市内総合様式2)ウ 公告日から過去2年以内の同種工事の施工実績(市内総合様式3)エ 品質管理・安全対策の取り組み(市内総合様式4)オ 配置予定技術者の施工経験及び資格(市内総合様式5)カ 社会貢献度(市内総合様式6)キ 地域精通度・地域貢献度(市内総合様式7)ク 履行義務違反の有無及び公告日から3年以内の処分歴等(市内総合様式8)(2) 期限までに届出書類を提出しない者は、本入札に参加することができない。(3) 届出書類の配付ア 配付期間令和6年10月3日(木)の午後1時から午後5時まで及び令和6年10月4日(金)から令和6年11月6日(水)まで(土曜日、日曜日、祝日及び振替休日を除く。)の午前9時から午後5時までイ 配付方法電子入札システムにより行う。(4)届出書類の提出の期間及び方法ア 提出期間令和6年10月3日(木)から令和6年11月6日(水)まで(土曜日、日曜日、祝日及び振替休日を除く。)の午前9時から午後5時まで(必着のこと。)イ 提出方法郵送によりウの提出先に提出すること。なお、郵送に当たっては、特定記録又は書留とし、封筒の表面に「工事名」を朱書すること。ウ 提出先豊中市中桜塚3丁目1番1号豊中市総務部契約検査課(第一庁舎4階)(5)その他ア 届出書類の提出に係る費用は、申込者の負担とする。イ 提出された届出書類は、返却しない。ウ 郵送による提出以外の方法による届出書類の提出は、受け付けない。7 申込書類の提出、入札の期間及び方法並びに入札参加資格の確認等(1) 本入札に参加を希望する者は、(4)に定めるところに従い、次に掲げる書類(以下「申込書類」という。)を提出しなければならない。ア 一般競争入札参加申込書(様式2)イ 当該入札書に記載する入札金額に対応した工事費内訳書(2) 期限までに申込書類を提出しない者は、本入札に参加することができない。(3) 申込書類の配付ア 配付期間令和6年10月3日(木)の午後1時から午後5時まで及び令和6年10月4日(金)から令和6年11月6日(水)まで(土曜日、日曜日、祝日及び振替休日を除く。)の午前9時から午後5時までイ 配付方法電子入札システムにより行う。(4)申込書類の提出及び入札の期間、方法ア 申込書類の提出期間及び入札の期間令和6年11月5日(火)及び令和6年11月6日(水)の午前9時から午後5時までイ 申込書類及び入札書の提出方法電子入札システムにより行う。(5) 開札日時及び方法ア 開札日時令和6年11月7日(木)午前10時イ 開札方法電子入札システムにより行う。(6) 資格審査書類の提出及び期間等ア 落札候補者決定後、当該落札候補者について入札参加資格確認審査を行い、入札参加資格を確認するので、当該落札候補者は、エに定めるところに従い(ア)から(オ)までの書類(以下「資格審査書類」という。)を提出しなければならない。(ア) 一般競争入札参加資格確認審査申込書(様式3)(イ) 2(9)に係る工事請負契約書の写し及びこれに係る図面(指定したものに限る。)又は発注者が作成した工事施工証明(共同企業体により請け負った工事の場合にあっては、当該工事の協定書の写しを添付すること。)(ウ) 経営規模等評価結果通知書総合評定値通知書の写し(エ) 4の設計書(オ) 誓約書イ 期限までに資格審査書類を提出しない者は、落札候補者の資格を失うものとする。ウ 配付方法ア(ア)、(エ)及び(オ)の書類については、電子入札システムにより行う。エ 提出期限及び方法(ア) 提出期限落札候補者決定の通知を受けた日の翌日午後5時まで(土曜日、日曜日及び祝日を除く。)(イ) 提出方法オの提出先に持参することにより行う。オ 提出先豊中市中桜塚3丁目1番1号豊中市総務部契約検査課(第一庁舎4階)カ 入札参加資格確認審査を行った結果、入札参加資格がないと認めた者には、その理由を付して通知する。(7)その他ア 入札書、届出書類、申込書類及び資格審査書類の作成に係る費用は、提出者の負担とする。イ 提出された入札書、届出書類、申込書類及び資格審査書類は、返却しない。ウ (4)イ及び(6)エ(イ)に定める提出方法以外の方法による申込書類及び資格審査書類の提出は、受け付けない。エ (4)で指定した日時及び方法で入札をしない者は、本入札の参加を辞退したものとみなす。オ (6)ア(イ)の書類は、当該工事が一般財団法人日本建設情報総合センターの「工事実績情報サービス(CORINS)」に登録されている場合は、提出する必要はない。カ (6)ア(ウ)の経営規模等評価結果通知書総合評定値通知書の写しは、一般財団法人建設業情報管理センターのホームページにおける経営事項審査結果の公表により、経営規模等評価結果通知書総合評定値通知書の総合評定値(最新のもの)が確認できる場合は、提出する必要はない。8 入札方法等(1) 落札者の決定に当たっては、入札書に記載された金額に当該金額の100分の10に相当する金額を加算した金額(当該金額に1円未満の端数があるときは、その端数金額を切り捨てた金額)をもって落札金額とするので、入札者は、消費税及び地方消費税に係る課税事業者であるか免税事業者であるかを問わず、見積もった契約希望金額の110分の100に相当する金額を入札書に記載すること。(2) 入札回数は、1回を限度とする。(3) 本入札については、低入札基準価格を設ける。(4) 予定価格及び低入札基準価格は、開札時に公表する。(5) 入札結果は、落札候補者決定時に公表する。9 入札保証金及び契約保証金に関する事項(1) 入札保証金免除する。(2) 契約保証金契約金額の100分の10に相当する額以上の額を納付しなければならない。ただし、豊中市財務規則(昭和46年豊中市規則第13号)第120条各号に掲げる有価証券のほか、市長が確実と認める金融機関の保証又は公共工事の前払金保証事業に関する法律(昭和27年法律第184号)第2条第4項に規定する保証事業会社の保証の提供をもって契約保証金の納付に代えることができる。また、履行保証保険契約又は工事履行保証契約の締結を行った場合は、契約保証金を免除する。10 入札の無効入札に参加する資格のない者(3の申込制限に該当する者を含む。以下同じ。)及び虚偽の申込みを行った者のした入札並びに豊中市電子入札運用基準及び豊中市工事請負契約等電子入札心得(総合評価特別簡易型方式)において示した条件等入札に関する条件に違反した入札は、無効とする。 なお、本市により入札参加資格を確認された者であっても、当該確認の後、入札時点及び開札時点において、入札に参加する資格のない者のした入札は、無効とする。11 契約の締結(1) 契約書を作成する。(2) 本工事の本契約締結については、仮契約締結後、豊中市議会の議決を要するものである。12 支払条件(1) 公共工事の前払金に関する規則(昭和46年豊中市規則第9号)の規定に基づき、前払をすることができる。(2) 部分払をすることができる。13 その他(1) 落札候補者の決定方法落札候補者の決定に当たっては、本工事にとって最適な事業者を選定するため、(2)の落札者決定基準による総合評価方式を採用する。(2) 落札者決定基準ア 評価に当たっては、100点の範囲内で配点を行い、総得点の最も高い者を落札候補者とする。 総得点の最も高い者が2者以上あるときは、入札価格の最も低い者を落札候補者とする。この場合において、入札価格の最も低い者が2者以上あるときは、電子入札システムによりくじ引きを行って落札候補者を決定する。イ 総合評価点は以下の算式により算定する。総合評価点=価格評価点+価格以外の評価点ウ 価格評価点及び価格以外の評価点は、それぞれ90点及び10点とする。エ 価格以外の評価点は以下の算式により算定する。価格以外の評価点=得点合計×換算係数(65分の10)オ 価格以外の評価の得点合計については、以下のとおり計算するものとする。(ア)企業の施工能力、配置予定技術者の能力、社会貢献度及び地域精通度・地域貢献度に区分して評価し、その配点をそれぞれ26点、10点、6点及び23点とする。(イ)履行義務違反の有無及び公告日から3年以内の処分歴等については、評価内容に係る履行義務違反、本市の入札参加停止又は入札除外措置、国又は他の地方公共団体の入札参加停止又は入札参加除外措置、契約解除及び書面での警告に区分して評価し、それぞれ5点、4点、2点、5点及び1点を限度として減点する。(3) 落札者の決定落札候補者について、7(6)により提出された資格審査書類により入札参加資格確認審査を行い、入札参加資格があると認めたときは、落札者とする。ただし、当該落札候補者に入札参加資格がないと認めたときは、次順位以降の落札候補者について、順次入札参加資格確認審査を行い、落札者を決定する。(4) その他入札参加者は、設計図書等を熟読し、豊中市工事請負契約等電子入札心得(総合評価特別簡易型方式)を遵守すること。14 問合わせ先豊中市中桜塚3丁目1番1号豊中市総務部契約検査課(第一庁舎4階)電話(06)6858-2075別表等 級 工事金額A(審査点数 850以上)B(審査点数 600~849) 3億円C(審査点数 500~599) 1億5,000万円D(審査点数 500未満) 7,500万円 件名 服部天神駅前広場整備工事 場所 豊中市服部元町1丁目地内服部豊町1丁目服部本町2丁目服部本町1丁目服部西町1丁目服部元町1丁目服部南町2丁目服部西町2丁目服部南町1丁目浜1丁目服部元町2丁目服部本町3丁目服部本町4丁目服部豊町2丁目北条町1丁目豊中吹田線阪急宝塚線服部天神駅利倉東線凡 例施工箇所服部天神駅 Hattori Tenjin Station Square Improvement Work Hattori Tenjin Station Square Improvement Work Toyonaka City Notification No. 487 Comprehensive evaluation public competitive bidding (special simplified type) for the construction contract for the Hattori Tenjin Station Square Improvement Work Regarding the construction contract for the Hattori Tenjin Station Square Improvement Work, the comprehensive evaluation for the construction contract is as follows... Toyonaka City, Osaka Prefecture Bidding information is as follows. Subject: Hattori Tenjin Station Square Development Works Type: Construction Bidding Category: Open competitive bidding Date of announcement or update: October 3, 2024 Organization: Toyonaka City, Osaka Prefecture Date acquired: October 3, 2024 19:46:40 Layout plan (PDF: 208KB) Announcement contents: Toyonaka City Notice No. 487: Regarding comprehensive evaluation open competitive bidding (special simplified type) for the construction contract for the Hattori Tenjin Station Square Development Works. Regarding the construction contract for the Hattori Tenjin Station Square Development Works, we will be holding a comprehensive evaluation open competitive bidding (special simplified type) as follows. This is to be announced pursuant to Article 167-6 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Act (Cabinet Order No. 16 of 1947; hereinafter referred to as the "Enforcement Order"). October 3, 2024 Mayor of Toyonaka City, Nagauchi Shigeki 1 Items to be put to tender (1) Name of project Hattori Tenjin Station Square Development Project (2) Location of project Hattori Motomachi 1-chome, Toyonaka City (3) Project overview Project length L = 50.0 m Project area A = 1,800 m2 Demolition work 1 set Temporary work 1 set Earthwork 1 set Drainage work 1 set Roadside work 1 set Boundary work 1 set Road ancillary facility work 1 set Paving work 1 set Road planting work 1 set Ancillary work 1 set Electric cable joint duct work 1 set (4) Construction period From the date of contract conclusion to March 31, 2026 (5) Other This bid will be submitted via the Toyonaka City Electronic Bidding System (URL: https://e-bid.nyusatsu.ebid-osaka.jp/CALS/Accepter/index.The bidding will be conducted through the electronic bidding system (jsp?KikanNo=0203&HachuType=0). Hereinafter referred to as the "electronic bidding system". 2. Qualifications required for biddersA person who meets all of the following requirements: (1) Has his/her head office in Toyonaka City. (2) Does not fall under the provisions of Article 167-4 of the Enforcement Order. (3) Has been certified as eligible to participate in Toyonaka City construction work bids for civil engineering works as of the date of announcement. However, the person must have recorded his/her preference for certification for civil engineering works as number 1 on the contractor registration card submitted at the time of said certification. (4) Has not been subject to a business suspension based on the Construction Business Act (Act No. 100 of 1949). (5) Has not been subject to a suspension from bidding by the city based on the Toyonaka City Bid Participation Suspension Criteria (established on June 1, 1995). (6) Has not been subject to exclusion from bidding by the city based on the Guidelines for Exclusion Measures for Organized Crime, etc. in Toyonaka City Contracts (established on February 1, 2012). (7) For civil engineering works, the latest overall evaluation value in the Notice of Business Scale Evaluation Result Overall Evaluation Value is 600 points or more. (8) For civil engineering works, the company has a construction business license under the Construction Business Law. (9) The company has a track record of carrying out a set of civil engineering works as a prime contractor with a contract amount of 213,000,000 yen or more (including consumption tax and local consumption tax on the transaction. For joint ventures, the amount is calculated according to the investment ratio). (The works must have been completed on the bid date). (10) The company must be able to assign a site representative to the construction site on the contract date for this work. However, the site representative must have a direct and permanent employment relationship with the company for three months or more as of the date of submission of the application form for participation in the general competitive bidding for this bid, and must not be a manager of business operations or a full-time engineer at a sales office. (11) The company must be able to appropriately assign a chief engineer or supervising engineer for civil engineering works on the contract date for this work in accordance with the Construction Business Law. However, as of the date of submission of the application form to participate in this bid, the person must have a direct and permanent employment relationship for three months or more (in cases where a chief engineer or supervising engineer must be assigned full-time to the construction site, this must be limited to a person who is not the manager of business operations or a full-time engineer at the sales office.) (12) By the last day of the submission period for the application documents and bid documents for this bid, the person must have obtained an electronic certificate (IC card) as provided for in Article 13, Paragraph 1, Item 1 of the Enforcement Regulations for the Law on Electronic Signatures and Certification Services (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Ministry of Justice, and Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Ordinance No. 2 of 2001), and must have completed registration (user registration) to use the electronic bidding system through the electronic bidding system. (13) A person who has not been ordered to commence reorganization of a company pursuant to Article 381, paragraph 1 of the Commercial Code (Act No. 48 of 1899) before its amendment pursuant to Article 64 of the Act on the Arrangement of Related Laws Accompanying the Enforcement of the Companies Act (Act No. 87 of 2005) (including the cases where the provisions then in force shall remain applicable pursuant to Article 107 of the Act on the Arrangement of Related Laws Accompanying the Enforcement of the Companies Act). (14) A person who has not filed a petition for commencement of composition proceedings pursuant to Article 12, paragraph 1 of the Composition Proceedings Act (Act No. 72 of 1922) before its repeal pursuant to Article 2 of the Supplementary Provisions of the Civil Rehabilitation Act (Act No. 225 of 1999) before March 31, 2000. (15) A person who has not filed or has had a petition for commencement of rehabilitation proceedings pursuant to Article 21, paragraph 1 or 2 of the Civil Rehabilitation Act after April 1, 2000. However, if a person who has received a decision to commence rehabilitation proceedings under Article 33, Paragraph 1 of the said Act has become final and binding on the decision to confirm the rehabilitation plan under Article 174, Paragraph 1 of the said Act, he/she will be deemed to have not filed a petition for commencement of rehabilitation proceedings or for which no petition has been filed. (16) A person who has not filed a petition for commencement of rehabilitation proceedings under Article 17, Paragraph 1 or Paragraph 2 of the Corporate Reorganization Act (Act No. 154 of 2002) (including a petition for commencement of rehabilitation proceedings under Article 30, Paragraph 1 or Paragraph 2 of the Corporate Reorganization Act (Act No. 172 of 1952; hereinafter referred to as the "Old Act") prior to the revision by the said Act in relation to a reorganization case to which the previous provisions remain applicable pursuant to Article 2 of the Supplementary Provisions of the said Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Old Reorganization Case"); hereinafter referred to as a "petition for commencement of reorganization proceedings") or for which no petition for commencement of reorganization proceedings has been filed. However, with regard to a person who has received a decision to commence rehabilitation proceedings under Article 41, Paragraph 1 of the Corporate Reorganization Act (including a decision to commence rehabilitation proceedings under the old Act in relation to a former reorganization case), if a decision to approve a rehabilitation plan under Article 199, Paragraph 1 of the Corporate Reorganization Act (including a decision to approve a rehabilitation plan under the old Act in relation to a former reorganization case) has been made regarding that person, he/she will be deemed to have not filed a petition for commencement of rehabilitation proceedings or a person for whom a petition for commencement of rehabilitation proceedings has not been filed. 3 Notwithstanding the provisions of Application Restrictions 2, any person who falls under any of the following items will not be able to participate in this bid. (1) Any person who, as of the date of announcement, has won six or more construction works (hereinafter referred to as "construction works of 30,000,000 yen or more") (limited to those that have not yet been completed) ordered by the city (including the Waterworks and Sewerage Bureau and Toyonaka Municipal Hospital; the same applies below) through open competitive bidding (excluding bids by specific construction work joint ventures) or designated competitive bidding. However, in the case of a person who has obtained a construction grade of 80 or more in the city's completion inspection of a construction project of 30 million yen or more that was completed within one year prior to the public notice date (excluding a person who has obtained a construction grade of less than 60 in the city's completion inspection of a construction project of 30 million yen or more that was completed within one year prior to the public notice date), the number shall be seven or more. (2) A person whose total contract amount for construction projects of 30 million yen or more (limited to those that have not yet been completed) as of the public notice date is equal to or exceeds the construction amount specified in the Separate Table according to the grade of certification prescribed in 2 (3). However, if the person falls under the following A or B, the contract amount will not be included in the total amount. (a) The contract amount for the work in the case where the work is incomplete due to a change in the contract that extends the construction period for reasons beyond the control of the contractor; (b) The amount of the completed work in the case where the construction period of the work spans several fiscal years and the completed portion has been inspected based on the amount of work completed at the end of the fiscal year. (3) Those who have received a construction grade of less than 60 points in the city's completion inspection of a work of 30 million yen or more that was completed within one year prior to the date of public notice (excluding those who have received a construction grade of 80 points or more in the city's completion inspection of a work of 30 million yen or more that was completed within one year prior to the date of public notice), and who have received a construction grade of less than 60 points within the last six months of the completion date of the work of 30 million yen or more that was completed within one year prior to the date of public notice. (4) Distribution of drawings, design documents, general specifications, special specifications, site explanations, list of documents to be submitted, Toyonaka City Electronic Bidding Operation Standards and Toyonaka City Electronic Bidding Guidelines for Construction Contracts, etc. (Post-Review Method) (hereinafter referred to as "design documents, etc."). (1) Distribution of design documents, etc. A. Distribution period: Thursday, October 3, 2024, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., and from Friday, October 4, 2024 to Wednesday, November 6, 2024 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and substitute holidays) from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. B. Distribution method: Through the electronic bidding system. (2) The method, date, time, and location of questions and answers regarding the contents of the design documents, etc. will be specified in the site instructions. 5Location and period showing the contract terms (1) Location: 3-1-1 Nakasakurazuka, Toyonaka City, Toyonaka City General Affairs Department, Contract Inspection Division (4th floor, First Building), Telephone: (06) 6858-2075 (2) Period: From Thursday, October 3, 2024 to Wednesday, November 6, 2024 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays and substitute holidays), from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 6. Submission of notification documents (1) Those who wish to participate in the bidding for this work must submit the documents listed below (hereinafter referred to as the "notification documents") in accordance with (4) above. a) Technical proposal (City Comprehensive Form 1) b) Construction performance evaluation points within the city for the past two years from the date of announcement (City Comprehensive Form 2) c) Construction track record of similar construction works within the past two years from the date of announcement (City Comprehensive Form 3) d) Quality control and safety measures (City Comprehensive Form 4) e) Construction experience and qualifications of the engineers to be assigned (City Comprehensive Form 5) f) Degree of social contribution (City Comprehensive Form 6) g) Degree of local familiarity and contribution to the community (City Comprehensive Form 7) h) Whether or not there was a violation of the performance obligation and any disciplinary history within three years from the date of announcement (City Comprehensive Form 8) (2) Anyone who does not submit the notification documents by the deadline will not be able to participate in this bid. (3) Distribution of notification documents A) Distribution period: 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM on Thursday, October 3, 2024, and 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM from Friday, October 4, 2024 to Wednesday, November 6, 2024 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and substitute holidays). B) Distribution method: Through the electronic bidding system. (4) Period and method of submission of notification documents A) Submission period: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM from Thursday, October 3, 2024 to Wednesday, November 6, 2024 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and substitute holidays) (submissions must arrive by this date). B) Submission method: Submit by mail to the address in C). When sending by mail, documents must be sent by special registered or registered mail, and the "name of the project" must be written in red on the front of the envelope. c) Where to submit: Toyonaka City General Affairs Department, Contract Inspection Division, 3-1-1 Nakasakurazuka, Toyonaka City (4th floor, First Building) (5) Other a) The applicant shall be responsible for the costs associated with submitting the notification documents. b) Submitted notification documents will not be returned. c) Notification documents submitted by any means other than by mail will not be accepted. 7. Submission of application documents, bidding period and method, and confirmation of eligibility to participate in bidding, etc. (1) Those who wish to participate in this bidding must submit the following documents (hereinafter referred to as "application documents") in accordance with (4). a) Application form to participate in open competitive bidding (Form 2) b) Breakdown of construction costs corresponding to the bid amount stated in the bidding document (2) Those who do not submit the application documents by the deadline will not be able to participate in this bidding. (3) Distribution of application documents A) Distribution period: Thursday, October 3, 2024, from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM, and from Friday, October 4, 2024 to Wednesday, November 6, 2024 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and substitute holidays) B) Distribution method: Through the electronic bidding system. (4) Period and method of submission of application documents and bidding A) Period of submission of application documents and bidding period: Tuesday, November 5, 2024 and Wednesday, November 6, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM B) Method of submission of application documents and bids: Through the electronic bidding system. (5) Date and time of bid opening and method A) Date and time of bid opening: Thursday, November 7, 2024, 10:00 AM B) Method of bid opening: Through the electronic bidding system. (6) Submission of the qualification examination documents and period, etc. A. After the successful bidder is selected, the successful bidder will be examined to confirm his/her qualification to participate in the bid. The successful bidder must submit documents (A) to (E) (hereinafter referred to as "qualification examination documents") as specified in E. (A) Application for qualification examination to confirm participation in open competitive bidding (Form 3) (B) Copy of the construction contract related to 2(9) and related drawings (limited to those specified) or construction certificate prepared by the purchaser (in the case of construction contracted by a joint venture, a copy of the agreement for the construction must be attached.) (C) Copy of the notice of the results of the evaluation of business scale, etc. and the notice of the overall evaluation value (D) Design documents in 4 (E) Letter of commitment B. Those who do not submit the qualification examination documents by the deadline will lose their qualification as successful bidders. C. Method of distribution A. Documents (A), (D) and (E) will be distributed through the electronic bidding system. D Submission deadline and method (A) Submission deadline: By 5:00 p.m. on the day following the date of notification that the successful bidder has been selected (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays). (B) Submission method: By bringing the documents to the address specified in E. D Submission address: Toyonaka City General Affairs Department, Contract Inspection Division (4th floor, First Building), 3-1-1 Nakasakurazuka, Toyonaka City F If, as a result of the bidder's eligibility confirmation review, a bidder is found to be ineligible to participate in the bid, a notice will be given explaining the reasons. (7) Other A: The costs associated with the preparation of the bid documents, notification documents, application documents, and qualification screening documents shall be borne by the submitter. B: Submitted bid documents, notification documents, application documents, and qualification screening documents will not be returned. C: Application documents and qualification screening documents submitted by any method other than those specified in (4)B and (6)D(B) will not be accepted. D: A bidder who does not submit a bid at the date, time, and in the manner specified in (4) will be deemed to have declined participation in this bid. (6) Document (a)(b) need not be submitted if the construction work is registered in the Construction Performance Information Service (CORINS) of the Japan Construction Information Center. (6) Document (a)(c) need not be submitted if the latest overall evaluation value of the Notice of Business Scale Evaluation Result can be confirmed by publishing the results of the business review on the website of the Construction Industry Information Management Center. 8. Bidding Method, etc. (1) In determining the successful bidder, the successful bid amount will be the amount obtained by adding 10/100 of the amount stated in the bid document to the amount stated in the bid document (if the amount has a fraction of less than 1 yen, the fraction will be rounded down). Therefore, bidders, whether taxable or exempt with respect to consumption tax and local consumption tax, should state in the bid document an amount equivalent to 110/100 of the estimated desired contract amount. (2) The number of bids is limited to one. (3) A low bid base price will be set for this tender. (4) The estimated price and low bid base price will be made public at the time of opening of bids. (5) The tender results will be made public when the successful bidder is determined. 9. Matters concerning bid security and contract security (1) Bid security will be waived. (2) Contract security An amount equivalent to at least 10% of the contract amount must be paid. However, in addition to the securities listed in each item of Article 120 of the Toyonaka City Financial Regulations (Toyonaka City Regulations No. 13 of 1971), the payment of the contract security may be substituted by a guarantee from a financial institution that the mayor deems reliable or a guarantee from a guarantee company as provided for in Article 2, Paragraph 4 of the Law Concerning Advance Payment Guarantee Business for Public Works (Law No. 184 of 1952). In addition, if a performance guarantee insurance contract or a construction performance guarantee contract is concluded, the contract security will be waived. 10. Invalidated BidsBids made by persons who are not eligible to participate in bidding (including those who fall under the application restrictions in 3. The same applies below) and persons who have made false applications, as well as bids that violate the conditions related to bidding as set out in the Toyonaka City Electronic Bidding Operation Standards and the Toyonaka City Electronic Bidding Guidelines for Construction Contracts, etc. (Special Simplified Method for Comprehensive Evaluation), will be deemed invalid.In addition, even if the city has confirmed the eligibility of a bidder, if the bidder is ineligible after said confirmation at the time of bidding and opening of bids, the bid will be invalid. 11. Conclusion of contract (1) A contract will be prepared. (2) The conclusion of the full contract for this work will require a resolution from the Toyonaka City Council after the provisional contract is concluded. 12. Payment conditions (1) Advance payments may be made pursuant to the provisions of the Regulations on Advance Payments for Public Works (Toyonaka City Regulations No. 9 of 1971). (2) Partial payments may be made. 13. Other (1) Method of determining successful bidders In determining successful bidders, a comprehensive evaluation method based on the criteria for determining successful bidders in (2) will be adopted in order to select the most suitable business operator for this work. (2) Criteria for determining successful bidders A. In the evaluation, points will be allocated within a range of 100 points, and the person with the highest total score will be the successful bidder. If there are two or more bidders with the highest total score, the person with the lowest bid price will be the successful bidder. In this case, if there are two or more bidders with the lowest bids, a lottery will be held via the electronic bidding system to determine the successful bidder. a) The overall evaluation score will be calculated using the following formula: Overall evaluation score = Price evaluation score + Non-price evaluation score c) The price evaluation score and non-price evaluation score will be 90 points and 10 points, respectively. d) The non-price evaluation score will be calculated using the following formula: Non-price evaluation score = Total score x conversion factor (10/65) e) The total score for evaluations other than price will be calculated as follows: (a) The evaluation will be divided into the company's construction capability, the capability of the engineers to be assigned, level of social contribution, and level of local familiarity/level of local contribution, and the assigned points will be 26 points, 10 points, 6 points, and 23 points, respectively. (a) Regarding the existence of any violation of the performance obligation and the history of disciplinary actions within three years from the date of announcement, the evaluation will be categorized into violation of the performance obligation related to the evaluation content, suspension or exclusion from bidding by the city, suspension or exclusion from bidding by the national or other local government, contract termination, and written warning, and the maximum points will be deducted up to 5 points, 4 points, 2 points, 5 points, and 1 point, respectively. (3) Determination of successful bidder The successful bidder will be screened for the qualification to participate in the bid based on the qualification screening documents submitted in accordance with 7 (6), and if the successful bidder is found to be qualified to participate in the bid, he/she will be the successful bidder. However, if the successful bidder is found to be ineligible to participate in the bid, the next and subsequent successful bidders will be screened for the qualification to participate in the bid in order, and the successful bidder will be determined. (4) Other bidders must carefully read the design documents, etc., and comply with the Toyonaka City Construction Contract, etc. Electronic Bidding Guidelines (Comprehensive Evaluation Special Simplified Method). 14 Contact information 3-1-1 Nakasakurazuka, Toyonaka City, Toyonaka City General Affairs Department Contract Inspection Division (First Building, 4th floor) Telephone: (06) 6858-2075 Separate table Class Construction cost A (inspection score 850 or more) B (inspection score 600-849) 300 million yen C (inspection score 500-599) 150 million yen D (inspection score less than 500) 75 million yen Subject Hattori Tenjin Station Square Improvement Work Location Hattori Motomachi 1-chome, Toyonaka City Hattori Toyomachi 1-chome Hattori Honmachi 2-chome Hattori Honmachi 1-chome Hattori Nishimachi 1-chome Hattori Motomachi 1-chome Hattori Minamimachi 2-chome Hattori Nishimachi 2-chome Hattori Minamimachi 1-chome Hama 1-chome Hattori Motomachi 2-chome Hattori Honmachi 3-chome Hattori Honmachi 4-chome Hattori Toyomachi 2-chome Hojomachi 1-chome Toyonaka Suita Line Hankyu Takarazuka Line Hattori Tenjin Station Torikura Higashi Line Legend Construction site Hattori Tenjin Station
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