Tender Details

Romania – Rotameters – „Ratmetru digital” CR 36658 Change notice Place of performance: Romania,Bucureşti Main nature of the contract: Supplies Official name: Societatea Nationala NUCLEARELECTRICA S.A. Type of procedure: Open Romania – Rotameters – “Ratmetru digital” CR 36658 Change notice Place of performance: Romania, Bucharest Main nature of the contract: Supplies Official name: Societatea Nationala NUCLEARELECTRICA SA Type of procedure: Open

Published Date
Deadline Date
625861-2024 - Competition Competition Romania: Rotameters „Ratmetru digital” CR 36658 Estimated value excluding VAT: 480 838,00 EUR Type of procedure: Open Buyer Buyer: Societatea Nationala NUCLEARELECTRICA S.A. Email: nicoleta.rizea@nuclearelectrica.ro Romania, Bucureşti (RO321), Bucuresti LOT-0000: Default lot Rotameters Romania, Bucureşti (RO321) Duration: 18 Months Deadline for receipt of tenders: 11/11/2024 - 15:00:00 (UTC+2) 625861-2024 - Competition Romania – Rotameters – „Ratmetru digital” CR 36658 OJ S 202/2024 16/10/2024 Contract or concession notice – standard regime - Change notice Supplies 1. Buyer 1.1. Buyer Official name: Societatea Nationala NUCLEARELECTRICA S.A. Email: nicoleta.rizea@nuclearelectrica.ro Legal type of the buyer: Public undertaking Activity of the contracting entity: Electricity-related activities 2. Procedure 2.1. Procedure Title: „Ratmetru digital” CR 36658 Description: Ratmetru digital, conform cerinţelor Caietului de sarcini CA\\ CR 36658, Rev.01 Numarul de zile pana la care se pot solicita clarificari inainte de data limita de depunere a ofertelor este de 20 zile. Entitatea contractanta va raspunde in mod clar si complet tuturor solicitarilor de clarificari sau informatiilor suplimentare in a 11 –a zi inainte de data limita de depunere a ofertelor. Entitatea contractanta va raspunde doar la solicitarile de clarificari adresate de operatorii economici pana la termenul-limita stabilit Procedure identifier: 0cfb8927-4af8-4da9-8c69-5530d7bfd36d Internal identifier: PA 36658-02 Type of procedure: Open 2.1.1. Purpose Main nature of the contract: Supplies Main classification (cpv): 38429000 Rotameters 2.1.3. Value Estimated value excluding VAT: 480 838,00 EUR 2.1.4. General information Additional information: VI.3) ALTE INFORMATII (1) Documentul Unic de Achizitii European (DUAE) se va putea accesa in vederea completarii de catre operatorii economici interesati, odata cu inscrierea ca ofertant in procedura pe platforma SEAP. Raspunsurile la DUAE ale operatorilor economici care participa la procedura vor fi completate in SEAP in mod direct, dupa autentificare, de catre fiecare participant. Pentru cazurile in care ofertantul este o asociere de operatori economici sau pentru cazurile in care ofertantul are subcontractanti sau terti sustinatori, fiecare operator economic se va autentifica in sistem si va accesa procedura de atribuire in vederea completarii DUAE in calitatea in care a fost inclus in respectiva procedura (asociat, subcontractant, tert sustinator). Este necesar ca toti cei care trebuie sa raspunda la DUAE sa fie inregistrati ca utilizatori ai SEAP. La procedura de atribuire se inscrie si depune oferta unul dintre membrii asocierii sau operatorul economic care participa cu oferta individuala iar ceilalti participanti completeaza direct in sistem doar DUAE si nu pot modifica oferta Detalii cu privire la intocmirea DUAE veti regasi, dupa autentificarea in sistem, in sectiunea „Informatii DUAE” – Ghid utilizare DUAE. (2a) Eventualele solicitari de clarificari referitoare la prezenta documentatie de atribuire, se vor transmite in mod exclusiv in SEAP la Sectiunea „Intrebari” din cadrul anuntului de participare. Prin urmare, pentru transmiterea solicitarilor de clarificari in legatura cu Documentatia de atribuire operatorii economici trebuie sa se inregistreze in SEAP (http://sicap-prod.e-licitatie.ro/pub) si sa se inscrie ca participanti la procedura de atribuire. (2b) Raspunsurile la solicitarile de clarificari se vor atasa la anuntul de participare. Aceste raspunsuri vor face parte din documentatia de atribuire si este obligatoriu sa fie avute in vedere la elaborarea ofertei. (3) In conformitate cu prevederile art. 22 alin. (7) din HG 394/2016, in cazul in care exista discrepante intre informatiile prevazute in DUAE si cele prevazute in anuntul de participare, prevaleaza informatiile din anuntul de participare, DUAE urmand a fi revizuit corespunzator. (4) In cazul in care doua sau mai multe oferte sunt clasate pe primul loc, departajarea se va face avand in vedere: - punctajul obtinut la factorii de evaluare, in ordinea descrescatoare a ponderilor acestora. - entitatea contractantă are dreptul să solicite noi propuneri financiare și oferta câștigătoare va fi desemnată cea cu propunerea financiară cea mai mică, conform pretului total final licitat, criptat in SEAP; Clasamentul ofertelor se stabileşte prin ordonarea crescătoare a preţurilor respective, oferta câştigătoare fiind cea clasata pe primul loc dupa etapa de licitatie electronica, conform pretului total final licitat criptat in SEAP, dupa aplicarea factorilor de evaluare si obtinerea punctajului, in ordinea descrescatoare a ponderilor acestora. Oferta castigatoare va fi desemnata cea cu propunerea financiara cea mai mica. (5) Pentru a putea deschide documentele din SEAP va recomandam sa instalati aplicatia shellSAFE Verify de la adresa: http://www.certsign.ro/certsign/resurse/download Cerintele tehnice definite la nivelul anuntului de participare, caietului de sarcini sau altor documente complementare, prin trimiterea standardelor, la un anumit producator, la marci, brevete, tipuri, la o origine sau la o productie/metoda specifica de fabricatie/prestare/executie, vor fi intelese ca fiind insotite de mentiunea ”sau echivalent” Legal basis: Directive 2014/25/EU 2.1.6. Grounds for exclusion Participation in a criminal organisation: Participare la o organizatie criminala Corruption: Coruptie Fraud: Frauda Terrorist offences or offences linked to terrorist activities: Infractiuni teroriste sau infractiuni legate de activitati teroriste Money laundering or terrorist financing: Spalare de bani sau finantarea terorismului Child labour and other forms of trafficking in human beings: Exploatarea prin munca a copiilor si alte forme de trafic de persoane Payment of taxes: Plata impozitelor Payment of social security contributions: Plata asigurarilor sociale 5. Lot 5.1. Lot: LOT-0000 Title: Default lot Description: Achizitia are ca obiect furnizarea de Ratmetru digital universal cu un singur canal si analizor - 5buc Caracteristicile tehnice ale produselor se regasesc in Caietul de sarcini CA CR 36658 rev.01 Internal identifier: 1 5.1.1. Purpose Main nature of the contract: Supplies Main classification (cpv): 38429000 Rotameters 5.1.2. Place of performance Country subdivision (NUTS): Bucureşti (RO321) Country: Romania Additional information: CNE Cernavoda 5.1.3. Estimated duration Duration: 18 Months 5.1.4. Renewal Maximum renewals: 0 5.1.6. General information Reserved participation: Participation is not reserved. The names and professional qualifications of the staff assigned to perform the contract must be given: Not required Procurement Project not financed with EU Funds. The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): no Additional information: Fonduri proprii SNN 5.1.9. Selection criteria Criterion: Type: Suitability to pursue the professional activity Name: III.1.1.a) Situatia personala a candidatului sau ofertantului Description: Cerinta nr.1 Operatorii economici care depun oferta in mod individual sau asociere, subcontractantii sau tertii sustinatori nu trebuie sa se afle in niciuna dintre situatiile prevazute la art. 72 si 73 din Legea 99/2016. Modalitatea de indeplinire: Toti operatorii economici participanti la procedura (ofertanti, ofertanti asociati, terti sustinatori, subcontractanti declarati) vor completa Documentul Unic de Achizitii European (DUAE) privind neincadrarea in prevederile art 72 si 73 din Legea 99/2016. Persoanele cu functii de decizie din cadrul entitatii contractante si persoanele care au participat la intocmirea caietului de sarcini, sunt urmatoarele: Valentin Ovidiu NAE –Director Sucursala CNE Cernavoda Laurentiu COCA – Director Directia de Productie Costin ANTONIE – Director de Operare Dumitru BENCHEA - Director Directia Tehnica George CRACIUN – Inginer Sef DPST Adrian Dan DUGAIASU - Director Economic CNE Cernavoda Carmen Mihaela FRUNZA - Inlocuitor de drept Director Economic CNE Cernavoda Ionescu GEORGETA - Inlocuitor de drept Director Economic CNE Cernavoda Sibel CHESPI - Inlocuitor de drept Director Economic CNE Cernavoda Claudia PATRASC – Viza CFP Valentina IORDAN – Viza CFP Cristian Ion PREDESCU - Inginer Sef Departament Planificare Strategica si Achizitii Luminita LIVADARU - Sef Serviciu Achizitii Produse Dana Corina MOLDOVEANU - Inlocuitor de drept Sef Serviciu Achizitii Produse Nicoleta Diana RIZEA - Inlocuitor de drept Sef Serviciu Achizitii Produse Carmen Mihaela COSTEA - Inlocuitor de drept Sef Serviciu Achizitii Produse Raduta MILICA – Sef Birou Juridic si Contencios Dana-Lavinia VLADU-DINU – Consilier Juridic Principal Irina Florenta MARIN – Sef DDMSM Ionut ZAHAROV - Inlocuitor de drept Sef DDMSM, Sef SDMSM Mircea Vasile IONASCU - Inlocuitor de drept Sef DDMSM, Sef SAEI Constantin Catalin SIMA – Inginer Sef DIR Florin DASCALU - Inlocuitor de drept Inginer Sef DIR Nicolae Romeo CALIN - Inlocuitor de drept Inginer Sef DIR Cristian MIRON - Inlocuitor de drept Inginer Sef DIR, Sef Sectie Pregatire Lucrari Florin GEORGESCU – Sef Serviciu Planificare Strategica si Achizitii Viorel GACEU - Inlocuitor de drept Sef SPAP Adrian IONESCU - Inlocuitor de drept Sef SPAP Danut UDREA – Sef Serviciu Inginerie pentru Procurare Speranta TRUICAN - Inlocuitor de drept Sef Serviciu Inginerie pentru Procurare Neculai NAVALICI – Ing. Op. CNE Specialist Cerinta nr.2 Operatorii economici care depun oferta in mod individual sau asociere, subcontractantii sau tertii sustinatori nu trebuie sa se afle in niciuna dintre situatiile prevazute la art. 177, 178 si 180 din Legea 99/2016. Modalitatea de indeplinire: Toti operatorii economici participanti la procedura (ofertanti, ofertanti asociati, terti, sustinatori, subcontractanti declarati) vor completa Documentul Unic de Achizitii European (DUAE) - Sectiunea ”Motive de excludere“ cu informatiile aferente situatiei lor. Ofertantul clasat pe locul I, ca urmare a aplicarii criteriului de atribuire asupra ofertelor admisibile, i se va solicita inainte de atribuirea contractului, prezentarea de documente justificative actualizate (inclusiv pentru asociati, subcontractanti declarati, etc. dupa caz) prin care se demonstreaza indeplinirea cerintelor de calificare, in conformitate cu informatiile cuprinse in DUAE astfel : a) Pentru persoane juridice / fizice romane: - Certificate constatatoare privind plata impozitelor, taxelor sau a contributiilor la bugetul general consolidat (bugetul local, bugetul de stat, etc) VALABILE la momentul prezentarii, pentru sediul principal, iar pentru sediile secundare/punctele de lucru, o declaratie pe propria raspundere privind indeplinirea obligatiilor de plata a impozitelor, taxelor sau contributiilor la bugetul general consolidat datorate. - Certificat fiscal emis de Directia de impozite si taxe locale, pentru indeplinirea obligatiilor restante de plata catre bugetul local, in conformitate cu prevederile legale in vigoare in Romania in tara in care este stabilit. - Daca este aplicabil, documente prin care se demonstreaza faptul ca operatorul economic beneficiaza de derogarile prevazute la art.179 alin (2), art. 180 alin (2), art.184 din Legea 99/2016 privind achizitiile sectoriale. - Cazierul judiciar al operatorului economic si al membrilor organului de administrare, de conducere sau supraveghere al respectivului operator economic, sau a celor ce au putere de reprezentare, de decizie sau de control in cadrul acestuia, asa cum rezulta din certificatul constatator emis de ONRC/actul constitutiv. b) Pentru persoane juridice / fizice straine - Orice elemente considerate edificatoare, in tara de origine sau in tara in care acestia sunt stabiliti, respectiv certificare, caziere judiciare sau documente echivalente emise de autoritati competente din tara respectiva, insotite de traducere autorizata in limba romana. Nota: 1. In cazul in care in tara de origine sau in tara in care este stabilit ofertantul nu se emit documente de natura celor prevazute mai sus, respectivele documente nu vizeaza toate situatiile prevazute la art. 177, 178 si 180, se va accepta o declaratie pe propria raspundere sau, daca in tara respectiva nu exista prevederi legale referitoare la declaratia pe propria raspundere, o declaratie autentica data in fata unui notar, a unei autoritati administrative sau judiciare sau a unei asociatii profesionale care are competente in acest sens. Use of this criterion: Used Criterion: Type: Suitability to pursue the professional activity Name: III.1.1.b) Capacitatea de exercitare a activitatii profesionale Description: Cerinta nr.3 Operatorii economici participanti la procedura trebuie sa fie legal constituiti si înregistrati, în conformitate cu prevederile legale din tara de rezidenta, nu trebuie sa se afle în niciuna dintre situatiile de anulare a constituirii si trebuie sa aiba capacitatea profesionala de a realiza activitatile care fac obiectul contractului. Modalitatea de indeplinire: Toti operatorii economici participanti la procedura (ofertant, ofertant asociat, subcontractant, dupa caz, daca exista) vor completa Documentului Unic de Achizitii European (DUAE) - Sectiunea “Criterii de selectie”, cap. A, cu informatiile aferente situatiei lor. - La solicitarea entitatii contractante, pentru confirmarea cerintei, ofertantul clasat pe locul I, dupa aplicarea criteriului de atribuire asupra ofertelor admisibile, va prezenta documentele prin care sa probeze cele asumate prin DUAE, astfel: a) Pentru persoane juridice / fizice romane Certificat constatator emis de Oficiul Registrului Comerţului din Bucuresti sau al judetului unde ofertantul are sediul, în conformitate cu prevederile Legii nr. 265/2022 privind Registrul Comerţului, republicată, privind datele de identificare ale societatii, administratori, actionari, reprezentanti imputerniciti, obiect de activitate (cod CAEN), etc. sau b) Pentru persoane juridice / fizice straine Document care dovedeste o forma de inregistrare/ atestare ori aparteneta din punct de vedere profesional in conformitate cu cerintele legale din tara in care ofertantul este rezident Informatii cuprinse in cadrul Certificatului constatator/documetului similar trebuie sa fie reale/actuale la data prezentarii documentelor. Justificare: Prezentarea acestor documente este necesara in scopul de a permite entitatii contractante sa verifice neincadrarea ofertantilor in anumite situatii de excludere,cum ar fi de exemplu insolventa, faliment, condamnari penale, etc. Din certificatul constatator/documentul similar vor putea fi identificate informatii referitoare la: - date de identificare, inclusiv stare firma, forma de organizare, etc. - sediul social:act sediu, durata sediu; - actionarii, asociatii, persoane imputernicite-pentru verificarea conflictului de interese; - filiale, sucursale, subunitati, sedii secundare, puncte de lucru; - activitati autorizate; - fapte aflate sub incidenta art.103, alin (1), lit.f-p din legea nr. 265/2022 privind registrul comertului, republicata (urmarire penala, condamnare penala a firmei, dizolvare, lichidare, insolventa); - situatia financiara etc. Use of this criterion: Used Criterion: Type: Technical and professional ability Name: Proporția de subcontractare Description: Cerinta 1 Informatii privind subcontractantii Conform prevederilor art. 68, alin. (1) din Legea nr. 99/2016, ofertanţii vor indica în ofertă, la momentul depunerii acesteia, datele de identificare ale subcontractanţilor propuşi astfel: (i) În cazul unor subcontractanţi pe ale căror capacităţi ofertanţii NU se bazează, ofertanţii vor indica în ofertă datele de identificare ale subcontractanţilor şi vor prezenta acordurile de subcontractare cu aceştia, numai dacă subcontractanţii respectivi sunt cunoscuţi la momentul depunerii ofertei. (ii) În cazul unor subcontractanţi pe ale căror capacităţi ofertanţii se bazează, ofertanţii vor indica în ofertă, în mod obligatoriu, datele de identificare ale subcontractanţilor şi vor prezenta în mod obligatoriu acordurile de subcontractare cu aceştia. Modalitate de îndeplinire:  În situaţia menţionată la pct. (i) de mai sus ofertanţii vor completa Documentul Unic de Achiziții European (DUAE) – Secţiunea Motive de excludere;  În situaţia menţionată la pct. (ii) de mai sus ofertanţii vor completa DUAE – Secţiunea Motive de excludere şi Secţiunea Criterii de selecţie, Cap. A, B sau C, după cum este aplicabil;  În toate situaţiile în care subcontractanţii sunt cunoscuţi la momentul depunerii ofertei, ofertanţii vor prezenta, în mod obligatoriu, acordul/acordurile de subcontractare odată cu oferta şi DUAE, până la data limită de depunere a ofertelor.  Subcontractanţii pe ale căror capacităţi se bazează ofertantul pentru demonstrarea cerinţelor de calificare trebuie să completeze, la rândul lor, un DUAE separat, incluzând informaţii din care să rezulte că nu se află în niciuna dintre situaţiile de excludere prevăzute la art. 177, 178 şi 180 din Legea nr. 99/2016 (se va completa Secţiunea Motive de excludere din DUAE) precum şi informaţii care prezintă relevanţă din perspectiva capacităţilor subcontractanţilor pe care se bazează ofertantul (se va completa Secţiunea Criterii de selecţie din DUAE, Cap. A, B sau C, după cum este aplicabil). Subcontractanţii vor demonstra îndeplinirea cerinţelor referitoare la capacitatea tehnică şi/sau profesională precum şi deţinerea anumitor autorizaţii specifice solicitate, pentru partea de contract pe care o îndeplineşte fiecare.  În cazul subcontractanţilor pe ale căror capacităţi ofertantul NU se bazează, în măsura în care aceştia sunt cunoscuţi la data depunerii ofertelor, DUAE-ul depus de subcontractanţi va conţine numai informaţiile referitoare la neîncadrarea în situaţiile de excludere prevăzute la art. 177, 178 şi 180 din Legea nr. 99/2016 (se vor completa Secţiunea Motive de excludere din DUAE).  La solicitarea entităţii contractante, ofertantul clasat pe primul loc după aplicarea criteriului de atribuire asupra ofertelor admisibile va prezenta documente justificative care probează cele asumate prin acordul/acordurile de subcontractare şi DUAE. Use of this criterion: Used Criterion: Type: Suitability to pursue the professional activity Name: Înscrierea în registrul comerțului Description: Inscriere in registrul comertului Operatorii economici participanti la procedura trebuie sa fie legal constituiti si inregistrati, in conformitate cu prevederile legale din tara de rezidenta, nu trebuie sa se afle in niciuna dintre situatiile de anulare a constituirii si trebuie sa aiba capacitatea profesionala de a realiza activitatile care fac obiectul contractului. Modalitatea de îndeplinire: - Toti operatorii economici participanti la procedura (ofertant, ofertant asociat, subcontractant, tert sustinator dupa caz, daca exista) vor completa Documentul Unic de Achizitii European (DUAE) - Sectiunea „Criterii de selectie”, cap. A, cu informatiile aferente situatiei lor; - La solicitarea entitatii contractante, pentru confirmarea cerintei, ofertantul clasat pe primul loc dupa aplicarea criteriului de atribuire asupra ofertelor admisibile, va prezenta documentele prin care sa probeze cele asumate prin completarea DUAE, astfel: 1.1) Pentru persoane juridice / fizice romane: Certificat constatator emis de Oficiul Registrului Comerţului din Bucuresti sau al judetului unde ofertantul are sediul, în conformitate cu prevederile Legii nr. 265/2022 privind Registrul Comerţului, republicată, privind datele de identificare ale societatii, administratori, actionari, reprezentanti imputerniciti, obiect de activitate (cod CAEN), etc. sau 1.2) Pentru persoane juridice / fizice straine Document care dovedeste o forma de inregistrare / atestare ori apartenenta din punct de vedere profesional in conformitate cu cerintele legale din tara in care ofertantul este rezident. Informatiile cuprinse in cadrul Certificatului constatator/documentului similar trebuie sa fie reale/ actuale la data prezentarii documentelor. Use of this criterion: Used Criterion: Type: Economic and financial standing Use of this criterion: Not used 5.1.10. Award criteria Criterion: Type: Price Name: Pretul ofertei Description: Punctajul se acorda astfel: a) Pentru cel mai scazut dintre preturi se acorda punctajul maxim alocat; b) Pentru celelalte preturi ofertate punctajul P(n) se calculeaza proportional, astfel: P(n) = (Pret minim ofertat / Pret n) x punctaj maxim alocat. Weight (percentage, exact): 90 Criterion: Type: Quality Name: F2 - Garantia produselor Description: - Pentru perioada de garantie ofertata egala cu valoarea minima solicitata (Gmin) se acorda 0 puncte - Pentru perioada de garantie cea mai mare ofertata se acorda punctajul maxim alocat, respective 10 puncte - Pentru celelalte perioade de garantii ofertate, se acorda punctajul G(n) prin calcul proportional astfel: F2 = G(n) = Gn/Gmax x 10puncte F2 – Grantia produselor G(n)=Numarul de puncta acordate, care se calculeaza in conformitate cu formula (1) Gn=Perioada de garantie ofertata In cazul in care vor exista oferte cu o garantie acordata mai mare de 48 de luni acestea nu vor fi punctate suplimentar, calculul urmand a se realiza prin luarea in considerare a 48luni (Gmax garamtia maxima punctata) Punctajul acordat se calculeaza la 2 zecimale, fara rotunjire. Perioada de garanţie acordata produsului se va preciza in propunerea tehnica-Formularul IV 4.1.1. Punctaj total = 100 puncte; Punctaj total = Punctaj F1 + Punctaj F2 Weight (percentage, exact): 10 5.1.11. Procurement documents Deadline for requesting additional information: 22/10/2024 15:00:00 (UTC+3) Address of the procurement documents: https://www.e-licitatie.ro 5.1.12. Terms of procurement Terms of submission: Electronic submission: Required Address for submission: https://www.e-licitatie.ro Languages in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: Romanian, English Electronic catalogue: Not allowed Variants: Not allowed Deadline for receipt of tenders: 11/11/2024 15:00:00 (UTC+2) Deadline until which the tender must remain valid: 5 Months Information about public opening: Opening date: 11/11/2024 15:00:00 (UTC+2) Place: In SEAP Terms of contract: The execution of the contract must be performed within the framework of sheltered employment programmes: No Conditions relating to the performance of the contract: Nu se aplica Electronic invoicing: Required Electronic ordering will be used: no Electronic payment will be used: no Legal form that must be taken by a group of tenderers that is awarded a contract: Asociere conform art. 66. din Legea privind achizitiile sectoriale nr 99/2016 Financial arrangement: fonduri proprii Information about review deadlines: Precizari privind termenul (termenele) pentru procedurile de contestare : 10 zile, incepand cu ziua urmatoare luarii la cunostinta despre actul entitatii contractante considerat nelegal, conform prevederilor art. 8 alin (1) lit.a) din Legea 101/2016 privind remediile si caile de atac, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare 5.1.15. Techniques Framework agreement: No framework agreement Information about the dynamic purchasing system: No dynamic purchase system Electronic auction: yes Description: Licitatia electronica se va desfasura într-o singura runda; Durata rundei va fi de o zi lucratoare; Elementul ofertei care urmează să facă obiectul procesului repetitiv de ofertare: pretul ofertei ; Detalii referitoare la licitatia electronica se gasesc in sectiunea "Documentele Achizitiei" 5.1.16. Further information, mediation and review Review organisation: Consiliul National de Solutionare a Contestatiilor Organisation providing additional information about the procurement procedure: Societatea Nationala NUCLEARELECTRICA S.A. Organisation providing more information on the review procedures: S.N. Nuclearelectrica SA Sucursala CNE Cernavoda Organisation receiving requests to participate: Societatea Nationala NUCLEARELECTRICA S.A. Organisation processing tenders: Societatea Nationala NUCLEARELECTRICA S.A. TED eSender: Operator SEAP 8. Organisations 8.1. ORG-0004 Official name: Societatea Nationala NUCLEARELECTRICA S.A. Registration number: 10874881 Postal address: Strada: Iancu de Hunedoara, nr. 48 Town: Bucuresti Postcode: 011745 Country subdivision (NUTS): Bucureşti (RO321) Country: Romania Contact point: NICOLETA RIZEA Email: nicoleta.rizea@nuclearelectrica.ro Telephone: +40 241803848 Fax: +40 213169400 Internet address: https://www.nuclearelectrica.ro/ Buyer profile: https://www.e-licitatie.ro Roles of this organisation: Buyer Organisation providing additional information about the procurement procedure Organisation receiving requests to participate Organisation processing tenders 8.1. ORG-0002 Official name: Consiliul National de Solutionare a Contestatiilor Registration number: 20329980 Postal address: Str. Stavropoleos nr. 6, sector 3 Town: Bucuresti Postcode: 030084 Country subdivision (NUTS): Bucureşti (RO321) Country: Romania Email: office@cnsc.ro Telephone: +40 213104641 Fax: +40 218900745 Internet address: http://www.cnsc.ro Roles of this organisation: Review organisation 8.1. ORG-0005 Official name: S.N. Nuclearelectrica SA Sucursala CNE Cernavoda Registration number: 10874881_3 Postal address: Strada Medgidiei nr. 2. Town: Cernavoda Postcode: 905200 Country subdivision (NUTS): Bucureşti (RO321) Country: Romania Email: Corespondenta.UNKNOWN@nuclearelectrica.ro Telephone: +40 241239340 Fax: +40 241239266 Internet address: https://www.nuclearelectrica.ro Roles of this organisation: Organisation providing more information on the review procedures 8.1. ORG-0001 Official name: Operator SEAP Registration number: RO42283735 Postal address: Strada: Italiană, nr. 22, Sector: -, Judet: Bucuresti, Localitate: Bucuresti, Cod postal: 020976 Town: Bucuresti Postcode: 020976 Country subdivision (NUTS): Bucureşti (RO321) Country: Romania Contact point: Roxana Popescu Email: contact.autoritati@e-licitatie.ro Telephone: +40 3032997 Fax: +40 3052889 Internet address: https://www.adr.gov.ro/ Roles of this organisation: TED eSender 10. Change Version of the previous notice to be changed: 31bc9178-f53e-4e65-abeb-24ef617d2012-01 Main reason for change: Buyer correction Description: Corectie 10.1. Change Section identifier: PROCEDURE Description of changes: II.1.4) Descriere succinta 10.1. Change Section identifier: LOT-0000 Description of changes: II.2.4) Descrierea achizitiei publice The procurement documents were changed on: 11/10/2024 11. Notice information 11.1. Notice information Notice identifier/version: dea522c8-0cb4-4a6d-982b-225cc519ef3c - 01 Form type: Competition Notice type: Contract or concession notice – standard regime Notice subtype: 17 Notice dispatch date: 02/10/2024 17:10:57 (UTC+3) Notice dispatch date (eSender): 14/10/2024 17:01:34 (UTC+3) Languages in which this notice is officially available: Romanian 11.2. Publication information Notice publication number: 625861-2024 OJ S issue number: 202/2024 Publication date: 16/10/2024 Czech document download: https://ted.europa.eu/cs/notice/625861-2024/pdf Danish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/da/notice/625861-2024/pdf German document download: https://ted.europa.eu/de/notice/625861-2024/pdf Greek document download: https://ted.europa.eu/el/notice/625861-2024/pdf Spanish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/es/notice/625861-2024/pdf English document download: https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/625861-2024/pdf Estonian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/et/notice/625861-2024/pdf Finnish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/fi/notice/625861-2024/pdf French document download: https://ted.europa.eu/fr/notice/625861-2024/pdf Irish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ga/notice/625861-2024/pdf Croatian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/hr/notice/625861-2024/pdf Hungarian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/hu/notice/625861-2024/pdf Italian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/it/notice/625861-2024/pdf Lithuanian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/lt/notice/625861-2024/pdf Latvian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/lv/notice/625861-2024/pdf Maltese document download: https://ted.europa.eu/mt/notice/625861-2024/pdf Dutch document download: https://ted.europa.eu/nl/notice/625861-2024/pdf Polska document download: https://ted.europa.eu/pl/notice/625861-2024/pdf Portuguese document download: https://ted.europa.eu/pt/notice/625861-2024/pdf Romanian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ro/notice/625861-2024/pdf Slovak document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sk/notice/625861-2024/pdf Slovenian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sl/notice/625861-2024/pdf Swedish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sv/notice/625861-2024/pdf Bulgarian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/bg/notice/625861-2024/pdf 625861-2024 - Competition Competition Romania: Rotameters "Ratmetru digital" CR 36658 Estimated value excluding VAT: 480,838.00 EUR Type of procedure: Open Buyer Buyer: Societatea Nationala NUCLEARELECTRICA SA Email: nicoleta.rizea@nuclearelectrica.ro Romania, Bucharest ( RO321), Bucharest LOT-0000: Default lot Rotameters Romania, Bucharest (RO321) Duration: 18 Months Deadline for receipt of tenders: 11/11/2024 - 15:00:00 (UTC+2) 625861-2024 - Competition Romania – Rotameters - "Ratmetru digital" CR 36658 OJ S 202/2024 16/10/2024 Contract or concession notice - standard regime - Change notice Supplies 1. Buyer 1.1. Buyer Official name: Societatea Nationala NUCLEARELECTRICA SA Email: nicoleta.rizea@nuclearelectrica.ro Legal type of the buyer: Public undertaking Activity of the contracting entity: Electricity-related activities 2. Procedure 2.1. Procedure Title: "Ratmetro digital" CR 36658 Description: Digital rate meter, according to the requirements of the Specifications CA\\ CR 36658, Rev.01 The number of days until which clarifications can be requested before the deadline for submitting offers is 20 days . The contracting entity will respond clearly and completely to all requests for clarifications or additional information on the 11th day before the deadline for submission of offers. The contracting entity will only respond to clarification requests addressed by economic operators until the established deadline Procedure identifier: 0cfb8927-4af8-4da9-8c69-5530d7bfd36d Internal identifier: PA 36658-02 Type of procedure: Open 2.1.1. Purpose Main nature of the contract: Supplies Main classification (cpv): 38429000 Rotameters 2.1.3. Value Estimated value excluding VAT: EUR 480,838.00 2.1.4. General information Additional information: VI.3) OTHER INFORMATION (1) The Single European Procurement Document (DUAE) will be accessible for completion by interested economic operators, together with the registration as a tenderer in the procedure on the SEAP platform. The responses to the DUAE of the economic operators participating in the procedure will be filled in SEAP directly, after authentication, by each participant. For cases where the bidder is an association of economic operators or for cases where the bidder has subcontractors or third parties, each economic operator will log into the system and access the award procedure in order to complete the DUAE in the capacity in which he was included in the respective procedure (associate, subcontractor, third party supporter). It is necessary that all those who have to respond to DUAE be registered as users of SEAP. During the awarding procedure, one of the members of the association or the economic operator who participates with the individual offer registers and submits the offer, and the other participants fill in the DUAE directly in the system and cannot change the offer. Details regarding the preparation of the DUAE, you will find, after logging into the system,in the "DUAE Information" section - DUAE User Guide. (2a) Any requests for clarifications regarding this award documentation, will be sent exclusively in SEAP to the "Questions" Section of the participation notice. Therefore, in order to submit requests for clarifications regarding the Award Documentation, economic operators must register in SEAP (http://sicap-prod.e-licitatie.ro/pub) and register as participants in the award procedure. (2b) The answers to the clarification requests will be attached to the participation announcement. These answers will be part of the award documentation and must be taken into account when preparing the offer. (3) In accordance with the provisions of art. 22 para. (7) of GD 394/2016, if there are discrepancies between the information provided in the DUAE and that provided in the participation announcement, the information from the participation announcement prevails, the DUAE to be revised accordingly. (4) If two or more offers are ranked first, the tie-breaking will be done considering: - the score obtained for the evaluation factors, in descending order of their weights. - the contracting entity has the right to request new financial proposals and the winning bid will be designated the one with the lowest financial proposal, according to the total final bid price, encrypted in SEAP; The ranking of the offers is established by the ascending ordering of the respective prices, the winning offer being the one ranked first after the electronic auction stage, according to the total final auction price encrypted in SEAP, after applying the evaluation factors and obtaining the score, in descending order of their weights. The winning offer will be designated the one with the lowest financial proposal. (5) In order to be able to open the documents from SEAP, we recommend you to install the shellSAFE Verify application from the address: http://www.certsign.ro/certsign/resurse/download The technical requirements defined at the level of the participation notice, specifications or other complementary documents, by sending the standards, to a specific manufacturer, to brands, patents, types, to an origin or to a specific production/method of manufacturing/delivery/execution, will be understood as being accompanied by the mention "or equivalent" Legal basis : Directives 2014/25/EU 2.1.6. Grounds for exclusion Participation in a criminal organization: Participation in a criminal organization Corruption: Corruption Fraud: Fraud Terrorist offenses or offenses linked to terrorist activities: Terrorist offenses or offenses linked to terrorist activities Money laundering or terrorist financing: Money laundering or terrorist financing Child labor and other forms of trafficking in human beings: Exploitation through child labor and other forms of human trafficking Payment of taxes: Payment of social security contributions:Payment of social security 5. Lot 5.1. Lot: LOT-0000 Title: Default lot Description: The object of the purchase is the supply of a universal digital rate meter with a single channel and analyzer - 5 pcs. The technical characteristics of the products can be found in the Specifications CA CR 36658 rev.01 Internal identifier: 1 5.1. 1. Purpose Main nature of the contract: Supplies Main classification (cpv): 38429000 Rotameters 5.1.2. Place of performance Country subdivision (NUTS): Bucharest (RO321) Country: Romania Additional information: CNE Cernavoda 5.1.3. Estimated duration Duration: 18 Months 5.1.4. Renewal Maximum renewals: 0 5.1.6. General information Reserved participation: Participation is not reserved. The names and professional qualifications of the staff assigned to perform the contract must be given: Not required Procurement Project not financed with EU Funds. The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): no Additional information: Own funds SNN 5.1.9. Selection criteria Criterion: Type: Suitability to pursue the professional activity Name: III.1.1.a) Personal situation of the candidate or tenderer Description: Requirement no. 1 Economic operators submitting the tender individually or as an association, subcontractors or third parties must not is in none of the situations provided for in art. 72 and 73 of Law 99/2016. Method of fulfillment: All economic operators participating in the procedure (bidders, associated bidders, third-party supporters, declared subcontractors) will complete the Single European Procurement Document (DUAE) regarding non-compliance with the provisions of art 72 and 73 of Law 99/2016. The persons with decision-making functions within the contracting entity and the persons who participated in the preparation of the specifications are the following: Valentin Ovidiu NAE - CNE Cernavoda Branch Director Laurentiu COCA - Production Department Director Costin ANTONIE - Operations Director Dumitru BENCHEA - Technical Department Director George CRACIUN – Chief Engineer DPST Adrian Dan DUGAIASU - Economic Director of CNE Cernavoda Carmen Mihaela FRUNZA - Legal Substitute Economic Director of CNE Cernavoda Ionescu GEORGETA - Legal Substitute Economic Director of CNE Cernavoda Sibel CHESPI - Legal Substitute Economic Director of CNE Cernavoda Claudia PATRASC – CFP Visa Valentina IORDAN – CFP Visa Cristian Ion PREDESCU - Engineer Head of Strategic Planning and Procurement Department Luminita LIVADARU - Head of Product Procurement Service Dana Corina MOLDOVEANU - De jure substitute Head of Product Procurement Service Nicoleta Diana RIZEA - De jure substitute Head of Product Procurement Service Carmen Mihaela COSTEA - Substitute of law Head of Product Procurement Service Raduta MILICA – Head of Legal and Litigation Office Dana-Lavinia VLADU-DINU – Principal Legal Adviser Irina Florenta MARIN – Head of DDMSM Ionut ZAHAROV - Legal Substitute Head of DDMSM, Head of SDMSM Mircea Vasile IONASCU - Legal Substitute Head of DDMSM ,Head of SAEI Constantin Catalin SIMA – Chief Engineer DIR Florin DASCALU - Acting Substitute Chief Engineer DIR Nicolae Romeo CALIN - Acting Substitute Chief Engineer DIR Cristian MIRON - Acting Substitute Chief Engineer DIR, Head of Works Preparation Section Florin GEORGESCU – Head of Strategic Planning and Purchases Viorel GACEU - Acting Substitute Head of SPAP Adrian IONESCU - Acting Substitute Head of SPAP Danut UDREA - Head of Engineering Service for Procurement Speranta TRUICAN - Acting Substitute Head of Engineering Service for Procurement Neculai NAVALICI - Ing. Op. CNE Specialist Requirement no. 2 Economic operators submitting the bid individually or as an association, subcontractors or third supporters must not be in any of the situations provided for in art. 177, 178 and 180 of Law 99/2016. Method of fulfillment: All economic operators participating in the procedure (bidders, associated bidders, third parties, supporters, declared subcontractors) will complete the Single European Procurement Document (DUAE) - Section "Reasons for exclusion" with the information related to their situation. The bidder ranked first, as a result of the application of the award criterion to the admissible bids, will be required, before awarding the contract, to present updated supporting documents (including for associates, declared subcontractors, etc. as the case may be) demonstrating the fulfillment of the requirements of qualification, in accordance with the information contained in DUAE as follows: a) For Romanian legal entities / natural persons: - Certificates confirming the payment of taxes, fees or contributions to the consolidated general budget (local budget, state budget, etc.) VALID at the time of presentation , for the main office, and for the secondary offices/workpoints, a declaration on your own responsibility regarding the fulfillment of the obligations to pay the taxes, fees or contributions to the general consolidated budget due. - Fiscal certificate issued by the Directorate of Local Taxes and Taxes, for the fulfillment of outstanding payment obligations to the local budget, in accordance with the legal provisions in force in Romania in the country where it is established. - If applicable, documents proving that the economic operator benefits from the exemptions provided for in art. 179 paragraph (2), art. 180 paragraph (2), art. 184 of Law 99/2016 on sectoral acquisitions. - The criminal record of the economic operator and of the members of the administrative, management or supervisory body of the respective economic operator, or of those who have the power of representation, decision or control within it, as it appears from the ascertaining certificate issued by ONRC/ the constitutive act. b) For foreign legal persons / natural persons - Any elements considered edifying, in the country of origin or in the country where they are established, respectively certification,criminal records or equivalent documents issued by the competent authorities of the respective country, accompanied by an authorized translation into Romanian. Note: 1. If documents of the nature provided above are not issued in the country of origin or in the country where the bidder is established, those documents do not cover all the situations provided for in art. 177, 178 and 180, a self-responsibility declaration will be accepted or, if in the respective country there are no legal provisions regarding the self-responsibility declaration, an authentic declaration given before a notary, an administrative or judicial authority or an association professionals who have competence in this regard. Use of this criterion: Used Criterion: Type: Suitability to pursue the professional activity Name: III.1.1.b) Capacity to exercise the professional activity Description: Requirement no. 3 Economic operators participating in the procedure must be legally established and registered, in in accordance with the legal provisions of the country of residence, must not be in any of the situations of annulment of incorporation and must have the professional capacity to carry out the activities that are the subject of the contract. Method of fulfillment: All economic operators participating in the procedure (bidder, associated bidder, subcontractor, as the case may be, if any) will complete the Single European Procurement Document (DUAE) - Section "Selection Criteria", chap. Oh, with the information related to their situation. - At the request of the contracting entity, in order to confirm the requirement, the bidder ranked first, after applying the award criteria to the admissible bids, will present the documents to prove those assumed by the DUAE, as follows: a) For Romanian legal entities / natural persons Certificate of verification issued by the Trade Registry Office from Bucharest or the county where the bidder is based, in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 265/2022 regarding the Trade Register, republished, regarding the identification data of the company, administrators, shareholders, authorized representatives, object of activity (CAEN code), etc. or b) For foreign legal entities / natural persons Document proving a form of registration/attestation or belonging from a professional point of view in accordance with the legal requirements of the country where the bidder is resident Information contained in the verification certificate/similar document must be real / current on the date of presentation of the documents. Justification: The presentation of these documents is necessary in order to allow the contracting entity to verify that the bidders are not included in certain situations of exclusion, such as for example insolvency, bankruptcy, criminal convictions, etc. Information relating to: - identification data, including company status, form of organization, etc. can be identified from the ascertaining certificate/similar document. - registered office: registered office, duration of registered office; - shareholders,associations, authorized persons - to verify the conflict of interests; - subsidiaries, branches, subunits, secondary offices, work points; - authorized activities; - facts falling under art. 103, paragraph (1), letter fp of law no. 265/2022 regarding the trade register, republished (criminal prosecution, criminal conviction of the company, dissolution, liquidation, insolvency); - financial situation, etc. Use of this criterion: Used Criterion: Type: Technical and professional ability Name: Proportion of subcontracting Description: Requirement 1 Information on subcontractors According to the provisions of art. 68, para. (1) from Law no. 99/2016, the bidders will indicate in the offer, at the time of its submission, the identification data of the proposed subcontractors as follows: (i) In the case of subcontractors whose capabilities the bidders do NOT rely on, the bidders will indicate the identification data of the subcontractors in the offer and will present the subcontracting agreements with them, only if the respective subcontractors are known at the time of submitting the offer. (ii) In the case of subcontractors whose capabilities the bidders rely on, the bidders will obligatorily indicate in the offer the identification data of the subcontractors and will obligatorily present the subcontracting agreements with them. Method of fulfillment:  In the situation mentioned in point (i) above, bidders will complete the Single European Procurement Document (DUAE) - Reasons for exclusion section;  In the situation mentioned in point (ii) above, bidders will complete DUAE - Section Reasons for exclusion and Section Selection criteria, Chap. A, B or C, as applicable;  In all situations where the subcontractors are known at the time of submission of the offer, the bidders shall present, compulsorily, the subcontracting agreement/agreements together with the offer and DUAE, until the deadline for submission of offers.  The subcontractors whose capabilities the bidder relies on to demonstrate the qualification requirements must, in turn, complete a separate DUAE, including information from which it can be concluded that they are not in any of the exclusion situations provided for in art. 177, 178 and 180 of Law no. 99/2016 (the Reasons for Exclusion Section from the DUAE will be completed) as well as information that is relevant from the perspective of the subcontractors' capacities on which the bidder relies (the Selection Criteria Section from the DUAE, Chapter A, B or C will be completed, as is applicable). The subcontractors will demonstrate the fulfillment of the requirements related to the technical and/or professional capacity as well as the possession of certain specific authorizations requested, for the part of the contract that each fulfills.  In the case of subcontractors whose capabilities the bidder does NOT rely on, insofar as they are known at the time of submission of bids,The DUAE submitted by the subcontractors will contain only the information regarding not falling into the exclusion situations provided for in art. 177, 178 and 180 of Law no. 99/2016 (the Reasons for Exclusion Section of the DUAE will be completed).  At the request of the contracting entity, the bidder ranked first after the application of the award criterion to the admissible bids will present supporting documents that prove those assumed by the subcontracting agreement/agreements and DUAE. Use of this criterion: Used Criterion: Type: Suitability to pursue the professional activity Name: Registration in the trade register Description: Registration in the trade register Economic operators participating in the procedure must be legally constituted and registered, in accordance with the legal provisions of the country of residence , must not be in any of the situations of cancellation of the constitution and must have the professional capacity to carry out the activities that are the subject of the contract. Method of fulfillment: - All economic operators participating in the procedure (bidder, associated bidder, subcontractor, third party supporter as the case may be, if any) will complete the Single European Procurement Document (DUAE) - Section "Selection Criteria", chap. A, with the information related to their situation; - At the request of the contracting entity, in order to confirm the requirement, the bidder ranked first after applying the award criteria to the admissible bids, will present the documents to prove the assumed by completing the DUAE, as follows: 1.1) For Romanian legal entities / natural persons: Verification certificate issued by the Trade Registry Office from Bucharest or the county where the bidder is based, in accordance with the provisions of Law no. 265/2022 regarding the Trade Register, republished, regarding the identification data of the company, administrators, shareholders, authorized representatives, object of activity (CAEN code), etc. or 1.2) For foreign legal persons / natural persons Document proving a form of registration / attestation or membership from a professional point of view in accordance with the legal requirements of the country where the bidder is resident. The information contained in the Findings Certificate/similar document must be real/up-to-date on the date of presentation of the documents. Use of this criterion: Used Criterion: Type: Economic and financial standing Use of this criterion: Not used 5.1.10. Award criteria Criterion: Type: Price Name: Price of the offer Description: The score is awarded as follows: a) For the lowest of the prices, the maximum score is awarded; b) For the other prices offered, the score P(n) is calculated proportionally, as follows: P(n) = (Minimum price offered / Price n) x maximum score allocated. Weight (percentage, exact): 90 Criterion: Type: Quality Name: F2 - Product guarantee Description:- For the offered guarantee period equal to the minimum value requested (Gmin), 0 points are awarded - For the highest offered guarantee period, the maximum score allocated is awarded, respectively 10 points - For the other offered guarantee periods, the score is awarded G(n ) by proportional calculation as follows: F2 = G(n) = Gn/Gmax x 10 points F2 – Grant of products G(n)=Number of points granted, which is calculated according to formula (1) Gn=The offered guarantee period In case in which there will be offers with a warranty granted greater than 48 months, these will not be scored additionally, the calculation will be made by taking into account 48 months (Gmax the maximum scored warranty) The scoring awarded is calculated to 2 decimal places, without rounding. The warranty period granted to the product will be specified in the technical proposal - Form IV 4.1.1. Total score = 100 points; Total score = F1 score + F2 score Weight (percentage, exact): 10 5.1.11. Procurement documents Deadline for requesting additional information: 22/10/2024 15:00:00 (UTC+3) Address of the procurement documents: https://www.e-licitatie.ro 5.1.12. Terms of procurement Terms of submission: Electronic submission: Required Address for submission: https://www.e-licitatie.ro Languages ​​in which tenders or requests to participate may be submitted: Romanian, English Electronic catalogue: Not allowed Variants: Not allowed Deadline for receipt of tenders: 11/11/2024 15:00:00 (UTC+2) Deadline until which the tender must remain valid: 5 Months Information about public opening: Opening date: 11/11/2024 15:00:00 (UTC+2) Place: In SEAP Terms of contract: The execution of the contract must be performed within the framework of sheltered employment programs: No Conditions relating to the performance of the contract: Nu se aplica Electronic invoicing: Required Electronic ordering will be used: no Electronic payment will be used: no Legal form that must be taken by a group of tenderers that is awarded a contract: Association according to art. 66. of the Law on sectoral acquisitions no. 99/2016 Financial arrangement: own funds Information about review deadlines: Details regarding the term(s) for the appeal procedures: 10 days, starting with the day following the knowledge of the act of the contracting entity considered illegal, according to the provisions of art. 8 paragraph (1) letter a) of Law 101/2016 on remedies and appeals, with subsequent amendments and additions 5.1.15. Techniques Framework agreement: No framework agreement Information about the dynamic purchasing system: No dynamic purchase system Electronic auction: yes Description: The electronic auction will take place in a single round; The duration of the round will be one working day; The element of the offer that will be subject to the repetitive bidding process: the price of the offer; Details regarding the electronic auction can be found in the "Purchase Documents" section 5.1.16. further information,mediation and review Review organization: Consiliul National de Solutionare a Contestatiilor Organization providing additional information about the procurement procedure: Societatea Nationala NUCLEARELECTRICA SA Organization providing more information on the review procedures: SN Nuclearelectrica SA Sucursala CNE Cernavoda Organization receiving requests to participate: Societatea Nationala NUCLEARELECTRICA SA Organization processing tenders: Societatea Nationala NUCLEARELECTRICA SA TED eSender: Operator SEAP 8. Organizations 8.1. ORG-0004 Official name: Societatea Nationala NUCLEARELECTRICA SA Registration number: 10874881 Postal address: Street: Iancu de Hunedoara, no. 48 Town: Bucuresti Postcode: 011745 Country subdivision (NUTS): Bucuresti (RO321) Country: Romania Contact point: NICOLETA RIZEA Email: nicoleta.rizea@nuclearelectrica.ro Telephone: +40 241803848 Fax: +40 213169400 Internet address: https:/ /www.nuclearelectrica.ro/ Buyer profile: https://www.e-licitatie.ro Roles of this organization: Buyer Organization providing additional information about the procurement procedure Organization receiving requests to participate Organization processing tenders 8.1. ORG-0002 Official name: National Complaints Resolution Council Registration number: 20329980 Postal address: Str. Stavropoleos no. 6, sector 3 Town: Bucharest Postcode: 030084 Country subdivision (NUTS): Bucharest (RO321) Country: Romania Email: office@cnsc.ro Telephone: +40 213104641 Fax: +40 218900745 Internet address: http://www.cnsc .ro Roles of this organization: Review organization 8.1. ORG-0005 Official name: SN Nuclearelectrica SA Sucursala CNE Cernavoda Registration number: 10874881_3 Postal address: Strada Medgidiei no. 2. Town: Cernavoda Postcode: 905200 Country subdivision (NUTS): Bucharest (RO321) Country: Romania Email: Corespondenta.UNKNOWN@nuclearelectrica.ro Telephone: +40 241239340 Fax: +40 241239266 Internet address: https://www.nuclearelectrica .ro Roles of this organization: Organization providing more information on the review procedures 8.1. ORG-0001 Official name: Operator SEAP Registration number: RO42283735 Postal address: Street: Italiană, no. 22, Sector: -, County: Bucuresti, City: Bucuresti, Postal code: 020976 Town: Bucuresti Postcode: 020976 Country subdivision (NUTS): Bucuresti (RO321) Country: Romania Contact point: Roxana Popescu Email: contact.autoritati@e- licitatie.ro Telephone: +40 3032997 Fax: +40 3052889 Internet address: https://www.adr.gov.ro/ Roles of this organization: TED eSender 10. Change Version of the previous notice to be changed: 31bc9178-f53e -4e65-abeb-24ef617d2012-01 Main reason for change: Buyer correction Description: Correction 10.1. Change Section identifier: PROCEDURE Description of changes: II.1.4) Brief description 10.1. Change Section identifier: LOT-0000 Description of changes: II.2.4) Description of public procurement The procurement documents were changed on: 11/10/2024 11. Notice information 11.1.Notice information Notice identifier/version: dea522c8-0cb4-4a6d-982b-225cc519ef3c - 01 Form type: Competition Notice type: Contract or concession notice – standard regime Notice subtype: 17 Notice dispatch date: 02/10/2024 17:10:57 (UTC+3) Notice dispatch date (eSender): 14/10/2024 17:01:34 (UTC+3) Languages ​​in which this notice is officially available: Romanian 11.2. Publication information Notice publication number: 625861-2024 OJ S issue number: 202/2024 Publication date: 16/10/2024 Czech document download: https://ted.europa.eu/cs/notice/625861-2024/pdf Danish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/da/notice/625861-2024/pdf German document download: https://ted.europa.eu/de/notice/625861-2024/pdf Greek document download: https: //ted.europa.eu/el/notice/625861-2024/pdf Spanish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/es/notice/625861-2024/pdf English document download: https://ted. europa.eu/en/notice/625861-2024/pdf Estonian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/et/notice/625861-2024/pdf Finnish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ fi/notice/625861-2024/pdf French document download: https://ted.europa.eu/fr/notice/625861-2024/pdf Irish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ga/notice/ 625861-2024/pdf Croatian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/hr/notice/625861-2024/pdf Hungarian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/hu/notice/625861-2024/ pdf Italian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/it/notice/625861-2024/pdf Lithuanian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/lt/notice/625861-2024/pdf Latvian document download : https://ted.europa.eu/lv/notice/625861-2024/pdf Maltese document download: https://ted.europa.eu/mt/notice/625861-2024/pdf Dutch document download: https:/ /ted.europa.eu/nl/notice/625861-2024/pdf Polska document download: https://ted.europa.eu/pl/notice/625861-2024/pdf Portuguese document download: https://ted.europa .eu/pt/notice/625861-2024/pdf Romanian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ro/notice/625861-2024/pdf Slovak document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sk /notice/625861-2024/pdf Slovenian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sl/notice/625861-2024/pdf Swedish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sv/notice/625861 -2024/pdf Bulgarian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/bg/notice/625861-2024/pdfeu/de/notice/625861-2024/pdf Greek 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download: https://ted.europa.eu/fr/notice/625861-2024/pdf Irish document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ga/notice/625861-2024/pdf Croatian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/hr/notice/625861-2024/pdf Hungarian document download: https ://ted.europa.eu/hu/notice/625861-2024/pdf Italian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/it/notice/625861-2024/pdf Lithuanian document download: https://ted .europa.eu/lt/notice/625861-2024/pdf Latvian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/lv/notice/625861-2024/pdf Maltese document download: https://ted.europa.eu /mt/notice/625861-2024/pdf Dutch document download: https://ted.europa.eu/nl/notice/625861-2024/pdf Polska document download: https://ted.europa.eu/pl/notice /625861-2024/pdf Portuguese document download: https://ted.europa.eu/pt/notice/625861-2024/pdf Romanian document download: https://ted.europa.eu/ro/notice/625861-2024 /pdf Slovak document download: https://ted.europa.eu/sk/notice/625861-2024/pdf Slovenian document download: 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