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橋りょう改修工事(吉見橋)に係る制限付一般競争入札の告示について 橋りょう改修工事(吉見橋)に係る制限付一般競争入札の告示について 赤平市告示第77号次により制限付一般競争入札を行いますので、赤平市契約事務取扱規則(平成14年規則第5号)第3条の規定に基づき公告しま... Notice of restricted public competitive bidding for bridge repair work (Yoshimi Bridge) Notice of restricted public competitive bidding for bridge repair work (Yoshimi Bridge) Pursuant to Akabira City Notice No. 77, we will hold a restricted public competitive bidding, so we will announce it in accordance with Article 3 of Akabira City Contract Administration Rules (Rule No. 5 of 2002)...

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橋りょう改修工事(吉見橋)に係る制限付一般競争入札の告示について 橋りょう改修工事(吉見橋)に係る制限付一般競争入札の告示について 赤平市告示第77号次により制限付一般競争入札を行いますので、赤平市契約事務取扱規則(平成14年規則第5号)第3条の規定に基づき公告しま... 北海道赤平市   入札情報は以下の通りです。 件名 橋りょう改修工事(吉見橋)に係る制限付一般競争入札の告示について 種別 工事 公示日または更新日 2024 年 10 月 15 日 組織 北海道赤平市 取得日 2024 年 10 月 15 日 19:06:19 公告内容 赤平市告示第77号次により制限付一般競争入札を行いますので、赤平市契約事務取扱規則(平成14年規則第5号)第3条の規定に基づき公告します。令和6年10月15日赤平市長 畠 山 渉1 入札対象工事(1)工 事 名 橋りょう改修工事(吉見橋)(2)工事場所 赤平市住吉町173番地(3)工事概要 伸縮装置取替工 10.2m橋梁地覆補修工 1式支承補修工 8カ所橋梁塗装工 12.6㎡仮設工 1式(4)工 期 契約日翌日から令和7年3月14日まで(5)予定価格 28,633,000円(入札書比較価格26,030,000円)2 入札参加資格(1)赤平市競争入札参加資格関係事務処理要領(以下「資格関係事務処理要領」という。)第3条第3項に規定する競争入札参加資格者名簿に登載されている者のうち、次のいずれかに該当する者。ア 令和6年度土木工事に係る経常建設共同企業体競争入札参加資格審査申請書を提出し資格審査を受けている者。(2)入札執行日までの間、資格関係事務処理要領第8条の規定による指名の停止を受けていないこと(指名の停止を受けた場合には既にその停止の期間を経過していること。)(3)対象工事に対応する許可業種につき、許可を受けてからの営業年数が3年以上であること。(4)市長が対象工事とおおむね同規模と認める建設工事の元請としての施工実績があること。(5)対象工事に対応する許可業種に係る国家資格を有する主任技術者及び現場代理人を工事現場に専任で配置することができること。なお、工事1件の請負代金額が、建設業法施行令(昭和31年政令第273号)第27条第1項に定める金額に満たない場合及び同条第2項の場合はこの限りではないものとする。(6)特定建設工事共同企業体及び経常建設共同企業体の場合にあっては、(1)から(5)のほか、別に定める要件を満たしていること。(7)競争入札参加資格者名簿に工種「 」で登録されていること。(8)上記(7)の工種における格付等級が「 」であること。3 入札参加資格審査申請(1)入札参加資格審査申請は、制限付一般競争入札参加資格審査申請書(様式第2号。 以下「申請書」という。)により申請すること。(2)申請書は、次のとおり受け付ける。・期 間:令和 6年10月15日(火曜日)から令和 6年10月28日(月曜日)まで土曜日、日曜日、祝日を除く毎日、午前9時から午後5時まで・場 所:赤平市役所 財政課 契約管財担当電話32-2212(3)申請書は持参するものとし、郵送又は電送によるものは受け付けない。(4)期限までに申請書の提出のない者、又は入札参加資格がないと認められた者は、当該入札に参加することができない。(5)資格の審査後、制限付一般競争入札参加資格証明書(様式第3号)の交付を受けること。4 設計図書の閲覧等(1)設計図書は赤平市役所4階閲覧会場(サンルーム)において閲覧に供している。(2)設計図書に対する質問がある場合は、質疑書を提出すること。・提出期間:令和 6年10月15日(火曜日)から令和 6年10月28日(月曜日)まで・提出場所:赤平市役所 財政課 契約管財担当(3)質疑書は持参するものとし、郵送又は電送によるものは受け付けない。(4)現場説明会は行わない。5 契約条項を示す場所赤平市役所 財政課において縦覧している。6 入札執行の日時及び場所・日 時:令和 6年11月7日(木曜日)午前9時00分・場 所:赤平市役所 コミュニティセンター多目的ホール7 入札方法等(1)入札者は、所定の入札書に必要事項を記入し、封筒に入れて提出しなければならない。(2)落札決定に当たっては、入札書に記載された金額に当該金額の100分の10に相当する額を加算した額(当該金額に1円未満の端数があるときは、その端数金額を切り捨てた金額)をもって落札決定とするので、入札者は、消費税に係る課税業者であるか免税業者であるかを問わず、見積もった契約希望額の110分の100に相当する金額を入札書に記載すること。(3)郵送又は電送による入札は認めない。(4)入札回数は、1回とする。8 最低制限価格の設定本入札においては、地方自治法施行令第167条の10第2項の規定を適用し、最低制限価格を設定するため、予定価格の制限の範囲内で、かつ、最低制限価格以上の価格の最低価格の入札を落札者とするものである。9 工事積算内訳書入札に際し、入札書に記載される入札金額に対応した工事積算内訳書を持参し、入札執行者の求めに応じて提出すること。10 入札保証金(1)入札者は、入札の執行前に、見積もる契約金額の100分の5に相当する額以上の入札保証金を納付し、又はこれに代わる担保を提供しなければならない。(2)(1)にかかわらず、入札者が次のいずれかに該当するときは、入札保証金を免除することができる。ア 保険会社との間に、赤平市を被保険者とする入札保証契約を締結したとき。イ 当該入札に参加しようとする者が、過去2年間に北海道内において国、又は地方公共団体と種類及び規模をほぼ同じくする契約を数回以上にわたって締結し、これらをすべて誠実に履行し、かつ、当該契約を履行しないこととなるおそれがないと認められるとき。ただし、共同企業体の場合にあっては、その構成員の1社が規模には関係なく、同種類の実績を有しているとき。11 契約保証金(1)本工事に係る契約の締結に際し、当該工事に係る金額の100分の10に相当する額以上の契約保証金を納付し、又はこれに代わる担保を提供しなければならない。(2)(1)にかかわらず、落札者が次のいずれかに該当するときは、契約保証金を免除することができる。ア 契約の相手方が保険会社との間に赤平市を被保険者とする履行保証保険契約を締結したとき。イ 契約の相手から委託を受けた保険会社と公共工事履行保証契約を締結したとき。ウ ア又はイのほか、支出負担行為者が契約保証金の納付の必要がないと認めるとき。(3)(1)又は(2)にかかわらず、共同企業体の場合にあっては、契約保証金を免除とする。12 契約書作成の要否必要とする。なお、本工事が地方自治法(昭和22年法律第67号)第96条第1項第5号に規定する議会の議決を要する工事であるときは、仮契約を締結し、赤平市議会において議決された後、本契約を締結する。13 支払条件等前払金 有(契約金額の4割以内を限度とする。)中間前金払 有(契約金額の2割以内を限度とし、次の条件を満たす場合に請求できる。)① 工期の2分の1を経過していること。② ①の時期までに実施すべき工事が行われており、かつ、工事の進捗額が請負代金額の2分の1以上であること。部分払 無なお、中間前金払と部分払については、契約締結時にどちらか一方を選択し、契約締結後の変更は原則認めないこととする。14 工事完成保証人の要否必要としない。15 入札の無効本公告に示した入札参加に必要な資格のない者、又は入札に関する条件に違反した入札は、無効とする。16 現場代理人の兼任請負者の申請に基づき赤平市が承認した場合、他の工事と現場代理人を兼任することができる。17 その他(1)入札参加者は、赤平市契約事務取扱規則その他関係法令等を遵守すること。(2)その他詳細不明な点については、赤平市役所 財政課 契約管財担当(電話32-2212)に照会のこと。 Notice of restricted public competitive bidding for bridge renovation work (Yoshimi Bridge) Notice of restricted public competitive bidding for bridge renovation work (Yoshimi Bridge) We will hold a restricted public competitive bidding in accordance with Akabira City Notification No. 77, and we hereby announce it in accordance with Article 3 of the Akabira City Contract Affairs Handling Regulations (Regulations No. 5 of 2002). Akabira City, Hokkaido The bidding information is as follows. Subject Notice of restricted public competitive bidding for bridge renovation work (Yoshimi Bridge) Type Construction Date of announcement or update October 15, 2024 Organization Akabira City, Hokkaido Date of acquisition October 15, 2024 19:06:19 Notice content We will hold a restricted public competitive bidding in accordance with Akabira City Notification No. 77, and we hereby announce it in accordance with Article 3 of the Akabira City Contract Affairs Handling Regulations (Regulations No. 5 of 2002). October 15, 2024 Mayor of Akabira City, Wataru Hatakeyama 1. Construction works to be bid (1) Name of work Bridge repair work (Yoshimi Bridge) (2) Construction location 173 Sumiyoshi-cho, Akabira City (3) Construction overview Replacement of expansion joint 10.2m Bridge underlay repair work 1 set bearing repair work 8 bridge painting work 12.6 m2 temporary works, 1 set (4) Construction period: From the day after the contract date to March 14, 2025 (5) Estimated price: 28,633,000 yen (bid comparison price: 26,030,000 yen) 2 Eligibility to participate in the bid (1) Among those listed in the list of persons eligible to participate in competitive bidding as provided for in Article 3, Paragraph 3 of the Akabira City Competitive Bidding Eligibility Processing Guidelines (hereinafter referred to as the "Qualification Processing Guidelines"), those who meet any of the following criteria. A. Those who have submitted an application for qualification review to participate in competitive bidding for ordinary construction joint ventures for civil engineering works in fiscal year 2024 and have undergone qualification review. (2) Until the date of execution of the bid, the person has not been subject to a suspension of nomination pursuant to Article 8 of the Qualification Processing Guidelines (if the person has been suspended from nomination, the suspension period must have already elapsed.) (3) The person has been in business for more than three years since receiving permission for the licensed industry corresponding to the target work. (4) The person has a track record of construction work as a general contractor that the mayor recognizes as being roughly the same scale as the target work. (5) A chief engineer and a site agent who hold national qualifications in the licensed trade corresponding to the target construction work can be assigned full-time to the construction site. However, this does not apply if the contract price for one construction work is less than the amount specified in Article 27, Paragraph 1 of the Construction Business Law Enforcement Order (Cabinet Order No. 273 of 1956) and in the case of Paragraph 2 of the same Article. (6) In the case of a specific construction work joint venture and an ordinary construction joint venture, in addition to (1) to (5), separately specified requirements must be met. (7) The entity is registered in the list of persons qualified to participate in competitive bidding under the work type " ". (8) The rating grade for the work type in (7) above must be " ". 3. Application for Qualification Examination for Bidding Participation (1) An application for qualification examination for bidding participation must be submitted using the Application for Qualification Examination for Restricted Open Competitive Bidding (Form No. 2; hereinafter referred to as the "Application"). (2) Applications will be accepted as follows.・Date: From Tuesday, October 15, 2024 to Monday, October 28, 2024, every day except Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm ・Location: Akabira City Hall, Finance Division, Contract Management Section, Tel: 32-2212 (3) Applications must be submitted in person; applications submitted by mail or electronically will not be accepted. (4) Those who do not submit an application by the deadline, or those who are deemed ineligible to participate in the bid, will not be able to participate in the bid. (5) After the qualifications have been reviewed, they will be issued a Certificate of Eligibility to Participate in Restricted Open Competitive Bidding (Form No. 3). 4. Inspection of Design Documents, etc. (1) Design documents are available for inspection in the viewing venue (sunroom) on the 4th floor of Akabira City Hall. (2) If you have any questions about the design documents, please submit a Q&A form.・Submission period: From Tuesday, October 15, 2024 to Monday, October 28, 2024 ・Place of submission: Contract Management Section, Finance Division, Akabira City Hall (3) Questions must be submitted in person; those sent by post or electronic transmission will not be accepted. (4) There will be no on-site briefing. 5 Place where the contract terms are shown They are available for public viewing at the Finance Division, Akabira City Hall. 6 Date and place of bid execution ・Date and time: 9:00 a.m., Thursday, November 7, 2024 ・Place: Akabira City Hall Community Center Multipurpose Hall 7 Bidding method, etc. (1) Bidders must fill out the required information on the designated bid form and submit it in an envelope. (2) The successful bidder will be determined by adding 10/100 of the amount stated in the bid documents (if the amount has a fraction of less than 1 yen, the fraction will be rounded down). Therefore, regardless of whether the bidder is a taxable or exempt business, the bidder must state in the bid documents an amount equivalent to 100/110 of the estimated desired contract amount. (3) Bids submitted by mail or electronic transmission are not permitted. (4) The number of bids is limited to one. 8 Setting of the minimum price limit In this bid, the provisions of Article 167-10, Paragraph 2 of the Enforcement Order of the Local Autonomy Law will be applied, and in order to set a minimum price limit, the successful bidder will be the lowest bidder within the limit of the estimated price and equal to or higher than the minimum price limit. 9 Construction cost estimate When bidding, bring a construction cost estimate corresponding to the bid amount stated in the bid documents and submit it at the request of the bidder. 10. Bid security (1) Before the execution of the bid, a bidder must pay a bid security in an amount equal to or more than 5/100 of the estimated contract amount or provide a security in lieu thereof. (2) Notwithstanding (1), a bidder may be exempt from the bid security if any of the following applies: A. When a bidder has concluded a bid security contract with an insurance company with Akabira City as the insured party. B. When a person intending to participate in the bid has concluded several or more contracts of approximately the same type and scale with the national or local government entities in Hokkaido during the past two years, has performed all of these contracts in good faith, and is deemed unlikely to default on the contract. However, in the case of a joint venture, when one of the member companies has a track record of the same type, regardless of scale. 11. Contract security (1) When a contract for this work is concluded, a contract security in an amount equal to or more than 10/100 of the amount of the work must be paid or a security in lieu thereof. (2) Notwithstanding (1), the contract deposit may be waived if the successful bidder falls under any of the following: a) When the other party to the contract has concluded a performance guarantee insurance contract with an insurance company with Akabira City as the insured. b) When a public works performance guarantee contract has been concluded with an insurance company commissioned by the other party to the contract. c) In addition to a or b, when the expenditure bearer deems it unnecessary to pay the contract deposit. (3) Notwithstanding (1) or (2), in the case of a joint venture, the contract deposit shall be waived. 12 Whether a contract needs to be prepared: Required. If the work is one that requires a resolution of the assembly as provided for in Article 96, Paragraph 1, Item 5 of the Local Autonomy Act (Act No. 67 of 1947), a provisional contract shall be concluded and this contract shall be concluded after the resolution has been passed by the Akabira City Assembly. 13 Payment Conditions, etc. Advance payment: Yes (up to 40% of the contract amount). Interim advance payment: Yes (up to 20% of the contract amount, can be claimed if the following conditions are met). ① Half of the construction period has passed. ② The construction work to be carried out by the time of ① has been completed, and the progress of the construction work is at least half of the contract price. Partial payment: No. Either interim advance payment or partial payment is to be selected at the time of contract conclusion, and changes after the contract conclusion are not permitted in principle. 14 Necessity of construction completion guarantor: Not required. 15 Invalidation of bids: Bids submitted by persons who do not have the necessary qualifications for participating in the bid as stated in this announcement, or bids that violate the conditions regarding the bid, will be invalid. 16 Concurrent position of site representative: If approved by Akabira City based on the application of the contractor, the contractor may concurrently serve as site representative for other construction works. 17 Other (1) Bidders must comply with Akabira City's contract affairs handling rules and other relevant laws and regulations. (2) If you have any questions about the details, please contact the Contract Management Section of the Finance Division of Akabira City Hall (Tel: 32-2212).Is a construction completion guarantor required? Not required. 15 Invalid Bids Bids submitted by persons who do not have the necessary qualifications to participate in the bid as stated in this announcement, or bids that violate the conditions of the bid, will be invalid. 16 If approved by Akabira City upon application by a contractor who also serves as a site representative, the contractor may serve as a site representative for other construction projects. 17 Other (1) Bidders must comply with Akabira City's Contract Handling Regulations and other relevant laws and regulations. (2) For any other details that are unclear, please contact the Contract Management Section of the Finance Division of Akabira City Hall (Tel: 32-2212).Is a construction completion guarantor required? Not required. 15 Invalid Bids Bids submitted by persons who do not have the necessary qualifications to participate in the bid as stated in this announcement, or bids that violate the conditions of the bid, will be invalid. 16 If approved by Akabira City upon application by a contractor who also serves as a site representative, the contractor may serve as a site representative for other construction projects. 17 Other (1) Bidders must comply with Akabira City's Contract Handling Regulations and other relevant laws and regulations. (2) For any other details that are unclear, please contact the Contract Management Section of the Finance Division of Akabira City Hall (Tel: 32-2212).
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